How to treat a cold in a baby Komarovsky

How to cure a cold in a baby: the main methods of treatment

Anxiety, tearfulness, disturbed sleep and diet - all these phenomena occur in the baby because of a common cold. If an adult cold does not cause special problems, then the viscous mucus in the nose seriously spoils the life.

When the spout is clogged, the child can not fully breathe and eat, which means that the normal functioning of the body is disrupted.

Mother gets no less. After all for her, the first months after the birth of a child are already difficult, and the poor state of health of the baby makes you nervous.

Therefore, parents try to get rid of this disease sooner.

Depending on the reasons for which the nose is clogged, how fast it is possible to cure a rhinitis in the baby.

Excess mucus in the nose of the child is caused by various factors.

  1. Adaptation of the body to new conditions of life. In this case, excessive mucus formation is a natural factor, and does not require treatment. This runny nose is called physiological. Parents should be patient and regularly cleanse the baby's nose. Soplyki flow particularly active in the first two months of life.
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  2. Cold. Inflammatory rhinitis in infants requires the same treatment as in adults. Rhinitis can not be cured quickly. The time interval for the formation of snot for this reason is 1-2 weeks.
  3. Allergic reaction. Young children are often exposed to allergens: food, dust, animal hair, cigarette smoke, etc. Excessive secretion of mucus in the nose will cease immediately, as soon as the source of allergy is eliminated.
  4. Other reasons. Sometimes the nozzle begins to become entangled due to hypothermia. Parents usually warmly wear the baby, but if this happens, then in order to pass a runny nose, you just need to warm the handles and legs of the baby. In some cases, an excess of mucus in the nose can occur during the period of teething. Usually 2-3 days later, this runny nose passes by itself.

In order to determine the cause of the onset of a cold in a newborn, one should observe the quality of mucus and the attendant symptoms. If slime is viscous, yellow or, conversely, transparent and constantly flows, then you need to see a doctor, since in In the first case, this may indicate the presence of bacterial infection in the nose, and in the second - the allergic nature coryza. Adding to the snot temperature, coughing, lethargy and lack of appetite characterizes the common cold. The cause of green snot in a newborn can also be a bacterial component, treatment is carried out with aerosol antibiotics (Mupirocin, Protargol, Bioparox, Framicetin, Fusafyunzhin).

Treatment of Komarovsky

A well-known children's doctor and TV presenter, Dr. Komarovsky, believes that it is necessary to treat a runny nose in a baby. If the process is neglected, then a dangerous complication can arise - otitis. Since children do not know how to blow their nose, the situation, in which the snot becomes viscous or wither, is dangerous. All the recommendations of the doctor are directed, first of all, to prevent thickening of mucus and crust formation.

Komarovsky notes that the rhinitis itself is treated differently, depending on the type of ailment. But no matter what the snot, allergens or bacteria caused by, the care of a sick child is the same.

The doctor focuses on the following rules for treating a cold in a baby:

  • The room where the child is located should be often ventilated;
  • It is necessary to maintain the humidity in the room, it is strictly forbidden to dry the air with heaters;
  • for liquefaction of mucus as often as possible (after 30-60 minutes) to dig in the nose several drops of saline or decoction of chamomile;
  • several times a day (when there is a lot of mucus) to remove liquid from the nose with special devices;
  • Bury vasoconstrictive drops, if there is a strong swelling of the mucosa;
  • treat the infection with antiviral drops;
  • daily do wet cleaning in the room;
  • Avoid contact with allergens;
  • in the intervals between feeding, give the child clean water.

Komarovsky believes that if you comply with all these rules, then at least a cold will not be cured much faster, but it will be possible to avoid complications.


If the baby has snot, then do not rush to choose a medical drop. First, the child should be examined by a doctor. Before the arrival of a doctor, you can alleviate the condition of the patient with vasoconstrictive drops that are intended for infants. This means must be in the medicine cabinet, since if the nose is completely laid, the child simply can not eat.

The appearance of green snot in a baby is a very dangerous phenomenon, since the baby is not able to blow your nose yourself, purulent snot can flow into the bronchi and lower or into the baby's ears, that will lead to otitis.

The doctor can prescribe the following medicines:

  • vasoconstrictive drops, if they are not in the medicine cabinet;
  • moisturizing drops with sea salt;
  • antiviral drops, for example, Gripferon;
  • means for cleansing the nasal sinuses (Aqualor Baby, Quiv, Miramistin Spray or Drops, Physiomer);
  • antibacterial agents, immunomodulators, for example, suppositories Viferon.

After acquiring all the necessary drugs, treatment should be carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. In order for the treatment to be effective, thick mucus should be diluted. Droplets based on sea water will help in this. To treat infants, you should not use regular nasal sprays. If the pressure of the jet is too strong, the mucus can enter the Eustachian tube and cause inflammation of the ears. Therefore, it is worth choosing those drops that need to be buried. It is useful to buy a thin pipette, since in some bottles the tube of the dispenser may be too thick.
  2. After the snot has become liquid, they need to be removed from the nasal passages by an aspirator. Instead of a special device, you can use a small rubber pear. The main thing is that the child is not afraid of accommodation. You can not remove mucus with cotton buds. Any careless movement of the child can lead to trauma to the mucous membranes of the nose.
  3. If pronounced edema of the mucosa is observed, then vasoconstrictor drops should be dripped. But you need to remember that this tool can be used no more than 3 days. A child of three months can drip only 1 drop. With age, the dosage increases, but, in any case, it is important not to overdo it.
  4. When the nasal cavity is cleared, it is necessary to treat directly the runny nose with those drops that the doctor prescribed. Funds in the nose should be instilled strictly according to the instructions.

Folk remedies

How to cure a cold in a baby will tell folk medicine. The recipes contain exclusively healing herbs, but their anti-inflammatory, softening and thinning properties cope with mucus in the nose is not worse, and sometimes better than medicines.

Among the medicinal plants is well known pharmacy chamomile. An infusion for digestion into the nose is prepared from it. It does not cause allergies, softens and moisturizes the nasal mucosa, fights infection. From the first days of life with a cold in your nose, you are advised to dig in the aloe juice, diluted in boiled water. This is an excellent remedy for fighting infection.

To cleanse the nasal sinuses, the baby is well suited for solutions based on sea water or washing the nose with saline solution.

At home, you can prepare saline solution, which the baby is washed with the nose. The aqueous solution should contain,% of the salt, which corresponds to the blood plasma (by salt content).

If the child has caught a cold, it is very useful to spread around the crib sliced ​​fresh garlic. Its tart odor perfectly heals the runny nose. Contrary to the prevailing opinion, you can not wash the nose of the baby breast milk. In the event that there is an infection in the nose, digging in the milk will only do harm, as the bacteria will multiply more actively in this environment.

To treat infants, infusions of medicinal plants should have a minimum concentration. Do not use recipes that contain allergens, such as honey, essential oils.


How to treat a runny nose in a newborn?

Isolation of mucus from the spout of a newborn baby always causes anxiety in the mother, but not always a squelching nose is a symptom of the disease. Mucous in infants normally function not immediately, closer to three months. The child's organism tests itself, as it studies the functions "dry" and "wet." But moms can not sit with their hands folded, and they begin treating the cold in newborns from the outside, disorienting the body. That's why the rhinitis soon reappears, because testing is not over!

Physiological cold

If the crumb is not yet three months old and the discharge from the spout is not accompanied by other symptoms, then the question of how to treat a runny nose in a newborn falls off by itself - in no way. This is the so-called physiological rhinitis. But if the mucus gives the child discomfort, then it is necessary to act. First, you should create a coolness in the house and increase the humidity of the air. A humidifier, an aquarium, a cup of water, a wet towel - any suitable option is suitable. If you do not know how and what to do, when the runny nose of the newborn has gone dry and peeled, every day, take a bath of hot water, and then breathe in pairs with crumbs. It is important not to allow the mucous spout to dry out. Some mothers drip breast milk into the spout. Indeed, it contains substances that help fight any disease, but it is very important to observe sterility, because milk is an ideal medium for microbes.


If other catarrhal phenomena have joined the nasal congestion, then the drop of a cold can help the newborn both with drops and therapeutic baths. You can use calendula, sage, birch leaf and yarrow. For 50 grams of each herb for a large bath and 25 grams for a nursery filled with boiling water, and when the infusion has cooled to 37 degrees, we bathe the baby for about 20 minutes. The procedure is repeated five days in a row.

For the spout the simplest and most effective means is saline solution. The more likely to drip, the faster the runny nose will recede. Overdose is not possible. Be careful, since saline can only be digested, do not wash it with the nasopharynx! If the liquid enters the Eustachian tube, the middle ear may become inflamed. So, a cure for the common cold for newborns can cause otitis media. You can remove mucus only from the outside, because you can not leave the mucous dry. Soplets are a protection against bacteria. That is why drops from the common cold for newborns should be applied at night, when the baby can not fall asleep due to the stuffed nose. It will not be superfluous to lubricate with a turunda nozzle a whiting or peach oil.

Drug-induced cold management

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is necessary to know how to cure a runny nose in a newborn without harm to other systems and organs. Achieving results is not always possible, as some funds from the common cold for babies provoke complications. For example, saline and euphorbium in children until a year provoke otitis, since drops

fall into the Eustachian tube.

Do not get involved in vasoconstrictive drugs (pharmacolin, nazivin, galazolin). They help to temporarily release the nose from the mucus, but provoke swelling. In addition, after five days, habituation is being developed.

Such drugs as zodak, claritin and fenistil in the common cold are recommended for use in cases when the allergic nature of the disease is known.

The practice of using for the newborn albucida in the common cold many pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, criticize, because in the instructions to the drops there is not a word that they can be used to treat rhinitis etymology.

Treatment of a runny nose with or without a fever - the child has 6 months

Isolation of mucus from the nose is considered a normal protective reaction of the body. However, sometimes such a process is disrupted, the amount of mucus significantly increases. In this case, an inflammatory process develops in the nose - rhinitis. Than to treat a runny nose to the child in 6 months, many parents wish to know.

Severe runny nose and fever 6 months

Often parents find a strong runny nose in a child of 6 months. The development of the inflammatory process, caused by the penetration of the virus or bacteria, is quite common. The high incidence of the disease is caused by an even weakened childhood immunity, which has not yet fully grown since the appearance of crumbs.

It is the fever and cold in a child at 6 months most often that disturb babies. After birth and for up to a year, the nasal passages are too narrow in the child, a small amount of mucus leads to difficulty in nasal breathing. In addition, the air in the nose warms not so fast as in adults, so the children's body is particularly prone to developing rhinitis.

You should know how to cure a runny nose in a child of 6 months, because a wrong treatment or a disease that is neglected can lead to many complications at this age. Mucus with pathogenic microorganisms quickly descends into the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs.

How to cure a cold in a child 6 months: drops and sprays

Treatment for rhinitis in children aged 6 months depends on the accompanying symptoms. If the inflammatory process in the child's body caused an increase in body temperature, it is important to stick to the home regime, do not walk outside and do not bathe the baby in the bath.

If the child has a runny nose in the baby for 6 months without fever, it is enough to perform local treatment based on the use of nasal drops and sprays. In this childhood it is preferable to use drops before the sprays. Children can be assigned drops of such pharmacological groups:

  • vasoconstrictive;
  • moisturizing;
  • antiviral;
  • antiseptic.

To use vasoconstrictive drugs at this age is extremely undesirable, but if the child is very worried about nasal congestion, pediatricians prescribe such funds. Usually they are prescribed only for 3 days, while the drugs should be designed specifically for early childhood. Of all the vasoconstricting drops to children in 6 months, you can drip "Nazol Baby" and Nazivin, 1%.

To dilute thick viscous mucus and moisturize the mucous membrane, a means based on sea water or physiological saline is often used. Pediatricians recommend rinsing the baby's spout during the day with an interval of 2 hours, dripping 3 drops in each nasal passage. Salt solution should also be used every time before instillation of any medications - antiviral, antiseptic, vasoconstrictor.

How to treat a viral rhinitis in a child 6 months

Treatment of a runny nose in a child of 6 months with a virus origin of the disease often does not do without antiviral drops Grippferon and Interferon. The need for such drops, their dosage and the course of treatment are determined by the pediatrician. It is not necessary to use antiviral agents every time with a cold, they are prescribed only to children with weak immunity.

If there is purulent content in the nose, specialists prescribe antiseptic drops to children. The most common of these is Protargol, a drug based on silver. The use of any drug in the treatment of rhinitis in a baby should be agreed with the pediatrician.

What does cough and rhinitis mean for a baby without temperature?

Cough in the baby is a symptom that can indicate a variety of diseases. If cough occurs along with a rise in temperature, a runny nose, then these are obvious signs of a cold. But when a cough is not accompanied by an increase in the temperature regime, then the situation is more complicated, because it is sometimes difficult to understand the cause of such a symptom. However, treatment should be performed immediately after the symptoms are detected.

Causes and treatment of cough

Cough without fever can be of three types: dry, wet and barking. Each of them has its own symptoms and risk factors.


In infants, the musculature is not yet fully formed.For this reason, very often they suffer a so-called "barking" cough.It is so called for the very reason that it is very similar to barking a dog. The symptom can be rough and accompanied by wheezing, whistling. If a cough occurs very often, then the baby is simply exhausted.

The result of the pathological process is the formation of a strong hoarseness, during which the baby can even lose his voice.

The main reasons for the formation of barking cough are the following:

  • diphtheria or pertussis;
  • laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • too dry air in the room;
  • presence of a foreign object in the throat;
  • cyst in the larynx;
  • allergy;
  • infectious diseases.


This symptom is characterized by a lack of abundant sputum discharge. Cough can take a strong, disruptive nature, accompanied by painful sensations. The formation of an unproductive cough without temperature can be affected by catarrhal disease or defeat of ENT organs by infections.

At the initial stage of the common cold, a baby has a sore throat and an unproductive cough. After a few days, the intensity of symptoms decreases, the cough turns into a wet form, as the body begins to reproduce phlegm.

But then the cough again turns into an unproductive form, because the mucus is released in less quantity.To the most frequent reasons of a dry cough it is possible to carry:

  • influenza virus;
  • smoke from cigarettes, overdried air in the room;
  • sharp chemical smells.

So do not ignore the fact that a dry cough that infects the baby many times throughout the day is a clear sign of laryngitis, an infectious disease, whooping cough, and measles. It describes the treatment of dry cough in a baby without temperature.


If a small child is able to cough up phlegm, then the cough is called productive. This name he received for the reason that there is a clearing of the bronchi from the secret. The cause of the formation of this cough is the presence of acute respiratory disease, common cold, allergies, pneumonia and bronchitis.If phlegm is allocated a viscous consistency, then it is important to take care of its early evacuation.Otherwise, it will multiply pathogenic microorganisms. This phenomenon causes serious complications.

With a wet cough, the secret that separates can take a hazy shade, which indicates the onset of the formation of the inflammatory process. With a rusty shade of mucus, you can recognize allergies, and green indicates sinusitis, tuberculosis.

Intensive release of mucus can confirm the development of bronchitis and tracheitis. If a productive cough is detected in the baby during the treatment period, then this is a good indicator that the patient is recovering. The spitting out of such small children is difficult because the viscosity is too high, and the musculature is not yet so developed.


Drug therapy involves the use of mucolytic drugs that exert an expectorant and diluting effect. When receiving synthetic expectorant drugs, high productivity and quick excretion of viscous mucus are achieved.

Excellent antitussive drugs are herbal medicines, but before taking them, you need to make sure that the baby is not allergic.During the therapy, it is necessary to fill the room with fresh air. During the ventilation the baby should not be in the room.

Provide a plentiful drink to the kid, preparing him tea, mors, broth and mineral water. Also, a positive effect can be obtained with the use of warm milk, radish juice.

Since the formation of a cough is influenced by various factors, the drugs aimed at its elimination also have their own. Their selection should be carried out by a pediatrician after a thorough examination of the patient. Treatment will give a positive result only if the parents strictly follow all the recommendations. Only safe and appropriate therapy will lead to a successful outcome. Sometimes there is a cough in the baby with teething.

Causes and treatment of colds

In infants less than a year, infrequent cough without fever is considered a normal symptom. Thus, they cleanse the airways of dust and mucus, trapped in the trachea and bronchi. Typically, it is a cough in the baby in the morning or after eating. But sometimes parents notice from their children such a symptom as a runny nose or snot without temperature. He appears very often after walking on the streets in the cold season. The reason is the temperature difference. It also passes suddenly, as it did. But there are situations when the runny nose causes a certain ailment.

On video, a baby cough and runny nose without fever:

Very often the runny nose without temperature in young children is the result of a cold that has occurred when the respiratory system is infected with viruses.The immunity of the child comes into conflict with it and actively removes them. This explains the absence of temperature.

The next cause of a cold without temperature is an allergic reaction. The symptomatology of allergic rhinitis is very similar to the manifestations of the common cold, but it has more definite differences:

  • unproductive cough;
  • edema of the nasal mucosa, discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • Skin covers turn red, and they form a rash.

Regardless of what triggered a common cold - a cold or an allergy - treatment should necessarily involve moistening the air in the room. Often ventilate the room in which the crumb is located, or use a special humidifier for these purposes. Also, the water in the bowls struggles with dry air, which must be placed all over the room.

It is compulsory to give the child as much drink as possible. It is the liquid that facilitates the rapid evacuation of toxins, the dilution of viscous mucus in the nose and rapid cleansing. For these purposes, you can use ordinary water or special children's teas. Well-proven decoction of chamomile.

You should wash the nasal cavity as often as possible with a solution based on sea water or table salt. On a glass of warm water you have a small spoonful of salt. To get the maximum effect, it is worth adding a few drops of iodine.

To cleanse the nose, pharmacies can be used.Here are in great demand:

  • Akvalor,
  • Aquamaris (here you can read reviews about nasal drops for children Aqua Maris),
  • SALIN.

Thanks to them, it is possible to moisten the nasal mucosa and the internal cavity of the nasopharynx. Presented drugs have antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

To combat nasal congestion, parents can use vasoconstrictive drops.

Help in this can:

  • Nazel Baby,
  • Nazivin for newborns.

If during the day the baby's nose is not heavily clogged, then it is necessary to drip with vasoconstrictive drugs only for the night. You can apply these medicines for no more than 7 days.

Read how to treat a cold with a nebulizer in children.

It describes the treatment of a wheezing cough in a child.

Reviews on the use of the inhaler for cough and cold:

Causes and treatment of bronchitis

To provoke inflammation of the bronchi can defeat their viruses and bacteria. The most frequent pathogens may occur:

  • influenza virus;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • paragripp;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • chlamydia and mycoplasma;
  • pneumococci, staphylococci and streptococci.

All these microorganisms can affect the baby's body by airborne droplets from carriers of infection. Vectors can be people who are sick for this disease and are next to the baby.

With this disease without temperature, it is important to ensure the baby the right care, diet and nutrition. Regardless of the form of bronchitis, it is important that the patient consumes dairy products, as well as products of plant origin. Give the baby a different drink. Watch the humidity in the room, often ventilate the room.

In the video - tells about the treatment of bronchitis in a newborn without a temperature:

Take care that the baby breathes through the nose. To facilitate breathing it is necessary to wash the nose with a solution based on sea salt and apply vasoconstrictive drops. The most effective are Tizin, Galazoline, and Pharmazoline. If the child has an allergy, then it is worthwhile to use antiallergic drops in the therapeutic process. But it's not worth using for a long time, otherwise there will be a malfunction of the nasal mucosa.

In the fight against coughing, a doctor can prescribe antitussive drugs - Sinekod. But it is advisable to use them in a debilitating cough. When the baby leaves mucus, then it must be used expectorant drugs - Althea, Licorice, Thermopsis. To eliminate the viscosity of sputum, mucolytics can be used - Ambroxol, Chymotrypsin, Bromhexine. It is best to use these medications by inhalation. When a cough is accompanied by a spasm of the bronchial tubes, the boy needs to use bronchodilators - Atrovent, Erespal.

Opinion of Komarovsky

Komarovsky strongly recommends that all parents immediately go to the doctor after the appearance of such symptoms as cough and runny nose without fever. Sometimes such signs can hide a dangerous disease.At home, the baby needs to wash the nose, give as much drink, moisten the air.Such, at first glance, simple measures, will quickly relieve the patient's condition and eliminate unpleasant manifestations.

In the video - about a wet cough in a baby without temperature, says Komarovsky:

Runny nose and cough without fever in infants can occur for a variety of reasons. The success of treatment will depend directly on how accurately the cause of the pathology was determined. Parents should simply follow all the recommendations and surround their child with care and attention. Here you can read about the treatment of mucus in the nasopharynx of the baby.

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