What are the drops used for eye hemorrhage?

Most eye hemorrhages are the result of traumatic injury, typical of young people aged 10-20 years, and in the male half, such traumas occur 3 times more often. And, of course, they seek to independently affect the condition of the eye, applying eye drops. However, such use of medicines is not always safe, and sometimes completely useless, since drops are not a panacea for treating eye hemorrhages. In this article, we'll figure out what to do if the blood vessels in the eyes burst and the hemorrhage begins.


  • 1Application area
  • 2Features of preparations
  • 3List
  • 4Recommendations for use
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Application area

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish the true cause of the appearance of an unpleasant symptom.Conservative treatment (drops) is susceptible only to mild forms of the disease, with minor damage to the blood vessels and at the earliest stage.However, even in this case, the consultation of an ophthalmologist is strictly required.

Since hemorrhage in the eye is not always the result of trauma, it is necessary first of all to conduct extensive diagnostics and establish the extent and nature of the lesions.

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Sometimes they become a consequence of eye pathologies or even systemic diseases. The most common causes of ocular hemorrhage include:

  • Injuries of the eye.There are open and closed (blunt) damage. In most cases, there is a blunt trauma (concussion), in which a bleeding in the eye can appear even with a conventional blow to the head. There are 3 degrees of contusion: 1 (light) - the structure of the eye is not broken, the functionality of the eye does not affect the damage; 2 (medium) - minor damage to the eye structures, there is a decrease in vision to light; 3 (severe) - lesions irreversible, complete loss view. The use of eye drops is most effective at 1 degree of damage;
  • Common diseases of the body, as a result of which there is a violation of the elasticity and strength of blood vessels: atherosclerosis, Arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the blood or connective tissue, impaired coagulability blood;
  • Development of tumors. With the growth of intraocular tumors, the blood vessels are squeezed and damaged;
  • Progression of ocular pathologies: uveitis, iritis, myopia. All these diseases, in the final analysis, contribute to the violation of the integrity of the vascular wall in the eyes;
  • Increased physical activity. Damage to the blood vessels is often provoked by conditions in which the strengthened physical activity: in parturient women with strong attempts, in patients with severe cough (tuberculosis, asthma, pneumonia), with sudden loud shouting.

Sometimes the correct diagnosis and timely treatment of internal pathologies become the only correct solution when removing hemorrhage in the eye.

Features of preparations

Selection of the necessary means, in particular drops, occurs only after extensive examination and localization of pathology. The term "hemorrhage in the eye" can have several well-defined meanings, and in each specific case its treatment will be prescribed:

  • Hyphema.Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye, when clumps begin to accumulate between the iris and the cornea. There are 4 degrees of hyphema, depending on the degree of filling the anterior chamber with blood. And if the initial stages (as well as the microhyphema) yield to conservative treatment, then more severe hemorrhage can only be eliminated surgically. In this type of pathology, treatment in a hospital is recommended, since recurring hemorrhages often occur 3-5 days;
  • Hemophthalmus.The appearance immediately after the lens of a homogeneous formation, which has a brown color. The disease has severe consequences up to complete loss of vision. The main symptoms are a violation of visual acuity, the appearance of light flashes and dark moving spots in the field of vision. Treatment is carried out with both local preparations (eye drops) and systemic exposure. The intensity of therapy depends on the severity of the lesion, outside the hospital treatment of the lightest injuries is possible;
Types of hemophthalmia depending on localization
  • Hemorrhage in the retina of the eye. Blood vessels can also be damaged in the retina. In this case, the spot is on the white of the eye. Additional symptoms are the appearance of flies, reduced visual acuity, limiting the mobility of the eyeball. If the lesions are of a moderate nature, the treatment is carried out using eye drops and general-purpose prescriptions. With extensive damage, the only way of treatment is surgical;
  • Hemorrhage in the cavity of the orbit. The cavity of the orbit (orbit) is directly connected with the eyeball, including the blood vessels. Therefore, damage in the orbit is always reflected in the quality of vision. Concomitant manifestations are hemorrhage in the conjunctiva and skin of the eyelids. There is deterioration of vision, double vision, limited mobility of the eye. Conservative treatment combines the use of local drugs and systemic effects.

Conservative treatment, the more ambulatory, with hemorrhage in the eye is possible only in the mildest cases of damage to blood vessels. But even with such a degree of defeat, an ophthalmologist's consultation is mandatory, since, perhaps, not only eye damage, but also a systemic disease that caused hemorrhage.


Unfortunately, to date there are no effective drugs that can fight with eye hemorrhage. With a mild degree of damage, the doctor can recommend complete rest and use of certain eye drops that have a health-improving and health-improving effect. These drugs stimulate metabolism in damaged tissues and their regeneration, thus contributing to their recovery and renewal.

Such means include:

  • Eye drops Potassium iodide 3%.The main active substance is potassium iodide, which has antiatherosclerotic and antimicrobial effect. One of the main drugs used in the treatment of damaged vessels of the eye. In addition to antiseptic effect promotes resorption of hemorrhages and has antifungal activity. The drug is not prescribed for patients with impaired thyroid function, with the diagnosis of "nephritis or nephrosis with some skin lesions, during pregnancy and lactation, newborn children;
  • Emoprox 1%.The main active ingredient is methylethylpyridinol hydrochloride, which has a number of therapeutic properties: angioprotective (vasodilator), antiaggregant (preventing the formation of thrombi), antihypoxic (increases resistance to hypoxia), antioxidant (suppressive oxidation). Contraindications include individual intolerance, as well as periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • Emoksipin 1%.An analogue of Emoprox, with the same active substance. Stimulates resorption of hemorrhages, promotes strengthening of vascular walls, improves rheological parameters of blood. The list of contraindications is the same as that of the analog;
  • Diclofenac,%.The main active ingredient is sodium diclofenac, which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Used in the complex therapy with penetrating or blunt trauma to the eye. With increased sensitivity to the components of the drug and other NSAIDs, Diclofenac is not treated, as well as its analogues: Diclof, Naklof;
  • Taufon 4%.The active substance is taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, formed in the body during the conversion of cysteine. It is a stimulator of regenerative and reparative processes in trauma, recovery and normalization of metabolism. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, during pregnancy and lactation, and also to children under 18, use with caution is recommended;
  • Defisle.The main active substance is hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, which provides a high viscosity to the therapeutic means, as a result of which the drug covers the surface of the eyeball with a lubricating and softening cornea film. The consequence of the use of drops is the complete restoration of the eye tissues for 2-3 weeks. Significant improvement is achieved already on 3-5 days;
  • Vizin, 5%.The drug belongs to the group of alpha-adrenomimetics and is designed to eliminate eye irritations of different nature: physical, chemical, allergenic. Contraindications to the use of the drug are increased sensitivity to its components, corneal dystrophy, angle-closure glaucoma, children under 2 years.

Determining the extent of lesions as well as drawing up a regimen for hemorrhage into the eye is the prerogative of an ophthalmologist alone. Even if the lesions are minor, preventive examination has not done any harm to anyone, and the benefits from it can be invaluable.

Recommendations for use

If you have minor injuries and a hemorrhage takes up a small area, it is possible that the doctor will recommend outpatient treatment.


Drops from the redness of the eyes

Eye drops with an antibiotic are described in this article.

Eye drops with conjunctivitis http://eyesdocs.ru/medicinaoperacii/lekarstva/kakie-kapli-dlya-glaz-luchshe-ispolzovat-pri-konyunktivite.html


In this case, you have to dig in the eye drops yourself. But for the effectiveness of treatment should pay attention to some of the nuances, mandatory for self-conducting procedures:

  • Use only drugs with a proven shelf life.Otherwise, you can get an additional visual impairment;
  • When using a pipette or a built-in dropper, do not forget to boil it for at least 30 minutes.The same treatment is carried out before each procedure (for a built-in dropper there will be enough of a closed cap);
  • If the bottle is equipped with a dropper, inspect its tip for sharp edges or burrs- to avoid accidental injuries;
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap;
  • Take a comfortable pose and with one hand lightly pull the lower eyelid, and the second, without touching the dropper to the eye, drip from the vial into the formed "pocket
  • Bury at most 1 drop at a time. If you need to instill a larger amount, take a break for at least 3 minutes. ;
  • If necessary, use a variety of eye aids take a break between their use for at least 30 minutes, with the last place lay ointments;
  • Strictly observe the dosage and mode of administration of medications. Both the reduction and the increase in this issue are quite dangerous;
  • Always check the purchase of a prescription and purchased product when buying, because there are drops with the same name and different purposes (ear, from the cold).

If even with the initial use of a drop cause a strong sense of discomfort, do not tempt fate - perhaps you are intolerant. Rinse your eyes thoroughly and try to get to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible.



Hemorrhage in the eye can be of varying severity and magnitude of the affected area. The use of eye drops for this pathology can be used out-patient only in the easiest situations.

Most often, it is not without hospitalization, and in the hospital the doctor observes the success of the applied treatment methods. However, even in mild cases, the consultation of an ophthalmologist is mandatory, since hemorrhage in the eye with improper behavior or non-compliance with treatment recommendations may recur. Sometimes hemorrhage occurs in microscopic sizes, and it can be suspected only by concomitant Symptoms: disturbance of general well-being, nausea, reduced visual acuity, blurred vision images. In this case, also the only right decision - an immediate visit to the ophthalmologist.

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