Effective cough medicine for children

List of inexpensive but effective cough medicines

cough dry and wet

Cough is a symptom of catarrhal disease, which causes a lot of trouble. Most people with the onset of colds suffer from coughing, working, resting, sleeping normally and eating becomes harder. Discomfort is not only delivered to the sick person, but to everyone around him. When choosing a remedy for coughing, you do not need to self-medicate, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for help and prescribing the drug. But, if you decide to choose a remedy on your own, remember that the medicine should be bought first depending on the type of cough: dry or wet. Here is a list of not only the most effective tools, but also affordable. Cough medicine is inexpensive and effective.

what can you do from a child to a cough 6 monthsWhat can be coughing to a child of 6 months is indicated in this article.

How to treat a cough and runny nose without fever in a pregnant woman is indicated in the article.

How to treat dry paroxysmal cough, is specified in this article here: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/suxoj-pristupoobraznyj.html

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How to cure a cough from a baby without temperature, is indicated in this article.

From dry

In the absence of phlegm withdrawal cough is called dry. For its treatment, drugs are used:

  1. The Falimint.By properties similar to menthol. Causes a feeling of coolness and freshness in the mouth. Do not dry the mucous membranes, the effect and cessation of reflex cough is seen after the first application. It is available in the form of dragees for resorption, it can be given to a child, suitable for children from 5 years of age, contraindications, except for minor allergic reactions, does not. Price: 150 rubles.Falimint
  2. Libexin.Has a triple action, reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings, relaxing the bronchi and reducing the reaction to irritation. It is used for the treatment of severe dry cough, the effect is observed within four hours after administration. Produced in the form of tablets and syrup, not contraindicated to children, there are side effects (dizziness, allergy, fatigue). Price: 300 rubles.Libexin for coughing
  3. Kodelak.An antitussive agent of plant origin. Produced in various forms: tablets, syrups, elixirs. Has a combined effect, reduces excitability, increases the viscosity of phlegm with a damp cough, does not cause respiratory depression. It is not recommended to use a long term - the drug causes dependence. Children are appointed from 6 years. The price: 140 rubles.Codel Codel
  4. Herbion with plantain. Syrup has antitussive and antibacterial effect. Increases the amount of sputum, reduces its viscosity. Due to vitamin C increases immunity. The drug forms a protective film on the mucous membrane, reduces irritation, reduces inflammation. Suitable for children from 2 years. Has almost no contraindications. Price: 250 rubles.cough medicines are inexpensive and effective
  5. Haliksol.One of the most effective drugs, the effect comes after half an hour after use, dilutes sputum, reduces its viscosity, soothes the mucous membrane. Produced in the form of syrup, has a number of contraindications. It is forbidden in pregnancy and with gastrointestinal diseases. Children are appointed from 5 years. The price of the drug: 100 rubles.Haliksol
  6. Lazolvan.It is prescribed for acute pneumonia, chronic sinusitis, acute bronchitis. The effect is observed after half an hour after administration, the effect lasts up to 10 hours. Cough is eased, sputum is diluted, respiratory tract irritation decreases. Produced in the form of tablets, syrup and solution for inhalation. Suitable for children over 6 years. Price: 150 rubles.Phlegm of dry cough
  7. Ambroghexal.The remedy is used for chronic and acute bronchial diseases, asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis. Used in the treatment of complications after surgery, as well as to stimulate the fetus during pregnancy. It has well-pronounced properties, well-established in the market. The price: 70 rubles.Ambrohexal when dry cough
  8. Omnitus.Produced in the form of tablets and syrup. Reduces the inflammatory process, fights infections, relieves dry cough, positively affects the general condition of the body. Has a number of side effects, including. drowsiness, dizziness, vomiting, stool disruption. Contraindicated in pregnant women and children under 6 years. The price of the drug: 90 rubles.Omnitus from dry cough
  9. Stoptussin.It is a combined remedy, has antitussive and mucolytic effect. It is used in the treatment of dry and unproductive cough, is made in the Czech Republic. Produced in the form of tablets, drops and syrup of vegetable origin. Price: 150 rubles.Stoptussin when worried about dry cough
  10. Lorraine.The product is suitable for combating dry cough, it is available in various forms: powder, capsules, tablets, suspension and solution. Eliminates the symptoms of ARI and colds, has antipyretic properties, suitable for children from 6 years. Side effects include increased blood pressure, dizziness, mild irritability. The price: 200 rubles.

What causes can be a night cough in an adult, indicated in the article.

From wet

Cough with sputum is called wet or productive. For its treatment, preparations with an expectorant effect are used:

  1. ATSTS.Liquefies phlegm, promotes the productivity of cough, relief comes in the first days of admission. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It does not combine with paracetamol and other cough drugs. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers. Price: 130 rubles.ATSTS with a damp cavern
  2. Doctor Mom.Means of plant origin fights with diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, relieves of the common cold, colds and bronchitis. Available in the form of lozenges, lozenges, syrups, tablets, ointments, roller pencils. Suitable for children from 2 years. The cost in pharmacies: 140 rubles.Doctor Mom from a wet cough
  3. Broncholitin.It is very popular as a trustworthy tool. Suppresses the center of a cough, does not depress breathing, treats acute respiratory illnesses, displays phlegm, relieves the mucous membrane from swelling. Effective in childhood. Has only a few side effects: allergies, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. The price: 55 rubles.Broncholitin from a wet cough
  4. Bromhexine.The agent is used for acute and chronic bronchial diseases with sputum of increased viscosity. The drug is well tolerated, prescribed from the age of 6, combined with antibiotics, contributing to their penetration into the bronchial secret. When treating, you need to consume more fluid, exclude driving and performing hazardous work. Price: 30 rubles.Bromhexine from a wet cough
  5. Ambroxol.Bulgarian preparation of expectorant anti-inflammatory effect. It is also used for the prevention of respiratory tract infections, it is available in the form of a syrup with a pleasant smell and raspberry taste. Helps in a short time cure cough, tracheitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and bronchitis. The price: 25 rubles.Ambroxol from a wet cough
  6. Mukaltin.A natural remedy fights with a wet cough, relieves viscous sputum, which prevents normal breathing. The effect of taking tablets is observed a couple of days after the start of the course. Contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases, allergies, diabetes mellitus. It is not addictive, children can be taken from the age of 12. Cost: 15 rubles.Mucaltin from a wet cough
  7. Ambrogen.The chemical preparation expectorant and diluting effect, facilitates the outflow of sputum from the bronchi, neutralizes the damaged molecules. The action is seen after only half an hour after taking, lasts about 10 hours. Produced in the form of capsules, syrups, tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. Children are appointed from 2 years. The packing price: 105 rubles.Ambrogen from a wet cough
  8. Fluidite.It is used for acute diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by viscous sputum. Poorly combined with other drugs, weakening their effect. Struggles with infections without clarifying their form and localization. Available for adults and children in the form of syrup, as well as in the form of granules for suspension. Price: 250 rubles.Fluditik from a wet cough
  9. Herbion with primrose.The drug is made using plant material. A syrup is prescribed not only with a moist but also senile cough, when the lungs are not adequately supplied with blood. Improves the work of the adrenal glands, is a diaphoretic, expectorant, diuretic, strengthening agent. It facilitates breathing, removes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Children are appointed from 2 years. The price: 200 rubles.Herbion with primrose when tormented by a wet cough
  10. Gedelix.I have recommended myself as a means to combat productive cough in children. Has spasmolytic properties, removes sputum from the bronchi, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract. Form release: syrup with mint extract, eucalyptus, menthol. Side effects usually do not appear, does not contain sugars and alcohol. Price: 150 rubles.Gedelix
  11. Pertussin.One of the most inexpensive, but very effective tools in the fight against wet cough. Has an expectorant property, dilutes sputum, promotes its excretion. In the preparation of a substance of chemical and vegetable origin, incl. thyme. Children are appointed from the age of 3, during the reception it is necessary to dilute with water. The price: 15 rubles.Pertussin
than can cough cure during pregnancyFrom this article, you can find out what can be cured during a pregnancy.

How does a cough of an asthmatic nature look like in this article.

What to do when the child's wheezing and coughing is indicated in the article here: http://prolor.ru/g/bolezni-g/kashel/svistyashhij-kashel-u-rebenka.html

Among the most effective drugs for dry and wet cough in the Russian market you can find inexpensive means. Before using it is necessary to consult with specialists, since cough is just a symptom of other diseases, it is necessary to fight first of all with the cause of coughing. Remember that timely diagnosis can save a person's life.


The best cough remedy. The best remedy for dry cough

What is cough is known to many, because not always this condition is associated with illness. In this way the body clears the respiratory tract from viruses, bacteria, dust or foreign bodies that have got into them. Cough can be caused by different reasons, but in any case it irritates and does not allow to work and rest normally. In most cases, it signals a serious illness and requires immediate treatment. Many people are looking for the best cough remedy, but it's impossible to understand the abundance of drugs without the help of a doctor. After all, if you choose the wrong medicine, you can only aggravate the problem. Therefore, before you start treatment, you need to consult a doctor and determine what cough worries the patient. In addition, in most cases, even the best cough remedy will not help, if its cause is not eliminated. On the contrary, it can only get worse.

Types of cough

Depending on the characteristics of the disease and you need to choose the drugs. After all, different drugs have different effects. And before you determine the best cough remedy, you need to know what it is. Usually, the instructions to the medicine indicate which form it is treating.

  1. Dry cough can occur for various reasons. In general, it causes irritation of the mucous by chemical or physical factors. It also occurs with viral infection and colds.
  2. A wet cough is characterized by the spitting of sputum accumulating in the lungs or bronchi. It can be unproductive when it is viscous and coughs up with difficulty. Or wet, when there is a lot of sputum.

Causes of coughing

  • Catarrhal and infectious diseases - tonsillitis, tracheitis or SARS. They can be viral or bacterial. This is the most common cause of cough.
the best cough remedy for children
  • Inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs - bronchitis, pneumonia, lung abscess or tuberculosis.
  • Allergic reactions, such as bronchial asthma.
  • Irritation of the respiratory tract by chemical substances or dust.
  • Heart failure.
  • Ingestion of foreign body in the respiratory tract.
  • Organic brain damage or neurosis.
  • Smoking.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, drugs that lower blood pressure.

How correctly to cure cough?

Without determining the cause, it caused, to cope with the symptom will be almost impossible. And in some cases, and completely contraindicated taking antitussive or expectorant funds. But most often, when they are looking for the best cough remedy, they try to eliminate the most common cause of it - infectious and inflammatory diseases. In this case, you need to remember that the disease begins most often with a dry cough, which eventually turns into a wet cough. Therefore, treatment should be changed during the course of the illness. It is not recommended to suppress dry cough, it is necessary to try to translate it into a more productive one, so that the bacteria and viruses that caused the disease come out with phlegm. And with an allergic cough, on the contrary, preparations are prescribed that suppress the cough reflex and antihistamines. If the cough has arisen on the nerves or on the background of heart failure, you do not need to take any additional medicines at all. Having cured the underlying disease, a person gets rid of it.

the best cough remedy

Features of the action of cough drugs

When the cause and type of the disease is clear, then you can choose the drug for its treatment. All of them have different effects:

  1. Suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs can be based on narcotic drugs, and they can be purchased only on prescription. They are needed if the cough is painful and dry. He does not allow to communicate, eat, or sleep. But in no case can they drink with a damp cough, so that there is no stagnation of phlegm in the lungs.
  2. Expectorants increase the production of sputum and facilitate its excretion by stimulating the bronchi. Such medicines are used only for the treatment of a damp cough, if it is dry, they will be useless.
  3. If there are a lot of sputum, but she coughs up with difficulty, you need to use mucolytics. These are the means that dilute it and facilitate the excretion.
  4. There are also local cough remedies. They treat it with an anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. Sometimes they have a local anesthetic effect, and if the cough was caused by irritation of the respiratory tract, it stops.
  5. Recently, there have appeared combined preparations that contain various substances and complex effects on the respiratory tract.

Types of cough drugs

  1. Tablets or capsules. Most often they are used to treat cough in adults. This form of the drug is convenient, if the treatment is long, and the drug should be taken several times. After all, they are easy to take with you and drink at work or on the road.
  2. Effervescent soluble tablets or powders have a more rapid effect, by facilitating absorption and a large amount of water drunk. But they can have a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Syrups, drops and medicines are most often used to treat children, since they have a pleasant taste. They are also easily and quickly absorbed.
  4. Tablets or lozenges for absorption are used mainly in the treatment of cough caused by infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract or allergic reaction.
  5. Means for inhalation, rinsing and compresses are used to relieve cough that has appeared as a result of inflammation.


In many cases, a dry cough is so painful and exhausting to a person that the only way to save it will be to suppress it. Such medicines are divided into two groups:

  1. Means for suppressing dry cough, affecting the cough center in the brain. They are used only in the absence of sputum and come in different bases:
    - with narcotic effect - preparations Codeine, Hydrocodone, Morphine Chloride and others, sold only on the prescription of a doctor;
    - without narcotic effect - means "Tusuprex", "Sinekod", "Glavent" and others (they can be purchased without a prescription, but it should be used cautiously).
  2. Drugs that affect the nerve centers of the middle parts of the respiratory tract. This means "Libexin" or "Levopron."

The best remedy for dry cough

But recently, most often prescribe drugs of a new generation, which have a combined effect. With infectious and inflammatory diseases, if cough is unproductive and there is no sputum, complications are possible, since the infection is not eliminated from the respiratory tract. Therefore, we need drugs that do not suppress cough symptoms, but help to sputum. But dry cough often so exhausts the patient that it is necessary to slightly reduce its intensity. Modern combination drugs have this property. The most famous of them are the funds Stoptussin, Tussin plus, Butamirat, Lorain, and others.

the best remedy for wet coughAt the moment, the best remedy for dry cough is the drug "Broncholitin". Its peculiarity is that in addition to antitussive substances (glaucin and ephedrine), it contains basil oil. It expands bronchi, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the viscosity of phlegm. This drug has a mild non-narcotic effect on the cough center and the musculature of the bronchi and is available as a syrup. Therefore, we can say that this is the best cough remedy for children over 3 years old.

How to take medications for dry cough?

Choose a tool you need strictly individually. For example, children are better suited medicine in the form of syrup, and soluble tablets are much faster than usual. But you need to know that, unlike expectorants, even the best cough drug without sputum has many contraindications. You can not take most of these medicines:

  • children under 3 years;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • people with allergic reactions;
  • those with respiratory failure or bronchial asthma.

In addition, it must be remembered that as soon as sputum begins to depart, it is necessary to change the drug. Suppress such a cough can not be in any case, as this can cause serious complications.

How to treat a wet cough?

It is very important that the sputum accumulating in the respiratory tract recedes easily. Many drugs for the treatment of wet cough are designed to enhance and facilitate its isolation. When there are a lot of sputum, you need to help the airway to get rid of it. Therefore, the composition of drugs for the treatment of wet cough includes substances that restore cells of the broncho-pulmonary tissue. In addition, they dilute sputum itself. Most often, these drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect and contain plant components. The best remedy for a wet cough is Bromhexine. It easily helps to cope with the disease and has few side effects. Therefore, it is given even to children.

the best cough remedyThe "ACC" tool dilutes sputum very well, making it easier to leave. In addition to these, the most popular preparations for wet cough, the following medicines are also effective: Sinupret, Gedelix, Glitsira, Ascoril and some others. But they should be used only according to the doctor's prescription.

The best expectorant

From cough, which is accompanied by a small amount of sputum, there are many medicines. Their purpose is to help in its passage by stimulating the bronchi or reducing its viscosity. Of course, according to the individual reaction, they need to be selected. But there are drugs that are not only effective, but also safe. They include plant components, and they can be given even to children.

  • Syrup of licorice root has anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating action and helps to sputum.
  • The drug "Mukaltin" has been known for a long time. This medicine is based on the root of the althaea - the best remedy for a damp cough. In addition to the expectorant action, the "Mucaltin" agent has an anti-inflammatory effect and slightly dilutes sputum.
the best remedy for a wet cough
  • The drug "Thermopsis" is also a fairly well-known herbal remedy with an expectorant effect. It increases sputum secretion and reduces its viscosity.

How to help the child?

Cough exhausts any person, but is especially bad when children suffer. Respiratory ways of babies are very sensitive to any external influences, and the majority of effective preparations to them is contraindicated. In general, children older than 2 years are given plant-based syrups: the preparation "Pertussin", "Thermopsis", "Doctor Mom", licorice root syrup or althea. Many parents are looking for the best cough remedy for children, not only among official drugs, but also in traditional medicine recipes. Long since this ailment cope with the help of broths of herbs, honey solution, inhalations and compresses.

the best remedy for dry cough

Traditional medicine

Despite the abundance of drugs from different types of cough, many are still being treated with home remedies, using old recipes. Conveniently this is because all the ingredients for this are always at hand, and they cause less side effects. What are the most popular recipes?

  1. The best cough remedy is honey. It is used alone or in combination with other products. Those who do not have allergies to it, successfully cure both dry and wet cough. And such drugs are very popular with children. For example, a mixture of ground hazelnuts with honey. It helps a lot if you mix a spoonful of honey with warm milk or lemon juice. Even just dissolved in water this product works wonders. A juice of radish or onions with honey is the best cough remedy. The testimonies of those who tried it testify that it can cure even a persistent chronic illness.the best cough remedy
  2. Often when coughing it is recommended to drink broths of herbs. It is best to help the chamomile, mother-and-stepmother, elecampane, oregano and sage. They can be used separately or in collections. But to drink such teas you need half a glass several times a day. You can also use such decoctions for inhalations.
  3. Onions and garlic are also an effective tool for alleviating the condition of the patient when coughing. And they use them both inside and outside for various compresses.
  4. Many healers recommend using cough to drink the juice of cowberry or viburnum with honey. Some people are helped by fresh carrot juice with milk.

But any means, both official and popular, should be used only after consulting a doctor.


What cough medicine can I use for children under one year?

Cough is the most common symptom in respiratory diseases. Drugs for cough for children up to a year are selected by the pediatrician, taking into account the nature of the symptom and the reasons for its occurrence. After all, the greatest concern is its presence in infants. Depending on the origin of cough, the treatment methods and pharmacological properties of the prescribed drugs differ. To understand which drug will be most effective for a newborn, it is necessary to understand the process of origin of cough.

The child's cough problem

The main factors contributing to the occurrence of cough in children

Coughing in an infant is a manifestation of a natural reflex in the body.It can be a sign of the presence of an inflammatory process or help in clearing the respiratory tract from the formed mucus. A slight single cough in a child without a fever with no changes in behavior should not cause alertness to the parents. If the symptom delivers a child discomfort, then we need to look for the cause of its occurrence and select an effective treatment.

Viral infections as the cause of the appearance of a coughThere are two main factors contributing to the appearance of a cough: ingestion of an infant infection, resulting in the onset of a cold, and the emergence of a reaction to an allergen. The organism of the infant child because of the unformed immune system reacts very sensitively to the viruses and bacteria in the environment. Harmful microorganisms, penetrating the respiratory tract with the baby's breathing air, multiply rapidly in the mucous membrane. In places where they penetrate, irritation develops and mucus is intensely formed. The baby's body begins to react with a cough. By the same principle, there is a reaction to allergens, which may be household dust, pollen of plants or villi of wool. The cough process is the response of the newborn's body to irritation of the mucous membrane and an attempt to get rid of various mechanical particles and accumulated sputum. Depending on the nature, intensity and sound distinguish certain varieties of cough.

Types of cough

Cough is dry (unproductive) or wet (productive). The first species appears at the onset of the disease and is not accompanied by the separation of sputum. The second species is characterized by intense mucus discharge. Dry cough is the most annoying. He goes through bouts and looks like barking. He gives the greatest concern to the child, does not allow him to sleep and is able to induce vomitive reaction. Such coughing is often a sign of the onset of trachea or bronchitis, it may indicate changes in the vocal cords. With this symptom, an alkaline drink and antimicrobial agents that soften the throat are shown. This will help reduce the swelling of the mucosa and will help reduce the inflammatory process.

Laryngitis is the cause of a child's cough.Despite the fact that children receive vaccinations against whooping cough, dry cough may indicate the presence of this disease. With whooping cough appoint sedatives and walks in the fresh air. Sometimes a sonorous, jerky cough may indicate a rare disease to date - the respiratory chlamydia of newborns. Cough passes in a short time with the successful treatment of this disease.

Coughing attacks of an allergic nature occur mainly at night, they can be accompanied by whistling sounds and do not respond to treatment with cough suppressants. If a low tone on coughing passes into a high sound, then it can speak of ingress of foreign object into the bronchi. With bronchial asthma, the symptom appears with a deep sigh and painful pain accompanies it. The presence of a cough in a child may be due to the presence of a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, such a symptom occurs when eating.

Coughing with metallic sounds can be a consequence of the child's stress. This symptom appears constantly and only in the daytime. The cough medicine for babies is selected, given that in the main all catarrhal diseases are detected initially by a dry cough, which then goes to the wet one. Although it is from the characteristics of a cough that you can understand where the inflammatory process begins.

Characteristic properties of cough in certain respiratory diseases

Stress in a child - the cause of a coughInflammation of the larynx, or laryngitis, characterized by the presence of dry cough, heavy breathing and hoarseness of the voice. There are painful sensations when swallowing and irritation in the throat. Later, the cough begins to be accompanied by a whistle due to a modification in the passage of the airways. When the swelling of the vocal cords decreases, a wet cough begins due to separation of sputum.

With tracheitis, the main symptom is a dry, prolonged cough with sudden attacks at night. Breathing is accompanied by wheezing and whistling. With this disease, in order to facilitate the course of the disease, the pediatrician can prescribe the "Synecode" remedy, which suppresses the cough. With unfavorable treatment, inflammation can drop lower and there is a risk of bronchitis or pneumonia. These diseases are diagnosed by X-ray.

Symptomatics of bronchitis at the initial stage does not differ from other respiratory diseases: stuffy nose, sore throat, lethargy and drowsiness of the baby, dry cough turns into wet. With edema of the bronchial mucosa and a decrease in lumen, obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed. This disease often accompanies an allergy, the neglected form of which can lead to the onset of bronchial asthma.


Classification of cough drugs for children

Medicines are divided into two groups: central and peripheral agents.

The first group of drugs include: "Sinekod", "Libexin", "Tusuprex", etc. These drugs restrain the cough reflex, affecting the center in the cerebral cortex. They do not fight with the inflammatory process, they are used solely for the doctor's prescription to alleviate the condition of the child in dry, with attacks, coughing, for example, with whooping cough.

Syrup Sinecode for coughThe drugs of the second group are divided according to the principle of influence on certain species. These are enveloping drugs that reduce inflammation in irritated areas of the mucous membrane. Assigned to children with dry cough at the initial stage of the disease.

Expectorants for cough are prescribed to cleanse the bronchi from accumulated sputum. The main active substance in such preparations can be plant origin or iodides. Their action is based on increasing the formation of mucus, which contributes to the dilution of sputum and removal of it from the bronchi. Such drugs are not suitable for infants and children prone to vomiting and with neurotic disorders. Under the influence of mucolytic drugs, also belonging to this group, the sputum located in the bronchi is diluted without increasing the volume.

There are also combined preparations that simultaneously reduce irritation of the mucosa and affect the center of the cough reflex.

Treatment is selected by the pediatrician taking into account the child's age, course of the disease and the presence of symptoms. With infants, it is not allowed to engage in self-medication, it is important to contact the medical institution in time for help.

Effective medications for children under one year old

Libexin for cough treatment in a childWhen choosing drugs, it should be borne in mind that the baby from the first month of life does not fit all manufactured forms. You can use a solution for inhalation or syrup "Lazolvan" or its analogues. They are easy to dose, you can give a medicine dissolved in drinks for the baby (milk, juice, etc.) The active ingredient of this medicine is ambroxol. The drug has virtually no side effects. It is used in the treatment of all forms of bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as bronchial asthma in the presence of sputum, which is difficult to depart.

To treat wet cough in infants successfully used "Flegamina" and "Bronchostop". These drugs have mucolytic, expectorant and antitussive effect. For infants use a solution and syrup. One of the drawbacks of these drugs is that their medicinal properties begin to appear only a few days after the start of application.

Beginning with the 6-month-old age, it is possible to use herbal preparations. These are syrups, produced on the basis of an althaea or licorice root. When choosing a drug with a complex composition, it is necessary to carefully study its components in order to exclude the presence of a substance that causes allergy in them. In the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children from several months, the drug based on the extract of ivy - "Gedelix" - has proved to be very useful. When it is applied, dilute sputum begins to separate, cough softens. Before use, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test, diluting the desired dose with boiled water and observing if an allergic reaction has occurred.


It must be taken into account that any drug should be used with caution, each drug has its own contraindications. When choosing this or that remedy, individual intolerance of components, the presence of diabetes, digestive system diseases, etc. are taken into account. It is strictly forbidden to treat children under one year with pharmacological drugs based on acetylcysteine ​​and carbocisteine. These include: "Mukomist", "Medox", "Fljuditek", "Mukodin", "Fluimutsil", "Fluviert".


List of medicines for dry and wet cough for children. A cough medicine for children from year to year. Expectorants for children

It's strange, but when a cough occurs in an adult person, he ignores this phenomenon, saying that he feels well. But it costs the child to choke, then restless mothers begin to stuff him with syrups, pills and other various medicines.

But why not admit the idea that the child is completely healthy, and cough only indicates the ingress of foreign particles into the respiratory tract?! Let's study its nature in children in more detail, consider the list of drugs and identify an effective cough medicine for children from year to year.

Does the cough always signal a sickness?

Cough is due to ingress of foreign particles (mucus, dust, pollen, food) that irritate the larynx, trachea, bronchi, pleura. In fact, this phenomenon is a physiological reflex even in times of illness, when the patient coughs up phlegm.

In what cases does the cough in children have a physiological cause, when there are no symptoms of the disease, and the baby is absolutely healthy?

  • Morning. After a night's sleep, the child may have a slight cough. This is due to the fact that during the night in the bronchi accumulates slime.
  • Thoracic. For babies, coughing is a characteristic phenomenon, since the baby can choke while crying or feeding.
  • Artificial. Infants, fighting for the attention of mom and dad, can induce a single cough, noticing once the anxiety on their faces.
  • "Dental". During the eruption of milk teeth, children develop increased salivation, which can contribute to cough reflex.
  • Protective cough occurs when small objects or food crumbs get into the respiratory tract. In this case, you need to remove the foreign body, most often require medical help.

In these cases, it is not necessary to give expectorants to children. The cough medicine should be selected competently, so as not to worsen the child's well-being. Harmless cough is different from catarrhal short-term, episodic. It does not affect the health of the child.

Character of cough during illnesses

If the cough becomes a consequence of the disease, then the baby does not sleep well, eats, plays, starts to be capricious, cry. In this case, the disease leaves its imprint on the cough reflex:

good cough for a child
  • with catarrhal diseases, acute respiratory infections, acute cough increases in a few hours or days, turning from dry to wet;
  • laryngitis causes coughing barking, dry, agonizing, hoarse, accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath;
  • when tracheitis appears loud, "thoracic", a deep and painful "booze";
  • Pharyngitis is characterized by a dry cough that occurs due to perspiration in the throat;
  • bronchitis "bun" is similar to trachea, but it is without pain and is accompanied by the release of sputum;
  • pneumonia can cause a wet, deep, chest cough with pain in the ribs, if the disease is caused bacteria, or dry, paroxysmal, loud, painless, if the cause of the disease were chlamydia;
  • with influenza coughing strong, dry, painful, intensifying at high temperature;
  • measles in the first two days causes a dry, weak painless cough, whereas after skin rashes it becomes rough and husky.

In this case, even an expensive medicine for children from a dry cough will not help, because the treatment should be comprehensive.

Allergic cough

After catarrhal diseases, children may have an asthmatic or recurrent cough. It lasts more than two weeks and is continually repeated after illness. This may be the cause of obstructive bronchitis, then along with the cough, there is also a temperature, and sore throat, and rhinitis.

cough medicine

If the cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold, but is caused by allergens, cold air, physical exertion, the child may have asthma. Such a cough occurs as a reaction to allergies (wool, fluff, plant pollen, dust, food). It may appear during uneven breathing, for example, the child ran into, took a deep breath or took a sip of cold air. An allergic cough usually appears before dawn, as a reaction to shortness of breath and shortness of breath.

Observe the child: most often, along with an allergy, sneezing, lacrimation, skin rashes, redness, itching appear. In no case do not apply for advice on the forum, do not read reviews about cough medicines and do not experiment on the child, as in all the illness proceeds in different ways.

Be sure to ask for medical pediatric care. And if the child's well-being stabilizes after receiving bronchodilators, then we can talk about the appearance of bronchial asthma.

How can parents determine which cough a child has?

If the baby has a described symptom, then do not panic, call a doctor right away or look for medications. Pay attention to the following points:

  • How does the child behave during a cough? If the kid does not pay attention to it, continues to play, then, most likely, it is a protective reaction of the body. But if the child is capricious or, conversely, becomes quiet, tries to lie down, then you need to measure the temperature.cough medicine for children from year
  • Is there a fever and other cold symptoms in the baby? If the temperature is 37, then watch the child for a day. Sometimes the cause of this temperature can be overheating (bought in hot water or too warmly dressed in the street), then it will disappear after a couple of hours.
  • Is the cough reflected on the overall well-being of the baby? Maybe the baby does not eat well, sleeps, plays, or does his behavior become unnatural?
  • Did the child swallow the small details during the game?

If the children have no signs of disease, then the cough has a protective physiological nature, so there is no need to look for a good cough medicine for the child. But with a protracted phenomenon, consult a doctor, perhaps there are other reasons for the appearance of this symptom.

If the cough is a consequence of the disease

Your actions:

  • to measure the temperature;
  • to examine the throat, tonsils, ears, eyes, nose;
  • clarify the child, where it hurts;
  • see if there are rashes on the skin;
  • Listen to what cough: dry, barking, intermittent, paroxysmal, wet, hoarse, with phlegm;
  • Call a doctor.

Watch for the child's well-being, the nature of the course of the disease and the type of cough. For example, with catarrhal diseases, "booze" from dry can turn into a wet one due to an intensified rhinitis, whereas with a flu coughing proceeds without acute rhinitis.

reviews of cough medicines

However, cough without fever, runny nose, sore throat can be a consequence of the occurrence of ascaris in the child, allergies, digestive tract diseases and even with cardiovascular ailments. Therefore, if the described phenomenon lasts more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor and express your fears, rather than give a medicine for a strong cough uncontrollably.

A prolonged nocturnal "booze" may indicate such diseases as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis. In this case, children have nasal discharge of white and green, strong nasal congestion. Be sure to seek advice from the otolaryngologist!

Basic and auxiliary medications that eliminate cough

If you contact a pharmacist for advice on what to buy a cough medicine for children from one year or older, then in return you can get dozens of names: Codeine, "Demorfan", "Sedotussin", "Sinekod", "Libeksin", "Gelitsidin", "Stoptussin", "Broncholitin", "Lorain", "Herbion", "Mukaltin", "Ambrobene", "ATSTS", "Lazolvan "," Bromgeksin "," Sinupret "and other

Medicines of this category are divided into 3 types:

  • drugs that prevent cough reflex due to exposure to nerve cells in the brain;
  • medicines that affect the bronchi and their mucous membranes;
  • drugs that reduce sputum production.

Some of them can be harmful to the children's body, since they have narcotic substances, others are inactive, since the organism does not perceive them. Therefore, the pediatrician after the examination writes out his treatment.

  • Babies up to a year appoint syrups, inhalations, ointments, essential oils, less often sprays.
  • Older children may be prescribed tablets.

The most effective inhalation, as the child deeply inhales the vapors of the drug. But the duration of the procedure and the proportions of the medication with saline solution should be specified by the pediatrician. In any case, when there is a dry cough, the doctor's task is to prescribe a drug that transforms it into a moist one, and then helps to get the phlegm out of the body.

What medicines give children from a dry cough

1. Tablets "Libexin" is better to use when there are cold symptoms. Affect the nerve receptors, inhibiting the cough reflex, but do not depress the respiratory center. Tablets can be given to preschool children.

2. The plant-based preparation "Linkas" in the form of syrup has an expectorant, antitussive, bronchodilator, spasmolytic effect. This is a cough medicine for children from the year who do not have diabetes.

medicine for children from a dry cough

3. Pills "Bithiodine" peripherally affect the cough receptors, do not have any drug components and any side effects. Therefore, they can be assigned to children.

4. Tablets "Stoptussin" refer to antitussive drugs and have a mucolytic effect due to butamirate and guaifenesin. They have a number of contraindications and are assigned to adolescents from 12 years of age.

5. The "Broncholitin" syrup perfectly copes with the cough, reducing the sputum and enlarging the bronchi. Suitable for children from three years old. Despite a wide range of uses, this drug has a number of contraindications and side effects.

What kind of medicine for a wet cough is given to children?

1. Syrup "Gerbion" from a moist cough has an expectorant effect. It has a peculiar taste and smell, so not all children drink it.

2. Tablets "Termopsis" increase the excretion of phlegm and make it more viscous. This drug is contraindicated in infants, who can not cough up the sputum.

3. Syrup-like "Lazolvan" - a cure for a damp cough to a child, stimulates sputum production, but does not suppress cough. This medication can be produced for inhalation, which allows for the treatment of infants.

4. The drug "Ambroxol" in the form of tablets is aimed at increasing mucus secretions. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

5. Tablets "ACTS" can be prescribed to young children in the treatment of a damp cough. Thanks to acetylcysteine, sputum dilutes and exits the body. Despite the merits of the drug, there are a lot of side effects, so treatment should be carried out under medical supervision.

cough for a child

What are expectorant

- The medicine for cough "Sinekod" in the form of syrup is used against dry cough and during the disease with whooping cough. Has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating effect. It is applied no more than 7 days in a syrup for preschool children over three years old, for babies it is sold in drugstores in the form of drops.

- Gedelix syrup perfectly displays sputum. A medicine of plant origin is produced in Germany. In its composition it does not have dyes, sugar, flavors, alcohol, so it can be used since infants.

- The drug "Dr. Theiss" in the form of syrup is made in Germany. Effective in controlling wet cough. It facilitates breathing during night sleep and displays phlegm. Do not give children up to a year.

- Medicinal herb "Doctor Mom" ​​in the form of tablets, troches, syrup. Allows you to transform a dry cough into wet and withdraw phlegm from the body. It is prescribed for children from three years old.

- Tablets and syrup "Bromhexin" increase sputum production, making it viscous. Great for children over three years old.

Effective cough medicine for children from year

As you can see, there is a lot of medicines from dry and wet cough. In each category there are subgroups of medicines that have a wide range of effects due to combined functions. Such medicines include "Stoptussin", "Broncholitin", "Doctor Mom" ​​and others.

cough medicine

Try to treat small children from cough with rubbing, mustard plasters, ointments, inhalations, vegetable decoctions and syrups. For infants, pediatricians can prescribe drugs such as Doctor Theiss, Lazolvan, Linkas, Gedelix, etc., but everything will depend on the individual tolerability of medicines and nature the course of the disease.

In any case, parents need to remember two things:

1. Before buying a drug, specify in the pharmacy about contraindications and side effects. If there are concerns, you must immediately return to the pediatrician and specify the method of treatment.

2. If the doctor has prescribed a new cough medicine for you from year to year, follow the reaction of the baby's body.


What cough medicine is more effective for a child under one year?



Treatment of dry cough in infants is carried out with the following medicines:

- Elixir Bronhicum
- Syrup Bronchkum
- Sinekod drops (starting from 2 months. )
- Stopoutsin (starting from 2 months. )
- Glikodin (starting from 1 year)
In the treatment of dry cough in children aged 2 to 6 years, the above medicines are used, as well as:
- Syrup Sinecod
- Alex plus
- Tussin plus
- Broncholitin
- Kodelak
- Kodelak fito
- Codterpine
- Libexin
- Terpin code
- Thermopsychic grass

In an infant, the following medicines are used to treat wet cough:

- Licorice root syrup
- The root of the marshmallow
- Mukaltin
- Ambroxol
- Ambrogen
- Mason
- Flavamed
- Ascoril eksponirant
- Syrup Bromhexine Berlin Hemi
- Bronchicum
- Bronchitis (starting from 3 months. )
- Gedelix
- Breastfeeding
- Josette
- Dr. Theiss (starting from 1 year)
- Fluidite (starting from 1 month. )
- Fluviert (starting from 1 year)
- Linkas (starting from 6 months. )
- Dry cough medicine
- Pectusin
- Pertussin
- Проспан (since 1 year)
- Pulmex Baby
- Teraflu
- Syrup and Travisil drops (starting from 1 year)
Treatment of wet cough in children aged 2 to 6 years is carried out with the drugs listed above, as well as:
- Tablets Bromhexine
- Tussin
- Herbion
- Doctor MOM (from 3 years)
- Sinupret

| .One. EgzemPLEER. |

stoptopsin very good cough medicine

Mila Krokova

We were prescribed coughing for Prospan when the baby was only 4 months old. There were no complications and side effects. Cough cured. Already a daughter almost 2 years. Until now, cough is treated with Proppanum when there is a need.

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