Breastfeeding for children

In the fight against pesky cough and inflammation of the respiratory system, parents are looking for the most safe and effective means. Many prefer breastfeeding, which includes only natural ingredients. Despite the fact that the breast collection is declared as an "adult" remedy, pediatricians often use it to treat children.
Breast collection number 1 is effective in infectious and inflammatory processes that affect the respiratory system and provoke a cough. Thanks to the active components of mother-and-stepmother (40%), altea root (40%) and oregano (20%), breast-fed 1 for children it removes inflammation, dilutes the accumulated sputum and has a general strengthening action.
In the poultry collection No. 2 leaves leaves of plantain (30%), mother-and-stepmother (40%), licorice root (30%), which have anti-inflammatory effect, help to withdraw phlegm and strengthen protective forces organism. Breast collection 2 for children is effective in acute tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections and coughing in the inflammatory process.
Breast gathering № 3 is a mixture of licorice root and drug althaea, pine buds, sage leaves and anise seeds. All these phytocomponents reduce inflammation and help remove accumulated mucus from the bronchi. Breastfeeding 3 for children is prescribed for acute respiratory viral diseases to facilitate condition, as well as in the inflammatory processes of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis).
Breast collection number 4 is classified as secretolithics (substances that reduce the viscosity of the mucus of the airways) and activators of motor activity of the respiratory system. The composition of breast collection 4, also used to treat children include Ledum, chamomile, calendula, violet (20% each), licorice root (15%), mint (5%), which can effectively remove inflammation, strengthen the body, remove mucus from bronchi.
To understand which breastfeed is best for your child, you should carefully examine the effect of the ingredients and make sure that no component of the baby has an allergic reaction. According to experts, it is best for children to take breastfeeds 1 and 4. They can be used for babies after a year, after having discussed with the doctor the permissible dosage.
To completely protect crumbs from the side effects of adult fees, you can find a special "Baby Breastfeeding", which is absolutely safe for children. Such a collection contains thyme, wild rose berries, flowers of violets and willow-tea, raspberry leaves and mother-and-stepmother. It is prescribed for tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and whooping cough as an auxiliary.
How to brew a breastfeed?
Usually, breastfeed should be brewed, and not simply poured with boiling water. This will allow all components to fully reveal their healing properties. One tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with two glasses of boiling water, cook for several minutes and let it brew for 20 minutes. Before use, the broth should be filtered through gauze.
How to take breastfeeding?
Nursing fees under numbers are designed to treat adults,

Children are usually prescribed to take a decoction in the following amounts:
- children from 1 to 3 years are prescribed 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day;
- children from 3 to 10 years are recommended to 2 tablespoons 4 times a day;
- children after 10 years of dose increase to a third of the glass 3 times a day.
Breastfeeding has a more delayed effect compared to cough syrups and other medications. The course of treatment with decoction of breast-feeding can last up to 21 days.
Decoction of breast can be effectively used as inhalations for children. The main thing is that the cough of the child is wet, with a dry cough do inhalation is ineffective and dangerous.
Chest Cough

Diseases of the lower and upper respiratory tract are often treated with a variety of medicinal herbs. To simplify their use, to make it more convenient, a ready-made breast cough for cough was created.
The use of these drugs reduces the intensity of the inflammation that has arisen due to the disease, contributes to the dilution of sputum, its expectoration, and also the process of its excretion makes it easier. In addition, under the influence of the thoracic collection, the bronchi dilate and relax the smooth respiratory musculature - the bronchodilator effect appears.
Does breastfeeding help cough?
Often a cough occurs after hypothermia and is a sign of flu or ARVI. That such cough does not become paroxysmal or chronic, it is necessary to begin treatment in time. This will prevent the transition of inflammation to the lungs and bronchi.
The use of chest cough for cough can reduce irritation of the mucosa. In order for the treatment to be more effective, several charges should be applied at once.
Although breastfeeding is slower than medications, they have an undeniable advantage - unlike pharmaceutical preparations containing in their composition synthesized chemical compounds, natural herbs will not have a negative effect on organism. Plants that are part of the herbal pouch collection, are divided into several types of effects:
- antitussives (calendula, licorice root, as well as althea root, plantain leaves, mother-stepmother);
- disinfectant (yarrow, sage grass, as well as eucalyptus and mint leaves);
- replenishing the deficit of vitamins (hawthorn and wild rose berries, raspberries with blueberries, as well as black currant).
Indications for use
There are 4 types of chest coughs, the difference between which is the following - they contain different medicinal components. These drugs are intended for the treatment of such diseases:
- Acute, obstructive and chronic bronchitis, as well as bronchial asthma;
- Tracheitis and tracheobronchitis, as well as laryngitis or pharyngitis;
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pneumonia;
- Tuberculosis;
- Influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, or other diseases in which sputum is evacuated.
Form of issue
Form of release of antitussive piles: packs with herbal collection or tea filter bags.
Herbal pouch collection is a mixture of various herbs that are used to make tincture or a decoction, which helps in cough treatment. Typically, these collections consist of herbs that have antiseptic, expectorant, and mucolytic effects.
All nursing fees from factory manufacturers have numbers, according to the composition and proportions of the herbs. Such a mixture of different types of medicinal plants is placed in a paper bag and then into a cardboard box. Such an herb collection should be stored in a dry container (ceramic or glass). Mix the mixture before use.
Among the components of the collection are flavonoids, carotenoids, various organic acids, as well as saponins. In addition, it contains tannins, various vitamins and coumarins. This combination of active biocomponents has an effective anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, soft cough is softened. The collection activates the activity of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory organs, contributing to the dilution of the sputum and its subsequent expectoration from the bronchi.
Breastfeed from dry cough
If you have an obtrusive dry cough, you can take breastfeeding number 1, because its components have a good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. This allows you to protect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reducing their irritation, so that the desires for coughing will also decrease.
In some cases, with a dry cough it is recommended to apply immediately the 1st and 2nd fees simultaneously - mix both drugs in equal amounts.
Breastfeed from wet cough
If you have a wet cough with expectoration of sputum, you need to accelerate its departure. It is known that the urge to cough is a natural reaction of the body to an irritant. Thanks to the resulting jerky spasms in the bronchi, the mucus in them comes out. To accelerate this process, the chest charges # 2 and # 4 are used.
Use during pregnancy
Use of breastfeeding during pregnancy is not recommended, because in all these preparations there are components that are contraindicated to pregnant women. In the medicinal collection number 1 there is oregano, in the collections №2 and №4 - the licorice root, which breaks the hormonal background, causes tachycardia, increases nervousness, increases the risk of swelling. In addition, because of it may appear headaches. Collection number 3 contains an anise, forbidden during pregnancy.
Contraindications and side effects
Breastfeeding from herbs can be contraindicated if there is an individual hypersensitivity to the components of this medication.
Side-effects mainly occur in patients who have individual hypersensitivity to the drug. Among the effects, there is usually an allergy that manifests itself in the form of urticaria, allergic rhinitis, as well as skin rash, edema or itching.
Tea chest collection
Breast collection in the form of tea is sold in special filter bags, which are similar to tea bags. They are very convenient to brew, because after that they do not need to further filter.
Ingredients of chest cough for cough
The composition of the chest collection from cough # 1 - oregano, pine buds, plantain, sage, as well as the color of black elderberry.
As part of breast collection number 2: licorice root, mother-stepmother, plantain.
Breast collection number 3 contains birch buds, anise, as well as the root of the althaea and elecampane.
The collection number 4 contains chemist's daisy, three-colored violet, calendula, licorice root, peppermint, and also ledum.
Chest fee 1
The main property of this collection is the antiseptic effect. From it prepare medicinal decoctions or tinctures. Apply thoracic collection number 1 should be for the treatment of inflammatory or infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, in which there is a cough.
Breast gathering 2
The licorice root helps to eliminate the inflammatory process, weakening the intensity of cough. In the fight against inflammation is very effective and plantain. Therefore, in combination, these medicinal herbs have a bronchodilating effect - they help to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, thereby reducing edema from the mucous membrane.
Breast gathering 3
Breast collection 3 causes the effect of expectoration, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Herbs that are part of the medicine, have a significant anti-inflammatory effect, facilitates the process of sputum discharge.
Chest Fever 4
When dry cough is often prescribed chest collection 4, because under the influence of Ledum, the cough from dry turns to wet, and this greatly facilitates the condition of the ill. Inflammation is removed by calendula and violet (it also has a sedative effect).
The properties of breastfeeding are discussed in detail on the example of the drug №4.
Breastfeeding for children from cough
When selecting a breastfeeding cough for children, the age of the child should be taken into account, as well as the presence of concomitant diseases. For babies at the age of one year, the formulations are suitable, which contain a minimum of components. At an older age, it is already permitted to use breastfeeding Nos. 3 and 4 (if the child does not have allergies to the components of the drug).
In this case, it should be remembered that the composition of breast collection number 4 includes Ledum, so after taking of this medication, the patient may experience irritability, the appearance of headaches and dizziness. So the use of this collection should be approached cautiously, not exceeding the prescribed dose.
A child who is not yet 1 year old should not be given a breastfeed. It is better to brew one of the plants that are contained in its composition - for example, herb thyme, broth from a licorice root or chamomile.
Children under 3 years of age are prescribed 1 tablespoon. decoction four times a day. For the age of 3-10 years, the number of spoons increases to 2X, and the number of receptions remains the same.
Children aged 10+ years can take 1/3 of a stack. three times a day.
Dosing and Administration
Method of use, as well as the recommended dosage of collection number 1. Take 1 tbsp. mixture, pour 1 stack. cold water, after which 15 minutes to keep the tincture in a water bath. Next, insist about 45 minutes, then strain and bring the volume of the manufactured tincture to 200 ml. You need to drink it 2-3 r. / Day. 100 ml after eating. For children, the amount of a mixture of medicinal herbs is reduced by half. The treatment course lasts approximately 2-3 weeks.
Breast gathering number 2 is prepared according to the same scheme as the first. Take the medicine you need 3-4 r. / Day. on 100 ml. Tincture should be warm, before taking it you need to shake it. Whole course of treatment also lasts for 2-3 weeks.
Breast gathering number 3 is prepared in the same way, but you need to take not one, but 2 items. herbal mixture. Dosage and the number of doses are the same as for collection No. 2. The therapeutic course is the same 2-3 weeks.
Gathering number 4 is prepared according to the same scheme, and in the same amount as collection number 3, the treatment course is 2-3 weeks. You need to use tincture for 70 ml 3-4 r. / Day.
Overdose and interactions with other drugs
If an overdose occurs, symptoms of intoxication may occur. In the event that thoracic collection No. 4 was used, the poisoning is most likely to be related to the Ledum, since this herb is considered poisonous.
Breast gathering is not recommended in combination with antitussive drugs and drugs that reduce the sputum discharge - this is due to the fact that as a result, the process of coughing up is difficult for patients diluted sputum.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Breast collection should be kept in a place closed from sunlight. A cooked tincture is allowed to store a maximum of 2 days in a cool place, such as a refrigerator.
Breastfeeding from a cough is allowed to be consumed within 2 years. The expiration date is indicated on the package.
The use of breastfeeding in the treatment of cough

Which collection should I choose?
Pharmaceutical companies produce several types of such fees, which are chosen depending on the type of cough and its manifestations.Herbs used in the preparation of such charges have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator properties.In the treatment of cough, you can use the fees 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Breast Collection No. 1 has anti-inflammatory, sedative and expectorant actions
If you pay attention to the composition of the collection under number 1, you can see that there are herbs that have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. When it is produced, it is used oregano, mother-and-stepmother, marshmallow. Oregano is known for its anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, marshmallows and mother-and-stepmother have an anti-inflammatory effect in addition to expectorant action.
Collection 2 includes mother-and-stepmother, plantain and licorice root. Plantain in the people is known for its high anti-inflammatory properties, and the root of licorice effectively softens the throat, relieves the inflammation that always occurs when coughing.
Collection number 3 consists of such medicinal plants as pine buds, marshmallows, anise, sage. These plants relieve inflammation, soften the mucous membrane, increase and spit out sputum.

Breast gathering №4 dilutes sputum, removes inflammation
Very often, patients are assigned chest cough from the cough № 4, in the manufacture of which pharmacological companies use chamomile, mint, violet, ledum, licorice root, calendula. As is known, after using Ledum from dry cough goes into wet, sputum begins to separate, the patient's condition is much easier. Violet has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties, calendula also has the ability to remove inflammatory processes.
The use of breastfeeding in the treatment of cough reduces inflammation in the bronchial tree, dilutes sputum and effectively removes it from the respiratory tract.
Features of treatment
Chest cough collection is indicated for use in the development of such diseases as:
- tracheitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- laryngitis;
- flu;
- tracheobronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- tuberculosis.

When a cough occurs, such fees are applied in the form of a decoction or tea. To prepare a medicinal decoction, using the charges №1 and №2, take 1 spoonful of raw material in 200 ml of water, heat on the fire, but do not boil, then insist for 45 minutes. Use the broth 3 times a day, drinking no more than 2 glasses per day.
Using breast collection №3 and №4, it is necessary to take 200 tablespoons of boiled water for 2 tablespoons of raw material, to insist for the same period of time. Take in hot form three times a day for 1/3 cup.Using this cough treatment method, the course of therapy should be 2 weeks.
Applying chest cough for children, to prepare a healing drink should be exactly the same way as for adults, only herbs should be used half as much.
Possible side effects in treatment
Very often the herbs used in the compilation of nursing fees, in the case of individual intolerance to their acting substances, in patients can cause urticaria or skin itching, other side effects from herbal treatments are not fixed.
In the event of an overdose, poisoning of the organism may occur, since the herbs are potent means, but many do not attach any serious importance to this, believing that they act weakly and slow. For a person, it can be very dangerous to overdose such a plant as a rosemary, since it belongs to the number of poisonous grasses. This substance is included in the chest collection number 4, so you should always follow the dosage indicated in the instructions or your doctor. Pregnant and breastfeeding these breastfeeds are not contraindicated for use, but despite this, a woman must necessarily consult a therapist or gynecologist beforehand.
Breast collection should not be taken in parallel with medical drugs that have a blocking effect on the cough center - Kodelak, Sinekod, Stoptussin, Terpinkod, Libeksin.
If you do not adhere to this recommendation, sputum stasis may occur in the trachebronchial tree, which often causes the spread of the pathogen of infection to all respiratory organs system.
Chest Cough

Medicinal plants are able to enhance the effect of each other, if properly combined. Therefore, a high popularity is enjoyed by chest cough from various types. It is a natural pharmaceutical drug that helps purify lungs and bronchi from mucus, suppress bacterial infections, eliminate inflammation.
Breastfeed from dry cough # 1
The components of the phytomixel:
- herb of oregano;
- dry leaves of mother-and-stepmother;
- althea root.
The collection has excellent expectorant properties and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, sedative effect.
The drug is indicated for the treatment of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, infectious and viral respiratory diseases (tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis), influenza.
To eliminate dry cough, this breastfeed is applied as follows:
- One tablespoon of dry mixture of herbs poured into enamel or glass dishes, pour 200 ml of cold water.
- Boil the phytopreparation for a quarter of an hour.
- Insist about 45-50 minutes, drain.
- If the water is partially evaporated, supplement the volume of the solution to 200 ml.
- Drink 100 ml after eating (2 times a day).
- The course of treatment does not exceed 3 weeks.
Breastfeeding №2 from cough - composition and application
The described agent is intended for excretion of poorly separated sputum during tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza.
In structure:
- leaves of plantain;
- crushed licorice root;
- mother and stepmother.
These components have an intense anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic and antibacterial effect.
Prepare the decoction from the presented collection should be similar to the previous mixture, but take more often - 3 or 4 times a day.
Chest fee 3 for coughing
This medicine consists of:
- herbs of sage;
- kidney pine;
- anise fruits;
- the root of the marshmallow.
Ingredients have a pronounced disinfectant effect in combination with anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
The third collection is recommended for the therapy of tracheobronchitis, acute pneumonia.
Cooking method:
- Two tablespoons (10 grams of dry mixture) boil in 150 ml of water for 15 minutes.
- Insist 45 minutes, strain and add warm water to the solution so that the volume of the liquid is 200 ml.
- Drink 1/3 cup twice a day, pre-shake.
Chest Fever No. 4 from Cough
Very potent phytomix, produces antispasmodic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, facilitates the rapid removal of thick mucus from the lungs and bronchi. Therefore, this collection is used in the treatment of asthma, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage, severe pneumonia, tracheitis.
Composition includes:
- flowers of violets;
- flowers of calendula;
- chamomile flowers;
- Labrador tea;
- mint leaves;
- liquorice root.
The broth is prepared according to the example of breast collection №3, only to drink it should be 75 ml not more often 4 times a day.
Breastfeeding №5 from a cough
The described preparation consists of:
- yarrow;
- Icelandic cetrarium;
- flower elderberry;
- fennel;
- thyme;
- succession.

The mixture has antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action, it helps to eliminate symptoms in emphysema, obstructive bronchitis and asthma.
Preparation of a medicinal solution is similar to infusions 3 and 4. Take the broth should be 50-60 ml 2-3 times a day, preferably after a meal.
It should be noted that none of these charges can not be used in the treatment of pregnant women. Included in the mixture of herbs enhance the tone of the muscles of the uterus, which can provoke miscarriage. In addition, some ingredients significantly affect the hormonal balance.