Atrophy of the optic nerve: where can I be cured?

Atrophy of the optic nerve is one of the most dangerous eye diseases.As a result of development and progression of atrophy, vision deterioration occurs. The most unfavorable outcome of this disease is complete blindness.In this article, we will consider in detail the causes of the appearance of atrophy of the optic nerve, its symptoms, and how to detect and treat it.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Atrophy of the optic nerve is the process of dying of the optic nerve fibers, which leads to the appearance of a connective tissue in their place.

As a result, the image is transferred to the retina incorrectly.

Atrophy is primary and secondary.In the first case, there are signs such as: blurred vision, blind spots. This atrophy is considered an independent disease.Primary atrophy of the optic nerve can be given from generation to generation among men, and the age at which the disease begins to develop is about fifteen years.

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In the second case, for the development of the disease is not important age and sex, it all depends on the cause of atrophy:

  • It can appear due to advanced syphilis, when the nervous system is already damaged.
  • Because of the paralysis, when the colors are badly different, and the peripheral vision is narrowing, scotomas appear.
  • It can be caused by hypertension.In this case, the narrowing of the field of vision occurs, scotoma can rarely appear.
  • As a result of sclerosis of the carotid artery, a person absolutely loses half the field of vision.
  • After severe bleeding, the field of vision may narrow, and blindness in the lower field may develop.

Depending on which area of ​​the optic nerve was transmitted, blindness, violation of color perception or narrowing of the field of vision may appear, or all in aggregate.

Depending on the localization, atrophy happens:

  • Ascendant- occurs when the cells of the retina are deformed;
  • Descending- occurs when the fibers of the nerve deform;
  • One-sided- develops on one eye;
  • Two-sided- develops immediately on two eyes;
  • Stationary;
  • Progressive;
  • Partial;
  • Complete.


Experts believe that in most cases, the causes of optic nerve atrophy are pathologies. They can be inherited, or they are congenital.Another reason for atrophy is a change in the structure of the optic nerve or retina. Changes appear as a result of various inflammatory processes, trauma, dystrophy, edema, poor blood flow.Sometimes atrophy of the optic nerve can develop due to diseases of the nervous system.

The main causes of atrophy of the optic nerve:

  • Diseases caused by infections (influenza, tick-borne encephalitis, syphilis and so on).
  • Traumas of the brain and eyes.
  • Diseases of the nervous system (multiple sclerosis).
  • Toxic poisoning (alcoholic poison, quinine).
  • Poor blood circulation due to blood clots or vasculitis;
  • High intraocular pressure;
  • High intracranial pressure;
  • Nerve transmission (tumors, cysts, consequences of fractures).

Read also about retrobulbar neuritis of the optic nerve.

If the eyes do not receive sufficient nutrition due to the fact that the arteries of the retina have poor permeability, atrophy of the optic nerve develops, which then can develop into glaucoma.


The most important symptom by which to diagnose the atrophy of the optic nerve is the inability to correct vision with the help of optics.In this case, everything depends on the form of the disease.

  • If this is partial atrophy, then vision falls (progressive atrophy), but then after a while it ceases to decrease (complete atrophy).
  • Progressive atrophy to the fact that vision falls as a result of the death of the nerve. As a result, you can completely go blind.

Progressive atrophy of the optic nerve can develop both in a few days, and for several months.

Other symptoms of atrophy can be: narrowing of the fields of vision, development of "tunnel" vision, the appearance of dark spots, loss of color perception.When "tunnel" vision develops, patients with atrophy see only objects that are located just right before them.The appearance of dark spots indicates that in the central part of the retina or near it there was a lesion of the optic nerve fibers.

Rhenium fields narrow as a result of damage to the optic nerve at the periphery.In the event that the fibers are struck deep enough, a half field loss can occur.


Symptoms of atrophy of the optic nerve can coincide with the symptoms of cataracts. Therefore, independent treatment in this case is not permissible. Atrophy can be both an independent disease, and the consequence or symptom of another serious disease. Therefore, consultation with an ophthalmologist and neurologist is absolutely necessary, which will establish the causes of atrophy development.

Diagnosis is that the oculist checks the visual acuity and its perimetry. He must determine the patient's color perception.Obligatory procedure is ophthalmoscopy - diagnosis of pallor of the nerve disc. With the help of it, one can examine the fundus, check the vascularity of the vessels, and measure the intraocular pressure.

In some cases, there is a need for X-rays, where a photograph of the Turkish saddle is taken.You may also need an MRI or CT of the brain to observe the condition of the fibers of the optic nerve.By the introduction of a contrast agent, the state of the retinal vessels can be determined (angiography).

The doctor can ask the patient to give a biochemical blood test, a test for syphilis, and other inflammations and infections.


Unfortunately, atrophy of the optic nerve can not be cured completely.But you can stop the progression of this disease.

Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will avoid serious consequences.

  • If atrophy occurs as a result of a viral or bacterial infection, treatment with antibacterial (antiviral) drugs is prescribed.
  • If atrophy is a consequence of optic oncology, it is necessary to visit the oncologist, who will determine the further actions.
  • If atrophy has developed as a result of the optic nerve being transmitted by the cyst, you need to consult with a neurosurgeon about the need for surgical intervention.

Therapy of the main cause of the disease should be carried out in tandem with measures to improve the condition of the nerve and retina.Then the treatment will give a positive result. Experts recommend the following measures:

  • The use of drugs that have a vasodilating effect.
  • Angioprotector therapy- substances whose action is directed to the protection of blood vessels.
  • Physiotherapy(electrophoresis, ultrasound treatment, oxygen therapy and so on).
  • The use of vitamins and neurotropic drugs.
  • Reflexology.

All the treatment of optic atrophy is aimed at improving blood circulation, metabolic processes in nerve fibers.


If treatment was not started on time, it is very difficult to prevent the development of complications. And atrophy of the optic nerve is a rather serious disease.Even with a slight decrease in visual acuity, it is necessary to go to an ophthalmologist.

The doctor must prescribe a treatment, without which complete or partial blindness may occur. In such cases, it is already impossible to restore vision.

The unrecognized cause of optic atrophy is not only the total loss of vision, but also the threat of death of the patient.


To prevent the development of atrophy of the optic nerve, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid sudden jumps in blood pressure.
  2. Refuse to drink alcohol.
  3. To pass or take place inspections at the neurologist, the oncologist and the oculist.
  4. Do not allow injuries to the bones of the skull and eyes.
  5. Do not run, but treat any infectious diseases.

Bifocal contact lenses.

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If you notice that your vision has begun to decline, do not delay the visit to a specialist for later.It is very important to identify the causes of this fall, as this may threaten the development of optic atrophy. This disease without proper treatment will lead to blindness.Observing all the recommendations of doctors and taking preventive measures, you will keep your eyesight and health for many years.