Myopic astigmatism: methods of correction and treatment
Myopia and astigmatism - a fairly common combination of two ophthalmic disorders. A similar tandem can develop in one eye, sometimes in both. Normally the image of the visible object is focused at a certain point on the retina.In the case of myopic astigmatism, the focus shifts, so the image is fuzzy, blurred.Next, we will offer a material informing you of the reasons and methods for correcting this violation.
1Definition of disease
2Types and Classifications
5Possible complications
7.2Optical correction
7.3Hardware vision correction
7.4Surgical intervention
7.5Exercises for the eyes
Definition of disease
Astigmatism is an ophthalmic disease associated with an irregular shape of the cornea or lens.
There are several varieties of astigmatism:
Myopic, or short-sighted astigmatism;
Hypermetropic, or farsighted;
Astigmatism of a mixed type.
Myopic astigmatism is determined by the combination of astigmatism with myopia and can develop on one eye or simultaneously on both.
Myopic astigmatism is divided into simple and complex.In the first case, part of the rays are focused in front of the retina, the rest - on the retina. As a result, it turns out that short-sight is formed in one eye meridian, and in the other - vision remains normal.
With a complex version of astigmatism, all the rays are collected just in front of the retina.In both eyes, the meridians have shortsightedness, but with different magnitudes.
A complex variant of myopic astigmatism, in turn, is direct and reverse.Direct complex astigmatism involves changes on the vertical meridian, in the case of a simple version, modifications take place on the horizontal meridian.
Myopic astigmatism is congenital or acquired (result of surgery or trauma).
Depending on the localization of the changes, the corneal and lens-like types of myopic astigmatism are distinguished. The corneal variant is most often acquired, in cases when there is a toric deformation of the cornea.The lens variety of astigmatism is associated with the asymmetric structure or arrangement of the lens.
Myopic astigmatism can have 3 degrees:
Weak degree(less than 3 D) assumes a slight distortion; a person may even not notice the disorder, and the symptoms of the disease are practically absent.
Average degree(3-6 diopters): in this case, the symptoms and distortion are noticed by the patient.
High degree(more than 6 diopters): vision is highly distorted, as a result of which the patient sees all images as elongated.
In most cases, the cause of all types of myopic astigmatism is hereditary predisposition.
The acquired vision disorder can result in:
Injury of the eye;
Inflammatory processes;
Unsuccessful surgical intervention;
Violation of intraocular pressure;
Disturbance of the ocular circulation;
Frequent eye strain;
Unfavorable influence of the environment.
Congenital astigmatism occurs in the case of a lens or cornea pathology.The wrong shape of the lens is formed even during intrauterine development, if the future mother was treated strong antibiotics without the supervision of a doctor, was exposed to radioactive radiation or led an incorrect image life.
Corneal astigmatism often occurs as a result of eye injuries, surgeries or illiterate vision correction. The cornea can change its shape after some of the diseases. In most cases, the corneal variant of astigmatism is of an acquired nature.
For astigmatism, combined with myopia, the following symptoms are characteristic:
Decreased visual acuity;
Distorted image;
Vagueness and bifurcation of the visible picture;
Impossibility of concentration of vision on the object;
Deterioration of vision in the distance;
Rapid eye fatigue;
Dizziness.Dvyanie - one of the symptoms of astigmatism
Persons diagnosed with "myopic astigmatism" bring objects very close to the eyes in order to examine them.
ANDBecause of the similarity of symptoms, myopia and myopic astigmatism are often confused, especially when there is a violation in both eyes.With myopic astigmatism as well as with myopia, the visible picture is focused in front of the retina. But there are differences between these pathologies. With short-sighted astigmatism, the shape of the cornea changes, and with myopia the size and shape of the eyeball changes.
Particular attention should be paid to the symptoms of astigmatism in children, as they, as a rule, do not complain about visual impairment. Parents should be alerted if the child is screwed up, tilts his head while viewing images and objects, his head often hurts and eyes quickly get tired. These signs may indicate the presence of myopic astigmatism.
Possible complications
If a person with a given disorder (especially a child) does not have to correct eyesight in a timely manner, then development of amblyopia or strabismus is possible.That is why early diagnosis is important, which is possible with a regular visit to the ophthalmologist.
Astigmatism itself does not usually have a negative effect on the condition of the future mother. But if astigmatism is combined with a high degree of myopia, the consequences can be the most serious.
Increased blood pressure and stress, characteristic of the birth process, can lead to detachment of the retina,which often causes blindness. Women in a position suffering from myopic astigmatism of high degree, usually recommended caesarean section.
To identify myopic astigmatism, a patient needs to undergo a series of studies, such as:
Visometry (definition of visual acuity). For this purpose, the patient is put on glasses with one closed screen; the second - has the ability to change lenses. By choosing the power of the lens, the maximum visual acuity is determined.
Skiascopy (shadow test) - reveals the degree of refraction of the eyes and myopia.
Determination of eye length and the level of myopia progression.
Ultrasound examination of the eye.
Measurement of intraocular pressure.
Biomicroscopy (will determine the cause of myopia).
Computer keratotopography.
The last 3 types of diagnostics are needed to determine the state of the vessels, retina and optic nerves.
Correction of myopic astigmatism is carried out by conservative and surgical methods. Treatment of this pathology is quite a long and complex affair, especially with a complex version of myopic astigmatism and the attachment of any other pathologies.
With the help of medications, astigmatism can not be cured. Medications are used to nourish and maintain the organs of vision. General restorative complex therapy includes:
Massage of the collar zone;
Balanced nutrition;
Vitamins and trace elements that are important for vision (manganese, zinc, chromium, copper, selenium).Products containing vitamins useful for vision
Optical correction
The optical method of correcting astigmatism is very suitable for children.Ophthalmologists often prescribe a correction for children of this disorder, which involves the use of special glasses with lenses of a cylindrical shape.
Selection of glasses for astigmatism
With a complex version of myopic astigmatism, wearing glasses can lead to visual discomfort, frequent dizziness and a feeling of eruptions in the eyes. The recipe for using such glasses should contain information about the cylinder and the axis of its location.
FROMToday, instead of glasses, young people are increasingly using contact lenses to detect this diagnosis.This is convenient, almost unnoticeable from the outside, so the choice often falls precisely on the contact correction.
Earlier correction of vision with myopic astigmatism could be carried out only with the use of rigid lenses. They caused discomfort and negatively affected the condition of the cornea. Modern specialists recommend using toric lenses for astigmatism. Such optics is made of soft materials and is distinguished by a special design having a spherical cylindrical shape.Toric lenses simultaneously correct myopic astigmatism and pathology of refraction.Another advantage is that they incorporate a special locking mechanism that holds the lens in the correct position. This means that the lens will not move during eye movements and blinking.
Schematic representation of differences between the spherical and toric lens.
Optical and contact correction give good results in case of visual impairment up to 4 dpt. In other cases, ophthalmologists recommend patients surgical intervention or laser correction.
Hardware vision correction
The main tasks of this method are as follows:
Exercise of the eyes;
Strengthening of the eye muscles;
Improvement of blood circulation in the organs of vision;
Activation of eye nutrition;
Stimulation of normal eye function.
The use of hardware vision correction in children is given here.
Surgical intervention
Lenses and glasses are not capable of curing myopic astigmatism; they can only temporarily correct sight.Treatment of this disease is possible only with the help of an ophthalmic operation.
Excimer laser correction is the most relevant and effective way of treating myopic astigmatism.The operation lasts no more than 15-20 minutes under local anesthesia of a drip type. In this case, the laser itself does not work more than 30 seconds. A few hours later, you can see a positive result, and after a week, the vision is completely restored.
Excimer laser procedure
Keratotomy and lens implantation is the second variant of surgical treatment.This surgical intervention consists of 2 stages. At the first stage, only partially improves the quality of vision, the next stage is carried out in six months and is intended to give the final result of treatment. Complete recovery of vision occurs one year after the operation.
Astigmatic keratomy is another method of surgical intervention used in myopic astigmatism. The operation involves a process in which longitudinal perforations are made along the perimeter of the cornea, which eventually leads to a change in the curvature of the cornea. Surgical manipulations do not damage the protective layer of the cornea, suggest rapid rehabilitation and usually do not give complications.
Surgical intervention is usually applied only when the patient reaches 18 years of age. But sometimes doctors make exceptions for young patients who have no progression of the disease.
Exercises for the eyes
Exercises for the eyes are aimed at training the eye musclesand improvement of blood circulation in the organs of vision, which should improve their functioning.
In order to prevent the development of acquired myopic astigmatism, ophthalmologists recommend:
Optimum physical activity;
Alternation of visual loads with active rest;
Performing gymnastics for the eyes every 30 minutes after the monitor;
Correct lighting of the workplace;
Full nutrition;
Reception of vitamin complexes with lutein;
Timely treatment of eye disorders;
Pneumatic massage and other methods that relieve tension and improve blood circulation.
A regular visit to the ophthalmologist will help to identify the eye disease at an early stage and, thus, deliver less discomfort, will facilitate the treatment process.
So,Myopic astigmatism is not a sentence for our eyes.With this violation, you can fully live and even cure the disease, if you regularly see the doctor and follow all his instructions. Not yet invented drugs that can completely relieve the patient of astigmatism, but available techniques such as ex-laser correction, hardware treatment. In addition, it is necessary to lead a healthy, active lifestyle and to sufficiently saturate your body with vitamins and beneficial substances.