Syringomyelia of cervical and thoracic spine: treatment


  • 1How to treat syringomyelia
    • 1.1What is syringomyelia?
    • 1.2Causes of the disease
    • 1.3Symptoms of syringomyelia
    • 1.4Diagnosis - Species
    • 1.5Treatment of syringomyelia
    • 1.6Prognosis and prevention
  • 2The main signs of syringomyelia and its treatment
    • 2.1Why does syringomyelia occur?
    • 2.2Manifestations of the disease
    • 2.3Prognosis of the disease
    • 2.4What can be done for treatment?
    • 2.5Prevention of syringomyelia
  • 3Syringomyelia is a chronic disease of the central nervous system
    • 3.1Prognosis and prevention of syringomyelia
  • 4Syringomyelia of the spinal cord
    • 4.1Causes and types of disease
    • 4.2Trophy disorders
    • 4.3Symptoms
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6What folk medicine offers
    • 4.7Forecast
    • 4.8Prevention
    • 4.9Features in treatment
    • 4.10What else do you need to know
    • 4.11conclusions

How to treat syringomyelia

Syringomyelia of the cervical and thoracic spine is a pathological condition in which the normal functioning of the spinal cord in these departments is disrupted.

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Syringomyelia is not an independent disease, but a complex syndrome that can manifest itself against a background of a number of pathological conditions.

The causes of syringomyelia are not known at the moment.

This syndrome is characterized by the formation of spinal cord tissue filled with fluid cavities (cysts) in the cervical and thoracic spine.

These cysts press on the nervous tissue, causing damage to the spinal cord and disruption of its functioning. Characteristic symptoms of syringomyelia: decreased tactile sensitivity, muscle weakness and movement disorders, pain and deformity of bones.

Without proper treatment, the disease can spread higher and cause damage to the medulla oblongata.

What is syringomyelia?

The disease is congenital or develops against the background of other pathologies. Congenital syringomyelia manifests itself predominantly in men.

The first signs of the disease occur at the age of about 30 years. Lesions occur mainly in the cervical and thoracic parts of the spinal cord.

In other cases, the disease has an idiopathic character - that is, it is impossible to establish the exact causes of the pathology.

The lesion predominantly develops in the cervical and thoracic parts of the spinal cord, however cysts can begin to form higher with an oblong brain lesion.

This condition poses a serious danger, since the centers in the medulla oblongata responsible for breathing and palpitation are located.

In some cases, with the development of syringomyelia, there is also damage to the bone tissue of the cervical and thoracic spine.

In general, the principle of syringomyelia of the cervical and thoracic spine is as follows: in the spinal cord occurs first the growth, and then the mass death of glial cells - are cells of the nervous tissue that provide nutrition and protection directly neurons.

At the site of death of glial cells, a cavity is formed, which is then filled with liquid. Thus, a cyst is formed, which gradually increases in size and pressures the nerve tissue of the spinal cord.

Neurons begin to gradually die off, there is a disruption of the functioning of the spinal cord.

Causes of the disease

The exact causes of cavity formation are currently unknown. This syndrome can be hereditary or develop against other diseases.
Possible causes of syringomyelia:

  1. Disturbance of communication between the base of the skull and the spinal column;
  2. Injuries of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  3. Malignant or benign tumor of the spinal cord;
  4. Violation of the intrauterine development of the neural tube, which then turns into the spinal cord of the baby.

In any case, it is believed that the beginning of the pathological process is caused by damage to the spinal cord caused by one or another negative effect.

In response to damage cells glia begin to actively share, there is a proliferation of tissue.

As a result, the pressure inside the spinal column rises, the supply of glial cells is disrupted, which leads to their death and the formation of a cyst.

Symptoms of syringomyelia

At the beginning of the development of the disease, clinical manifestations may be absent.

The size of the cyst in this case is insignificant, it does not exert pressure on the nerve cells and does not cause neuronal death. The increase in the size of the cyst is slow.

The first symptoms of the disease can occur several years after the onset of the formation of cavities in the spinal cord.

As the growth grows, the characteristic symptoms of syringomyelia are:

  1. Pain.
    Pain sensations can occur in the back in the developmental area of ​​the cyst or at any other point in the body in which the innervation is impaired. Most often, a person experiences pain in the upper extremities and the collar zone, as well as a headache. Painful sensations become more intense when performing physical exercises or on the background of hypothermia. In a state of rest, a person practically does not experience unpleasant sensations. As the disease develops, the pain intensifies, gradually it becomes chronic.
  2. Decreased sensitivity.
    Disorders of the spinal cord are manifested by a decrease in tactile sensitivity. This symptom occurs when neurons are affected, responsible for the innervation of a particular area of ​​the skin. A patient with syringomyelia suffers from a partial or total loss of temperature and pain sensitivity. This can lead to injuries and burns, as a person simply does not experience pain and may not notice damage. Infringement of innervation of those or other sites of a skin leads to infringement of their food, to occurrence of purulent defeats. Trophic disorders of the skin lead to a violation of thermoregulation and sweating, reducing the barrier function of the skin.
  3. Decreased motor activity.
    With syringomyelia, motor neurons also suffer damage. This leads to muscle weakness and impaired movement and decreased reflexes. Most often this syndrome affects the upper limbs. This feature is characteristic of later stages of pathology.
  4. Disturbance of the structure of bone tissue.
    When syringomyelia affects not only the tissue of the spinal cord, but also the bones. This symptom is typical for the majority of patients (up to 70%). The patient develops deformity of bones and disruption of the joints: their increase, proliferation of tissue or, conversely, dystrophy. Most often, the curvature of the spine develops.

Also, patients may experience disturbances in the work of other organ systems:

  • heart disease and blood vessels: arrhythmia, tachycardia, lowering blood pressure;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: exacerbation of chronic infections, liver disease;
  • violation of the blood formula: a decrease in the number of leukocytes and a decrease in immunity.

If the bulbar region of the medulla oblongata is affected with syringomyelia, this is manifested by a number of characteristic features:

  • a violation of taste sensitiveness;
  • numbness of the tongue, speech disturbance;
  • violation of swallowing and breathing;
  • decreased sensitivity of facial skin;
  • hearing impairment;
  • change of voice: it becomes more hoarse.

These signs are associated with the development of the cyst in the medulla oblongata and the lesion of the sublingual, glossopharyngeal, vagus nerves, the variolium bridge and other vital structures.

The onset of these symptoms is a formidable sign. With further growth of the cyst, damage to the respiratory center, respiratory arrest and palpitation, and death of the patient may develop.

With a congenital form of pathology, a child may experience intrauterine growth disorders:

  • violation of the structure of the spine and thorax, scoliosis;
  • anomalies in the development of the jaw, incorrect bite;
  • the formation of two or more pairs of mammary glands (in girls) and nipples (in boys);
  • dysplasia of the auricles;
  • formation of more than 10 fingers on the lower and upper limbs;
  • the formation of a bifurcated language.

Diagnosis - Species

To establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the degree of neural tissue injury, a number of diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord;
  • an electromyographic study showing conduction disorders of nerve impulses;
  • X-ray examination showing the structure of bone tissue and joints.

Treatment of syringomyelia

Unfortunately, at present there are no effective ways to treat the disease. Syringomyelia develops slowly but steadily, and the patient's condition gradually worsens. Treatment with syringomyelia is mainly symptomatic.

Massage of the collar zone is useful in this disease. This procedure improves blood circulation and nutrition of cells in this area. This helps reduce pain, improve the innervation of the tissue.

Also massage improves the outflow of fluid from the spinal cord, which somewhat reduces the size of the cyst and improves the patient's well-being. Patients are advised to take regular courses of massage therapy. In addition, rub and massage the collar zone, neck, shoulders and hands you can yourself.

It is important in therapy and nutrition. The patient's diet should include a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, dried fruits as sources of vitamins. B vitamins are especially important for the therapy of the disease. It is also important that a person gets enough protein with food.

Amino acids, of which protein food consists, contribute to improving the conduct of nerve impulses.

There are folk remedies that serve to increase the sensitivity and improve the conduct of nerve impulses. Also, such treatment reduces pain syndrome. In folk medicine use broths of medicinal herbs:

  1. Capers. For the treatment, the roots of this plant are used. To prepare the broth 2 hours. l. crushed roots pour a glass of water and boil on low heat for 10 minutes, after which they insist another half an hour. Dosage of this decoction: 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.
  2. Chestnut. The treatment is carried out with the bark of chestnut. The bark is rubbed, poured cold water and insist the night. For 400 ml of water, take 1 tbsp. l. bark. The next morning, the infusion is filtered and taken to ¼ cup 4 times a day.
  3. Clopogon. Prepare alcohol tincture of the roots of this plant. Roots need to be cut and poured 70% of alcohols in the ratio:. Insist drug for a week, then filter. Standard dosage: 25 drops of tincture 3 times a day. Tincture is dissolved in 50 ml of cold boiled water.
  4. Clover. In 200 ml of boiling water you need to fry for 3 hours. l. grass clover. Withstands infusion in heat for 2 hours, then filter. Standard dosage: 50 ml 4 times a day. Grass clover is not thrown away, but used for compresses.
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Prognosis and prevention

More than half of the patients have a slow progressive development of the disease.

Another quarter of people have periods of deterioration followed by remission and normal state of health.

In 15% of cases, cysts, reaching a certain size, cease to grow further, and the disease does not develop.

In any case, the symptoms of the disease grow very slowly. Most of the time a patient with acquired syringomyelia retains working capacity and is able to lead a normal life.

The disease is not fatal and rarely leads to serious disorders. A dangerous form of syringomyelia is syringobulbia, a pathology in which cysts form in the medulla oblongata.

Violation of the function of the medulla oblongata can lead to the arrest of respiration and palpitation.

Currently, there are no effective measures to prevent the disease, because its causes are not known exactly. To prevent the onset of syringomyelia, spinal cord injuries should be avoided.

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The main signs of syringomyelia and its treatment

Syringomyelia is a fairly common disease of a neurological nature.

There are many forms of manifestation of the disease, which are due to the causes of its occurrence.

The vast majority of cases are associated with congenital anomalies of the patient's development, but there are also acquired conditions.

Why does syringomyelia occur?

Doctors distinguish the true and acquired form of the disease.

In the first case, the development of syringomyelia is associated with abnormal growth of the bones of the skull in the region of its connection with the spine.

As a result, a condition arises that is called the Arnold-Chiari anomaly - infringement of the rhomboid brain and cerebellum in the posterior cranial fossa.

True syringomyelia is a hereditary disease. Initial manifestations of it can be seen at the age of 25-40 years or never occur. The disease in the true form affects mainly men and is about 80% of all known cases.

The remaining patients suffering from syringomyelia have the acquired form of the disease.

Provoke syringomyelia syndrome can infectious inflammation of the spinal cord and brain (meningitis, arachnoiditis, etc.).

It is believed that in some cases too strong physical exertion can become an excuse. Frequent reasons for the formation of cavities in the spinal cord are injuries of the spine.

Manifestations of the disease

When stating the diagnosis of syringomyelia, the relatives and the patient themselves have a logical question about what it is. Both the true and acquired disease is expressed in the formation of cavities in the tissues of the spinal cord.

Over time, a certain amount of cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) is accumulated in them.

When the cyst increases in volume, it begins to press on the surrounding nerve cells, making it difficult to pass signals or lead to tissue degeneration.

In any case, the patient has a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • soreness in the neck, shoulders, arms;
  • paresthesia of different localization (numbness, chills, burning or cold, etc.);
  • muscle weakness and muscle atrophy, flaccid paralysis;
  • vegetative symptoms (excessive sweating, hypertrophy of fatty tissue on the fingers, keratinization of the skin, deformation of the joints, etc.).

In addition to general symptoms, there may be other signs associated with violations of tissue trophism and conduction of nerve impulses. In most patients there is a loss of thermal sensitivity in certain parts of the body.

Often the congenital disease affects the entire skeleton, leading to scoliosis and kyphosis, splitting the spine.

In a number of patients, there are signs of hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus). If there is a disturbance in the supply of tissues, the hair may fall out violently or grow poorly.

Some have an abnormality of the auricle.

With a weak expression of symptoms, doctors may take for some time the manifestations of cervical syringomyelia for multiple sclerosis or a brain tumor (head, spinal).

Back pain is so similar to the symptoms of the intervertebral hernia that the patient is trying to be treated with folk remedies for this ailment, without recourse to specialists. But during MRI, doctors diagnose with full confidence in it at the stage of the emergence of permanent and minor pain in the back.

With the localization of the cyst in the brain, respiratory function may be impaired, and the doctor's help will be absolutely necessary to preserve the patient's life.

Other bulbar symptoms lead to speech disorders, swallowing, loss of voice. Therefore, with any suspicion, it is better to consult a neurologist without losing valuable time.

Prognosis of the disease

If the true form of the disease has no pronounced progress, then the patient may not be prescribed any medication.

In this case, only constant monitoring with a neurologist will be required to detect neurological signs of the development of pathology in time.

Syringomyelia can not be cured, but it is not life-threatening, so doctors stop only the consequences of its progress: loss of sensitivity, motor disorders.

In some cases (approximately 25%), the progression of the disease can be replaced by a relatively stable condition of the patient.

About 15% of people from the total number of those who have found cysts in different parts of the spinal cord do not feel any deterioration at all.

In addition to the cases of syringobulbia (cyst formation in the respiratory center), the prognosis of the disease is relatively favorable. Syringomyelia develops very slowly and most often does not lead to a complete loss of mobility.

Disability with syringomyelia may occur if the anomaly is not detected in time, when the cyst has grown so much that a part of the nerve cells have died from pressure. When the cavities are localized in the thoracic region of the spinal cord, paralysis and paresis of the upper limbs occur. Then treatment is reduced to minimizing the consequences.

What can be done for treatment?

The disease, found in the initial stage (growth of the brain substance), is treated with the use of X-ray therapy. In this case, the cells are irradiated to stop their uncontrolled reproduction. But there are other treatments that are effective at later stages of the disease.

If neurologic symptoms are detected, appropriate therapy with medications is performed. Appointment of drugs for the treatment of the disease should only a neurologist. All these drugs have contraindications, and independent treatment, nothing but harm, can not bring.

The doctor will prescribe dehydrating substances (Furosemide, Acetazolamide, etc.), which will help reduce the amount of fluid in the cyst cavity.

To remove neurologic symptoms, neuroprotectors (glutamic acid, Bendazole, Pyracetam, etc.) are prescribed.

To reduce the pain that occurs with the development of syringomyelia, doctors use modern analgesics.

Treatment implies an integrated approach, so at home, it will be impossible to help yourself. But the patient can help ease his condition by visiting the procedures prescribed by specialists:

  • massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures.

To improve neuromuscular conduction, radon baths and special gymnastics can be prescribed.

Massage with syringomyelia includes stroking and rubbing, percussive techniques in the abdomen, chest and back.

With loss of sensitivity in these zones, 3-4 courses of 15-20 procedures are prescribed.

The use of massage procedures in combination with curative gymnastics and electric muscle stimulation for 1 year makes it possible to achieve a noticeable improvement in the patient's condition.

Surgical intervention is used only in cases where decompression of the spinal cord or brain is required. In this case, the indication for the operation is a sharply increasing neurological deficit.

This symptom is expressed in the paresis of the legs and hands caused by compression of the nerve cells or their death.

During the operation the cavities are drained, the adhesive formations are removed, which generally leads to stabilization of the human condition.

Prevention of syringomyelia

Measures to prevent cystic lesions in the spinal cord are not currently developed.

Prevention can be done only in the direction of preventing the progression of symptoms and limiting situations where the patient may accidentally get burned or frostbite, household injury.

Due to the fact that the sensitivity of some parts of the body is reduced, a person does not feel pain from a burn and may not notice another injury.

In this case, massive blood loss can occur, a strong degree of thermal damage can occur.

Often in an unnoticed and untreated in time a small wound is infectious.

Prevention of this condition is entirely in the hands of the patient and his relatives, who will have to monitor the timely detection of injury. It is also necessary to take measures to ensure safety at home for such a patient.

Passing symptomatic therapy of manifestations of syringomyelia and carefully following the prescription of the doctor, the patient for a long time retains the habitual way of life.

Since the process of formation and growth of the cyst is very slow, doctors are able to respond in time to changes in the patient's condition.

It requires only compliance with the recommendations of specialists.

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Syringomyelia is a chronic disease of the central nervous system

Syringomyelia(from the Greek "syrinx" - an empty pipe and "myelon" - the spinal cord) - a chronic disease of the central the nervous system, in which in the substance of the spinal cord, and sometimes in the medulla oblongata cavity.

True syringomyelia is associated with the pathology of glial tissue, in other cases the disease is a consequence of abnormalities of the cranio-vertebral transition. The use of MRI of the spine greatly facilitated the diagnosis of syringomyelia.

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In cases of impossibility of MRI, visualization of syringomyelitis cavities can be done with myelography. Syringomyelia is not curable, starting at a young age, it accompanies the patient all his life.

Patients undergo symptomatic and neuroprotective therapy, in severe cases - surgical drainage of cavities.

Syringomyelia(from the Greek "syrinx" - an empty pipe and "myelon" - the spinal cord) - a chronic disease of the central the nervous system, in which in the substance of the spinal cord, and sometimes in the medulla oblongata cavity. Syringomyelia is not curable, starting at a young age, it accompanies the patient all his life.

True syringomyelia is caused by a congenital glial tissue defect, in which excess growth occurs cells of glia in the gray matter of the thoracic and cervical spinal cord and in the brainstem (syringobulbia).

The process of multiplication of glial cells can be triggered by traumatic injury or an infectious disease. Pathologically multiplying cells of glia perish and in the gray matter of the brain cavities are formed, lined with glial cells.

These cells pass a fluid that accumulates in the cavity and causes it to gradually increase. In this case, compression, degeneration and death of adjacent nerve cells: motor and sensitive neurons.

The steady progression of syringomyelia is due to a constant increase in the formed cavities, accompanied by the death of an increasing number of neurons.

With true syringomyelia, congenital deformities and anomalies in the development of the spine are often detected: scoliosis, chest deformities, abnormal bite, asymmetric structure of the facial skull and other parts of the skeleton, high sky, dysplasia of the auricles, additional nipples of the mammary glands, bifurcated tongue, six-fingeredness, etc. True syringomyelia is of a family nature and is found mainly in men aged 25 to 40 years.

In approximately 65% ​​of cases of syringomyelia, it is not true, but is associated with abnormalities of the junction of the skull and vertebral column (cranio-vertebral junction).

Such anomalies of the structure lead to an expansion of the spinal canal.

Gray matter of those segments of the spinal cord, which are at the level of significant expansion spinal canal, is destroyed, which leads to the emergence of a characteristic for syringomyelia clinical paintings.

Cavities such as those formed with true syringomyelia can be formed at the site of the dead neurons as a result of severe spinal trauma, hemorrhage, or spinal cord infarction.

In most cases, the syringomyelia of the cavity are formed in the posterior horns of the spinal cord, where sensitive neurons are responsible for pain and temperature sensitivity.

In this case, the skin is defined by large areas with the fallout of the corresponding types of sensitivity, most often they located on the upper limbs and trunk and with unilateral defeat have the form of "half-jacket and with a bilateral - "Jackets".

Because of sensitivity disorders in syringomyelia, patients are often injured and burned, which is often the reason for a first visit to a doctor.

But before the formation of obvious loss of sensitivity, the patient in these areas appear sensitive disorders in the form of pain and paresthesias (burning, crawling, etc.), which can also be a reason to visit doctor.

Proprioceptive feeling and tactile sensitivity with syringomyelia remain intact. Characterized by prolonged blunt pains of a scraping character in the neck, interblade area, hands and chest. The loss of sensitivity in the lower part of the trunk and legs is quite rare.

Syringomyelia is characterized by pronounced neurotrophic disorders: thickening of the skin and its cyanosis, poor healing of even minor wounds, deformation of joints and bones, and osteoporosis.

In patients with syringomyelia, characteristic changes in the brushes often occur: the fingers are thickened, the skin is dry and scars, numerous scars from wounds and burns are visible, often there are festering wounds or fresh burns, not A panaricium is rare.

When the lateral horns of the upper thoracic segments of the spinal cord are affected, heyromegalia is observed-a pronounced thickening of the hand. Trophic lesions of joints (more often shoulder and elbow) with syringomyelia are accompanied by melting of their bone elements with the formation of cavities.

Characteristic is a sharp increase in the affected joint, there is no pain during movement and noise is heard due to the friction of the bone fragments in the joint.

With the progression of syringomyelia, the cavities formed in the spinal cord increase and may grab his front horns, which leads to a decrease in muscle strength, disruption of movement and the appearance of muscular atrophy. Developed so-called flaccid paresis of the extremities, characterized by a decrease in muscle tone, atrophy and decreased deep reflexes.

With syringomyelia of the cervical spinal cord, Horner's syndrome is noted (eyelid depression, pupil dilatation, eyeball obscuration). When involved in the process of motor pathways observed lower paraparesis, sometimes accompanied by a violation of urination.

If, with syringomyelia, the cavity is formed in the brain stem (syringobulbia), the disease begins with a violation of sensitivity in the outer parts of the face.

Later, speech, swallowing, and breathing gradually increase (bulbar paresis), atrophies of the tongue, soft palate and half of the face develop.

With syringomyelia, secondary infection may occur with the development of bronchopneumonia or urological diseases (urethritis, pyelonephritis). The development of bulbar paralysis with syringobulbia can lead to the arrest of breathing and death of the patient.

X-ray diagnostic methods can reveal trophic manifestations of syringomyelia in the form of osteoporosis, destruction of bone joint elements, etc.

To accurately diagnose syringomyelia allows the MRI of the spine, and if it is not possible to conduct it, myelography.

These examination methods make it possible to see the syringomyelic cavities in the spinal cord and trunk.

In the initial period of syringomyelia, when glia is actively multiplying, treatment methods are used to suppress this process.

Such treatment can stop the progression of the disease and reduce its manifestations.

For this purpose, X-ray therapy is used - irradiation of affected segments of the spinal cord and treatment with radioactive iodine or phosphorus, which have the property of accumulating in rapidly multiplying glia cells and irradiating them "From within". Before the treatment of syringomyelia with radioactive iodine, the patient is prescribed Lugol's solution, the iodine from which fills the cells of the thyroid gland and thereby protects them from the penetration of radioactive iodine.

The medical therapy of syringomyelia is performed by a neurologist and consists in the use of dehydrating agents (acetazolamide, furosemide), vitamins, neuroprotectors (glutamic acid, pyrocetam), benzazole. Analgesics (metamizole, aminofenazone) and ganglion blockers (pachycarpine) are shown for relief of pain syndrome with syringomyelia.

A relatively new method in the treatment of syringomyelia is neostigmine therapy, which improves the conduct of nerve impulses. But it is not aimed at the cause of the disease, but only allows to temporarily improve neuromuscular conduction. A combination of such therapy with UHF or rhodonas baths is possible.

Surgical treatment of syringomyelia is discussed with a large and growing neurological deficit in the form of a central leg paresis and peripheral paresis of the hands. Operations on the spine are performed to drain the syringomyelic cavities, decompress the spinal cord, remove adhesions.

Prognosis and prevention of syringomyelia

As a rule, true syringomyelia is characterized by a slowly progressive course and does not decrease the duration of life. Patients remain able to work for a long period of time.

However, if there are infectious complications, development of sepsis is possible.

Syringobulbia is very difficult, because involvement of the respiratory center and the vagus nerve leads to death.

Methods of primary prevention of syringomyelia do not exist yet. Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing the progression of the disease, preventing infections, injuries and burns.

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Syringomyelia of the spinal cord

A person can be pursued by various diseases that significantly impair the quality of his life. All of them are divided into chronic and acute.

The most dangerous chronic disease of the nervous system is the spinal cord syringomyelia.

During its course, the bone marrow is affected, cavities are formed, this, in turn, causes pain and temperature loss of sensitivity, as well as a host of other manifestations.

Every day the disease progresses and new symptoms are added. Unfortunately, this ailment is incurable, but proper therapy can completely stop its development.

Causes and types of disease

Specialists identified two types of this ailment: true and acquired.

The true begins its development from the very birth, acquired can appear in a person during life. The exact answer was not given to why the disease occurs, there are only theories and conjectures.

The most popular theory is the development of the neural tube. This can arise from the very beginning of a person's development, that is, from an embryo. Ultimately, the disturbances lead to the formation of cavities in the spinal cord.

There are a number of other reasons, but they are all just theoretical, to know exactly what causes the syringomyelia of the cervical and thoracic spine is not possible.

Among other theories, one can single out the development of the disease due to various traumatic effects or tumors.

Also, the disease is divided into species, the differences of which are in the area of ​​damage, the severity of the current and the speed of progress. Speaking of localization, we can distinguish the lesions:

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Each localization is characterized by individual manifestations, but there is a kind when the disease proceeds with all individual manifestations, this kind is called mixed.

It is also worth noting the form in which the nutrition of cells worsens, it is called syringomyelia with pronounced disorders of trophism. Syringomyelia photo and various pictures after the diagnosis help determine the type of disease.

Trophy disorders

This ailment can cause so-called disturbances in cell nutrition. This is a serious violation in all systems of the body.

Any syringomyelia with pronounced disorders of trophism is the reason for the complete release from service in the army of urgent men.

There are also some restrictions in everyday life. This subspecies is one of the most dangerous.


Symptoms of syringomyelia are very diverse. At the very beginning, everything begins with a loss of muscle tone, and tactility and sensitivity disappear.

Manifestations of even one such symptom are a serious reason to visit a specialist.

With further development, the following can manifest itself: muscle atrophy and severe loss in mass, impaired nutrition of tissues and their coarsening, swelling of the extremities, prolonged healing of wounds and occurrence of ulcers.

Only some symptoms are listed, in some people most of them may appear or only a small part, all this depends on the kind of syringomyelia of the spinal cord. When the thoracic region is affected, severe pains appearing in the limbs can manifest.


Faced with any of the above symptoms, a person should go to see a doctor. To accurately diagnose ailment, it is necessary to undergo a complete examination, which includes:

  • full history and any patient complaints;
  • detailed examination of the skin for damage, scars;
  • Checking the sensitivity of the limbs;
  • general assessment of the body's tone;
  • as an electroneuromyography;
  • computed tomography and MRI are performed.

Based on complaints the patient can use additional funds. Diagnosis of the syringomyelia of the cervical spine is easily performed with the help of CT, which allows to fully study the state of the spinal cord.

Neurology and neurological manifestations are the first things the doctor pays attention to. Usually, the appointment of tests and further treatment is done by a neurologist.

He can prescribe many medicines to improve the effectiveness you can use the treatment of folk remedies.

Everyone can see photos of syringomyelia, which will show the results of tests with abnormalities. The treatment of syringomyelia is a process that is carried out all life.


Therapy of this disease is maintained throughout life and can include many different ways.

Since the disease is incurable, you will need to use all available means.

The treatment of syringomyelia with folk remedies is in addition to the main therapy, which includes:

  • treatment of all secondary manifestations of the disease through the use of suitable drugs;
  • Pain syndromes are removed with analgesics along with antidepressants;
  • means are used that increase the contractility of smooth muscles;
  • help improve the overall condition of nootropics;
  • common restorative drugs.

The most effective effect is surgical intervention and excision of the end thread. This allows you to remove most of the manifestations and completely stop the development of the disease.

In the initial stages, radiographic irradiation is used to stop the reproduction process, and radioactive iodine and phosphorus, these substances can stop development, and also remove symptoms, but this is appropriate not all.

Any therapy, including the treatment of syringomyelia folk remedies, is aimed at eliminating the symptoms and stopping the progression of the disease.

Severe lesions such as syringomyelia with severe trophic disturbances can only be cured by surgical intervention.

What folk medicine offers

The simplest thing that every sick person can use is a healthy diet that includes vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. You can use broths that increase the sensitivity of the skin.

Broth from a chestnut or a clover can make everyone, to use it it is necessary often enough. If you add a teaspoon of chestnut bark in 500 ml of boiling water, the dosage will reach 100 ml 4 times a day before meals.

It is worthwhile to understand that folk remedies for the treatment of syringomyelia are in addition to the main therapy. Do not rely on them and put as the main drug of various herbs, only a serious integrated approach is able to give results.

It is best to weaken the harmful effects of syringomyelia with severe trophic disturbances that allow for symptomatic treatment, then there is the use of drugs that have no effect on stopping the development of the disease, but can improve and improve the overall condition.


Then what consequences the person will bring the disease depends on its type and therapy.

If there is a true ailment, then it is quite a long development and it is perfectly docked, and also does not greatly affect the quality of life.

The launched acquired disease is able to develop rapidly and without surgical therapy can not be stopped.

The forecast is influenced by individual features of a person, the general condition of his body and immune system. In general, the therapy started in time gives a favorable prognosis for almost complete restoration of the working capacity and other functions of the body, including sensitivity.

It is very dangerous to join the infection, this is able to develop sepsis almost immediately.

Among other complications, proliferation of gliomatous tissue can be noted, this can cause large violations in the respiratory organs, it is worth noting that this almost always leads to death.

To prevent complications, preventive measures are used, prevention is especially effective at the time when the disease has receded or completely stopped its development.


Prevention to avoid illness does not exist, since the causes of the disease are still not clear. But it is possible to use preventive measures that will help to contain the disease at the stage of remission.

Together with effective medicines, effective preventive measures appear, which for a long time are capable of providing the desired effect. For prevention, the same folk remedies can be used to treat syringomyelia.

It is very important to eliminate any concomitant diseases and their manifestations, you need to avoid physical injuries in the form of various injuries, scratches, burns.

When the manifestations of syringomyelia with pronounced disorders of trophism are used drugs that provide nutrition to cells.

As with any other incurable disease, prevention can provide significant support and it can not be avoided.

It should be noted that preventive measures can include standard advice suitable for all diseases, and namely, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, as well as regular visits to health institutions.

Features in treatment

When treating patients with syringomyelia with a pronounced trophic disorder, great care should be taken with injections and other physiotherapy procedures.

If a person works in hazardous industries, where he can get burns or physical effects, it is better to find a quieter alternative without dangers.

With proper treatment, a person can work in almost any field, dangerous ones are avoided only to improve safety.

It is also worth noting that the treatment of syringomyelia with folk remedies can be contraindicated for individual reasons, and also if the disease is in a dangerous stage.

In case of severe worsening of the condition, it is recommended to stay in hospital, because only there you will be able to provide qualified help and ease the manifestations of the disease. Also, if the therapy does not carry the results will conduct surgical treatment.

What else do you need to know

Every person who has been diagnosed with this condition should undergo regular examinations that will help contain the disease and detect changes. If you are faced with a diagnosis of syringomyelia with violations of a pronounced trophic, then you will need to additionally check the general condition of the body.

If you just noticed the above symptoms, then do not delay the diagnosis.

In addition to this disease, similar manifestations can cause other more dangerous manifestations, which differ faster and more acute.

In any case, the loss of sensitivity is a serious enough pathology, which speaks only of serious lesions.


The person who is confronted with the disease should be as serious as possible, because his mood depends on the successful cupping and restraint of all manifestations.

It will be necessary to study independently all aspects of the disease and be able to provide yourself with primary help in eliminating symptoms. It will also be necessary to combine folk remedies and pharmacies in the treatment of syringomyelia.

If the disease is gone do not be afraid to carry out the operation, otherwise you risk your health and even life.

Early manifestations are easily restrained and do not pose a threat, so success in treatment is quite dependent on the person himself.

  • All means have been tried, and nothing has helped?
  • Are you in constant pain?
  • Suterness became your distinguishing feature?
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

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