How to get rid of acne and acne on the back

Acne on the backDefects on the skin bother us not only in case they appear on the face. When the pimples are formed on the back or shoulders, it is also very ugly and unpleasant.From blackheads on the back not only women, but also men suffer.

When a person on his back jumps out one or two pimples - it may not be noticed and they pass by themselves without much attention.

In some cases, when a pimple succumbs to inflammation, it can cause discomfort in the form of pain sensations with physical effects on it, but when there are a lot of acne on the back - this becomes a problem of aesthetic and, as a rule, psychological character.

Causes of acne on the back

Where do men or women get acne on their backs? The main reason is a violation of the proper functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. This is typical for adolescence, when a lot of changes take place in the human body.

If the problem touched a person in a more mature age, not related to the transition period, then the following factors can serve as a cause:

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  • malfunctions in the digestive system;
  • infection of the skin;
  • diseases of the endocrine nature;
  • at the hormonal level;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • poor air exchange of the skin;
  • insufficient hygiene of the body, resulting in blockage of pores;
  • malnutrition, in which a large part is taken by fatty foods.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of blackheads, it is strictly forbidden to extrude them. Otherwise, there is a risk of infection, which will cause their inflammation and rash in another place with greater force.

Types of skin rashes

Depending on how acne looks on the back, the reasons and treatment may vary.

  1. Black dots, or open comedones, which are formed by occluding the mouth of the hair follicle with sebum;
  2. Papules, or bumpspinkish color on the skin;
  3. Closed comedones, or whiteheads, they appear because of the accumulation in the follicle of the hair of subcutaneous fat, which can not come out;
  4. Acne, or pustules, pustules- papules on the skin, filled with pus;
  5. Internal pimples, which are formed deep under the skin and can become hard, forming large tubercles, characterized by soreness;
  6. Cystic acneappear as a result of blockage of sebum inside the follicle.

Separate acne can appear in any healthy person, they arise because of blockage of the sebaceous duct and most often do not require intervention.


The individual program of acne treatment on the back depends on the intensity of the rashes and includes the following measures:

  • cupping of the inflammatory process;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • correction of skin changes;
  • rational skin care.

In severe forms of acne, when a secondary bacterial infection joins the rashes, hormonal drugs and antibiotics are used.

How to get rid of acne on the back?

Talking about how to quickly get rid of blackheads on the back, you can not fail to mention one very important point, no matter which way you choose - remember, acne can not be combed and crushed.

  • First, after such actions there is a high probability of infecting other parts of the body with acne.
  • Secondly, you can have scars.

To treat acne was quick and effective, it is necessary to establish the culprit of the disease. Only after the specialist determines, because of any malfunctions in the body ailment arose, he will know how to cure acne on his back, prescribe a course of special ointments and creams. They will help remove purulent acne, isolate and extinguish the foci of inflammation.

Pay attention to diet

To pimples on your back no longer irritate you with your presence, try to pay more attention to proper nutrition, namely the exclusion of harmful food from the diet:

  • salty;
  • oily;
  • sweet;
  • alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks.

It is better to eat as much fruit and vegetables as possible, and also to observe an aquatic diet. Every day you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water to remove all the accumulated harmful substances in the body.


It would be nice if you bought a special complex of vitamins for the skin, for example:
  • Aevit;
  • Zinctal;
  • Pentovit;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Merz;
  • Innes.

They help to cope with pimples, acne and peeling of the skin.


How to treat acne on the back? In order not to ask this question in the future, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  • prefer clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • pay attention to bedding;
  • take a shower at least twice a day;
  • give preference to healthy food;
  • get rid of bad habits.

The main thing is, love yourself and pay attention to yourself, and then the problem of acne on your back will bypass you.


The problem with persistent acne requires comprehensive examination and comprehensive treatment. To begin it is necessary from visiting of the dermatologist for exception of dermal illnesses and reception of recommendations on care of a skin.

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