Physiological cold

The concept of a physiological cold in children

When there is a cold or other cold symptoms, parents begin to worry about their child, especially if it's a newborn baby. The danger of the rhinitis for the baby is that he can not yet free his nose from the mucus accumulated in it. As a result of this condition, nasal breathing deteriorates, the infant becomes moody, he does not eat well and sleeps. All parents should know that there is such a thing as a physiological rhinitis in the baby, it does not require special treatment, as it does not belong to the number of pathological processes.

How does such a process manifest itself?

The physiological runny nose is caused by the fact that the babies are born with an entirely unformed mucosa of the nasopharynx. The process of its formation continues for 10 weeks from the birth of the baby. The allocation of mucus from the nose of a newborn child can be explained by the fact that a child during intrauterine development is a long time was in a liquid medium, so the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract could not have been formed before, even before it birth.
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After childbirth, approbation of mucosal work takes place: at first it is too dry, as a result of which the baby often snuffles with a spout, but then it becomes excessively moist, begins to secretea clear liquid or mucus.

During this period, the main thing is not to rush with the treatment of the baby, because the physiological runny nose will pass without the use of medicines. Distinguish the physiological nature of the common cold with the help of symptoms accompanying colds. If the baby has a normal body temperature, he does not cough or sneeze, so there is no need to give him medicines.

Actions of parents with a physiological cold

Despite the fact that with a physiological runny nose, there is no need to treat such a process, nevertheless should know that the baby needs certain actions aimed at improving the nasal respiration. First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the room for the normal formation of glands in the mucous membrane of the children's nasopharynx.The main requirements are imposed on the air in the room - it must be sufficiently wet, clean, fresh, cool.

Pediatricians recommend that all parents keep the child's room air humidity in the range of 50-60%, and the temperature should not be above 20 degrees, because otherwise it will lead to malfunction of the mucosa nasopharynx. Sometimes such a runny nose in newborns can last more than 10 days, which is caused by such factors as dust, dryness, central heating.

Clean air

Clean air can be provided by daily cleaning in the house. Wet cleaning will remove dust in the room and increase the humidity, the baby will breathe easier, which will make his sleep calm and deep. Until the moment of the mother's return with the baby from the hospital, it is advisable to remove all carpets and soft toys from the apartment, since dust accumulates in them most of all. In addition, from the children's room should be removed all books and houseplants.

Air humidity

To facilitate the flow of a physiological rhinitis in an infant, the optimal humidity in the room must be maintained. You can increase humidity in several ways:

  • place a container of water in the house;
  • put wet towels on the batteries during the heating season;
  • use humidifier.

If the baby's breathing becomes difficult, when the baby can not be fed and put to sleep due to the fact that his spout is laid, you can breathe wet steam. To do this, you need to collect a hot water bath and stay with the child in the room for no more than 3 minutes. An effective procedure will be if you go to the bathroom several times.

Moisturize the mucous membrane can be by instillation in a spout of a solution of sea water or sodium chloride in physiological concentration. From the first days of the child's life, you can use such drugs as Aqualor Baby, Aquamaris, Saline, saline.

Air temperature

The air temperature can be easily adjusted in case of individual heating of the living area. If the apartment has central heating, you can lower the temperature in the room by ventilating the room. It should be done carefully, so that the child does not blow, and he does not get sick. Indications of a room thermometer in a children's room should not exceed 20 - 22 degrees.

Possible complications

Proceeding from the fact that the physiological runny nose is not a disease, not all parents take the necessary measures aimed at improving the health of their crumbs. Such inaction on the part of parents can lead to serious consequences, dangerous for the health of the newborn. With the physiological rhinitis of newborns, such complications can develop:

  1. Weight loss. The most frequent and safe consequence of a physiological cold is weight loss in the baby. With shortness of breath, the baby can not normally suckle the breast, in addition, the child becomes capricious and refuses to eat. Given the fact that newborns have accelerated metabolism, a rare diet immediately affects weight.
  2. Infection of ENT organs. Prolonged rhinitis of babies can lead to infection of the ENT organs, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis often develop.
  3. Pneumonia. A very dangerous complication of such a physiological process can be pneumonia in a newborn baby. The cause of the development of pneumonia can be sputum, saturated with pathological microorganisms that enter the baby's lungs along with the flow of inhaled air.
  4. The appearance of sores on the mucous membranes and wings of the nose. Sensitive skin of a child can be irritated with a permanent cold, resulting in ulcers, which are the cause of painful sensations.
To avoid such unpleasant consequences, parents should alleviate the condition of the baby by applying all the necessary measures. If a baby's nose is found, you should consult a pediatrician who will determine the nature of the ongoing process.

Many parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to walk on the street with a cold in the baby. To walk or not to walk with a baby - depends only on the condition of the newborn. However, you should know that after birth the baby is not yet strong, so you do not have to walk with him in crowded places, it will be much more beneficial if you take a breath of fresh air on the balcony of the apartment with your child. In good weather, you can leave your child for a day's sleep in the fresh air, which will only benefit him.

Physiological rhinitis in the newborn: description, causes and symptoms

First of all, it should be said that the physiological rhinitis in the newborn (or neurovegetative) is an absolutely natural phenomenon that occurs in everyone in the first months appearance.

The only difference is how intensively this runny nose develops in the baby.

The physiological rhinitis, as the name implies, is the result of the development and adaptation of the nasal passages of the child. The body tests the optimal state of the mucous baby, choosing the optimal mode of functioning, but looks like the child is sick and suffers from a runny nose.

The reason for such a phenomenon as a physiological rhinitis in newborns is that before birth the baby is in the amniotic fluid of the mother's womb.Accordingly, the respiratory organs are not yet involved, because the oxygen necessary for vital activity is still received through the umbilical cord.

When the baby baby is born, the mucous membranes get into the waterless environment and are forced to work intensively: being in a peculiar shock state, the mucous membranes form an excessive amount of fluid in order to protect the respiratory tract from possible drying. The nasal passages are still immature, so their moisturizing takes shape and the symptoms of a runny nose.

The physiological runny nose of a newborn has a characteristic number of features that will make it easy to diagnose this phenomenon without the help of a specialist.

These features are:

  • The kid feels great: he eats well, sleeps soundly, is in a good mood and is calm.
  • The child does not have and does not show cough, fever or any other signs of an infectious disease.
  • Edema of the nasal mucosa absent! If they are available, then this is a real disease, urgently contact the pediatrician.
  • Allocations with this type of runny nose are transparent and gradually disappear in small amounts, the bulk of the discharge remains in the nose.
  • In some cases, you can observe that the child has become more sneezed, but this is also normal.

Differences in the physiological rhinitis in newborns from the common cold of adults are found in the symptoms of this type of runny nose. The baby has all the negative symptoms of an adult disease - swelling, fever, discharge with a yellowish or greenish tinge, partial or full nasal congestion, etc. - none.

Although the physiological rhinitis in newborns is a common phenomenon in the life of each infants, its course should be monitored and accompanied by normalization of the mucous membrane of the child.

To help the kid to overcome this stage of life as soon as possible through the following actions of the parents:

  • Maintain the purity of air: mandatory regular wet cleaning in the house, isolating the child from smoke and other smells that can irritate the nasal mucosa.
  • Humidity is an obligatory factor in the health of the baby! The humidifier is best suited: such special devices maintain the required level humidity in the room, while it does not take up much space (as opposed to the dishes with water all around) and safe. For purposes of air humidification, even an aquarium with fish can fit in the baby's room. The optimum humidity level in the child's room is 50-60%.
  • The temperature of the air in the room where the child is staying should be at a level no higher than 22 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher than normal, the air for the mucous membrane of the baby will be too dry, which may not only increase the duration of the neurovegetative rhinitis, but also lead to chronic diseases.

One of the frequent events in the life of the baby, when the runny nose does not require treatment is a teething.

In such cases, the child's organism can behave like in the fight against the disease: fever, bad mood and runny nose.

The doctor should be contacted immediately if you notice at least one discrepancy with symptoms normal physiological rhinitis in newborns (and if the time for dentition is not yet it has come).

As soon as you notice that the child began to cough, constantly wakes up at night or badly eats, and the discharge from the nose began to acquire a yellow-green hue - call a specialist.It is very important to prevent the development of the disease, for example, ordinary rhinitis.

How to identify a runny nose in a baby: traditional and folk methods of treatment

Rhinitis in the baby can develop for various reasons and manifest various symptoms. How to identify a common cold in the baby?

There are the following types of pediatric rhinitis and their symptoms:

  • Infectious coldIs one of the symptoms of the development of a virus disease in a child. Usually an infectious rhinitis in the baby is accompanied by a cough and an increase in temperature. Sopli acquire a yellowish or greenish tinge, if there is a risk of bacterial disease. If the disease is noticed in time, the runny nose will disappear after a few days.
  • Allergic rhinitisthe infants most often appear in the spring, when those or other plants begin to bloom. In other cases, the cause may be an abundance of household dust or the wool of some animals. Usually, this runny nose is accompanied by swelling of the child's mucosa.
  • When a runny nose is erupteddevelops as a result of increased blood circulation in the blood vessels close to the gums. How to identify a runny nose in infants during eruption? This runny nose is accompanied by abundant secretions. If you notice that the baby has a cold at the same time as the gum disease, then the reason lies in teething.
  • Vasomotor runny noseIs a consequence of a sharp expansion of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. This runny nose is difficult to prevent because it can occur as a result of stress, temperature changes or negative environmental factors.
  • In some cases, a traumatic rhinitis of the baby may develop- this ailment is the result of a violation of the shape of the sinuses or injury to the mucosa due to mechanical, thermal or chemical influences.

If the child has a fever and swelling of the nasal mucosa, the rhinitis can be treated independently at home.

First of all, you should do the moistening of the child's nasal cavity. Special children's drops are used for this. Pay special attention to the presence of the line "can be used for children under one year" in the official instructions for drops.

Drops can be replaced with a baby spray. Both drops and spray, serve to ensure that the discharge in the nose of the baby becomes more fluid and painlessly washed from the nose.

Then we release the nasal cavity of the child from the secretions. A special device (an aspirator) is necessary in the fight against a cold in the newborn. Do not worry: this device can not damage the baby's mucosa, parents can regulate the pressure in the aspirator with your own breathing, and the risk of blowing a secret into your nose completely absent. The aspirator is always equipped with replaceable nozzles, so the procedure is hygienic.


If the child has a high fever, swelling of the nasal mucosa, it is better to consult a doctor for advice. Only a specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease and choose the best way for the baby to treat.

Independently to treat the child in such cases it is impossible! Do not argue with the doctor: he, like you, realizes the harmful effects of most drugs on development of the child and will not prescribe them, if without such means a successful recovery is possible the kid.

The best means of traditional medicine for treating a cold in a newborn is a copious drink. However, this method of treatment is only an auxiliary treatment to the main one.

The rest of the popular methods we will not consider here. Think: are you ready to expose the child's health to the effects of vegetable oils and animal fats that are capable of provoking allergic reactions?

It is better not to depart from traditional methods of treatment:they are sufficient and medical practice confirms their effectiveness and safety, which can not be said about folk treatment.

A rather popular folk method of treatment is instilling in the baby's nose breast milk. However, maybe this was popular before, but now it's not worth doing: we should remember that mother's milk, may be very rich in immunoglobulins, but first of all it is an ideal medium for the development of various bacteria and viruses. It will be much more useful for a baby to drink breast milk.

Treatment of a cold in a baby looks pretty simple. However, here too, problems may arise if the treatment is not started on time, it is wrong or not completely to cure a runny nose in the baby.

The development of complications in a baby depends on the level of development of its immunity, although in any case it is very weak in the first months of life. Also, the appearance of health problems is possible if the child is not treated independently (for example, the use of vasoconstrictive drugs), and so on.

Possible complications of pediatric rhinitis include purulent otitis, acute bronchitis, etmoiditis, bacterial conjunctivitis and dacryocystitis.

How to treat a physiological cold in a newborn

The birth of a baby is certainly a great joy, but also a tremendous responsibility. After all, babies often get sick, especially a runny nose, and before mother comes the question: "How can we determine the nature of the common cold in a newborn?"

The physiological runny nose: causes and symptoms

Neurovegetative, it is physiological, runny nose happens in infants during the first three months of life. His symptoms are complicated breathing, snuffling and squelching his nose. It can appear for no reason, because the mucous membrane of the spout in the first 10-12 weeks of life is just beginning to develop, and the runny nose is quite a natural process. During this period, the baby's body must cope with the excess of moisture in the nasopharynx, and rush to dig in medicines is not necessary, because as a sputum in doubled amounts appear again.

To treat or not to treat, that is the question

If the symptoms of a physiological cold are not burdened with fever and cough, it is not worth interfering with the natural physiological process of developing the baby. Although a little help the baby still does not interfere. If the nose is heavily clogged, sputum can be removed with the help of a widely known rubber pear, most importantly, that it has a thin nozzle, or a syringe without a needle. It should be noted that the procedure must be very carefully, because it is very easy to damage the delicate mucous membrane of your crumbs. It should also be understood that the sputum removal procedure should not be carried out often because it is will lead to consequences, such as a dried out mucous membrane, in which different infection. Remember that the above method is only used in case of emergency.

If dry crusts formed in the nose of a newborn, it will not be difficult to remove them, it is enough to have cotton wool handy, which are pre-wetted in any natural oils. You can wash the nasopharynx with a weak saline solution made at home in the proportions of 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water. And you can buy a ready-made solution in the pharmacy. It should also be noted that to facilitate the physiological rhinitis of your baby will contribute to maintaining the optimal climate in the house. And this - the air temperature is not more than 20 degrees, humidity 50-60% and cleanliness of the room. Because the dust and the proximity of any chemical odors can cause complications. Using these simple techniques, you will significantly reduce the amount of mucus secreted from the spout, and your newborn baby will quickly pass through the phase of the physiological cold. Therefore, do not rush to begin medical treatment with the first signs of a cold. And remember that the pediatrician will always help confirm what kind of rhinitis the baby has.

Rhinitis in a newborn baby: what to do and what to treat

Rhinitis in newborns is a problem familiar to many parents. Most of them discharge from the nose from their child perceive as a disease and rush to the doctor for prescribing medications. In fact, according to pediatricians, rhinitis in a child from birth to 2, 5 months is not always indicative of the occurrence of a cold in the child's body.

Why there is a runny nose in newborn babies

Runny nose in a newborn baby can have several causes. Regardless of the factors that provoked increased secretion in the nasal cavity of the baby, rhinitis gives him a lot of unpleasant sensations. Abundant discharge of mucus from the nose or its stuffiness disrupts the habitual life of the child, worsens his sleep, the appetite disappears, the baby becomes whimsical and whiny.

Because of the stuffy nose, infants often refuse from the breast or infant formula, resulting in a rapid decrease in body weight.

Rhinitis in the baby can be caused by the penetration of the respiratory tract of a viral or bacterial infection, allergens and even foreign objects. Proceeding from this, in otolaryngology are distinguished such types of rhinitis, as viral, bacterial, allergic, mechanical. Soples in a newborn can also appear as a result of side effects on the body of certain medicines. Also often there is a physiological runny nose in the child, caused by the peculiarities of the development of the children's nasopharynx.

How to understand that a newborn has a cold: symptoms of yellow and green snot

Often young mothers worry that their child will get sick, and they will not be able to understand this. It is for this reason that they often ask the more experienced parents how to understand that the newborn has a runny nose so that it is possible to provide medical assistance in a timely manner.

The main symptom of the common cold is the abundant discharge of mucus from the nose. Depending on the stage of the inflammatory process, the secret has a different color and consistency. Immediately after penetration of the virus infection into the body, the mucus is a transparent liquid consistency. Over time, it thickens, becomes white, possibly yellowish or greenish in color, indicating a stagnant process. Green snot in a newborn appears after the attachment of a bacterial infection. Slime becomes green as a result of death of leukocytes and bacteria, which caused inflammation in the nose.

Yellow snot in a newborn is with a bacterial runny nose or when staining mucus as a result of ingress of pollen in the nasal cavity. Staining the mucus in yellow or green after prolonged secretion of a clear secret is a natural process, indicating the approach of recovery. However, if the mucus remains yellow or green for more than two weeks, there is a serious cause for concern.

Nasal discharge of bright yellow color, most likely, is a sign of the development of sinusitis, chronic otitis or sinusitis. Purulent discharge can indicate an inflammation of the adenoid tissue in the baby. Yellow secretions can also appear with an allergic reaction of the nasopharynx, but in this case, they have a liquid consistency, almost like water. So allergic to pollen of flowering plants is manifested, therefore, usually a newborn sheds a drop of yellow color after contact with the allergen.

Many specialists associate the color of nasopharyngeal discharge with the period of the disease, they say, yellow and green mucus indicates the transition of the disease to a new stage.

In addition to the abundant watery discharge from the nose on the development of the common cold may indicate an increased body temperature. True, the state of fever is usually observed only when the virus originates from the disease.

Also, it is not uncommon to learn about the development of a cold in a baby that is helped by such symptoms:

  • nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby is forced to breathe through the mouth;
  • there is shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, which is caused by insufficient oxygen;
  • at the allergic origin of the disease, in addition to abundant mucous secretions, the baby is concerned about frequent sneezing, itching and burning in the nose, redness of the eyes and lacrimation.

Sometimes it happens that first the baby lays a nose, there is an unpleasant feeling of dryness, and after a few days mucus begins to be abundantly released. It is not always possible for parents to learn about the development of the common cold, but carefully watching the baby, you can see that he constantly holds the handles near the nose.

Physiological rhinitis in newborns and treatment of a snot

Why does a newborn snot appear immediately after birth, if the baby is not supercooled and has not been in contact with sick people? Many mothers want to know the answer to this question. This runny nose is quite a natural process, because the baby for 9 months was in the womb in a liquid environment. These conditions of the fetal habit do not allow to fully form and develop the superficial mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Thus, it turns out that the newborn is born with a completely unformed mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which is not adapted to the new conditions of life. That's why there may be a runny nose in the baby for the first 10-11 weeks of his life, until the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is adjusted. At this time, the organism adapts to the fact that the inhaled air must be moistened, clean and warm.

Once the mucous membrane determines how much mucus is needed for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx, its amount will immediately decrease. However, for the mother, a runny nose in an infant is perceived almost always as a disease, and during this period it is important not to interfere with the natural process of taking medications.

It's not always possible for parents to determine why a newborn has snot, and what exactly they are caused, because the release of a physiological, viral and allergic rhinitis is practically nothing are different. Despite the fact that the mucus of a transparent color of medium consistency, yet the child does not experience any painful sensations with the physiological origin of the discharge from the nose. The baby's health does not deteriorate and the mucous membrane of the nose does not swell, as occurs in viral and allergic rhinitis. With a physiological cold the infant is active, he sleeps well, eats and does not act up. The only symptom of the common cold in a newborn baby is an abundant transparent discharge from the spout. Sometimes such a process can cause a baby sneezing, but this is very rare.

Among the symptoms of a physiological cold, there is never a cough, fever and fever.

How to cure a cold in a newborn if the baby is 1 month old?

Many parents do not know what to do when the snot of a newborn disturbs the baby day and night. Independently one can not begin to carry out medicamentous treatment of rhinitis in a baby, therapy can be prescribed only by a specialist.

How to treat a cold in a newborn depends on the factors that caused such a condition of the nasal mucosa of the child. Even before visiting a specialist's office, parents can perform actions aimed at alleviating the condition of their baby. First of all, if there is a strong rhinitis in the baby, which obstructs the nasal breathing, it is necessary to cleanse the nasal passages from the pathological secretion. For this procedure, solutions based on sea water or regular saline solution are well suited.

With a cold in a baby at 1 month, it is recommended to use only drops, a spray at this age for the purification of nasal passages is contraindicated. It is strictly forbidden to wash the nose with babies using a pear, such actions of parents can lead to serious consequences - cause inflammation in the ear cavity. Spray is not recommended for use because it is impossible to control the amount of injected liquid in the baby's spout.

What to drip a newborn with a cold?

For babies up to 6 months, special drops are sold on the basis of sea water, you can also use saline, dropping it from the pipette into each nasal passage of 2 drops. Then you need to take an aspirator and release the nasopharynx from the mucus.

Among the preparations based on sea water are popular:Aquamaris, Humer, Salin, Akvalor. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile and sage and drip into the nose from the pipette, these agents not only dilute the mucus, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the irritated mucous membrane. Often pediatricians in small patients are prescribed Ekteritsid, the preparation is an oily liquid, which effectively fights against dryness of the nasal mucosa, also has a disinfectant on it act.

Applied Ekteritsid as follows:drip 2-3 drops in each nasal passage no more often than 1 time in two hours.

At the newborn stream snot: how to get rid of a cold?

Humidification of the air should become another action of parents who do not know what to do when the baby has a cold. A well-ventilated room with moist air promotes a faster recovery of the nasal mucosa. Increase the humidity in a dry room by using an air humidifier. The optimal humidity in the room where the sick child is - 50% at a temperature of 20-21ºС.

If a newborn baby is concerned about the abundant discharge of mucus of a pathological nature from the nasal cavity, it is important to choose an effective treatment for the inflammatory process. At a cold in a newborn 1 month of life from the moment of birth in the case of fever, the whole period of treatment can not be walked with the baby and bathe it in the bath. If a child eats with an appetite, it is not worth changing his habitual diet. Of vasoconstrictive drops at this age, you can apply Nazol Baby and Nazivin baby.

Treatment of a severe cold in infants 2 and 3 months old

With a cold in a baby for 2 months except for vasoconstrictive drugs, specialists often prescribe antiviral drugs, although in the case of a viral origin of the inflammatory process in the nose. It is believed that the runny nose will quickly pass if the nose drip antiviral drops Grippferon or Interferon. The process of recovery is accelerated by the suppression and destruction of viruses that caused the disease. Most experts are of the opinion that every time you develop rhinitis, antiviral drugs should not be prescribed. The appointment is appropriate in the treatment of newborns and children with weakened immunity.

If there was a runny nose in a baby at 3 months, when there is a discharge from the nose of mucopurulent or purulent contents, pediatricians often prescribe antiseptics. What kind of antiseptic drops from the cold to newborns will help cope with the disease, the specialist will say. Typically recommended for use Protargol - a safe drug based on silver. Unfortunately, in the finished form in free sale such antiseptic means can not be found, it is made under the order under the prescription of the doctor. Sometimes it is used and Albucid, in spite of the fact that it is eye drops, it copes well with a runny nose of purulent character.

Antiseptics, although not a dangerous preparation for infants, can, if misused, overdry the mucous membrane of the nose and even cause it to burn.

That's why, without special need, experts do not prescribe antiseptics and recommend to do without them.

What can be done if the newborn does not have a runny nose?

What can a newborn from a cold from the first days of life crumbs? The list of nasal drops for different types of rhinitis consists of such medicines as Aquamaris, Nazivin, Vibrocil, Doctor Mom, Salin and Pinolos. Some parents are of the opinion that the safest treatment is the common cold in the baby, but when using many medicinal plants, one must be especially careful. It will not bring a child a chill broth of chamomile, calendula and sage.

You can also take treatment with warming ointments and tinctures, apply calendula ointment, St. John's wort, Vital, Pulmex-baby, Doctor Mom. These means you can lubricate only the feet, after which you must immediately put on warm socks.

Often good results in the treatment of a cold in an infant give an aromatherapy. You can give the crumb to breathe thai oil and tea tree, moistening the handkerchief and putting a baby crib at the head of the bed.

Drops from the common cold for the newborn at the age of 2 weeks

Treatment of runny nose in newborns rarely does without taking medications. At such an early age, it is important to provide medical assistance in a timely manner, to eliminate the inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses and restore the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. If the cold lasts for a newborn for 2 weeks, most likely, a specialist will prescribe antibacterial drugs to avoid the development of dangerous complications.

Usually the cause of the abundant mucus in the nose becomes the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the baby's body. At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane swells. How to treat a runny nose in a baby with nasal congestion? Help to eliminate stuffiness helps vasoconstrictive drops. Carrying out treatment of the common cold with such drugs, it should be understood that the vasoconstrictive effect is not limited only to the nasopharynx, it extends to other organs of the child's body. That is why the treatment of the common cold in the infant by the method of instilling vasoconstrictive drugs often causes many side effects.

Moreover, uncontrolled instillation of vasoconstrictors has the opposite effect: instead of eliminating puffiness, it increases.

Treatment of a runny nose in infants with vasoconstrictive drugs should be carried out only at the doctor's prescription, parents must strictly observe the prescribed dosage and duration of therapy. Usually for infants, this therapy is limited to 3-5 days.

What to do and how to treat a runny nose in a baby?

How to cure a cold in a newborn, if it again makes itself felt soon after the elimination of unpleasant symptoms? This often occurs with weakened immunity in the baby. Many babies are already born weakened, so parents are faced with the problem of frequent colds.

How to get rid of a cold in newborns with a low protective function of the body, tells a pediatrician or an immunologist. In most cases, the treatment of snot in newborn babies, when the cause of the disease becomes weakened immunity, is performed with the help of immunostimulating agents.

In pediatrics, a drug such as Derinat is popular. He belongs to the group of immunomodulators safe for children, therefore it is prescribed to babies from the first days of life. The principle of Derinat's action is that it activates the defenses of the child's organism to fight with pathogenic microorganisms.

It is usually well tolerated by children, since it has no side effects and contraindications to pediatric use.

How to treat a cold in the genyantritis of an infant?

According to statistical data, even the nursing infants are affected by sinusitis. The development of the disease most often leads to a neglected form of normal rhinitis, which was not cured by specialists or the parents of the baby in time. How to treat a runny nose in an infant if it is caused by a sinusitis? Treatment of the disease should be effective, comprehensive and systematic.

Parents should learn from a pediatrician or an otolaryngologist how to cure a runny nose in a baby with genyantritis.

As a rule, therapy consists of a complex of such actions:

  • purification of the nasal sinuses from pathogenic contents by washing the nasopharynx;
  • instillation of vasoconstrictors to relieve edema and normalize nasal breathing;
  • vitamin therapy, the use of drugs to stimulate immunity;
  • Nasal instillation with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotic therapy aimed at the destruction of pathogens;
  • surgical methods of treatment.

How to treat snot in a newborn with genyantritis with antibiotics, so as not to cause side effects? Antibiotic therapy should be carried out strictly according to the appointment of a specialist, usually such preparations for oral administration are prescribed by the course for 3, 5, 7 and 10 days. Babies are usually prescribed antibiotics for 3-5 days, longer treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. Simultaneously with the internal use of antibiotics nasal preparations are prescribed, the Isofra and Bioparox spray proved to be well established.

Treatment of an allergic rhinitis in infants

If the newborn does not go through a runny nose for a long time, with the discharge from the nose transparent, there is a possibility of allergy development. It is important to know what to drip to a newborn with a common cold of allergic origin, as improper treatment can lead to complications. First of all, for effective treatment of allergic rhinitis, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen. To alleviate the condition of the child and to remove puffiness, vasoconstrictive agents are prescribed. To block the action of the allergen on the nasal mucosa, experts recommend watering the nasal cavity with antihistamines, among them Avamis, Nazonex and Vibrocil are often used. Also, to suppress the allergic reaction of the body should take antihistamines orally, these are drugs such as Zodak, Zirtek, Claritin, Erius, Fenistil.

To treat a cold despite of its kind it is necessary on time and to full recovery. In the absence of proper therapy, the main complications of the common cold are diseases such as otitis, bronchitis, etmoiditis, sinusitis, pneumonia, conjunctivitis.

Physiological rhinitis in infants

For the first time, faced with a cold in the baby, young parents often panic, draw conclusions about as if weakened the immunity of the crumbs and begin to be afraid to open the window again, so that the child "does not blown ". And completely in vain. After all, in most cases, the runny nose that occurred in the first weeks of a child's life is not a disease at all, but a normal physiological condition, which is called: a physiological rhinitis in children.

The physiological runny nose is explained by the fact that in newborns in the first 10-11 weeks, the nasal mucosa (as, however, and all other superficial mucous membranes, as well as skin) goes through the stage of adaptation to life in the air environment. After being in the liquid environment in the womb of the mother, the child's body simply takes time to "adjust" the work of all organs and systems under the new conditions. For normal operation of the respiratory system and olfactory, a certain level of humidity in the nasal cavity is needed. And with the birth of the baby, the mucous membrane of his nose "learns" to maintain this level of humidity. In the first few days it is dry (as a rule, this period of the mother simply does not notice), and then it becomes as moist as possible. From the nozzle, a transparent or translucent whitish mucus begins to appear, which is sometimes mistaken for a symptom of the disease.

How to distinguish a physiological rhinitis?

  1. By the color of the discharge: light liquid translucent or transparent excretions should not cause concern. If you observe dense yellowish or greenish discharge, then it is worthwhile to see a doctor.
  2. On the general condition of the child: if the baby has a normal body temperature, there is no increased anxiety, there is no sleep disturbance and decreased appetite, then most likely you are dealing with physiological cold.

How long does a physiological runny nose and how to help a child move it?

The physiological runny nose lasts, as a rule, 7-10 days and passes independently. Special treatment here is not only not necessary, but it can also do harm. What is really needed in this period is to maintain the optimal conditions for mucosal work external environment, namely: temperature-humidity regime (the temperature in the room is not higher than 22 ° and humidity 60-70%). Of course, you need to monitor also that the baby does not have difficulty breathing. To do this, you can clean the spout once a day gently with cotton turuns soaked in breast milk or physiological solution (it can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently: 1 tsp salt per 1 liter of boiled water).

How to distinguish a child's physiological cold from a cold?


Ekaterina Gerasimova

What you are talking about is about a month, not in. The organization is getting used to the new environment. We had two weeks snoring at night. During the day, there was no particular flow, it gradually passed by itself.

Galetskaya Tatiana

Che for the physiological runny nose?


Coryza? Physiological? Bullshit, Mom! Did the pediatrician tell you this? Change the doctor. What does it mean to salivate? They were originally supposed to be. The body never sleeps, your child sleeps, and the heart-brain-lungs-everything works. Does it flow from the nose or is it just laid? Grunts when he sucks? Do you breathe with your mouth or nose? Descend or go to loru-can, problems with patency of respiratory ways, an allergy, etc.

Maria Grigoryeva

I have honey. education, but I first hear about fiz. a runny nose.. .
try the drops of Aquamaris, maybe just goats collect and prevent breathing. And buy suction for mucus from the nose.
(we used both of them).

Boris Aizikovich

The physiological rhinitis (renite) does not exist in nature. It can be of a cold and bacterial character. The latter can be congenital


first of all, the presence of temperature and disruption of the general condition of the child. and similar violations of the patency of the upper respiratory tract can occur at any age, even in the period of newborn. Only physiological rhinitis they should not be called. it is very important to ensure sufficient air humidity and liquefaction of mucus in the nasopharynx, which is constantly being developed in all people.
very good drops Euphorbium-compositum (allowed from the newborn period) and drops on the basis of sea water or saline for the aqua-maris nose toilet, saline, marimer. Only use them all the time for at least 1 month.
Breathe health! By the way, adults also do not interfere with them.

Julia Borisovna

nightmare. .
in the word pediatrician there is no letter O
and medicine has never been a medecine.
the cause of the common cold does not matter at all. t. To. Treatment from it or him it is not provided. wipe the snot and all.
and Orvi does not have to be with all the symptoms at the same time.

Runny nose in infants

Babies can breathe only through the nose. Breathing through the mouth is unnatural for them. The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in children is very well supplied with blood. This is due to the fact that this body is one of the first contacts with the external environment. Good blood supply leads to a rapid immune response to incoming antigens.

It becomes clear why the rhinitis often develops in the baby. Contact of the child with the inhaled air and the dust contained in it, chemical irritants, viruses, bacteria leads to the expansion of the vessels of the mucous membrane. There is her swelling. Simultaneously, secretion of mucus is increased. It is a protective mechanism aimed at cleansing the nasal cavity.

The nasal passages of the infant are narrow. Swelling of the mucosa in combination with increased mucus formation leads to rapid obstruction of nasal breathing.The baby begins to break off during feeding for inspiration, crying. Because of difficulties with breathing, the baby does not sleep well. As a result, the general state of health suffers - the child becomes sluggish, restless, badly gaining weight.

Physiological cold

The physiological rhinitis in the baby is a symptom that is not a disease, but is a normal stage of the development of the respiratory system of the newborn.It can occur in the first 2 months of a child's life. The physiological runny nose is a consequence of the adaptation of the infant's respiratory system to air breathing. The mucous membrane thus "adjusts" its work to the humidity, temperature and composition of the ambient air. The physiological runny nose is also a manifestation of the "ripening" of the mucous glands in the wall of the nasal cavity.

The physiological rhinitis is manifested by the mucous discharge from the infant's spout. It is released in a small amount, not accompanied by severe swelling of the mucous membrane and reddening of the skin around the nasal passages. Runny nose has a non-permanent character, does not lead to a significant disturbance of sleep and feeding. The general condition usually does not suffer. The child's body temperature is normal, he does not sneeze, the wings of the nose do not swell when breathing. Cough is not typical.

In the case of a physiological rhinitis in an infant, it is necessary to help him adapt to the external environment. It is necessary to moisten the air to 60%, using air conditioning or conventional containers of water, placed in the room. The air temperature should not exceed 22 ° C. With sufficiently strong discharge from the nose, you can wash it with preparations based on sea water (Aqua-Maris, etc.) or sterile saline, digesting it 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day in each nasal passage. To remove mucus is recommended to use a special aspirator (rubber pear with a special nozzle). The syringe is not suitable for this purpose, because when using it, it is necessary to push its spout inwards, at the risk of damaging the tender mucous membrane of the baby's nose.

Catarrh flow in infants

The disease begins with a spasm of blood vessels in the wall of the nasal cavity. This is manifested by itching in the nose, by perspiration. The child sneezes, tries to scratch his nose, worries, turns his head. Discharge from the nose is absent, nasal breathing is not difficult.

Then there is a rapid vasodilation and increased secretion of mucus. There is an unfolded picture of the common cold: nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, mucous discharge. Disrupted the process of feeding and sleep. In the viral nature of the common cold, body temperature can rise, cough, redness of the eyes and other manifestations of ARVI appear.

If you do not start treatment, a runny nose in the baby can go to the next stage. It is characterized by the attachment of a microbial infection. With this, the discharge from the nose becomes thick, get a yellow or green hue. At this stage, possible development of bacterial complications in the form of infectious damage to other organs.

Complications of the common cold in infants

With a disturbed nasal breathing, a natural complication is weight loss or an inadequate small increase in weight. This is facilitated by a violation of the very process of feeding, when the child during meals is often interrupted for breathing and therefore quickly fatigued. In addition, weight loss can cause a virus infection in itself, if it is accompanied by fever and intoxication.

If the child has abundant discharge from the nose, they can irritate the skin around the nasal passages. Appear reddened areas, cracks, ulcers. With frequent wiping, the tender skin is even more traumatized, and any treatment attempts cause pain in the baby.

In severe course of the runny nose, infants may spread infection to surrounding organs, for example, the larynx and the middle ear. Otitis, laryngitis and other infectious complications develop. There may be pneumonia. Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, frontalitis) is uncharacteristic, as in children under 3 years they are undeveloped.

Treatment of a cold in infants

If there was a runny nose in the baby, you should first change the microclimate in the room: the air should be sufficiently moistened, cool. It is very useful to do wet cleaning more often to remove dust, allergens, viruses and bacteria. It is necessary that the room is more illuminated by direct sunlight and ventilated.

In case of a cold in an infant, the nose should be regularly cleaned of mucus with a special aspirator, especially before feeding and before bedtime. Children do not like this procedure, but after it quickly calmed down. To cleanse the nose, it is necessary to release a part of the air from the pear, quickly press the nozzle to one nostril and draw in the mucus. You can press your other nostril with your finger at this time. Repeat on the other side. After the procedure, the pear and nozzle should be washed with warm water and soap, and you can boil. Repeat as needed.

Rinse your nose with a better prepared sterile solution based on sea water. When preparing such a solution at home, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the formula, sterility, and temperature of the finished solution.

Vasoconstrictive, antibacterial and other medications are prescribed for the doctor's prescription.

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