
Swollen flu vaccine

Vaccination against influenza, why the place of injection has swelled? Symptoms are not present.Answers:aka DieselImmunizations from influenza pose a real threat to human life and health.The uselessness of influenza vaccinations is clearly visible in the case of Japan, where mass vaccination against influenza started in 1960. In 1976 this vaccination was declared mandatory, and 17 million. schoolchildren of all ages twice a year it regularly received. It all ended in complete failure. The inc...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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Vaccination against influenza in pregnant women

Can I get a flu shot for pregnant women?Answers:Olga MIn general, doctors do not consider pregnancy a contraindication for vaccination against influenza.But, during pregnancy, immunity is greatly reduced and vaccination can give very unpleasant and severe complications. It is not yet known whether you will get sick with the flu this year or not, and after the vaccination the risk of getting sick immediately increases - because of weakened immunity the body can not cope with the vaccination.Be...

  • 25-Jun-2018
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I was vaccinated against the flu and got sick

Who fell ill or fell ill your child after a flu shot?Answers:optimistVaccination is vaccination with a killed or weakened virus, so often after it a painful condition sets in, and then for some time - a persistent immunity. After vaccinations for influenza always hurted, usually 2-3 days. During the flu-like wave - did not hurt! Grandson vaccine against the flu is always set, the granddaughter of the parents refuse to put. The flu is affected equally - and the grandson, and the granddaughter....

  • 10-Jul-2018
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The flu vaccine

"Sovigripp" (vaccine): reviews of doctors and patients. Description, instruction, contraindicationsWell, today we will try to figure out which "Sovigripp" (vaccine) reviews earn from doctors and patients. This drug is extremely important for modern man. After all, it is he who helps fight against viral infections, the epidemics of which are so common. However, before you inject, you really need to know what doctors and patients think about this. Maybe it's better to use old vaccines in genera...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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Symptoms of the flu virus

Fighting the influenza virusFlu is the most common seasonal disease associated with lung damage.The cause of the disease is the influenza virus, which is characterized by a huge number of species and their characteristics.The degree of severity of the disease and the individual tolerability of it by a sick person directly depends on the state of the immune system. The greatest risk of the disease can be for young children, pregnant women and the elderly due to their vulnerability to this path...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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Dutch Flu Vaccine

What is more effective: "Vaksigripp" or "Influvak"? Which vaccine against influenza is better?Are you afraid of getting sick with the flu? Then you should think about how to vaccinate. Thanks to this event, a person will keep his health, do not get sick with the flu or get sick, but in an easy form. Immunization is the right thing, especially if it concerns our children. Therefore, today we will consider what the Influvak influenza vaccine is, as well as Vaxigripp. These are common drugs used...

  • 21-Aug-2018
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How to treat the flu

Flu Symptoms and Treatment |How to treat flu at home Influenza is an acute viral disease that is accompanied by toxicosis and a global respiratory tract disorder. Symptoms of the disease can be different. The disease is dangerous due to its consequences and complications - up to a lethal outcome. How the flu is manifested in adults - the symptoms of The microorganisms that cause the flu are called orthomixoviruses. They enter the body through the respiratory tract by airborne drople...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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Influenza vaccine

Vaccine against the flu: which one is better to choose and when to conduct?The vaccine against influenza protects a person against the severe consequences of influenza and reduces the risk of the disease by almost 2 times. Thanks to the vaccine, the disease is transferred much easier, if a person even gets the flu, and the severity of the symptoms also decreases significantly. Not to mention deaths, which are almost 2 times less after mass vaccinations. Which flu vaccine works best and when s...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Which flu is vaccinated in 2016

Vaccination against influenza 2015-2016Every year in the period of cooling and increasing humidity increases the risk of contracting acute respiratory viral disease and its epidemic spread. Vaccination is an effective measure for the prevention of pathology. And the composition of the drug for this procedure changes every year in accordance with the forecasts of the World Health Organization (WHO). The recommended vaccine against influenza 2015-2016 should be 3-or 4-valent - to include 3, 4 l...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Vaccination from flu live vaccine or not

Vaccine against the flu: which one is better to choose and when to conduct?The vaccine against influenza protects a person against the severe consequences of influenza and reduces the risk of the disease by almost 2 times. Thanks to the vaccine, the disease is transferred much easier, if a person even gets the flu, and the severity of the symptoms also decreases significantly. Not to mention deaths, which are almost 2 times less after mass vaccinations. Which flu vaccine works best and when s...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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