Vaccination against influenza in pregnant women

Can I get a flu shot for pregnant women?


Olga M

In general, doctors do not consider pregnancy a contraindication for vaccination against influenza.
But, during pregnancy, immunity is greatly reduced and vaccination can give very unpleasant and severe complications. It is not yet known whether you will get sick with the flu this year or not, and after the vaccination the risk of getting sick immediately increases - because of weakened immunity the body can not cope with the vaccination.
Better not worth it. God saves man, who save himself.

Dinara Kirpichev

It seems there is no need at all for experiments

Evgenia Volkova

Of course not!!!

Grishanov Alexander

With a fool, you can do anything, but CATEGORALLY unnecessary.


After you put it, finish breastfeeding.

Marina Zvereva

It is better not to do a flu vaccine at all. The organism is not a fool. Especially pregnant))))))


In general, vaccinations against influenza - this is nonsense and the most useless exercise
the body is strong and so will not get sick, and vaccination will weaken it unequivocally!
and with pregnancy is not a joke!

instagram viewer

Alexey Kulikovsky

In general, no vaccinations to myself or the baby! Pregnancy is not a disease, not a diagnosis, but a child is the strongest creature to adapt to the world! Intervention inhibits and distorts this process. I strongly advise you to read Zh.'s books. AT. Tsaregradskaya ex., For example.: "Newborn - Care and Education" (available on torrents)


during pregnancy, any vaccinations are contraindicated


gone mad? more doctors listen - the child will lose.


No you can not. we were doing on the abdomen, I asked a doctor, he said categorically forbidden, well, we did our husband :)

Who vaccinated against flu during pregnancy?


bitter Chocolate

Vaccination of a pregnant woman from influenza forms immunity in a child
An American study showed that vaccination of pregnant women against influenza protects not only the mother, but also the child after birth. Given that influenza vaccine is contraindicated for children up to six months of age, the results of the study serve as another argument in favor of vaccinating pregnant women.
Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University observed 340 Bangladeshi women with newborns in 2004-2005. Some of them were vaccinated against the flu, the rest of the vaccine was not given. It turned out that in children of vaccinated women the risk of getting influenza in the first 24 weeks of life is 63% less than in the offspring of unvaccinated mothers.
Influenza infection during pregnancy can be complicated by impaired development and death of the fetus. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US recommend that pregnant women receive influenza vaccination for more than 10 years, but only a small number of women follow this recommendation

Svetlana Marchenkova

Apogee of insanity!


during pregnancy, there are no vaccines that can not be done!

I'm about

no vaccinations during pregnancy! what are you ??


Although the instructions of imported vaccines and it is written that it is possible to do pregnant women, you do not want to take risks ...


pregnant women do not do any vaccinations at all.... rave

Whether it is possible during pregnancy to put inoculations (for example against a hepatitis or a flu



Can a vaccine harm an unborn child?

Certain types of vaccines, especially live viral vaccines, should not be given to pregnant women, as they may to harm their unborn child (live virus vaccine is made with the help of live strains of the virus). Some vaccinations should be done in the second or third trimester, others - three months before or right after the birth of the child.

What vaccinations can be done during pregnancy?

The vaccines listed below are considered safe for pregnant women who are at risk of an infectious disease:
Hepatitis B: Inoculation against this disease can be done in pregnant women who are at a risk of hepatitis B, and whose tests have not revealed a virus. The vaccination will protect the woman and her baby before and after childbirth. To develop immunity, you will need three doses. The second and third doses of the vaccine are administered 1 and 6 months after the first dose.
Influenza: this vaccine can prevent the development of a serious illness in the mother during pregnancy. All pregnant, the second and third trimester of which falls on the meson of the flu, it is necessary to inoculate. If a pregnant woman suffers from a disease that increases the risk of flu, the vaccine is given at any stage of the pregnancy. More details about the vaccination will tell your doctor.
Tetanus / diphtheria: these vaccinations are also recommended for pregnant women who have never been given similar vaccinations, and for those who have not been vaccinated against these diseases for the last 10 years.

What vaccinations should not be given to pregnant women?

The vaccines listed below can be transferred to an unborn baby, lead to miscarriage, premature birth and congenital defects in the child:
Hepatitis A: the safety of this vaccine for pregnant women has not been proven. Women at risk for hepatitis A should discuss the potential risks and benefits of this vaccine with their health care provider.
Measles, mumps and rubella: after vaccination against these diseases, a woman should not become pregnant before 1 month later. This vaccine is a living viral vaccine, which we described earlier. If the initial rubella test shows that the woman does not have immunity to the disease, the vaccine should be given after delivery.
Chicken pox: this vaccine should also be done at least a month before fertilization.
Pneumococci: the safety of these vaccines for pregnant women is not proven, because they should not be done during pregnancy, except when a woman is at risk of disease or suffers from a chronic disease.
Poliomyelitis: both live polio vaccine and inactivated, are not recommended for pregnant women.


No you can not,


You're really so dumb that decided to ask this is not the doctor, and the incompetent users in the internet?


You can not.

Maria Ivanova

you can and even need

Bringing with a motor

yes you that. No you can not.


I think that no. I certainly would not have been forced, especially from the flu!

Julia Promskaya


Green CHEL :-)

There is no 100% of Hepatitis, because after it even 9 months can not be gone. and even at the time, 100 pounds can not be. About the flu, I think the same !!


But if there is no urgent need, it is better to abstain before the birth of a child.

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