Xanthelas age: symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment
Skin covers at the present time can often be affected by diseases characterized by the appearance of various pathological neoplasms. Sometimes they appear on thin and vulnerable skin and bring some discomfort and health hazard. On the eyelids, xantelasm may appear in the form of a single formation or in the form of a whole complex of plaques. Like any other ailment, xanthomatosis needs to be recognized and eliminated on time.
1Definition of disease
4Possible complications
5.3People's means
Definition of disease
Single xantelasm is a flat, benign neoplasm of yellowish color, which is most often formed on the face in the eyelid region.Pathology is easy to recognize visually, so almost always its treatment does not cause difficulties. The fabric itself, as a rule, soft to the touch.
The risk group usually consists of women of advanced age.Men suffer from an ailment much less often. By themselves, the formation of a threat to life and health in view of the impossibility of degeneration into a malignant form, do not represent.
In addition to xantelasm, neoplasms often occur on the face due to the activity of the papilloma virus. They take the form of a convex clot of skin of the same color with the eyelid with a rare exception. Also acts as a single entity or several in a neglected case. Papilloma is dangerous because it affects the lowering of local immunity, which in turn leads to the activation of the demodex virus (demodecosis) and acne (acne and milium formation).
Often the presence of a plaque can be a sign of a high risk of brain damage or the occurrence of an ischemic disease.
At present, the exact causes and prerequisites for the appearance and development of the disease have not been scientifically established. However, it is known that their occurrence is a consequence of a violation of lipid and cholesterol metabolism. There are also factors that increase the risk of yellowish plaque formation:
Pancreatitis and other pancreatic diseases;
Various lesions of the liver;
Increased cholesterol in the body;
Bad habits;
Genetic predisposition.
The most important symptom of xanthalasm development is the presence of a plaque from light yellow to orange.In some cases, there may be xanthomatosis - the emergence of several formations. As a rule, they slightly rise above the skin and do not cause painful sensations, including when pressing. Can be formed on both upper and lower eyelids.
The course of the disease is usually slow, but without medical intervention, neoplasms can grow to large sizes.
Yellow spots can appear on the conjunctiva. Scientific names are pingvecula and pterygium. Both neoplasms are benign, the only thing, in the case of the pterygium, complications are possible due to abundant growth.
Possible complications
Currently, no cases of the outgrowth of plaques have been recorded in the malignant form, so the disease does not pose a health hazard.However, without treatment, education can gradually grow to large sizes and bring discomfort. In addition, plaques are an aesthetic defect.
In the case of their large accumulation on the upper eyelids, ptosis may develop.
By itself, xantelism does not pose a danger to life and health, but if it is a consequence of the development of serious diseases, their treatment must be carried out immediately.
Treatment of tumors is reduced, as a rule, to their immediate removal and elimination of the prerequisites for their occurrence.Thus, it should include prompt and medication, the use of funds to improve lipid metabolism and lower blood cholesterol levels.
The use of medications that remove xantelasms is not required, because today such is not yet developed. Usually prescribed vitamin therapy, funds for the treatment of liver diseases, drugs that reduce cholesterol (for example, Diopsonin and Lipamid). In addition, patients are prescribed a special diet with a low content of heavy fats and rich in vitamins and minerals.
Surgical surgery is the most effective way to remove neoplasms of this type on the skin.And now there are several variants of the methods for conducting it:
Using a scalpel. The tumor is cut off and a cosmetic suture is applied to the wound, which grows over a week. The minus of the technique is soreness and a long recovery period, as well as the possibility of scar formation.
Using a laser. The operation is practically painless and due to the instant cauterization of the blood vessels does not require a long healing period. In addition, the technique has no contraindications.
Electrocoagulation.The removal in this case is done by means of an electric current. However, the method is effective only at small plaque sizes.
Cryodestruction.Abnormal tissues are subject to death by liquid nitrogen.Laser cauterization
In order to ensure that surgical intervention does not leave scars, hydrocortisone ointment is often prescribed during the postoperative period.
People's means
For the treatment of xanthomatosis apply and recipes of traditional medicine.Their use is aimed at reducing tumors and improving metabolism in the body. However, before starting treatment, always consult with your doctor.
Among the most effective means:
Infusion of birch buds.A glass of boiling water requires about twenty grams of product. It is necessary to maintain the mixture for half an hour, and take two tablespoons three times a day.
Infusion of yarrow.A glass of boiling water is usually used two tablespoons of herbs. The mixture is insisted for about an hour. The whole glass should be consumed during the day before eating.
Medical cake with honey.It is necessary to mix egg white with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of flour. Having formed a small lozenge, put the agent on the affected eyelid for fifteen minutes. The course of treatment should be two to three weeks, depending on the stage of progression.
Usually, the prevention of the disease includes measures to prevent the development of diseases of internal organs, in particular, the liver, pancreas and cardiovascular system. It is also important to follow the following recommendations:
Monitor the state of body weight and prevent the development of obesity;
Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day;
Limit the amount of foods rich in animal fats, sugar and refined flour;
Add fresh fruit and vegetables to the diet;
To refuse from bad habits;
Add physical activity to the body;
Take infusions of herbs that improve metabolism.
These same recommendations can be very useful in the period after the treatment for xantelasms of the eyelids to prevent it from reappearing.
Xantelasm of the eyelids is a defect in the skin of the upper eyelid, which can worsen the appearance, but not dangerous to health. The tumor can be removed with the help of a surgical procedure, and it is not difficult to prevent its reappearance by improving the lipid metabolism. However, it is important to know that the formation of plaques can indicate the presence of any serious diseases of internal organs and cardiovascular system, which always require a serious complex treatment. In other words, the disease itself is not dangerous, but its causes.
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