
When to get a flu shot

Vaccination against influenzaFlu epidemics erupt in the cold season in almost all countries of the Northern Hemisphere, so the urgent need arises of the need to vaccinate against the flu.Doctors almost unanimously agree that vaccination allows you to insure against influenza in 90% of cases - it's quite high efficiency. Vaccination against influenza does not protect against common colds (ARVI - adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, etc.), but will raise human immunity to viruses in general. And because...

  • 07-Aug-2018
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Influenza vaccine plus instructions

"Grippol plus reviews about the vaccine for the prevention of influenzaUndoubtedly, ARVI can hardly be considered a rarity in the modern world. And for certain it will be difficult to find a person who has never had a flu. The fever, weakness, cough, runny nose - the symptoms are extremely unpleasant. Moreover, the disease disrupts the daily routine of a person.You do not want to hurt anyone. And modern pharmaceutical companies offer buyers a lot of vaccines and drugs that can prevent influen...

  • 17-Aug-2018
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Vaccination against influenza is free or paid for free

Do I need a flu vaccine?Vaccination against influenza, prevention of the disease - this is a very important point. Warnings are always more important than healing later. To date, there is no panacea for influenza, there is not a single miracle drug that guarantees a quick and complete cure, so vaccinations against influenza act as prevention of the disease. It is very important to prevent the disease by vaccinating on time. Every year more and more people are grafted from this dangerous disea...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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After vaccination against influenza, the temperature rose

Temperature after vaccination against influenza.Answers:DawnSystemic reactions to influenza vaccination can be represented by the following symptoms: fever; malaise; weakness; chills; fatigue; headache; severe sweating; pain in the muscles (myalgia) and joints (arthralgia).l These symptoms can be observed for up to 2 days after drug administration, and then pass on their own without treatment.Yasha Stefankingo to sleepThe BoldSit at home until it passes. This happens. My daughter also had (((...

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Chicken flu

Avian influenza: symptoms in humans. Bird Flu EpidemicRecently, you often hear about bird flu. What is this disease and how to treat it? Can a person get it, and what should I do in this case? What do we know about this disease, which appeared just over a hundred years ago? Perhaps, of course, that it existed before, just people could not then discover its cause and classify it. And about the facts of infection of people it became known only recently.Sad StatisticsUnfortunately, cases of bird...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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Where the vaccine is vaccinated against the flu

Understand when and where to get a flu shotToday everyone is talking about vaccination. Modern society is divided into two large camps: those who are for and who are against vaccination. In this article I want to tell you in which cases and where to get a flu shot.Why this is necessaryPhysicians have long been talking about the fact that vaccination against influenza is a very important time for the prevention of this disease. And although after the introduction of the vaccine is not always p...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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Influenza drugs are inexpensive and effective

Review of antiviral drugs in cases of influenza and influenzaAny disease, especially ARVI and the Flu is easier, cheaper and safer not to treat, but not to prevent, to prevent its occurrence. Recently, especially worried about the "point" - it's safer. Should I take antiviral pills at all? In today's complex world, how to understand the issues: Will the effect of using an expensive antiviral drug? Which drug is better for adults to take flu, children? Do not it cause harm to health? Is there ...

  • 23-Aug-2018
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What is harmful about the flu vaccine

A vaccine, or is it easier to vaccinate against influenza, harm or benefit?Answers:CrookIf the quality and time is good.Andrey Enyutinharm, as there is an overstrain of the immune system.micro spacea flu vaccine is a divorceHarley Quinnbut the meaning? The vaccine protects only from one strain, and the virus constantly mutates... as an alternative-reception immunomoduljatorov-it is more effective, as on me ...Natalia KravchenkoExcessive workload, unnecessary intervention, prevention is better...

  • 16-Aug-2018
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How long does the temperature of influenza

How much flu can keep the temperature in an adultInfluenza is one of the most serious viral diseases, which is often transmitted in severe form, with many unpleasant symptoms and side effects. Heat is one of them.How many days does the temperature of the flu persist in an adult, so does a child need to be knocked down, when and what - that's what worries every sick person.The temperature does not always rise very much, the flu can flow without fever, the patients get sick.Slightly the tempera...

  • 20-Aug-2018
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The best flu vaccine

Vaccine against the flu: which one is better to choose and when to conduct?The vaccine against influenza protects a person against the severe consequences of influenza and reduces the risk of the disease by almost 2 times. Thanks to the vaccine, the disease is transferred much easier, if a person even gets the flu, and the severity of the symptoms also decreases significantly. Not to mention deaths, which are almost 2 times less after mass vaccinations. Which flu vaccine works best and when s...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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