What is harmful about the flu vaccine

A vaccine, or is it easier to vaccinate against influenza, harm or benefit?



If the quality and time is good.

Andrey Enyutin

harm, as there is an overstrain of the immune system.

micro space

a flu vaccine is a divorce

Harley Quinn

but the meaning? The vaccine protects only from one strain, and the virus constantly mutates... as an alternative-reception immunomoduljatorov-it is more effective, as on me ...

Natalia Kravchenko

Excessive workload, unnecessary intervention, prevention is better than treatment.


Honey, I can call you Maney (or else it's complicated for you). So only good advice was given to you by Uncle Crook. The rest talk about the immune system, about immunocorrectors, figuring it all out like an African pig in oranges. The harm of vaccinations, Manya, is absolutely unjustifiably exaggerated by the word stoast and foully stupid. The reasons for this are that in Soviet times all were vaccinated. And nothing such protest does not cause, as obyazalovka. But at the same time it was due to vaccination that the incidence of infections decreased year on year. And when the vaccinations became unnecessary, the incidence in two years went up. Further from ALL vaccines in the whole world perish no more than three people a year. And for each case, WHO establishes an international commission that establishes the reasons. But only from influenza and its complications and only in Russia more than three thousand!!! Do you catch the difference? In car accidents, how many people die! However, everyone, Manya, you, sitting down in the car, do not even think about it. Further. In modern vaccines, Manechka, there are no living pathogens. NO!!! Therefore, your illness was a coincidence. Annoying, but coincidence. I had such coincidences for two consecutive years. But once again I will say that these are just coincidences. Vaccine is incomprehensible to cause disease. Post-vaccination disorders, yes. The condition of pseudo-disease, so to speak. Well, slam the powder-another Tera-Fly and nothing terrible. Although you decide whether you need to be vaccinated or not. And that you believe the media, chatter to advisers, profane and generally unscrupulous people, and professionals do not trust doctors! That's strange and incomprehensible!

instagram viewer


there are simply people (and there are many of them) with which such vaccinations are contra-indicated.
I put my daughter for three years in a row, and she after the inoculation very much and for a long time fell ill. Now 2 years have not set and the baby is healthy.. .
I'm against flu shots.


My mother is a medic... definitely time... if immunity is weakened - the person gets sick of the vaccine on the contrary, and if the immunity is strong - he is fighting the virus without a vaccine... besides the vaccine and the truth can be from one strain of influenza, and you can later get sick of others ...

Peter Cherkasov

I in 1997 put myself a vaccine against the flu, insured, if otherwise I get sick with the flu. I suffered a severe form of influenza, which led to a complication of meningoencephalitis. After this, with the consequence of meningitis, he lay in the hospital three times, the disease turned into a chronic form. The insurance was paid to me, but only 10 times less than the amount indicated. Vaccination against the flu is a divorce for money, if after the vaccination, I fell ill with the flu in such a severe form with complications

Marina Luzhetskaia

From personal. For one year I did not vaccinate a child with the flu. Has had been ill, then longly and tiresomely treated complications, has reached operation. Doubt I have disappeared forever!

Vaccination against influenza - contraindications

The flu epidemic has become habitual for a long time, and preparation for it has turned into something self-evident. Even children know how important prevention is. It is also well known that one of the best means for preventing influenza is vaccination. And only those who directly faced the problem know that the flu vaccine is not universal - it has contraindications. That is, not everyone can protect themselves from the disease with the help of a vaccine. More details about the negative aspects of vaccination against influenza will be described in the article.

Side effects of vaccination against influenza

Vaccines against influenza are of different types:

  1. Injection is more popular. There are no live viruses, but it gets into the body thanks to a shot.
  2. The second type of vaccine is aerosol. This means contains live viruses. Weakened, they do not pose a threat to the body, but contribute to the development of strong immunity.

Like any other vaccine, a flu shot can cause side effects. Different organisms perceive vaccination in their own way. The most frequent negative manifestations of vaccination are the following:

  1. Immediately after vaccination a person can feel weakness, fatigue, drowsiness. Sometimes the patient is tormented by fever and fever.
  2. Many people get a headache after the vaccination.
  3. One of the most unpleasant consequences of vaccination is a runny nose or a pharyngitis.
  4. The most serious and harmful complication of vaccination against influenza is anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, this side effect is extremely rare.
  5. A fairly frequent unpleasant consequence of vaccination is pain, swelling and redness at the injection site.

Most of the side effects the patient forgets about a couple of days after the vaccination. And in order to avoid more serious and complex consequences, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list of contraindications before vaccination.

Who is against the flu vaccine?

Despite the large number of benefits, some groups of patients may not be vaccinated against influenza. An alternative method of protection against a disease is recommended in the following cases:

  1. First, it is strictly forbidden to get a flu shot from people suffering from colds or ARVI. Vaccination is allowed at least a month after recovery.
  2. Secondly, an inoculation against influenza is contraindicated to people with an allergy to chicken protein.
  3. Specialists are in no hurry to vaccinate patients who did not have a good previous vaccination.
  4. This method of preventing influenza is not recommended for people with diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  5. Additionally, patients suffering from kidney and adrenal problems should consult.
  6. Vaccination against influenza Grippol and its analogs are contraindicated for chronic diseases of the lungs, bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  7. You can not vaccinate babies.
  8. Asthma, anemia, hypertension and general cardiacInsufficiency can also serve as a contraindication to vaccination.

As you can see, there are a lot of contraindications to vaccination against influenza for adults. Therefore, in order to really benefit the vaccination, the procedure must necessarily be consulted with experts and with understanding to treat their detailed inquiries about the state of health and the transferred diseases.

Do not forget that the vaccine is not a panacea. To completely protect yourself against the flu, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, for the time of the epidemic, to supplement your diet with nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables.


Are the vaccines (against the flu) that are put at school harmful to health?



My sister works in a hospital in Moscow, in Ochakov, I do not remember the correct and literal name, but there are children with cerebral palsy. So they already all say that these vaccinations should not be done strictly, that they only maim children. Here is an example from life:
in the past. we bought a plot. Our sellers have a sick daughter. she was vaccinated in the 8th grade against influenza at school, two weeks later, the kidneys were denied, passed at the time of the year. The girl does not walk at all, he lies-a living corpse. The child was denied every month by the organs, one by one. The doctors said. that from vaccination. you can sue and... but is it easier for a girl to do this ??


even doctors unequivocally can not answer this question, and we are even more


And Th in them harmful help the body to resist parasites !!!

Somebody's joy

Every time a different flu. Vaccinations, as a rule, do not from the current flu, but from last year's.
From personal observations. They did not do the inoculation - they did not get sick, they did it, they did it. And the vaccine has a lot of pobochki.


my mother is a doctor. And she is categorically against vaccinations against influenza. He says that 1. horseradish understand where the vaccine 2. A lot of complications.

Juliana A

I have been vaccinated against influenza for 5 years in a row. I never got sick, even after contact with patients. Earlier, before the vaccinations, I was sick with the flu once a year with a temperature of 40, then there were complications in my heart... Orvi is also 3-4 times a year. I never believed in vaccines and that they would help. But I have a result on my face. I have not had a runny nose, cough and fever for 5 years already. I have never been on a sick leave. After vaccinations, there are no pimples from me. Once it was that a runny nose started, but it's my fault, I went to vaccinate with a little malaise, and this aggravated. It is necessary to be vaccinated only knowing 100% that there was no contact with the patient before and you are not infected. I will continue to vaccinate. I liked not to get sick, I even recovered.

Vaccinations: harm or benefit?

Today, there are vaccines against most dangerous diseases. There are vaccines against influenza, measles, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, hepatitis B, rubella and so on. But are all vaccinations useful and safe for health?

Positive aspects of vaccination

Every year the number of vaccines increases. But some experts believe that they can be dangerous. So, from the earliest childhood, the entire population is vaccinated against such diseases as polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis, vaccination and revaccination continues in adulthood.

Vaccinations create a natural acquired immunity, which has not yet formed in the child. If all this was not, then the child morbidity and mortality increased very sharply. Vaccines can be alive and dead.

Unlike serums, when ready-made antibodies are introduced, the vaccines contribute to the production of their own antibodies. Of great importance are vaccinations against influenza in the period of epidemics and pandemics. To ensure that they give an effect, it is necessary to strictly observe the timing of vaccination.

Epidemiologists have proved that vaccination at times reduces the incidence rate. In addition to the vaccinations that are introduced according to the calendar, there are others that are used for certain groups of people who are at risk of developing this or that pathology. For example, medical workers, cattle breeders, workers engaged in cutting carcasses of animals and so on are vaccinated.

Negative sides

Despite the numerous advantages of vaccination, this is not always safe. To date, there are many untreated vaccines. It is on them most often there are various allergic reactions. The most dangerous are living vaccines, since they contain living, weakened pathogens.

If the dosage is incorrect, they can cause side reactions. In addition, some vaccinations, for example from poliomyelitis, are capable of inducing, when administered the so-called vaccines, associated poliomyelitis. The probability is approximately: 00000.

The second very important point is that often in practice low-quality vaccinations are used. This can be caused by their forgery, improper storage and transportation. It must be remembered that during storage, a certain mode must be observed.

There are many vaccines on the market, the research of which has not yet been completed, in particular, their long-term consequences have not been studied.

Thus, vaccines play a crucial role in preserving the health of both children and adults. But you need to be careful when choosing and administering a medication.


Do I need to get a flu shot?

The flu is so dangerous for people that it is on the third place among the most treacherous diseases of our time. Therefore, doctors recommend that you vaccinate to avoid the flu and its complications. Meanwhile, up to 80% of US residents prefer to vaccinate, about 10% of the population of Russia, and in Ukraine - up to 1%. There are a lot of rumors about vaccinations - truthful and not very good. Do I need to get a flu shot?

Who needs flu vaccination?

WHO argues that although everyone is sick with the flu, not everyone needs vaccinations. But there are groups of people who need flu shots. It:

  • Children from six months who have not yet acquired immunity to colds and whose immune system is still very weak
  • People with chronic diseases of the respiratory system (but not in an acute state and without temperature)
  • Those who have immunodeficiency
  • People who have crossed the threshold of 50 years

Why is it so difficult to get a flu shot?

In the composition of the influenza virus, there are special antigens, the formula and form of which forms varieties of the same viruses. These varieties, to our regret, change their composition every year, because of what it is quite difficult to find an effective vaccine against the flu.

In order for the vaccine to be developed correctly and, accordingly, it is necessary to rely on the doctors' forecasts regarding the likely changes in the structure of the virus. This is quite difficult, so if the vaccine is not properly selected, you can not guess and not protect the person from the flu completely. The fact is that if scientists have not guessed with the vaccine, then it will not have enough antimatter to withstand the flu. With an incorrectly selected vaccine, its effectiveness is reduced by a factor of three - this explains the inefficiency of vaccinations.

What is the composition of the flu vaccine?

As part of the vaccination against influenza viruses are contained, but not alive, but already killed. These viruses, getting into the human body, increase its immunity and cause it to fight with the infection. Having trained on weak viruses, the body instantly recognizes influenza viruses that get to it from the external environment. And easily copes with them. In this - the essence of the vaccine against the flu.

The vaccine differs from the present influenza virus in that it contains too weak viruses or inactivated viruses (generally without virus content). These are inactivated viruses and can give most complications after the flu. After the vaccination, two weeks pass from the flu, and this is the time when the body fully adapts to this type of flu. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate against influenza not during epidemics, but before their onset - beginning in October.

Pros of vaccination against influenza

Vaccination against influenza helps reduce the incidence of influenza in a rather impressive scale - this is a fact. For example, among the elderly people who were vaccinated against the flu, up to 60% later they are not sick with acute respiratory diseases in general. Vaccination from the flu makes it possible not to ache more than 80% of people of all ages who have been vaccinated. Children who were vaccinated against influenza cease to be ill in more than 92% of cases. Vaccination against influenza also reduces the likelihood of complications by more than a third - one of them is a painful otitis for children.

Cons of vaccination against influenza

There are also side effects of flu vaccination. They are related to:

  • Incorrect use of the vaccine (not corresponding to the influenza strain)
  • Vaccination in those conditions that are prohibited for vaccinations - pregnancy in the first trimester, high fever, acute disease during vaccination
  • A negative reaction to vaccine substances that were not taken into account

Consequences of the negative reaction of the body to the vaccine - weakness of the body, redness at the injection site, fever and flu symptoms in mild form - headache, lethargy and so on. With a normal reaction of the body to the vaccine, these symptoms disappear within two days after the vaccination, and In case of complications, a person's condition worsens after 6-12 hours Inoculations.

It is worth knowing that, in addition to vaccination against influenza, there are other methods of prevention: more abundant drinking with vitamins (decoction of rose hips, sea ​​buckthorn, tea with lemon and honey), wearing an antiviral mask, taking multivitamin preparations to maintain immunity, frequent washing hands. They should be used, because in the cold season, a person loses a lot of vitamins - up to 70% of what is needed!

Therefore, using a vaccine against influenza as the only means is wrong. But you do not need to give it up. Especially if you find yourself on the list of people who need flu shots.

Who does not have a flu vaccine?

There are people who do not get a flu shot, because it can cause a number of complications.

  • These are people with chronic diseases of the nervous system
  • Those who have problems with the genitourinary system (ureter, bladder, kidneys and so on)
  • People suffering from diseases of the endocrine organs (thyroid, adrenal, pituitary)
  • Those who have heart failure, and clearly expressed
  • People with bronchial asthma
  • Patients with blood diseases of any age
  • Pregnant women before the third trimester of pregnancy
  • Those who have an allergy to chicken protein

Vaccination against influenza, introducing viruses into the body, can cause an adverse reaction even in healthy people who do not suffer from the above contraindications.

Influenza in Figures

Today the flu is a real plague of the century. In terms of complications and mortality, influenza is in third place after cardiovascular diseases and cancer. And the flu together with ARVI occupy 95% of infectious diseases. These viruses each year strike up to 500 million people on the planet. Of these people, up to 2 million people die. To reduce these deaths, scientists recommend vaccination.

Vaccination, according to WHO, should protect people from the flu and prevent complications after the flu, not to mention the mortality, which is significantly reduced. The vaccine works, strengthening primarily the immune system.

But, unfortunately, this protection does not always work. As a minus, it is not always right for physicians to select a vaccine, but as a plus, even if the vaccine does not fully protect against infection with the virus, but it makes it possible to weaken its influence on the body.

More on the influenza virus

The flu virus is far from alone. There are at least three of them - the influenza virus A, B, C - as the first letters in the English alphabet. The most dangerous is considered to be influenza type A, epidemics and pandemics are associated with it. Influenza type B is also not a gift - it causes damage to the body in many people, but affects people more locally. The most mild in its impact is the influenza C virus, although it is undesirable to suffer from none of the three types of influenza.


Do I need to be vaccinated against the flu every fall?

With the onset of cold weather, medical institutions offer people to get a flu shot. Some companies, on their own initiative, purchase vaccines for their employees. Many schools also often provide pupils with the opportunity to undergo such a procedure. This is repeated every fall, and it is not clear to everyone why the vaccine is in effect for such a short period of time.

Why should I get vaccinated?

Perhaps, many people will have a friend or acquaintance of a friend who vaccinated against the flu, but still had the disease. It is reasonable that the question arises: if the disease can still knock anyone off, what is the need for vaccination. About half a million people die each year during the flu epidemic. This is due to various complications, the development of which provokes the disease. It can be a pneumonia of a viral or bacterial nature, muscle inflammation, pericarditis and myocarditis, disorders of the heart and central nervous system. Such conditions pose a great danger to the weakened by the disease of the organism. First of all, the vaccination is designed to prevent the development of complications and death of a person. Grafted people can be sick, however, the disease proceeds more easily than without vaccination. In addition, often the symptoms of influenza are confused with ARVI, from which the vaccine does not help.

It is important to vaccinate against influenza children whose immunity is still weak. Complications for small patients can be very dangerous.

Why the vaccine should be repeated every year

From a number of diseases a person is inoculated once in a lifetime or repeated in ten to twenty years. With the influenza virus, the situation is different. This is due to the fact that in the world there are a huge number of strains of the virus. It is impossible to develop immunity for everything - if you enter with such a quantity of virions, a person will simply have an anaphylactic shock. Therefore, doctors every year recommend to their patients different vaccines designed to create immunity from those strains that will threaten the population this year. However, the vaccine against the flu in any case will give you immunity for 8-10 months, after which it will be lost, and in the fall, all will have to be repeated anew.

Influenza epidemics in the northern and southern hemispheres occur at different times, but the main strains of pathogens are the same. Analyzing the situation in the opposite hemisphere, doctors create effective vaccines.

Who should be vaccinated

Ideally, all people should be vaccinated, but you can identify the groups most at risk of complications. These are children and elderly people, as well as suffering from chronic heart, joint, kidney, lung, diabetes. It is very important for them to avoid the flu or, at least, to make it proceed in an easy form.


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