From this article you will learn: what is coronary angiography( CAG), indications for its conduct and technique of research. Who appoints and conducts the examination, contraindications to the procedure and possible complications after. Description of the article: Indications for the procedure Preparation and procedure of What changes are seen in the study of Possible complications of The peculiarity of coronary angiography, or coronary angiography: it is an invas...
The wrist pulmometers seem at first glance to be the best option for a portable heart rate monitor - they are compact and easy to use. In this case, such a device, as promised by manufacturers, will allow accurate measurement of the pulse. And this, in turn, will help control the work of the heart, preserve and strengthen its health. Consider the device of this type of heart rate monitor, its advantages and disadvantages and the basic selection rules. Content 1 whom a...
Eosinophils are one of the types of leukocytes that are constantly formed in the bone marrow. They mature for 3-4 days, after which they circulate in the blood for several hours and move to the tissues of the lungs, skin and GI tract. The change in the number of these cells is called the shift of the leukocyte formula, and can indicate a number of disorders in the body. Consider what eosinophils are in blood tests, why they may be higher or lower than normal, what diseases it shows and w...
The danger of high cholesterol can be heard from advertisements, TV shows and from surrounding people. About what leads to the opposite disease, they say rarely. In fact, lowering cholesterol in the blood can dramatically affect health and lead to very serious consequences. Contents of 1 Normal values in children and adult men and women 2 Reasons for lowering the level of 3 Significance in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases 4 Addition...
Contents Myalgia Myositis Stretching Muscle pain as protective reaction for internal pathology Muscle pain during pregnancy Diastase Related videos It's normal if the abdominal muscles are painfully after weight training. Feeling sensations are tolerant and do not cause fear for health. But it also happens that soreness in the muscular tissues appears, as it seems, for no reason. It is worthwhile to wait if, in addition to pain, there are other symp...
Contents of Which properties of the pathogen should be considered in the diagnostic methods? For what symptoms can you suspect lambliasis? How is lambliasis diagnosed by laboratory methods? More sensitive methods of diagnosing Is it possible to identify infection with lamblia in folk ways? Who needs a preventive examination? Related videos Giardiasis is a parasitic disease that belongs to the group of intestinal infections. The causative agen...
Contents Causes of pain Diagnosis of pathologies Measures that can be taken before an ambulance arrives Prevention Related videos Anyone has a problem like abdominal pain. In someone, it is caused by an error in nutrition, in others with acute surgical pathology. But it is worth remembering that in both situations it is necessary to consult a specialist. The same should be done if there is pain in the lower abdomen and gives up in the anus, perine...
Contents of What indicates cirrhosis of the What does the test show? Hardware Diagnostic Studies Video Related to Often people who feel soreness in the right hypochondrium are asked how to determine cirrhosis at the initial stage. But unfortunately, the disease initially occurs almost without symptoms, and signs appear when the gland has already increased in size. In order to protect the liver from a chronic disease, it is necessary to eat properly, l...
Contents When the study is assigned Methods for performing the analysis Where to do the analysis How to prepare the child for the analysis Video on the topic Polio is an acute infectious disease that causes serious damage to the central nervous system. The disease becomes the cause of the formation of damage to the brain shell( meningitis) or full / partial paralysis of the patient. Especially often the disease is diagnosed in childhood - ...
Contents of How does the syndrome occur? At what physiological conditions are nausea and dizziness observed? When there is severe dizziness and nausea in neurological diseases? When is nausea and vomiting unrelated to diseases of the nervous system? What you can not forget Diagnostics Than to treat and what to do during an attack? Related Videos You can count more than 80 diseases, accompanied by dizziness and nausea. Sometimes this sympt...
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