How to treat osteoporosis at home

Let's talk about the essence of osteoporosis, than it is dangerous.

Each of us, at least once, but had to meet with the case of osteoporosis and be a witness of its manifestations. Most often this happens to women in old age. However, young people, mostly female, may become victims of it.

The article will deal with this disease, as well as ways to combat it at home.


  • 1What is osteoporosis?
  • 2Causes of the disease
  • 3How to treat osteoporosis at home
  • 4Recipe # 1
  • 5Recipe No. 2
  • 6Recipe # 3
  • 7Recipe No. 4
  • 8Recipe No. 5
  • 9Traditional methods of treatment

What is osteoporosis?

To succeed in the fight against osteoporosis, it is necessary to understand what it is, why this disease appears in a particular person, what consequences it will lead to and how to treat it.

Osteoporosis is a problem with bones, which consists in the fact that bone tissues lose their firmness and elasticity.

A person who has this disease, can suffer from pain in the bones, spine, hip joints.

The patient may have deformity of the bones, as well as fractures. These fractures do not appear in cases of falls in ice or from a bicycle. Most often this happens, so to speak, on a flat surface. Example: just getting out of bed, it is enough to catch on the rug and here it is a fracture. Sometimes it is quite unfortunate to rely on your hand.

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Causes of the disease

The disease occurs for various reasons.Mostly, osteoporosis develops in women, as they:

  • they carry children;
  • have problems with being overweight;
  • limit themselves to eating.

In addition, women experience menopause.

All of the above factors lead to a metabolic disorder in the body. There is not onlyloss of calcium, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, but also their insufficient assimilation at admission.

Bone tissues do not get the right amount of nutrition in the right amount and begin to lose their original parameters. In addition, the body itself is aging, the muscles are not able to support it, as a result, the load on the bones is intensified.

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To protect yourself from this disease, you need to remember the consequences to which it leads. And this is not only the long-growing fractures of bones, it's also their deformities that can significantly change the figure, spoil the posture, disrupt the work of the organs, lead to disability.

It's terrible when an elderly person, for whom movement is a real life, is confined to bed with a fracture of the neck of the hip. For many people, such consequences become decisive. No less frightening, when a young pretty woman has to be disabled and walk with a wand because of fractures.

Modern medicine offers different options for treating osteoporosis. Most often, everything is decided by money. After all, effective treatment with a fairly fast result results in substantial amounts.

How to treat osteoporosis at home

Recipe # 1

An old folk remedy, so to speak, from great-grandmother. It's about valueeggshell. The shell of chicken eggs is considered one of the most powerful sources of calcium, and quite affordable.

Wash raw eggs, dip into boiling water, cook for 6 minutes. Countdown the time to start from the moment when the water boils again. Then cool them and clean them. The egg shell must be crushed thoroughly and dried in a frying pan for a couple of minutes. The resulting powder can be added to food (soup, porridge, cottage cheese) over the fourth part of a teaspoon three times a day.

To calcium is absorbed completely, the powder should squeeze a few drops of lemon.

Recipe No. 2

Prepare glass or enamelware. Put it in it6 whole raw eggs (together with the shell), pour themfreshly squeezed juice from 10 lemons. Put in a cool place. Sour juice must completely dissolve the eggshell. In the resulting liquid add 300 g of honey, stir. The drug is ready. Keep it in a cool dark place. Take 1 time per day for 20 ml per month.

Both the first and second prescription is a good medicine for fractures, as well as excellent prevention and an effective auxiliary tool for the treatment of osteoporosis in women by folk remedies.

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Recipe # 3

Young (milk) walnutstightly put in a glass jar and pourvodka, put in a dark cool place for a couple of weeks. Take three times a day for 1 tbsp. l. before eating.

Recipe No. 4

Actually, this is not even a recipe, but a recommendation for use. 1 slicemummy(approximately from a match head) resolves for half an hour before a meal. You can buy it at the pharmacy.

In addition, the bought piece can be dissolved in, liter of vodka and take three times a day on a tablespoon before eating.

Recipe No. 5

Virtually every woman in the house or at work grows geranium. So this wonderful plant is known for its healing properties. For the preparation of the present we takeleaves of geranium, cut them into small pieces. 1 tbsp. l. leaves should be poured 1 cup of boiling water, cover and leave so.

After an hour, infusion strain and you can take a third of the glass before eating. In a day you need to drink the whole glass. If the bones ache, then this infusion can be used for compresses.

By insisting the leaves of geranium in oil, for example, corn, you can prepare a good oil extract for grits and massages.

Traditional methods of treatment

If they set out to defeat osteoporosis, treatment with folk remedies can become an effective auxiliary method. It is only necessary to set a goal and stubbornly move towards it, patiently following all the recommendations of doctors.

There is an old Russian proverb: "You go quietly, you'll continue to which can also be applied to the treatment of osteoporosis.Hospital treatment with the permission of the doctor can be supplemented with home procedures, consumption of broths, grindings, compresses, etc.

Some folk remedies for osteoporosis can be an excellent alternative to expensive medicines. But every person should understand that the way of life is a decisive factor. Taking medication and applying compresses may not give the expected result if the person continues to smoke or drink alcohol, eat improperly or move a little.

It would be good to take advice from a nutritionist and go to a dispensary, drink a mineral water. But, if this is not possible, as an option, you can:

  • adjust your diet (breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner every day at the same time);
  • Food should consist of sour-milk products, vegetables, fruits, herbs, and include poultry meat and beef.
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You can enter into your dietgoat milk. Of course, it is very different from cow's fat and smell. But this product is a real treasure, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals, and it is absorbed well even by an adult organism.

It is necessary to exclude foods that can harm a healthy body, and a sick person - especially: these are carbonated sweet drinks, coffee and alcohol.

With regular use, they help to remove from the body a large amount of calcium, magnesium, zinc and other substances that a person needs for full-fledged activity. In addition, they provoke addiction, so-called, dependence.

If there is an opportunitygo to the pool or swim in the pond / on the river, it must be used. Swimming is a solid load on the muscles, and, accordingly, on the skeleton. This is the same physical exertion, only in pleasure.

Do not forget about the massage.Massage, especially problem areas, should be done using oil balms or extracts. It is effective to use the oil of geranium, oats, pumpkin, juniper, rosemary, camphor laurel.

good oldfish fat- a source of health, sold in each pharmacy. Taking it daily, you can protect your body from infections and diseases, as well as from aging.

So, you need to remember 3 important rules:

  • osteoporosis is won - we cure folk remedies and combine the right nutrition, as well as doctors' recommendations;
  • Movement is life;
  • Your health is only your problem and your concern.