Anorexia: treatment at home, how to treat and how to cure

Anorexia is the lack of appetite for .It is expressed in full or partial refusal of food intake, which can be the result of many health problems. Here we will consider the reasons for the lack of appetite, the treatment of anorexia with drugs and the means of official medicine, general recommendations in the treatment, how to treat and how to cure anorexia at home with folk remedies of home medicine.


Reasons for

The most common cause of anorexia is gastrointestinal disease. Also, many common diseases of the body may serve as the cause of the lack of appetite: brain tumors, certain endocrine diseases, hysteria, psychoses, chronic heart and lung diseases, kidney failure.

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Often, the lack of appetite can occur under the pressure of external stimuli, psycho-traumatic events, emotional experiences: fear, anger, resentment, expectation of something, the desire to conform to a certain image of their "ideal".

Treatment of anorexia: general recommendations

In normal conditions, increased appetite can be achieved by adherence to a strict diet, improving the quality of cooking, introducing into the diet of bitterness and spices that improve taste.

Treatment of lack of appetite should be directed to treatment of the underlying disease. If anorexia appears on the basis of nervous shocks, you need psychotherapy and activities aimed at strengthening the nervous system of the patient. Consultations of a psychologist and, possibly a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, are necessary.

How to treat and how to cure anorexia at home

In the arsenal of traditional medicine are many tools that can help treat anorexia and improve appetite.

Ayr marsh

A decoction from the rhizomes of aira is used as a bitter taste to stimulate appetite in gastrointestinal diseases. A teaspoon of chopped root pour 2 cups of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes in a sealed container. Drink 2 cups three times a day for 15 minutes before meals, slightly sweetening.

It has been clinically established that a decoction from the rhizomes of marsh aura increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and is especially useful in anacid gastritis. Air also has a toning and gas effect. It works well with flatulence, improves digestion, and also has a choleretic and diuretic effect.

Air can be taken in the form of infusion based on the ratio 1:10.

Radish black

In the absence of appetite, it is recommended to eat as much black radish as possible and to wash it with a tablespoon of water. During the course of treatment with radish it is desirable to take 20-30 grains of mustard once a day.

In case of anorexia, as well as with some other gastrointestinal diseases, mustard is a good therapeutic agent, provided that the treatment will be continuous for 20 or more days. Mustard should be a collection of the current year.

Taraxacum officinale

An infusion of dandelion roots is used as a remedy to improve digestion and to arouse appetite. Preparation: 2 teaspoons of ground root pour a glass of cold water, let it brew for 8 hours. Drink ¼ cup before meals 4 times a day.

Wormwood bitter

Fill a three-liter bottle with bitter wormwood exclusively from May collection. Pour vodka or diluted apothecary alcohol. Insist 21 days in a dark cool place. Dose - 1 drop of tincture per 1 thimble of water. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach 3 weeks. Wormwood bitter in the same dosage also helps with anemia.

Horseradish table

Stimulates appetite, improves digestion. Horseradish strengthens the secretion of the digestive glands, improves the cleavage of fats, irritates the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is also used as a diuretic for edema and edema.

A tablespoon grated horseradish pour 400 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Mix 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before meals.

Take also freshly squeezed horseradish juice and gruel from a fresh grated horseradish root.

Another recipe for using horseradish root: 400 g grated horseradish root, stir well with 500 g of honey. Take 1 tablespoon 15 minutes before eating.

Cornflower blue

Stimulates appetite and acts as a mild diuretic.

When using cornflower in the treatment should be careful, because it has active compounds containing cyanides.

Pour two tablespoons of flowers into a glass of boiling water and let it sit for 30 minutes. After cooling, strain, and drink during the day.


Is an appetizing stimulant. Essential oils and bitter substances contained in the leaves and unripe fruit of the orange stimulate the secretion of digestive juice and improve digestion.

2-4 grams of leaves and flowers of an orange brew a glass of boiled water. Drink half the glass 3 times a day.

Hot infusion of finely chopped unripe fruit, take 2-4 g to increase appetite.

Withered curly

Promotes improvement of digestion, stimulates appetite. Has antimicrobial effect on certain types of dysentery bacillus. With anorexia, folk medicine advises you to use an infusion prepared as follows: pour one teaspoon of the aboveground part of the plant with a glass of boiling water, soak 15 minutes and take it twice a day before eating.

Treatment of anorexia in the official medicine

If the lack of appetite is caused not by organic changes in various organs, then treatment should be started from 1-2 hungry days( hunger is a strong causative agent of the food center).Then follows the appointment of bitter, small doses of insulin( 4-8 units twice a day for an hour before meals), parenteral administration of large doses of vitamin C and B1.

In cases where it is not possible to establish a normal diet, resort to artificial nutrition( through the gastric tube, with the help of nutritional enemas).

Drugs are used from bitterness:

  1. wormwood( tincture, wormwood extract),
  2. gentian( tincture, extract),
  3. centipoises( broth, infusion).

Alcohol tinctures or extracts take 25-39 drops three times daily before meals.

Very popular with doctors is tea, appetizing ( herb wormwood - 8 parts, yarrow herb - 2 parts).One teaspoon of the mixture is brewed like tea in two glasses of boiling water. Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Related Videos

How to treat anorexia. School of Health

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The recommendations in this article are based on such authoritative sources as:

  1. Video on topic.
  2. NNGorgov GN The People's Clinic. The best recipes of traditional medicine.- Moscow: Arnadia, 1998. - 352 p./ Medicine for all.
  3. Illegov GN Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.

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