The ear is laid: what to do at home, the reasons, the treatment

The doctor-otolaryngologist, probably, daily hears from his patients the question: "I laid the ear of , what to do ?".The doctor conducts an examination of the patient, listens to his complaints, assigns research methods and treatment. However, it also happens that with stuffy ears it is not always possible to go to the hospital in the ENT office and the person tries to treat himself at home himself.

Today we will talk about what to do at home, if the ear is laid, the reasons for this phenomenon. It is important to know in fact, why lays ears, because this will determine the choice and outcome of treatment of ejaculation.

I strongly recommend that you contact a specialist for effective and adequate treatment, the information given here is given as information on this issue, but not as a guide to self-treatment. Since inflammatory diseases of the middle ear can be complicated and pose a threat to the health and life of a sick person.


Why lays the ears: the causes of

The reasons why the ear can be laid are divided into:

  1. direct causes - directly touchingproblems with the ears( disease);
  2. indirect causes, when the ear is laid, but it does not hurt( condition).

The latest causes are more common, first consider them:

  • Water has entered the ear canal - one of the most common causes of ear congestion, especially in the summer, when everyone likes to swim on the river or in the sea.
  • Sharp changes in atmospheric pressure. They can be observed during flights by plane, after its take-off and landing, ascent or descent on an escalator in the metro, a trip along mountain roads.
  • The formation of a sulfur plug that covers the ear canal.
  • Heart problems. A sharp increase in blood pressure leads to spasms in the blood vessels. At the same time, noise in the ears, their congestion, headaches and dizziness can be felt.
  • Foreign body entry. The insect climbs or flies into the ear canal. It happens that in the ear there are pieces of cotton wool after cleaning, pieces of sulfuric cork.
  • Side effect of taking any medication.
  • Often, ear obstruction occurs with a runny nose. After all, the nasopharynx and ears are connected with each other by the Eustachian tube. The mucus in the nasal passages interferes with the normal air throwing in the middle ear, there is an obstruction of the pipes, which causes congestion.
  • Similar consequences are observed in the curvature of the nasal septum.
  • The cause of ear congestion can become pregnancy. This is a period in the life of a woman, when many changes take place in her body that can cause swelling of the ear canals.

If a person feels that he has put his ear and hurts, then there is an infection. The bacteria that cause it can penetrate the middle ear from the nasopharynx with colds and runny nose along with mucus. This occurs during an improper blow-out, when under the influence of pressure, particles of mucus are thrown into the eustachian tube. Similar phenomena cause such diseases as:

  1. tubo-otitis,
  2. eustachiitis,
  3. otitis media.

The main symptoms depend on the cause of

The manifestations of ear piercing differ depending on the cause of their causing. If this is due to the ingress of foreign objects, bodies, the influence of the external environment, the consequence of other diseases, the patient will feel a noise in the ear, the presence there of something superfluous, alien. The hearing deteriorates, headaches and dizziness may appear.

If the cause is an infectious disease inside the middle ear, then along with the above, when swallowing, unpleasant sensations, tingling, even lumbago with sharp pain in the ear will appear. Pus may be released from there.

What to do at home: treatment methods

What can I do at home with stuffy ears?

It all depends on why the ear has been laid.

Water in the ear .If the cause is water, you need to get rid of it. Because the long-term fluid in the ear can cause infection and inflammation.

Some believe that you can do it with a cotton swab! !!Should not be doing that. It is better to cover the diseased ear with the palm of your hand, tilt your head in the side to the forehead and make several jumps, as if rope, while supporting the head so as not to damage the cervical spine.

Or pinch your nose and mouth and try to exhale.

Pressure drop .Usually the ears pawn at take-off, during flight on the plane and at its landing.

With pressure drops, deep breaths are well helped by the open mouth, while it is worth several times to swallow saliva or try to yawn. The effect will not take long. To avoid such a problem, with a sharp change in height, you need to slightly open your mouth, this will help not to put unnecessary pressure on the pipes that connect the nasopharynx and ears.

Cork plug .Accumulated old dry earwax must be removed.

Contains a plug from the secretions of sebaceous glands inside the ear, particles of the epidermis and sulfur. With the help of natural processes that occur in every person, the remnants of all the ears accumulated during the next cleaning are deleted. But it also happens that under the influence of mechanical factors or moisture, the sulfur plug begins to swell strongly and swiftly.

By the way, it swells well when water is poured into your ears when you dive or just bathe with your head submerged!

The gray cork begins to impregnate the moisture, becomes more friable and large. It clutters the ear canal, and the person begins to hear badly. Depending on the neglect of such a state, the cork can be of different colors( from light yellow to black) and consistency( from soft to stony).

The main problem is that a person can not guess the threat, because he normally hears, while there is at least a small gap between the cork and the ear hole for the penetration of sound waves.

How to remove the sulfur plug at home .The following methods will help in removing the hardened sulfur:

Hydrogen Peroxide 3% .It is poured into the ear canal under pressure. This can be done with a syringe without a needle inside the ear. This procedure itself is quite difficult to conduct.

Hydrogen peroxide softens accumulated sulfur masses. Do not insert the syringe too deep to damage anything. For better fluid penetration into the ear canal, it is better to pull the outer ear slightly upwards.

Peroxide will hiss, go out together with particles of sulfuric cork. It is necessary to wait, when all solution will flow out, thus it is better to turn a head in a side that the liquid could leave completely. Remains of sulfur and peroxides are removed with a cotton swab. After washing, it is possible to heat the ear with an incandescent lamp for complete drying. So do or make two times a week.

Baking soda .A weak solution of soda, which is buried in the ear, can also help.1 teaspoon per glass of warm water.

After its use, 3% of hydrogen peroxide is dripped inside and the plug is washed out with a syringe at room temperature. In the end, boric alcohol is disposed in the ear for disinfection and warming up. The procedure is 3 days.

To soften and remove the sulfur plug, also heated olive oil or glycerin will help. It is enough to drop two or three drops in your ear, wait five minutes and remove the stopper with a cotton swab. Do it carefully, so as not to drive the remains of the cork even deeper.

Conventional sunflower oil is also suitable. It is buried in the ear and wait for about 10 minutes, turning over on the opposite side so that it does not leak out. After that, the solution of chamomile with a syringe washes the softened plug.

If the sulfur in the ears is very hard, then you should pay attention to onion juice .It is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 4: 1, respectively.2 drops of the solution are dripped into the ear 2 times a day. Pure cabbage juice in the same volume will be no less effective( note of the author of the site - do not use this method - the juice of onions, you can burn the eardrum and auditory passage! ).Cabbage juice - you can.

If the congestion is accompanied by noise in the head of , and sometimes even with pain in the ears, then it is better to use almond oil .It drips from 3 to 5 drops, after which caulk ears with cotton.

When the ear is laid down because of , the blood pressure increase of , then treatment should be aimed at eliminating heart problems. Depending on the severity of a person's condition, and also whether he knows his diagnosis, you can take certain drugs that lower blood pressure, at home or go to the hospital to avoid serious consequences.

How to remove a foreign body at home.

Foreign body is removed using tweezers with a blunt end. But you need to be extremely careful not to push it even further. The victim is laid on one side so that he does not move. Rotate the head so that the foreign body is clearly visible, it is better to flash the flashlight. After that, it's time to move on to the removal. When everything is done, you need to make sure that there is nothing left in the ear( note of the author of the site - let the ENT doctor do this procedure).

If comes into contact with , the ear canal should be rinsed with water. So that it does not get further into the auditory passage, you need to kill it. For this, any antiseptic, for example, baby soap, is added to the water. The person is laid on the floor in such a way that the ear in which the foreign object is located is closer to the floor. Then, using a syringe without a needle, water is sprinkled inside( making sure that it is not hot and not cold, so as not to cause harm).

Side effects of drugs .If the ears are pawned due to the side effect of taking the medication, it is worth stopping its use and contacting the doctor who appointed it so that he or she can prescribe something else. After all, it is difficult to judge what consequences the complete course of treatment of an unsuitable medicine may have. Cold and runny nose .When the ears pawns for a cold and a cold, it is necessary to quickly solve the problem so as not to bring the condition to the formation of a purulent infection.

To begin with, cleanse the nasal sinuses from mucus - well-marked. But the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to cause even more sputum to enter the Eustachian tubes.

After this, they begin to remove the mucus from them, performing the following exercises: push the lower jaw forward, as hard as possible and make it circular movements( forward, down, on itself, upwards).The procedure must be performed very carefully, so as not to dislocate the jaw. In this case, a person will feel a gurgling in his ears - this accumulated liquid comes back from the ear canal into the nasal canals, from which it can be gently drenched.

Curvature of the septum of the nose .With the curvature of the nasal septum, the ears will periodically be pawned, and with this it is difficult to do something. You can perform the same set of exercises, which is designed to eliminate mucus from the ear canals. After all, it helps to reduce the excess pressure in the ears, which occurs with a bad air intake through the nose. To lay them as little as possible, you need to breathe all the time, not only with your nose, but with your mouth, opening it slightly.

Pregnancy .At pregnancy it is better not to resort to ways of a selftreatment, and to address to the doctor who will prompt how it is safe to get rid of unpleasant sensations without harm for the future mum and the child.

What to do if the ear is laid down with otitis, tuboote

If the ear gets an infection, it has become inflamed, constant pains are felt, it is necessary to fight, first of all, with the pathogenic microflora. To do this, do not select the drugs yourself. After all, there are several types of pathogens, both among bacteria and among fungi.

Antibiotics are mainly prescribed against bacterial otitis, but with fungal diseases they only aggravate the process of recovery. In the first case, the ear is better to warm up, and in the second heat and humidity, which is increased because of purulent accumulations, will create an ideal environment for the reproduction of fungi. Moreover, sometimes not only local treatment is required, but also the use of drugs to stimulate immunity, eliminate hormonal disorders or problems with metabolism, which can cause easy spread of pathogens in the ear.

Therefore, in such a situation it is better to consult a doctor, so as not to harm yourself anymore.

The only thing you can do with purulent inflammation is to rinse your ear, better with hydrogen peroxide, a solution of chamomile or other antiseptics that will prevent further infection.

This is worth doing if there is no possibility of urgently getting into the hospital. But after washing it is necessary to dry out the auricle well with a bandage tampon. Cotton buds should not be used here, as they can damage the mucous membrane and promote a greater spread of infection into the deep tissues.

It is necessary to consult a doctor in other cases, if after 2-3 days of self-management of the medical procedures, the obstruction does not pass or even, on the contrary, the condition worsens. The doctor will be able to identify the exact cause, why the ear has been poured, will prescribe a set of procedures for its elimination and will prompt than to treat the disease.

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Source of : edited by the author of the blog article of http: // pathological-signs / kogda-zalozhilo-uxo-chto-delat.html