Sprain of the ligaments of the knee joint: symptoms, treatment, recovery


  • 1Sprain of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of knee injury
    • 1.1Why there is a stretching of the knee ligaments
    • 1.2What are the symptoms of injury?
    • 1.3Treatment of knee stretching with traditional means
    • 1.4Folk remedies
    • 1.5How long does it take to recover
  • 2How to treat the sprain of the knee joint?
    • 2.1Degrees of stretching
    • 2.2Signs and symptoms of sprains and tears
    • 2.3Lateral ligaments
    • 2.4Cross-shaped ligaments
    • 2.5Patella
    • 2.6Possible consequences
    • 2.7Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.8Treatment
    • 2.9First aid
    • 2.10Operative treatment
    • 2.11Timing for rehabilitation and rehabilitation
    • 2.12How long does it take?
    • 2.13Folk remedies and treatment at home
    • 2.14Prevention
  • 3Sprain of the knee ligament
    • 3.1What causes sprain?
    • 3.2Symptoms and signs of stretching
    • 3.3Degrees of rupture of ligaments in tension
    • 3.4Consequences of trauma
    • 3.5Diagnosis of injury
    • 3.6Treatment of sprain of knee joints
    • 3.7Medication
    • 3.8Physiotherapy
    • 3.9Operation
    • 3.10Treatment of stretching folk remedies
    • 3.11Lifestyle and rehabilitation after trauma
  • instagram viewer
  • 4How to treat the stretching of knee ligaments by folk remedies
    • 4.1Symptoms of sprains in the knee joint
    • 4.2Symptoms of damage to the inner lateral ligament
    • 4.3How to treat ligament damage: conservatively, operatively and folk remedies
    • 4.4Operative treatment of the knee in case of ligament rupture
    • 4.5How to treat knee stretch with ointments
    • 4.6How to treat a knee folk remedies
  • 5What if I have a knee ligament?
    • 5.1Signs of stretching
    • 5.2Treatment of trauma

Sprain of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment of knee injury

During sudden movements or falls people often get injured. Most often, the ligaments of the knee joint, tendons and muscles are damaged. Such a trauma can be accompanied by a partial or complete rupture of the ligamentous apparatus.

To understand how to properly treat the pathology and what to do in the first hours after the injury, you need to know exactly the symptoms of stretching the tendons and muscles. Effective treatment largely depends on the correct diagnosis.

Why there is a stretching of the knee ligaments

The ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint maintains the stability of the articulation. Due to this, a person is able to perform squats, make turns in different directions, walk and make other everyday movements.

In the knee joint there are two pairs of ligaments - cruciform and lateral. At sportsmen at performance of physical exercises most often there is a stretching of muscles and tendons of a knee. Such a trauma is typical for them. Sometimes blows or falls lead to the rupture of the knee meniscus.

Factors that provoke sprains of the knee joint:

  • Performing unnatural for the knee movements. Such moments often occur in training and competitions.
  • With a sharp change of direction during the run or jump.
  • Partial rupture of muscles and tendons - a trauma typical for basketball players, football players and hockey players.
  • Stretching of the knee ligaments can occur as a result of a direct blow to the posterior, anterior or lateral region of the knee. Injury can occur when falling from a ladder or on a slippery road.
  • Often, damage to ligaments occurs when athletes collide with each other.

What are the symptoms of injury?

As a result of hemorrhage into soft tissues and irritations of nerve endings, the first symptoms of stretching appear. Pain syndrome is greatly enhanced when the victim attempts to do any movement.

Damage to the ligaments of the knee joint has the following symptoms:

  1. A person with difficulty moves.
  2. The appearance of hemorrhages and bruises.
  3. During the feeling, the ligaments ache.
  4. During the movements, clicks and a crunch are audible.

After getting injured, the injured person can walk normally at first, but soon there is swelling and pain in the knee.

Imaginary well-being after trauma after the statement of practicing traumatologists aggravates the situation of the injured knee.

As a result, treatment and recovery times are delayed.

Stretching the ligaments of the knee joint should be distinguished from injury to the muscles. With muscle damage, pain sensations occur only after a day. If pain and other symptoms are manifested within three hours, then the ligaments of the knee joint are damaged.

Stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint has three degrees, which are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • For the first degree, lesions of small parts of ligamentous elements are typical. There are minor pains. The victim, as before, can normally move around.
  • For the second degree of stretching, a partial rupture is characteristic, which is accompanied by severe pain, bruising and swelling.
  • At the third degree the ligaments of the joint are torn completely. The victim feels severe pain, swelling of the soft tissues is observed, the local skin is turning blue, movements in the joint are limited.

The severity of the resulting injury affects how long the recovery period will last. Treatment in difficult cases can last up to a year.

What should I do right after getting injured?

Before you begin to treat damaged ligaments, the victim should be given emergency help. This should be done by people who are close by.

First you need to call an ambulance and take the patient to the hospital.

During the movement of the car physicians fix the leg in a raised position.

Treatment of knee stretching with traditional means

To treat and strengthen the sprained ligaments is necessary by observing complete rest and all the recommendations of doctors. How long will the edema last depends on what kind of load will be on the joint in the first days after the injury. The patient's leg can not be loaded.

After the pain subsides, the patient can begin to move gradually, but do it with caution, using crutches. Treatment of stretching the joint requires wearing a special bandage or orthosis.

After 3-4 days to the knee you can apply warm compresses that help reduce pain. Moreover, heat stimulates the improvement of microcirculation.

The traction of the tendons and muscles can be treated by the following means:

  1. To relieve pain in the knee joint injected novocaine and for two weeks impose a gypsum longite. In six weeks, athletes can resume training.
  2. Treatment of rupture of the lateral ligament is performed surgically. After the operation, a gypsum langette is applied to the knee joint. It helps to strengthen damaged tissue and bring the moment of complete recovery.

No treatment for stretching can not do without the use of special gels and ointments.

It is mandatory to use local action drugs of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group (diclofenac, voltaren).

The hormonal agents prescribed for stretching the tendons and muscles are prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointment.

Nicotinic acid, camphor and essential oils provide a knee-warming effect. Menthol and chrominol ointments, in contrast, have a cooling effect. Used also with ointments with heparin, which resolve the swelling.

Folk remedies

Treating tendons with folk remedies is possible only in the easy stage of pathology.

Folk methods are recommended to be used in conjunction with traditional therapy.

And first it is necessary to secure the approval of the attending physician, since folk remedies often have multiple contraindications.

Here are a few recipes, with which you can remove inflammation and pain from a damaged knee:

  • Clay mixed with apple cider vinegar. The resulting gruel is applied to the inflamed knee. This compress will warm the joint, relieve pain and inflammation from it.
  • Mix 10 shredded eucalyptus leaves with pork fat. Boil on moderate heat for five minutes. Use for daily treatment of tendons and muscles.
  • Treat the ligaments with a compress made from raw potatoes. For greater effectiveness of the potato, add onions and cabbage. Applications are done at night.
  • Trauma of the knee is successfully treated with a decoction of chamomile. A piece of gauze should be moistened with a solution and applied to the affected joint for 10-15 minutes.
  • Inflammation and puffiness is removed with aloe juice, which is daily applied to the affected knee with light movements.
  • Bake the onion, grind and add to it 15 g of sugar. The resulting gruel is applied to the knee. On top of the compress should be covered with a film and a warm bandage. Hold for 30 minutes, then rinse off with water.
  • Pour boiling water 30 grams of grass elecampane. Let it brew for two hours. The resulting infusion should be wetted with bandages and for half an hour to apply them to the damaged areas.

How long does it take to recover

Two weeks later, after the injury was received, you can proceed to therapeutic joint exercises. Exercises are necessary to restore and strengthen the ligament apparatus. How much time is required to perform daily physical education - the attending physician will decide.

As therapeutic measures it is useful to be engaged on an exercise bike, to perform massage of a knee joint, to conduct warm-up:

  1. Sitting on a chair, bending and extension of the knees are performed.
  2. The legs are bent at the knees, in this position they need to be lifted upwards.
  3. Lying on the back, sliding movements are carried out with feet on the floor.

The first two months after the operation on the ligaments it is important to remove puffiness in the knee joint. Traditional and folk methods of treatment are used for this. Then the patient should perform a set of rehabilitation exercises. Six months after the operation, the patient can return to the sport.

A source: http://sustav.info/travmy/rastyazheniya/rastyazhenie-svyazok-kolennogo-sustava.html

How to treat the sprain of the knee joint?

Sprain stretching is the damage to the soft tissues of the knee joint by a force that acts as a traction and does not interfere with the anatomical integrity of the elastic fibers.

The most common type of injury is observed in children during active games.

The sprain of the knee ligaments mainly occurs during excessively strong movement, exceeding the functional, physiological and elastic capabilities of the ligamentous apparatus of the knee joint.

Degrees of stretching

The degree of extension of the ligament depends on the number of damaged fibers:

  • in the absence of a disruption of the integrity of the elastic fibers, stretching develops;
  • with partial violation - incomplete break;
  • with a complete violation of the continuity of the fibers - a complete break.
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Signs and symptoms of sprains and tears

The most often isolated ligament injury without bone trauma is observed in the knee and ankle joint area.

When one or more ligaments are stretched, joint instability is observed: the support function is disrupted, frequent subluxations, instability of gait are observed.

Lateral ligaments

Stretching and tearing occurs when the tibia is excessively tilted to the outside or to the inner side.

When stretched, the painful area basically corresponds to the projection of the entire ligament, with a rupture - more at the site of abnormality of the anatomical integrity of the fibers.

The patient is usually disturbed:

  • pain and instability in the knee joint;
  • the deviation of the shin in the opposite side of the rupture;
  • restriction of movement in the joint, caused by pain.

During the examination, the edematous joint is visible, the contours of which are smoothened.

In the cavity of the knee joint, a free fluid is determined, more often blood.

When the study is performed in a short time after the injury, procaine is injected into the joint cavity with an analgesic purpose.

Cross-shaped ligaments

The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments protect the shin displacement from front and back.

To a similar result can lead and excessive rotation (rotation) to the inside or outside.

Patients note:

  • pain in the knee and instability during walking, occurring immediately after the injury;
  • restriction of movement in the joint (due to severe pain).

The anterior ligament is much more often injured than the anterior ligament.

The intensity of the pain syndrome is directly proportional to the amount of free fluid in the joint, which is explained by the pressure on the nerve endings.

In case of long-term injuries, the clinic is similar to that in case of damage to the lateral ligaments.


As with traumas of other localization, partial and complete discontinuities can be observed.

The victim complains about:

  • severe pain;
  • instability in the knee;
  • restriction of movement in the joint due to severe pain.

Upon examination, you can identify:

  • edema and bruise below the patella;
  • lack of traction of the patellar ligament with tension of the quadriceps (quadriceps) of the thigh;
  • high patellar arrangement;
  • a symptom of a "stitched heel".

Possible consequences

After the acute pain subsides, patients complain of instability of the knee joint.

Because of their use over time, muscle atrophy becomes visible, there are signs of gonarthrosis (deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint), which can lead to further restrictions of movement of the knee.

Diagnostic Methods

When stretching or rupturing of ligaments, there are no typical signs on the roentgenogram, so the main method of diagnosis is visual examination and palpation of the joint.

When the patella is stretched, a high patency is revealed on the roentgenogram.


Conservative and drug therapy is used only with stretching and incomplete ligament ruptures.

The essence of the treatment consists in performing a puncture of the knee joint, introducing a local solution of procaine and applying a cast bandage for up to 8 weeks.

First aid

Treatment of stretching is:

  • creation of rest to the damaged joint;
  • the appointment of cold locally during the first day to prevent bruising;
  • resolving and restorative therapy.

Cold can be applied in the form of irrigation with chloroethyl or by applying bubbles with ice.

To avoid cold blood vessel paresis, ice should be cleaned every 2-3 hours for 30 minutes.

On the knee, a pressure bandage is applied, in the hospital it can be replaced with gypsum.

For 3 days you can use physiotherapy:

  • ozokerite;
  • UHF;
  • compresses;
  • rubbing;
  • galvanization;
  • medical baths;
  • phono- and electrophoresis with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin.

With severe pain in the joint, procaine is administered.

The hemarthrosis is removed by puncturing the joint cavity.

Static gymnastics (contraction of muscles without movements in the joint) starts from 3-5 days.

The foot is fixed for -2 months, after the immobilization, a restorative therapy is prescribed.

Massage can also be performed with a plaster cast on the leg above the injury site or on a healthy leg.

Operative treatment

Several methods of surgical recovery of the lateral ligaments of the knee joint have been developed.

Often they occur with damage to the anterior cruciate ligament and the inner meniscus.

Perform an operation in the event that the joint slit on the side of the injury is 1 cm wider than on the healthy side.

Full load on the leg is allowed only 3 months after the operation.

Surgical intervention to repair the patella is performed using classical tendon joints or a combination of both.

For chronic traumas, auto- or xenoplasty is performed using fragments of fascia or synthetic materials, respectively.

Timing for rehabilitation and rehabilitation

How long does it take?

The period of incapacity for conservative treatment of sprain is approximately 1-4 weeks.

In the surgical treatment of stretching, this period takes about 3 months.

Folk remedies and treatment at home

At home, you can only stretch without compromising the integrity of the elastic fibers.

However, it must be remembered that periodically cold compress should be removed (described earlier)


Fundamental rules:

  • observance of security measures during active games, sports;
  • use knee pads or orthoses.

A source: http://ruback.ru/bolezni/travmatologija/rastjazhenie-svjazok-kolennogo-sustava.html

Sprain of the knee ligament

Stretching is a trauma, accompanied by a rupture of ligaments that connect the bones of the skeleton. Most often, partial damage occurs to the collagen fibers that form the ligament tissues. In some cases, there is a complete rupture of the ligament, for example, with severe knee injury.

The degree of disruption of the integrity of the ligaments is directly dependent on the intensity of the effect of external factors or on the magnitude of the deviation of the limb from natural amplitude of motion; frequency of sprains of knee joints due to high load and the probability of injury falling.

In most cases, the ligaments are completely restored due to theirability to regenerate.

Injuries burdened by separation of bone fragments are more difficult to treat. Athletes, children aged 6-12 years, as well as persons practicing hard physical work fall into the risk group for damage to the ligaments of the knee joint.

What causes sprain?

For the integrating function of the bones of the knee joint, the following ligaments meet: two cross-shaped and lateral, and a patellar patch. Thanks to the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus, the knee is capable of smoothly bending and unbending.

The main reasons, capable of disrupting the mechanism of operation of the knee joint and causing damage to the ligaments,serve as:

  • Sports injuries.The most dangerous sports, often leading to knee injury, are football and hockey, volleyball, basketball, track and field athletics, figure skating, bodybuilding. Among exercises that can cause ligament sprain, trauma is characterized by squats with a barbell.
  • Dislocation of limbs as a result of lifting weights.
  • A fall.
  • Sharp sweep of the foot.
  • Sudden stop during running.
  • Unsuccessful landing after the jump.
  • Retraction or reduction of the knee.

Stretching of the lateral ligaments can occur with a lateral impact in the knee, with the bones sharply mixed in the sides.

Cross-shaped ligaments, due to their deep disposition, can be damaged only if the movement is unsuccessful or a direct impact of high force is applied.

The bundle that holds the patella is most often torn when dropped on the kneecap.

Symptoms and signs of stretching

The main sign of stretchingPain in the damaged area.

Painful sensations can be observedwhen trying to limb, especially intense - with knee bend or flexion and extension.

In some cases, palpation with pressure or even a slight touch of the attachment of the ligaments to the bone causes an intensification of the pain syndrome. Frequent and unpleasant sensations when stepping on the leg, up to the impossibility of movement.

Other symptoms of sprain:

  • swelling of the joint, progressing over time, sometimes - the surrounding swelling of the entire knee;
  • hyperthermia and redness of the skin;
  • hematoma, bruise of cyanotic-burgundy color (usually appears on day 2-3 after trauma);
  • significant limitation of the motor function of the joint, stiffness;
  • in the case of complete detachment of the ligament - hyperimility of the limb;
  • crackling, creak, cotton - with a ligament burst.

In the absence of treatment for serious injuries on the surface of the damaged ligament, nodes that are capable of irritating tissues with constant friction are formed, which leads to the development of inflammatory joint diseases. In this case, the pain syndrome can be observed for a long time after the adhesion of the ligament.

The main differences between fracture and stretching are:

  • Pain at rest.
  • Decreased sensitivity of limb sites.
  • Changes in the shape of the foot (with the bones displaced).
  • Absence of motor activity of fingers.

Degrees of rupture of ligaments in tension

Depending on the severity of the clinic, the diseases are isolated3 degrees of ligament damage:

  1. The first.Microdamage of the ligament fibers, in which there is no hemorrhage. The overall integrity of the ligament is broken in some places, while its continuity is preserved. Edema and redness are almost invisible, pain syndrome is mild.
  2. The second.A significant proportion of fibers are torn, often a ligament capsule is damaged. There is a hematoma, swelling. Any motion of the limb causes pain, while the pathological mobility of the knee joint is noticeable.
  3. The third.Detachment of the tendon from the bone. Edema and hematoma are expressed, the hyperplasticity of the joint is great. The pain is quite strong, up to a shock state. When testing the limb with a load, there is a complete lack of resistance. A similar condition of the patient requires urgent surgical intervention.

Consequences of trauma

Injuries of ligaments are one of the factors predisposing to the development of arthrosis of the knee joint.

Often stretching the patellar ligament leads to the formation of Baker's cyst, and subsequently to the appearance of joint articular arthritis.

In severe trauma, in addition to ligament rupture, tendon rupture, muscle detachment, and partial cleavage of bone tissue are observed.

Fractures and cracks, in the absence of correct diagnosis - a frequent phenomenon, the symptoms of which can be smoothed by stretching the ligaments.

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An unpleasant complication of knee injury is the rupture of nerves, with improper adhesion that can cause chronic pain in the knee. Painful shock with a high degree of ligament rupture is a possible cause of vasospasm that breaks the trophic and leads to muscle atrophy of the limb.

Diagnosis of injury

The main method of diagnosing injuries of ligaments is X-ray examination. When performing this method of examination, it is easier to differentiate the stretching of the ligaments with a fracture or a crack in the bone.

An additional MRI scan ensures the establishment of damage to the nerve roots, muscles, tendons.

If there is a suspicion of the separation of part of the bone tissue with a ligament, arthroscopy is performed - examination of the inner surface of the joint and the adjacent area with simultaneous elimination of bone debris.

Treatment of sprain of knee joints

The basic principles of therapy for stretching ligaments of 1 and 2 degrees are as follows:

Restriction of leg mobility, ensuring peace. Within 2-3 days after injuring the ligament, it is necessary to keep bed rest.

Further daily, an easy limb warm-up is performed, since a prolonged lack of movement can lead to muscle atrophy.

Within an hour, it is recommended to put the foot on the hill 1 time, while keeping it for at least 10 minutes.

Cold compresses.

Ice or a towel soaked in cold water is applied to the injured joint for 20 minutes, and then every 3 hours (1 day after the injury).

Pain sensations and the area of ​​spread of hemorrhagic effusions as a result of the procedure are significantly reduced.

Support.It is recommended to purchase special orthopedic bandages that provide immobilization of the knee joint and prompt restoration of the torn ligament.

In some cases, it will be sufficient to use an elastic bandage for the same purpose. When combining the extension of the ligaments with a bone fracture, a lant is superimposed.

The period of wearing dressings is from 1 to 4 weeks.

Elimination of limb heating(hot bath, sauna, etc.), movements and massaging of the diseased part of the body within 3-4 days after the injury.


  • NSAIDs(ketones, ketonal, diclofenac, ketoprofen, nurofen, arthrosilene) for the removal of inflammation and relief of pain syndrome. When stretching ligaments, these drugs are used no more than 1 week;
  • painkillers(analgin, baralgin, aspirin);
  • venotonics(venitans, troxevasin) to improve venous outflow;
  • drugs to accelerate resorption of tumors(edema) of the joint (wobenzyme, phlogenzyme);
  • opioid analgesics are prescribed in the event of intense pain or pain shock;
  • external treatment- ointments with NSAIDs (fast-gel, diclac, diclofenac 5%, finalgel, rheumagel, heparoid zentiva, efkamon);
  • biological supplements to improve the blood supply of the affected area, acceleration of the processes of ligament regeneration (chondoprotectors, collagen, calcium and vitamin D preparations, shark cartilage, bromelain, vitamins E, C, A, B group, copper, zinc).


Physiotherapy treatment (no earlier than 5-7 days after injury):

  • heat treatment (baths, warming, dry heat);
  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis.


With complete detachment of the ligament, a surgical operation is performed with the subsequent application of a cast bandage:

  • arthroscopy- with rupture of cruciate ligaments and in the presence of fragments of bone tissue;
  • suturingon the damaged ligament, replacement of the ligament - using a surgical incision;
  • aspiration of the joint fluid(with the breakthrough of the capsule of the joint and the flow of synovial fluid from its cavity).

1 month after the operation, the patient should begin rehabilitation measures to restore limb mobility.

(read further)

Treatment of stretching folk remedies

After diagnosing stretching by an experienced specialist to accelerate the restoration of ligaments during the rehabilitation period, the following folk recipes are recommended:

  1. As a cooling compress, you canattach a potato mask to a sick leg. For cooking 1-2 potatoes rub on a large grater, aged for 15 minutes in the refrigerator, then the mass is applied to the knee with a thick layer, after which it is covered with a food film. After 15 minutes you can wash off the mask.
  2. Blue or white clayare used to accelerate the regeneration of knee tissues. Dilute clay with water to the state of sour cream, grease the knee area and cover with a cotton cloth. To sustain 20 minutes, to wash off.
  3. Aloe juiceyou can daily rub in a sore spot, while not pressing too hard. It helps to relieve swelling and inflammation.
  4. Lotion from broth of elderberry berries- a popular way for the prompt elimination of edemas and bruises. Pour a glass of water 50 g. berries, boil and cool. Further wet in a liquid rag and apply in the form of appliqués on the diseased knee. Exposure time - 20 minutes.
  5. Painful pains well eliminatesmask of baked onions and sugar. Grind 1 oven-baked onion, add a spoonful of sugar and apply a slurry to the knee. From above, for convenience, wrap the body area with a film. After 30 minutes, you can wash your foot.
  6. Against swelling and inflammation is applied andinfusion of elecampane root. 2 tablespoons of the crushed raw material is boiled with boiling water (2 cups), it is insisted for 2 hours, then it is moistened in infusion with a bandage and applied to a sore spot for half an hour.

Lifestyle and rehabilitation after trauma

2 weeks after partial damage to the ligaments (1-2 degrees), it is recommended to begin the training to restore limb mobility.

To do this, self-massage of the joint area, training on the stationary bike (starting from 3-5 minutes), limb warm-up with simple exercises:

  • flexion, extension of legs in a sitting position on a chair;
  • lifting of the leg bent at the knee;
  • tension and relaxation of the muscles of the limb;
  • sliding of the foot on the floor in the supine position;
  • taking the legs apart;
  • flexion of the leg in the knee in a position lying on the abdomen.

After surgerythe goal of the first 8 weeks- reduction of knee edema, failure of crutches, restoration of knee mobility.

During the subsequent1-2 monthsit is necessary to learn to fully control the movements of the foot, and also to strengthen the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.

After 4-6 months, a return to sport training is allowed.

Prophylaxis or how to avoid injury to ligaments?

Measures to prevent stretching of knee ligaments include:

  • Practice exercises for stretching muscles, ligaments and tendons before training. The degree of elasticity of the ligament apparatus largely depends on whether it is sufficiently "warmed up" before performing more complex exercises.
  • Exclusion of difficult and difficult activities with a low level of physical fitness.
  • In the event of fatigue - the immediate termination of training.
  • The use of special training packages to strengthen knee ligaments.
  • Use of bandages and protective linings in traumatic situations.
  • The exclusion of heavy physical labor or careful execution of it.
  • Weight control, coordination of movements, stability to prevent falling, especially in the winter.

A source: http://sustavok.ru/travmy/rastyazhenie/rastyazhenie-svyazok-kolena.html

How to treat the stretching of knee ligaments by folk remedies

Stretching of the ligaments of the knee joint occurs most often with injuries. Excessive flexion or extension increases the load on the muscle-ligament structures, which leads to an increase in their physical length over physiological reserves.

Bundles are dense bundles, consisting of connective tissue, fixing the joint. They attach to the bones and form the direction of movement. There are 2 main functions of ligaments: providing mobility, fixation of articular surfaces.

Stretching is a complete rupture or partial tearing of the connecting fibers when the turn or fall fails.

In the ankle joint, the disease occurs most often with a subluxation of the foot, in the knee - with a sharp movement or turn, in the shoulder - with a strong wave of the hand.

Treat pathology should be combined - pharmaceuticals and folk remedies.

Symptoms of sprains in the knee joint

Symptoms of sprain of ligaments arise due to irritation of the nerve endings, which "stuffed" the data of education, hemorrhages in soft tissues and edema of the injured joint. Sharp pain at first increases when trying to move.

The main symptoms of sprains of the knee joint:

  • Hemorrhage and hematoma;
  • Limitation of mobility;
  • Crunch and clicks when moving;
  • Soreness of the joint when feeling.

When stretching in the knee joint it happens that in the first time the victim can make movements. With the passage of time, the symptoms increase: swelling and soreness increase, which leads to a limitation of mobility.

Traumatologists believe that the period of "imaginary well-being" is deceptive and contributes to an even greater increase in the clinical picture of pathology. It is preserved until pronounced inflammatory changes in the ligaments in people with a high threshold of pain sensitivity.

This situation increases the recovery period and makes treatment difficult.

Stretching of the ligaments should not be confused with muscle damage. Symptoms of these conditions are somewhat different.

It is necessary to distinguish the symptoms of pathology from dislocations and fractures.

When the dislocation occurs, the joint surfaces move without fractures of the bones. With external examination, the joint does not change, but the movements are limited. Pathology is well traced on the roentgenogram.

Clinical symptoms of the disease depend on the degree of its severity:

  1. At the first degree, a small portion of the ligamentous structures is damaged. Minor pain cider does not significantly limit mobility;
  2. 2 degree - partial rupture of the ligament is manifested by severe pain, bruises and swelling;
  3. 3 degree is a complete ligament rupture. The person feels severe pain, pronounced swelling of the soft tissues, cyanosis of the skin and restricted movements in the joint.

The degree of severity of the disease is determined by the recovery period after the pathology, which can last from several weeks to 1 year.

Symptoms are affected by the variety and number of damaged ligaments of the knee joint: lateral or cruciform. Folk remedies can only treat 1 degree of ailment.

Symptoms of damage to the inner lateral ligament

There are specific signs of an extension of the inner lateral ligament of the knee joint. Pathology is formed by abrupt abduction or excessive turn of the tibia to the outside. According to the severity of symptoms traumatologists in the pathology distinguish the distortions from ruptures.

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Distortion of the inner lateral ligament - slight ruptures of its individual fibers, synovial membrane or capsule of the knee joint. Signs: marked swelling and pain in the projection of the inner joint space.

Traumatologists determine the symptoms of the pathology by rotation (rotation) of the tibia to the outside and increase pain in the patient when trying to set the shin aside.

The rupture of the inner lateral ligament is accompanied by a pronounced edema that extends to the lower part of the leg through the subcutaneous tissue. When palpating the lower extremity, there is a strong pain in the region of the tibia. Movement in the joint is severely limited.

It should be noted that the extension of the inner lateral ligament of the knee joint is more common than other forms of the disease.

His traumatologist determines already at the initial examination of the patient, since delay is fraught with serious consequences, and treatment should be carried out immediately after the detection of pathology.

How to treat ligament damage: conservatively, operatively and folk remedies

To treat damage to the ligaments of the knee joint (lateral (external and internal), cruciform) conservative methods can be used for incomplete ruptures of fibrous fibers. Healing will happen more quickly if you combine it with folk remedies.

At the initial stages an important feature of therapy of pathology is the elimination of pain. For these purposes, a local novocain blockade is carried out:

  • A solution of novocaine (20%) is injected into the cavity of the knee joint;
  • The gypsum langeta is applied for 12-14 days;
  • When walking from the 3rd day you can rely on a damaged leg.

This technique is used by athletes and allows you to return to training in 1 months.

In other cases, to effectively cure the sprain, a new-cell blockade is rarely used.

Doctors prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, nimesulide), which relieve swelling and pain.

Gypsum langa is not superimposed, and the patient is recommended to limit the load on the damaged limb within a week.

Operative treatment of the knee in case of ligament rupture

With the rupture of the inner lateral ligament, surgical treatment is carried out urgently.

It is carried out for the sewing of ruptured tissues and a fibrous capsule. After this, a gypsum langete is applied for several weeks.

When it is removed, the doctors are trying to eliminate the external rotation of the shin outside.

To effectively cure the disease with severe damage, surgeons have to perform reconstructive surgeries: formation of the correct fixation point of the inner lateral ligament, transposition of the "crow's foot" by fixing it to its own ligament patella.

In Russia, plastic is spread by homosuffle or lavsan tape.

How to treat knee stretch with ointments

Treat stretching of knee ligaments with ointments immediately after damage. To prevent the formation of persistent restrictions (contractures), they are better combined with therapeutic gymnastics.

What types of ointments are used for damage to knee ligaments:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ointment with indomethacin, voltaren, diclofenac);
  • Steroid hormones (prednisol, hydrocortisone ointment);
  • Warming irritating agents (camphor, nicotinic acid, essential oils);
  • Cooling ointments (with menthol and croethyl);
  • Local anesthetics (ultafastin);
  • Degradants (with the content of heparin);
  • Vasculoproliferative ointments (venoruton, aescin, troxevasin).

Combined ointments are considered to be among the most effective: Diclobene gel, nicoflex, apizatron, finagalon, menovazine, camphocin, Ben-Gay.

Diclobene gel contains heparin, dimethyl sulfoxide (from the group of anti-inflammatory drugs), Dexpanthenol (for wound healing).

Finalgon is a mixture of vanilla monoamide and nicotinic acid, which have a warming, anti-inflammatory and locally irritating effect.

Ben-Gay is a combination of NSAIDs, menthol and methyl salicylate.

Treatment with ointments and folk remedies is effective only in combination with oral anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to treat a knee folk remedies

Curing stretching knee ligaments by folk remedies is impossible, but in combination with pharmaceuticals they speed up the recovery process. There are conducted prescriptions that reduce inflammation and eliminate pain in the knee.

Ointment from clay. If you mix river clay with apple cider vinegar and apply the mixture to the area of ​​damage, you will get a warming, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic compress.

Eucalyptus leaves with mashed garlic are used for ointment preparation. To do this, grind 10 leaves and mix them with pork fat. Boil 5 minutes and apply the ointment daily.

Potatoes. Peel a raw tuber and grate it. Apply mashed potatoes to the area of ​​pain. Strengthen the healing properties of potatoes can be mixed with onion and cabbage. Mix these ingredients, finely grind and apply overnight.

It is possible to treat the stretching of the knee joint with folk remedies and pharmaceutical ointments, but it is necessary to exclude the rupture of ligamentous tendon aponeuroses, in which an operative intervention.

A source: http://vnormu.ru/rastyajenie-svyazok-kolennogo-sustava.html

What if I have a knee ligament?

Unfortunately, it is quite easy to stretch the ligaments of the knee joint.

Ligaments of the knee joint connect the femoral and tibia bones (small and large) to the shin bone.

Their function is to provide walking, running, turning knee, squats and jumps.

Most oftenligaments are ligated: patella, lateral and cruciform.

The mostfrequent causes of sprainsphysical overload of the knee joint when:

- sports games and training;

- gardening works;

- acute injuries of the knee joint due to falls on slippery surfaces, direct impacts to the knee area;

Signs of stretching

The signs of stretching the ligaments of the knee joint are manifested in the following sequence:

1) Pain: acute - with trauma, dull aching - with excessive loads;

2) The immobilization of the joint, it is difficult to bend-unbend;

3) Crunch and clicks in the joint when trying to move;

4) The formation of swelling and the outflow of bruises;

5) The instability of the joint, the feeling of "looseness as if the bones "fall out" of it, signal a serious injury, perhaps a complete rupture of ligaments;

After questioning about the circumstances of the injury, the doctor examines the damaged area, conducts tests to determine the severity of the injury and determines which bunch is damaged.

Additionally, an X-ray or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can be prescribed.

Treatment of trauma

Mosteffective in the first days after injury - rest, due to it the edema decreases and the pain subsides.

Ice, applied to the injured joint, narrows the blood vessels and reduces the inflammation of the damaged area, pain, swelling and redness.

A plastic bag with crushed ice, wrapped with a damp towel, is applied from the damage side for 15-20 minutes four to five times a day until the edema and pain are removed.

Tight bandaging with elastic bandage, providing sufficient support to the joint and shielding the knee from unnecessary small movements.

For the night rest, the injured knee should be freed from the bandage and raised above the level of the heart.

Put it on a roller or pillow, hang it with a bandage, if possible.

Admission of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, of course, reduces edema and pain, but remember, this is only the elimination of symptoms.

Wearing a braceit is advisable only in the first days after injury, because it protects the knee from unnecessary movements, but does not remove from him a significant part of the load, which is necessary for the recovery and restoration of ligament tissues.

Effectively remove the load from the joint helps the use of crutches and walking stick when walking, which is often neglected, but in vain!

Heat exposurebeneficial after the disappearance of edema, heat reduces pain and helps to overcome stiff knee.

You can use a heating pad, a plastic container with warm water, a warm bath, a wet warm compress. Contact with heat no more than four times a day for 15-20 minutes.

Ointments for the treatment of knee joint dilationshave a beneficial effect depending on their active substance and are grouped into the following groups:

-Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugseliminate pain and swelling, the most effective ointments with Diclofenac, Indometacin, Ketoprofen, Voltaren.

-Steroid hormones and synthetic analogseffectively suppress inflammation and reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, blocking the development of edema (Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone).

-Irritant warming agentsexpand the capillaries, strengthening local blood circulation, dilute the focus of inflammation.

This ointment is based on bee and snake venom, camphor, vegetable essential oils.

Are applied after removal of puffiness!

-Degradants- this group is represented by the anticoagulant Heparin, it dilutes the blood and prevents thrombosis, improves the blood flow to the damaged ligaments and resorption of the inflammatory focus. It is used after elimination of edema and danger of hemorrhage.

- Angioprotectors restore blood flow to the veins of the damaged area, eliminate edema and bruises (Venoruton, Aescin, Troxevasin).

-Combined preparationsconsist of several active substances, they can combine irritating agents with anesthetics and NSAIDs or local anesthetics.

Treatment with combined ointments eliminates all the pathological links of the ligament rupture, makes the treatment complex, and recovery - quick.

The most effective of the combined ointments are:

- Apizarthron

- Viprosal

- Dolobien gel

- Finalgon

- Menovazine

- Camphocin

In more serious cases, it is important to accurately determine the degree of tissue damage and prescribe the use of drugs in the correct sequence.

The doctor will do it best!

A source: http://vse-sustavy.ru/lechenie/kolennyj/rastyazheniya-svyazok.html

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