
Serotonin syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Serotonin syndrome is a complication from the use of medications that affect the exchange of serotonin in the nervous system. Most often, this condition occurs when using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO). The cause of serotonin syndrome is the excessive content of serotonin in the synaptic cleft (space between the membranes of two neurons) or in the overexcitement of serotonin receptors on the membrane of neurons. Classical serotonin synd...

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Lumbar osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is a chronic degenerative-dystrophic disease of the lumbar department of the spine, affecting the structure of intervertebral discs and a number of located lumbar vertebrae. It affects people mostly of working age. It manifests itself by various symptoms, the main ones being pain in the lower back and legs, limitation of movements in the lower back. For diagnosis, methods such as radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging of the lumba...

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Bruxism in children and adults: reasons for getting rid of it

Bruxism is called paroxysmal gnashing of teeth lasting several minutes, arising in a dream. This condition is quite widespread: according to statistics, they suffer about 30-50% of children under the age of 7 years and 10-15% of adults. It is assumed that the frequency of occurrence of bruxism in the adult population is even higher, since single people they often do not assume that they creak at night with teeth, since there is not a person around who can talk about it to tell. Bruxism does...

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Sleepwalking: causes, symptoms, treatment

The scientific name of sleepwalking is somnambulism (from Latin. Somnus - sleep and Ambulare - walk, walk), and the second "people's" synonym of this state is "sleeping". In fact, this pathology does not have any relation to the moon, but it is named so, probably because of what is often revealed in the bright moonlit nights. This is one of the forms of sleep disorders, the manifestation of which is unconscious walking in a dream. Somnambulism is a very common phenomenon, according to statis...

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Malignant neuroleptic syndrome

Malignant neuroleptic syndrome (CNS) is an acute life-threatening condition, most often a complication of neuroleptic therapy. It can also occur when taking other drugs that block dopamine receptors. Despite the achievements of modern medicine, the mortality from malignant neuroleptic syndrome and is currently 5-20%. Even the timely placement of a patient in a specialized intensive care unit does not always guarantee a favorable outcome of this condition, if the existing violations increase ...

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Pseudobulbar Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

With various brain lesions, complexes of characteristic disorders, called syndromes, develop. One of them is pseudobulbar paralysis. This condition occurs when the nuclei of the medulla oblongata cease to receive sufficient regulation from the overlying centers. This does not represent an immediate danger to the life of the patient, in contrast to bulbar paralysis. Correct differential diagnosis between these two syndromes not only allows the doctor to determine the level of damage, but also...

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Syndrome of an empty Turkish saddle

Syndrome of an empty Turkish saddle is a combination of clinical and anatomical signs associated with the penetration of soft The cerebral membrane from the subarachnoid space into the bone formation of the skull is called the Turkish saddle. In this case, the pituitary gland located in the Turkish saddle is depressed to its bottom and walls. The compression of the pituitary gland is accompanied by a violation of its function. This pathological condition develops as a result of a number of r...

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Essential tremor: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Essential tremor is a disease of the nervous system with hereditary predisposition. Characterized by the trembling of hands, tongue, chin, head, voice, rarely - other parts of the body. Can be combined with other symptoms of nervous system damage. It often manifests itself after 30-40 years. In itself, this disease does not pose an immediate danger, but it can significantly hamper social and professional activities. The main drugs for treatment are β-adrenoblockers and anticonvulsants, with...

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What is carpal tunnel syndrome, treatment of it

The modern world can not exist without new technologies. The computer and the Internet have become everyday satellites of almost every person from small to large. Much of the time we spend with you at the computer: someone on duty, and someone as a leisure. Regardless of the reason, when using this device we use a computer mouse for convenience. It would seem that a very convenient and harmless invention. But it was not there. Regular use of the mouse can cause pain and numbness, as well as ...

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Asthenia: symptoms, treatment

Asthenic syndrome, or asthenia (in translation from Greek means "lack of strength", "impotence") is a symptom complex, indicating that the body's reserves are depleted, and he is working out of his last efforts. This is a very frequent pathology: according to the data of different authors, the frequency of morbidity is from 3 to 45% in the population. About why there is asthenia, what are the symptoms, the principles of diagnosis and treatment of this condition, and will be discussed in our ...

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