
Neurogenic bladder in children

The term "neurogenic (or neurogenic) bladder" includes a number of filling disorders and / or emptying of the bladder, resulting from a violation of the mechanisms of regulation of their nervous system. This is a very common pathology: 10 children out of 100 suffer from it. And even if in most cases the neurogenic bladder does not pose a threat to the life of the child, the quality of his life is substantially decreases: spontaneous urination causes discomfort, causes complexes and difficult...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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Lumbalia: symptoms and treatment

The lumbar spine of a person experiences a huge load every day, associated with the upright. Even more exacerbates its wrong way of life of modern people: low physical activity, excessive body weight, regular psychoemotional stresses and irrational nutrition. All these factors contribute to the development of morphological changes in the lower back, which manifest themselves primarily pain syndrome. Subacute or chronic pain in the lumbar region and received the name "lumbulgia" (from the Lat...

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Myasthenia gravis: treatment and prognosis

Myasthenia gravis is a chronic disease of an autoimmune nature, characterized by the development of steadily progressing weakness of various groups of striated muscles. It affects mostly young people - 20-30 years old, but also registered in children and in elderly patients. The majority of cases - about 65% - are women. In the first part of the article on myasthenia gravis, we examined the causes, mechanism of development and symptoms of this disease. Here we will talk about the methods of ...

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Klein-Levin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Klein-Levin syndrome is a periodic spontaneously arising disorder of sleep and wakefulness in the form of rather large intervals of sleep. Sleep can last several days or even weeks. A sick person wakes up for a short time, but does not behave adequately, consumes all sorts of food around him. Periods such a "hibernation" are then amnesed by the sick. In the inter-attack period, the person is absolutely healthy. The Klein-Levin syndrome is a very rare pathology, but its unusual symptomatology...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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Stenosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

Stenosis of the vertebral canal of the lumbar spine is a pathological condition in which the size of the canal is reduced. The narrowing of the lumen leads to compression of the structures located in the canal, the roots of the spinal cord. Symptoms of the disease are determined by which roots are subjected to compression. The disease is slowly progressive. Treatment can be conservative and operative. The latter is prescribed in case of ineffectiveness of drug treatment. From this article y...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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Migraine in women: symptoms and treatment

Migraine is a neurological disease that is a headache with special characteristics. Women suffer from this ailment more often than men, which is connected with the hormonal background. A special role in the development of migraine in women is played by periods of menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth. This type of headache causes disability due to its intensity. In the treatment of migraine in women, there are various ways that are divided into two groups: those that use in the period of se...

  • 01-Aug-2018
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Comas: classification, signs, principles of treatment

A coma is a state of total absence of consciousness, when a person does not react to anything. In a coma, no stimulus (neither external nor internal) is able to bring a person to life. This is a life-threatening resuscitation, because, in addition to losing consciousness, coma has abnormalities in the functions of vital organs (breathing and cardiac activity). Being in a state of coma, a person does not realize either the world around him or himself. Coma is always a complication of any dise...

  • 01-Aug-2018
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