Headache and nausea in adults

  • Mechanisms for the emergence of the
  • syndrome Characteristic of the
  • syndrome What diseases are accompanied by headache and nausea?
  • What methods are used to determine the cause?
  • How to treat a headache and nausea?
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This symptom, like a headache and nausea is complicated in diagnosis. The main reasons for the subjectivity of complaints, although doctors are always afraid that they are hiding a serious disease. It is possible to recommend analgesic agents.

They usually help. But many drugs have a negative side effect on the stomach and are addictive. Therefore, for proper treatment, it is always necessary to find out the main source of pain.

Mechanisms of the emergence of the syndrome

It is known that there are no pain receptors in the tissues of the medulla. Then what hurts in the head? The cause of the headache is the processes of edema of the brain structures, the redistribution of incoming impulses of the central nuclei, the involvement of the meninges.

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Similar phenomena can be caused by:

  • changes in cerebral vessels due to spasms, atony, atherosclerosis of the inner shell, increased or low pressure;
  • stress states;
  • a violation of the shape of the cervical vertebrae in osteochondrosis, which hinders the flow of blood into the brain;
  • is a chronic inflammatory process in the meninges;
  • exacerbation of sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear and parotid lymph nodes;
  • consequences of skull injuries with increased production of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles;
  • arthritis of the lower jaw;
  • expressed intoxication in poisoning, infectious diseases, severe forms of impaired function of internal organs( kidneys, liver).

Combination of headache with nausea greatly complicates the condition of patients. Nausea is an unpleasant sensation of vomiting. When the headache and nausea, patients talk about "a feeling of faintness".This is due to insufficiently intense stimulation of the emetic center of the brain located in the medulla oblongata.

The ability of impulses to spread to neighboring centers causes simultaneously increased production of saliva in the oral cavity, dizziness, lowering of blood pressure, palpitations, pallor of the skin, weakness

A typical manifestation is a temporary refusal to eat. The condition can not be confused with a feeling of aversion to food in case of ulcers or cancer of the digestive system, pregnancy in women. The occurrence of vomiting with a headache after nausea indicates that the irritation of the brain nuclei has reached a threshold level.

The mechanism of vomiting, except for the brain centers, includes:

  • increased pressure in the stomach;
  • stretching the walls of the organ with irritation of the endings of the vagus nerve;
  • reaction of sensitive mucosal receptors on the chemical composition of food( that's why vomiting accompanies food poisoning).
Similar devices form a reflex protection to purify the stomach of unwanted irritation.

In the vomiting involved muscles of the stomach, abdominal, diaphragm. They contract simultaneously, cause an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, weakness of the esophageal sphincters, but increase the tone in the pyloric section of the stomach. As a result, the food masses from the duodenum return to the stomach, then into the esophagus and the oral cavity.

Characteristics of

Syndrome Since headache is a multi-faceted symptom, the symptoms of the syndrome should be considered in detail to differentiate its origin. The doctor finds out at the questioning of the patient features:

  • by nature - pulsating( migraine, hematoma), pressing;
  • localization - in temples, in the nape, in the forehead, in one side of the head;
  • connection with head movements, irradiation in the neck, back( cervical osteochondrosis);
  • periodicity of appearance, connection with stresses, occurrence in the mornings;
  • why there is a headache, including medicines.

It is important to establish whether the temperature rises, whether the well-being after vomiting becomes easier, whether there are signs of an infectious disease( cough, runny nose, chills), whether vision is impaired. To clarify the relationship with food poisoning is asked about the health of other family members.

Women should pay attention to the probability of an initial sign of pregnancy. Early toxicosis manifests itself in pain in the head and nausea, which are periodic in nature and pass independently.

By the peculiarities of pain, it is possible to assume the cause of

. What diseases are accompanied by a headache and nausea?

We will consider the most common diseases, accompanied by headache, nausea.


Causes of nausea and headache can be associated with nervous overloads at work, stresses, scandals in the family. The lack of relaxation and rest causes a prolonged spasm of peripheral vessels, an increase in resistance with subsequent conditions for the formation of hypertensive disease.

This mechanism is especially important if the headache and vomiting in an adult has occurred after 40 years. Age is dangerous for men at high risk of atherosclerosis, for women - the beginning of hormonal menopausal changes. With inflammation of the kidneys, hypertension is of a persistent nature, it is difficult to quench drugs with crises.


The disease belongs to the field of neurology. Headaches can be associated with both a one-sided spasm of the brain vessels, and, conversely, with their expansion, stagnant phenomena. Attacks are provoked by stresses, loud sounds, bright light. Pain more often unilateral, strong, accompanied by nausea.

Characteristic of intolerance of odors. An attack begins from the aura( forerunner period): irritability appears, the vision changes. Migraine contributes to the disruption of the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands.

Injuries to

It is established that even minor injuries are accompanied by symptoms of brain damage. Injuries to the head can be caused by a blow, a fall, a sharp concussion. In the early days the brain reacts with edema, with small hemorrhages. Headaches are not always very intense, so patients do not consult a doctor.

The danger is the formation of an internal hematoma, which compresses the structure of the brain. It is necessary to observe several days of bed rest and undergo a survey. It is not possible to hide information about the injured person from the doctor.

Brain diseases of inflammatory nature

The initial stages of inflammatory diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis occur imperceptibly. The most common cause is infection of the meninges. Pathogenic microorganisms are able to penetrate with a weakening of protective forces through the blood-brain barrier from the nasal sinuses( inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, frontal, etmoiditis).

Pain in sinusitis increases with the accumulation of pus in the sinuses

Typically, the gain when tilting the head forward. Accompanying nasal congestion. Irradiate into the orbit, forehead, temple. Prolonged untreated rhinitis is accompanied by complications on the brain and is particularly difficult to affect the development of children: causes mental retardation, motor disorders, reduced vision, lag in the development of speech.

Acute infectious diseases

Headaches and nausea often begin infectious diseases. These signs indicate the toxic effects of microbes or their toxins on the brain.

Sudden nausea

Many viral and bacterial infections manifest themselves by fever over 37 degrees, chills. Then there is a runny nose, coughing, a rash on the body, diarrhea and pain along the bowels, an increase in lymph nodes.

Intestinal infections( salmonellosis, dysentery, botulism, cholera) occur most severely in children. They are accompanied by dehydration due to severe vomiting and diarrhea, lower abdominal pain, cramps, and a violation of consciousness.

Food poisoning

The use of poor quality food is the main cause of acute gastroenteritis. When violation of the terms of storage, processing of products, group poisoning occurs, most often in children's groups( schools, kindergartens, summer camps).It is important to get into food staphylococcal infection. Poisoning by poisonous fungi is most severe.

Clinical course is accompanied by severe intoxication, severe headaches, diarrhea, common pains throughout the abdomen, vomiting, high fever.

Chronic intoxication

Headaches arise:

  • in workers with occupational hazards - more often disturbed by lunchtime, nausea, dizziness occur at the same time;
  • when exposed to the brain of body slags in the case of kidney and liver failure, pathology is typical of an extreme degree of chronic diseases, thromboembolic complications;
  • for alcohol intoxication, along with vomiting in the morning, imbalance.

Acute appendicitis

The attack of acute appendicitis according to the classical description begins with a headache and nausea, pain in the right ileal region appears after 2-3 hours. Therefore, the disease is so difficult to distinguish from another pathology. Patients need to monitor the doctor in a hospital, blood tests.

Mental illnesses

Depression caused by mental disorders, accompanied by headache, nausea. Patients describe the squeezing, pulsating nature of pain. The lack of timely assistance leads people to commit suicide.

Diseases of the spine

With vertebral artery syndrome( compression of the vessel causes cerebral circulatory failure), patients complain of morning headaches. They are associated with an uncomfortable posture of the neck and head during sleep. Usually the pain is felt in the back of the head, temples, accompanied by nausea and dizziness.

Vessel compression at the neck level by spinal processes worsens brain nutrition

Simultaneously, there is a noise in the ears, tension in the muscles of the neck. In the afternoon, acute pain and loss of consciousness provokes the head tilting back. Cervical osteochondrosis gives unilateral pain in the temporal region. Almost always they are associated with prolonged immobility or head turns. Characteristic for employees with a long work at the computer.


Anemia often causes headaches and dizziness. More young women suffer after "hungry" diets, with a lack of vitamins in their food. Pain and nausea are expressed constantly, different in localization, cause increased fatigue, loss of ability to work.

What methods are used to determine the cause?

Objective signs of patient complaints about headache help to identify the hardware examination and external examination of vascular disorders. Magnetic resonance imaging( MRI) - allows you to evaluate the shape of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae, the structure of the brain, reveals the expansion of the ventricles, tumors, ischemic foci and hematomas.

Angiography - makes it possible to investigate the direction, permeability of the vessels of the brain and neck. Ultrasound of internal organs - is necessary for suspected chronic pathology of the liver and kidneys. In the analysis of blood, signs of inflammation, anemia, disturbed lipid metabolism are revealed. Special methods examine the discharge of a patient with a suspected infectious disease.

With the help of an oculist examination of the fundus, the degree of narrowing of the cerebral vessels, neurological pathology is established. The otolaryngologist helps to identify sinusitis and prescribe treatment. Typically darkening on the target X-ray images. Some patients require the help of a psychiatrist.

How to treat a headache and nausea?

If individual causes of headache and nausea are identified, the patient is treated individually. With the transferred stresses, depression it is recommended to change the regime, active rest, light vegetable soothing agents. Consultations with a psychiatrist help to choose the right option.

Infusion therapy - a stage of rendering assistance to a patient

Infectious diseases and inflammatory processes are treated with antibacterial and antiviral drugs, for the removal of intoxication, a profuse drink is shown, in serious cases intravenously injected solutions of Hemodeza, Polyglukin.

Treatment of chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency is carried out with special preparations, purification of blood with plasmapheresis, hemodialysis, the indications for organ transplantation are considered. With head injuries, the edema of the brain substance is prescribed diuretics. Treatment of arterial hypertension requires an integrated approach, starting with a diet, vasodilating agents of various types.

Every person should undergo a medical examination at least once a year. With initial signs of pathology, which contributes to headaches and nausea, serious consequences can be avoided, in time to compensate and correct violations.

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