
Than to treat a strong pain in a throat in house conditions?

Trouble with the throat happens with almost everyone, and someone is persecuted periodically. They begin in different ways: first, there is hoarseness of voice, perspiration, general malaise, and sometimes the throat immediately inflames. In all cases, the general problem is seriously annoyed: severe sore throat when swallowing with or without fever. Even a small meal becomes a test and causes additional pain. What to treat such an unpleasant symptom, and what is the cause of this condition?...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Frontitis - symptoms and treatment at home

Frontite is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus, which is part of the front base skull and is located next to very important anatomical structures - the eye socket and anterior cranial fossa.As clinical practice shows, such a close arrangement can lead to serious complications of the frontitis. Acute frontitis occurs with signs of general intoxication. Usually, when the disease is acute, the front symptoms appear sharply, usually after the appearance of any in...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Herpes sore throat, what to do and how to treat at home?

Herpes sore throat arises as a result of the action of enterovirus infection. Angina, a viral genesis - tonsillitis, will be called herpetic, although it has nothing to do with the herpes virus.Its name was obtained due to the similarity of the rashes with herpetic lesions of the mucous and generalizing the definition of pain symptoms in case of throat disease. The course of herpes sore throat always has an acute form, and the development and outcome of the disease will depend on certain det...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Chronic pharyngitis in adults - symptoms and treatment

Chronic pharyngitis is a disease in which a chronic inflammatory process is located in the mucous membrane and lymphoid apparatus of the pharynx. The main causes of the disease: prolonged inhalation of contaminated air, smoking and alcohol abuse. Not infrequently chronic pharyngitis in adults accompanies the diseases of the digestive system, in which the retrograde transfer of gastric contents into the pharynx and the oral cavity occurs. Causes Why does chronic pharyngitis occur, and what is...

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Otitis media of the middle ear: symptoms and treatment

Otitis is an inflammation and swelling of the auricle. It can be chronic or acute, purulent or catarrhal. Most often this disease occurs in children. According to statistics, approximately 80% of children under 3 years of age have had otitis media at least once. There is pain in the ear (pulsating, shooting, aching), fever, hearing impairment, noise in the ears, mucopurulent discharge from the external auditory canal. Otitis is the most common cause of hearing loss (decreased hearing). This ...

  • 28-Jul-2018
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Pharyngitis - photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx, a part of the throat that lies just behind the sky and extends to the Adam's apple (larynx). Inflammation usually occurs when viruses (or sometimes bacteria) get into the throat of a cold, flu or sinus infection. With pharyngitis, symptoms are manifested by perspiration, sensation of "lump" and sore throat, worse with swallowing, dry cough, fever. In most cases, a complete cure is possible, the transition of an acute process to a chronic one is ...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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Acute suppurative otitis media

Acute purulent otitis media (otitis media purulenta acuta) - is an acute purulent inflammation of the mucosa a tympanic cavity in which all parts of the middle ear are involved in one way or another in catarrhal inflammation. This disease with certain symptoms is similar to an ordinary cold. So when otitis is also characterized by fever and headache. In addition, otitis often occurs simultaneously with catarrhal diseases. But there are other symptoms characteristic of otitis, which indicate ...

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Chronic sinusitis - symptoms and treatment in adults

Chronic sinusitis in the modern world is more and more often. A distinctive feature of this form of the disease is that the inflammatory process develops and lasts more than two months.In itself, sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses located in the thickness of the wing of the upper jaw. Chronic sinusitis symptoms and treatment which we will consider may develop from an acute form of the disease, if therapy has not been given enough attention. In addition, it can become a complication ...

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Chronic tonsillitis: photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

Tonsillitis is an infectious-allergic disease in which the inflammatory process is localized in the palatine tonsils. Also, nearby lymphoid tissues of the pharynx are involved - larynx, nasopharyngeal and lingual tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis is a fairly common disease, which may be due to the fact that many people simply do not consider it a serious illness and are easily ignored. This tactic is very dangerous, because a constant focus of infection in the body will periodically acquire the f...

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Lacunar angina - symptoms and treatment in adults

Lacunar angina is a form of acute tonsillitis, which is characterized by purulent inflammation in lacunas, that is, folds of the tonsils. This form of the disease is more severe than follicular angina.In its pure form, it is rare. Most often it develops on the background of follicular. The main risk group for this type of angina is children aged 5 to 12 years. In adults, this type of angina is most common in combination with another variant of the disease, that is, there is a mixed type. Tre...

  • 29-Jul-2018
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