Frontitis - symptoms and treatment at home

frontalFrontite is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the frontal sinus, which is part of the front base skull and is located next to very important anatomical structures - the eye socket and anterior cranial fossa.As clinical practice shows, such a close arrangement can lead to serious complications of the frontitis.

Acute frontitis occurs with signs of general intoxication. Usually, when the disease is acute, the front symptoms appear sharply, usually after the appearance of any infections of the nasopharynx. Chronic frontitis can occur with alternations of phases of remission and exacerbation. During the remission period, the symptoms are almost not manifested, and during the period of exacerbation they are similar to those that occur in an acute process, but are perhaps less pronounced.

In addition, with chronic form, reddening of the nasal concha, an unpleasant odor of the nasal discharge, as well as signs of involvement of the lacrimal nasal canal and redness of the corners of the eyes can be observed.

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Why does the frontite develop, and what is it? The onset of a diseasemost often contribute to bacterial and viral infections (influenza, ARI), immune disorders and a number of diseases:
  • infection with Group A streptococci;
  • allergic rhinitis or asthma;
  • dust and pollution of the environment;
  • stay in smoke-filled premises;
  • untreated caries;
  • anatomical abnormalities in the frontal sinus structure;
  • swimming (especially diving);
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Kartagener's syndrome;
  • syndrome of ciliary stiffness.

Among other things, factors,contributing to the development of frontal sinusitis, are:

  • chronic vasomotor rhinitis;
  • ozena;
  • nose injuries and foreign bodies;
  • professional barotrauma;
  • curvature of the septum of the nose;
  • Narrowness and a large length of the frontal-nasal canal;
  • bacteriocarrier;
  • disturbance of the immune system;
  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • improper blowing;
  • tumors and cysts of other paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity;
  • work in harmful production;
  • regular stay in dusty, contaminated rooms;
  • frequent hypothermia of the head.

Distinguish the frontal by type of inflammation:

  1. Catarrhal acute processitis- characterized by stuffy nose, a feeling of heaviness and pressure in the forehead, can either go without complications, or go to the second stage.
  2. Purulent acute inflammation of the acute course- purulent contents are formed and accumulate in the frontal sinuses, which leads to a significant deterioration in the patient's condition, down to loss of consciousness.

Many people think about how to treat the frontitis at home. Prescribe therapeutic therapy is allowed only to a qualified doctor. You will definitely need to take medicines with strong action to eliminate the infection. Otherwise, the chronic frontitis will gradually form.

Signs of the disease in this case will be less pronounced, but the disease will worsen. The patient will suffer from discharge from the nose, congestion, headaches.

Symptoms of the frontitis

The main symptom of acute adenitis in adults is a very severe headache, which increases with the tilting of the head, physical exercises and pressure on the frontal lobe of the nose. Also, the patient may complain of other symptoms of the frontitis:

  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • edema of surrounding soft tissues;
  • temperature increase;
  • general weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

The peculiarity of pain in acute form lies in their cyclicity. While the outflow of fluid is disturbed - the pain is unbearable, it can give to the temporal part of the head or eyes. Once the sinus is freed from accumulated mucus, the pain subsides. The chronic frontitis begins about two months after the onset of the acute process. Usually the chronic illness becomes from an incorrect treatment, or as a result of frank ignoring of a morbid condition.

Chronic frontitis

The following symptoms are characteristic for this form of the disease:

  • a significant violation of the sense of smell, in some cases the patient generally ceases to distinguish smells,
  • conjunctivitis,
  • if the inflammatory process has spread to the supraspinal sinuses, in the morning the patient can note the swelling of the superciliary area and eyelids,
  • a persistent cough that does not go away even after taking medication,
  • fast fatiguability.

Chronic frontitis often leads to the appearance of polyps in the nasal cavity, which interfere with nasal breathing.

How is the diagnosis made?

Diagnosis of the frontitis usually does not present difficulties. Diagnosis is established based on clinical manifestations of the disease. To confirm the diagnosis, a radiograph of the frontal sinuses is performed.

The sign of the frontitis on the x-ray is a darkening of the sinus on the side of the lesion (with the right-hand process on the right, with the bilateral on both sides). For chronic frontitis, MRI or CT examination, endoscopy of the nose and sinuses, and sowing on the flora of sinus contents may be necessary.

Treatment of the frontitis

In case of occurrence of a frontitis, treatment in adults is aimed at eliminating inflammatory phenomena in the frontal sinus, reduction of swelling of the mucosa, restoration of outflow of purulent contents of the sinus, suppression of infection.

Drug therapy includes the appointment of:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Restoring normal outflow of sinus contents is the main goal of treatment. If this can be done at the very beginning of the illness, the cure is possible without the use of antibiotics.


Antibacterial drugs of systemic action, which are used in the treatment of the frontitis, can be divided into these subgroups:

  • penicillin (Augmentin, Amoxicilin, Ammiside);
  • cephalosporin (ceftriaxone, axetil, cefataxime);
  • macrolide (Macropen, Azithromycin, Spiramycin);
  • local (Bioparox, Polydec, Isofra).

Antibiotics in front are the most standard drugs that each doctor prescribes. But they should be strictly accepted by the appointment of a specialist. Antibiotics can be used for both internal and local treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies

In the treatment of the frontitis apply and homeopathic remedies.

  1. Sinupret: used to relieve inflammation, liquefies the contents of the sinuses.
  2. Sinuforte: relieves inflammation, promotes ventilation and opening of nasal sinuses.
  3. Cinnabsin: relieves swelling, facilitates breathing and strengthens immunity.

In addition, the doctor can prescribe drugs to relieve headaches.


Vasoconstrictive preparations will eliminate edema of the mucous membrane and nasal concha, restoring the communication of the nasal cavity with the frontal sinuses. Drugs eliminate nasal congestion and shortness of nasal breathing. Examples of drugs:

  1. Naphthysine;
  2. Nazivin;
  3. Vibrocil;
  4. Halazolin.


An antipyretic medicine for the frontitis should be taken if the temperature has risen above 38.5 degrees. Most drugs also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

At a temperature below 38.5 degrees, they are taken in the case of severe impairment (headaches, weakness, chills). To this end, use analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuklin, Nurofen, Nyz.


To dilute the secret accumulated in the sinus and facilitate its departure, mucolytics are appointed - Acetylcysteine, Fluimutsil, Gelomirtol, Sinupret, Cinnabsin.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

If it is necessary to cure the frontitis medicines with anti-inflammatory properties will complement the therapy regimen. For example, fenspiride (Erespal) reduces the formation of biologically active substances responsible for inflammation. In addition, it improves the removal of mucus from the frontal sinuses.

There are forms of anti-inflammatory drugs for topical use. This medication is based on glucocorticoids - Nazonex, Fliksonase. Propofol based on products of beekeeping and an aqueous solution of Protargol based on silver are very helpful.

Rinsing of the nose

At home, the nose should be washed with any form of frontitis. In order for the flushing to be as effective as possible, the procedure requires clearing the nose and dripping vasoconstrictor drops.

  1. Decoction can be prepared fromflowers of a chemist's daisy. It is an effective antimicrobial and antiseptic. Strain, cool and apply for washing every 2-3 hours.
  2. Treatment of gonorrhea at home is also performed by washing the nose with additivestea tree oil, salt and soda. It is necessary to prepare such an aqueous solution: 1 h. a spoonful of salt plus 3 drops of tea tree oil plus a pinch of soda diluted in 1 cup of warm boiled water.
  3. Rinse your nosesaline solution(1 teaspoon of sea or table salt to a glass of water) with a rubber can, a syringe or simply pulling it with nostrils. A salt solution of this concentration is hypertonic and promotes the release of a pathological secretion from the sinuses.
  4. Freshly squeezed celandine juicemix with chamomile broth 1: 1. Bury or inject into the nose of turundas, moistened with this mixture.

Also at home, inhalations over steamed potato tubers in a peel, a mixture based on garlic and apple cider vinegar, bay leaf broth are widely used.


To physiotherapeutic methods of treatment with frontitis resorted in the absence of high temperature and symptoms of intoxication of the body. Patients are assigned:

  • UHF sessions - up to 12 procedures;
  • quartz nasal quartz lamp - up to 10 procedures;
  • warming compresses, solux on the forehead - up to 10 sessions;
  • washing the nose with a cuckoo;
  • endonasal probing;
  • Purification of the nasal cavity by the Dolphin method.


Surgical intervention can be of the following types:

  1. Opening of the frontal sinus with the help of endoscopic equipment. The most modern way of surgical treatment of the frontitis.
  2. Puncture of the frontal sinuses for aspiration of purulent contents and lavage of sinuses. Does not leave scars, almost painless, done with a special needle.
  3. The traditional operation involves opening the skin over the bridge of the nose, trepanation, suction of purulent contents, rinsing. Stitches are applied. The traditional operation comes out of the medical practice of treating the frontitis.

Folk remedies

Patients should be aware that treatment of the frontitis with folk remedies is ineffective, and in an acute period it is unacceptable, because may be fraught with rhinogenic intracranial and ophthalmic complications. Timely and correct treatment of the frontitis, appointed by an experienced otorhinolaryngologist, completely eliminates patient from this disease, and as our experience shows, recurrences of the disease are extremely rare.

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