Koumiss from goat or mare's milk: medicinal properties and contraindications

This sour-sweet drink is not widely distributed today and you can not buy it in the store. Meanwhile, everyone has heard of his benefits to the body.

According to the rules, koumiss is prepared from the milk of the mare, and it must be three years old and first necklace.

This is the product with the maximum benefit.

Contents of the article:

General information
  • Use for the body
  • Use for weight loss and weight gain
  • Cosmetic application
  • Contraindications and caution
  • General information

    A mare older than 5 years is not able to give healing milk.

    This drink originated in the steppe regions of Mongolia and Kazakhstan more than 5000 years ago.

    On the healing effect of koumiss, Avicenna also wrote.

    Kumys is referred to the number of fermented milk products( the benefit and harm of fat-free yogurt).To make the drink useful, the milk should be thrown out under the right conditions.

    For this, it is mixed with cold boiled water and placed in a special container containing the ferment from past fermentations. The longer the leaven lay, the more useful is the new portion of koumiss.

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    Tubes with lids are often used as dishes, in which an opening is made for mixing the product.

    There is another option - hermetic wineskins, in which kumis is mixed by periodic shaking, rolling or even striking the wineskin.

    In such conditions, as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, the product is maximally useful.

    And what do you know about the benefits and harm of ayran? A useful article describes the healing properties of this drink.

    On the ways of using agar-agar in folk medicine is written on this page?

    Buy natural live koumiss in the usual stores and supermarkets can not , because the production does not use preservatives and therefore the drink is not stored for a long time.

    The fact that it is sold under the guise of koumiss in stores is also probably a natural product, but it does not possess useful properties of koumiss.

    Benefits for the body

    Koumiss is enriched with vitamins C, A, E, PP, group B vitamins, minerals.

    Benefits of koumiss for the body:

    • helps with gastrointestinal diseases - stomach ulcer, dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, inflammation of the intestines and others;
    • improves the quality of gastric juice due to the moderate content of koumiss spirits( about the medicinal properties of dandelion flowers is written in this article);
    • corrects the disturbed metabolism;
    • restores intestinal microflora after antibiotics, eliminates dysbacteriosis due to the content of lactic acid bacteria;
    • improves the activity of the cardiovascular system at the expense of potassium, contained in sufficient quantities in the beverage;
    • enriches the blood with hemoglobin;
    • relieves anemia;
    • levels the cholesterol level, thanks to the content of choline;
    • helps fight respiratory diseases;
    • is a recognized tool in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, due to the content of a natural antibiotic;
    • due to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, fights against infection in the body and kills pathogenic microflora;
    • helps with dysentery;
    • has a positive effect on the health of the nervous system;
    • is endowed with an easy diuretic effect, relieving swelling and improving kidney function;
    • helps to recover soon after the diseases;
    • strengthens the immunity( about the medicinal properties of herbs of thyme read here);
    • eliminates hangover syndrome( how to drink the Riga balsam is written on this page).

    Known even the type of treatment, called kumysoterapiey. In our time, kumysotherapy is not as popular as 100-150 years ago.

    In specialized kumysolechnits this drink is used for treatment:

    • fever and anemia,
    • chronic bronchitis and tuberculosis,
    • dysentery,
    • intestinal infections and dysbiosis,
    • exhaustion.

    And what do you know about the benefits and harms of cherry plum? Its medicinal properties and contraindications are described in a useful article.

    For useful properties of physalis edible find out here.

    On page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva /lekarstva/ produkty-pitaniya / krahmal.html written about the benefits and harms of sago starch from corn.

    With success koumiss is used in the treatment of blood diseases, allergies, recovery from operations and injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome.

    And wishing to rejuvenate kumysolechenie will benefit - koumiss is endowed with antioxidant effect. A topically

    its use for the treatment:

    • furuncles,
    • purulent wounds,
    • improving oily skin( medical properties and contraindications lavender).

    The advantage of the clinics is that the patient will be offered exclusively fresh live koumiss, cooked according to the rules. Since

    beverage production involves some difficulties and characteristics:

    • grazing mares only steppe or forest zone,
    • difficulty milking, the impossibility of industrial bottling and storage,
      kumysolechebnitsah can only rely on a useful and effective product.

    The course of treatment lasts at least 2 weeks and is combined with climatotherapy, as most of the clinics are located in the steppe areas, which has an additional healing effect.

    Kumysolechebnitsy today presented in:

    • Bashkiria,
    • Altai Territory,
    • Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions,
    • Ulyanovsk,
    • Novosibirsk and Volgograd region,
    • Mordovia,
    • Mari El,
    • Tatarstan.

    Villages whose inhabitants are engaged in private koumiss fishing are also common. For example, in Bashkiria, in the valley of the river. Demos. Also, the drink is distributed in Yakutia and is considered sacred there.

    use for weight loss and weight gain

    If you drink mare just before taking food at the expense of the fermentation process and its nutritional value, it will give a feeling of satiety.

    As a result, the table will be eaten less. In addition, koumiss( weak - 1 volume% of alcohol) is endowed with a laxative effect that will help in time to cleanse the intestines, and its ability to improve metabolism, will not allow fat to be delayed.

    Important! Kumys strong ( 3 volume% alcohol) and average ( 1.75 volume% alcohol), unlike the weak, has a fixing effect.

    On the other hand, a drink, drunk 40 minutes before a meal, stimulates the appetite, helping to recover to those who need it. It increases the absorption of nutrients during food intake.

    Kumys is nutritious, and absorbed by 95%, therefore, with frequent use( especially in koumissotherapy) helps to gain weight.

    A.P.Chekhov, being on kumysolecheniye, wrote that he recovered by 8 pounds( more than 3.5 kg) per week.

    Cosmetic application

    Koumiss is enriched with vitamins and microelements, which makes it possible to use it in skin and hair care. The condition of oily and acne prone skin will improve if twice a day wipe the face with kumys.

    And the aging and tired skin will freshen and smooth, if for 15 minutes to impose on the face and neck gauze bandages impregnated with this product.

    Such masks are repeated every other day, and after making 10 masks, they arrange a break in a month. The skin of the body will benefit massage with a stiff mitten soaked in kumys.

    This procedure will cleanse the skin of the keratinized particles and nourish with useful substances.

    Mixing koumiss with sea salt or coffee grounds, you can get an excellent body scrub.

    Hair will transform and shine, if you pamper them with a mask with koumiss.

    For this, add the following into the product glass:

    • a teaspoon of honey,
    • egg yolk,
    • is mixed,
    • is applied to the hair along the entire length, rubbing into the roots( about the application of lavender oil written here).

    You can put a shower cap on top. After 30 minutes, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

    This mask will remove hair from brittleness and dryness, give them shine and healthy appearance, and prevent hair loss by strengthening bulbs.

    Important! Mask with koumiss and honey can lightly lighten hair and wash off the paint.

    If you keep it for a long time and do it often, then your hair becomes noticeably lighter. This should be taken into account by girls who color their hair in dark colors.

    For brunettes the mask of koumiss and decoction of nettle and / or burdock root is more suitable. It is necessary to take:

    • decoction of herbs, in which the nettle( the healing properties are described in this article) and the burdock root make the hair slightly darker,
    • is mixed with koumiss in equal proportions,
    • is spread over the hair.
      After 30-60 minutes wash off.

    You can just smear hair with kumys without adding additional ingredients, wrap your head, and after an hour wash it off with shampoo.

    With dry hair, the head, sometimes, can be washed with koumiss instead of shampoo.

    And kumis nails will benefit .It is necessary to slightly warm this product, add a few drops of vegetable oil: sea buckthorn( medicinal properties and contraindications), olive or any other - and put the hands in the bath with the mixture for 15 minutes.

    The result will be strong smooth nails and soft leather hands.

    In addition, koumiss whitens the skin of , so if there are pigment spots on the hands, such baths will make them less pronounced, and eventually will be completely eliminated.

    Contraindications and caution

    There are not many contraindications to the drink, but they are necessarily taken into account.

    • If there is an allergy to dairy products( lactose intolerance) or an individual intolerance to koumiss, drink will be discarded.
    • The acid contained in koumiss will be harmful in gastritis with high acidity and with exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
      The use of koumiss should be postponed until the symptoms of exacerbation recede.
    • The spirits contained in the drink are not useful for children and nursing mothers, but moderate amounts of koumiss are allowed to drink to pregnant women during or after illnesses in order to regain strength.
    • Buy koumiss only from proven and proven manufacturers, if any.
      If the hygiene rules are violated, bacteria may enter the drink, which leads to intestinal infections and other problems.

    Compliance with the rules will help to protect yourself from unwanted consequences and treatment with koumiss will be effective.

    Kumys, namely, the product that will become a loyal ally of the body, heal diseases and prevent their further appearance.

    The guests of koumiss and the doctor speak out about the treatment of koumiss in Kyrgyzstan.