Bronchitis in a one-year-old child than treated

If a child has bronchitis, what to treat?

The child has bronchitis, what to treat - this issue becomes relevant with the onset of cold weather, when the child begins to visit places with a large number of people. These factors, as a rule, are provoking for the spread of colds - ARI, ARVI. Bronchitis can occur both as a complication and as an independent disease. Indirect reasons for its development may be hypothermia and sudden temperature changes, which is characteristic of the beginning of autumn. The appearance of a child's cough requires that certain measures be taken by the parents to treat it.

Bronchitis in a child

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucosa of the upper bronchi accompanied by coughing and spitting.Against this background, quite often a high body temperature appears, which, in some cases, can rise above 38 ° C.

Depending on the pathogen, bronchitis is divided into: viral, bacterial and allergic or asthmatic, obstructive. In the first case, bronchitis can become a consequence of influenza and ARVI. The causative agent of bacterial bronchitis is streptococcus, staphylococcus, morocell, hemophilic rod, as well as mycoplasma and chlamydia. The last form of bronchitis is associated with exposure to irritating chemical or physical factors. Relapses of the disease are observed most often in the cold season.

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Acute bronchitisAccording to the duration of the course, several forms of bronchitis are distinguished:
  1. Acute bronchitis occurs 10-21 days.
  2. Obstructive - bronchitis, accompanied by obstructive syndrome associated with bronchial obstruction. Factors affecting its development: narrow lumen of the bronchi, massive mucosal edema and poorly departing sputum, bronchospasm - an additional narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi. In this case, bronchitis is accompanied by wheezing, difficulty breathing. In the case of repeated cases of this form of bronchitis, it is recommended that they additionally refer to a pulmonologist or an allergist to exclude bronchial asthma.
  3. Recurrent - the child is ill from 3 times a year and more often.
  4. Chronic - prolonged bronchitis, lasting several months with repeated exacerbations at least once a year for 2 years

The main danger accompanying bronchitis and causing particular concern for doctors and parents is the development of complications in the form of pneumonia, which is often the case in children. The reasons for this can be both active development of a viral infection, and incorrect treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Increased body temperature with bronchitisCommon symptoms of bronchitis include a protracted cough with sputum on the background of an increase in the body's overall temperature. Bronchitis is characterized by general malaise, drowsiness, lack of appetite, shallow and shallow breathing. Against the background of worsening airway patency and deterioration of lung ventilation, the body of the child suffers during this period from lack of oxygen.

It is worth noting that different forms of bronchitis can occur in different ways. With bacteriological bronchitis the patient's condition is more severe, cases of loss of consciousness are frequent, general intoxication is observed the organism, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headaches, the absence of a cold on the background of extremely difficult breathing. However, bacterial bronchitis is a fairly rare form. Treatment of bacterial bronchitis, as a rule, is stationary.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis for suspected bronchitis includes the following set of measures:

  • Check with a pediatrician. The doctor needs to listen to the baby's lungs with a stethoscope. Further, the doctor prescribes the necessary procedures to determine the nature of the child's cough;
  • Delivery of blood for a general analysis - to identify a viral or bacterial infection;
  • Chest X-ray - helps distinguish pneumonia from bronchitis;
  • Sputum analysis and culture - with chronic and relapsing bronchitis is used to identify the pathogen and exclude its allergic etymology.

How to treat bronchitis?

A doctor's examination with bronchitisTreatment of bronchitis is not just about taking a medicine prescribed by a doctor. First of all, parents should take care of the conditions in which the sick child is. Namely - make sure that the air in the room is sufficiently moistened and ventilated. You can use the folk method in the form of wet sheets hung in the room, or use an automatic air humidifier.

It is also necessary to provide the child with an abundant drink. It should be given to the child to drink every 30-40 minutes. It can be warm tea, mors, a decoction of chamomile, linden, breastfeed, or just water. The use of liquid in sufficient quantity will facilitate and facilitate the excretion of phlegm.

Do not close the child in four walls. If you feel well, and if the acute phase is behind, then walks are not only possible, but also necessary. Fresh air will promote ventilation of the lungs, and provide the body with oxygen. It will be easier to treat bronchitis and remove its effects.

As a medicine, antibiotics are often prescribed. However, the need to receive them is extremely doubtful.

It should be remembered that in most cases, the cause of the occurrence of bronchitis becomes a viral infection, respectively, treatment with antibiotics in this case is useless.

In order to be convinced of the justification of taking antibiotics, it is necessary to make sure of the presence of bacteriological bronchitis.

Treatment with antibiotics for bronchitisDrugs for bronchitis may include both antibiotics and mucolytic agents. However, their appointment as a doctor is not always necessary, since the process of recovery with a favorable course in children proceeds independently. Children under one year of age are not in a hurry to prescribe them, and generally do not recommend the use of mucolytics, as this may prevent the sputum from escaping and provoke its congestion in the bronchi and lungs. A one-year-old has a poorly developed pectoral muscle and can not clear his throat. Therefore, it is necessary to intervene with caution.

Indications for the use of drugs are available in the following cases:

  • obstructive bronchitis - it is necessary to use drugs that dilate the lumen of the bronchi and relieve spasm;
  • presence of serious pulmonary pathologies;
  • severe course of the disease.

Medicines, namely mucolytics for children are prescribed, usually in the form of a syrup. This form will facilitate the use of the drug. The syrup is taken for a short time, since the mucolytics are given a short course.

When bronchitis should not be inhaled - because of the immaturity of the respiratory muscles, the child is difficult to cope with the sputum. Inhalations increase her withdrawal, which can worsen a child's condition if he does not clear his throat.

Bathing in the bathroom during the period of illness is not recommended, since hot water also creates an inhalation effect. If there is a temperature, do not use rubbing and warming ointments.

Prevention of bronchitis in children

Tempering of children for the prevention of bronchitisTo avoid the development of bronchitis, as well as reduce the number of relapses, one should remember about preventive measures.

These include, first of all, tempering the child. Fresh air, regular airing of the premises where the child is, clothes for the weather - these are the factors that are beneficial for the baby's health.

In addition, the child should be protected from the harm of secondhand smoke. Avoid places where people smoke, try, and refuse from this habit at least within the walls of the house.

It will not be superfluous to receive timely vaccinations in accordance with the national vaccination calendar. Especially important are vaccinations from such pneumococcus and hemophilic rod.

Parents need to be vigilant and watch their child after the course of treatment. If the child has a fever after bronchitis, if a cough appeared, and dyspnoea joined him, it became noticeable that the skin was drawn into the intercostal intervals, these signs may indicate the appearance of severe complications, for example, bronchiolitis or pneumonia, because of untreated bronchitis. In this case, you can not hesitate, do not wait for the arrival of the district doctor, it is important to urgently call an ambulance and take the child to the hospital.

How to treat bronchitis in a one-year-old child using folk remedies



It is necessary to do inhalations (with saline solution), immediately after the procedure - massage to improve sputum discharge. Another decoction of sage take three times a day. To rub, grind, never to drink cold, only warm or hot. Drinking is necessarily abundant. But, if the bronchitis is serious - you can not do without antibiotics! Call a doctor.

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fat badger on the breast smells like a nasty smell but what to do as a single father and the past through it I say in a week it will be easier


Rub your feet with turpentine ointment.
Onion, garlic spread all over the room and near the crib, only if there is no allergy !!!
Mukaltin - a tablet of grass.
Warm your back with salt or oatmeal (wrapped in a pillowcase so that it is not very hot, etc.).

Vladislav Smirnov

And to the doctor or how? I can watch later tk now in the office, knock on the Agent. And so the tincture of licorice in the drugstore is bought, made from the roots of licorice, it is applied as an expectorant after half an hour.

Denis Sukhinin

First of all, you need to have confidence that it is bronchitis. Doctors, honestly, do not really know how to listen. I recommend a drainage massage. Only here, to be able to give it. And try. [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]

Julia Astakhova

Very well helps the liquid mango, with butter (a glass of milk, a tablespoon) several times a day. If there is no temperature, the baths are coniferous-salt (per bath 1 kg. salt and 100 ml. coniferous extract) through the day and at night rub with ointment warming up with herbs. And all will pass !!!

Diana Nabieva

it is better to go to the doctor, and if in your city they give bronchitis without a prescription, then it helps very well, but all the same it is better to ask the doctor, he knows better


I was given a black radish juice in my childhood. The radish cut off the top, not thrown out - it will be a lid. Cut out the middle finger. It was like a glass. You can put honey or sugar in it. The counterfoil of this radish should be lowered into the water. And put a lid on top. Next day will be juice. It is given to children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
And I was given warm milk with burnt (until dark-dark brown) sugar.


If there is no allergy to honey, it is very good to grate the baby's breast, put on a tight T-shirt. Warms up so that you need to change your clothes after 40 minutes (the baby will be wet simply). Of course you need to wipe the skin with vodka before honey. Better to do it all night.


To remove a dysbacteriosis, then and a bronchitis will pass


if there is no high-temp honey apples for the night in the composition: -melt the honey, fatty fat and add the vodka mix and spread on the chest, drink the liquorice syrup

Than to cure a bronchitis at the one-year-old child?



It is necessary to do inhalations (with saline solution), immediately after the procedure - massage to improve sputum discharge. Another decoction of sage take three times a day. To rub, grind, never to drink cold, only warm or hot. Drinking is necessarily abundant. But, if the bronchitis is serious - you can not do without antibiotics!
If there is no temperature, then rub the breast, back and legs with turpentine ointment.
Black radish juice. At a radish to cut off a top, not to throw out it will be a lid. Cut out the middle. It will be like a glass. You can put honey or sugar in it. The counterfoil of this radish should be lowered into the water. And put a lid on top. Next day will be juice. It is given to children 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

At the one-year-old child cough of the night prolonged to vomiting help how to treat?


Marina Bakhtina

Most likely it's bronchitis. Go to the doctor, you need to take a course of antibiotics. I'm surprised that you did not call an ambulance, are not you afraid that the child will suffocate?


agrees with Marina's answer-such a cough can be with bronchitis, and bronchitis is treated with antibiotics. therefore it is urgent to the doctor!


I help! It is a pity that I can not fool you! Go to the doctor, even at night, to the hospital! !
It is necessary, think out, ask for virtual help from people, even in the hope that the doctor who can not and does not have the right to put an absent diagnosis and prescribe a treatment will answer!! You parents! !
To be angry at my answer, I do not advise! It hurts a lot, from practice, ruined children after a virtual "consultation". Turn off the computer. and to the nearest children's hospital ...!

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