Inflammation of the submaxillary lymph node: treatment, causes of lymphadenitis, what to do at home

All lymphatic system consisting of knots and vessels is the protective stronghold of our body, detoxifying the incoming infection and keeping it from further spreading through the body.

Sometimes, with a low weakened immunity due to a variety of pathologies and chronic internal foci of infection, the load on the lymph nodes increases many times, they have to constantly filter lymph and, developing microphages, destroy viruses and bacteria.

With constant angina( tonsillitis in acute or chronic form), carious teeth, sore throat and nasopharynx, inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw, behind the ears, on the neck often occurs. This phenomenon is not uncommon in cold and wet weather, with impairments due to influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Thus, the independent inflammation of the submaxillary and other lymph nodes is a rare case. The increase and soreness of the nodes of the lymphatic system is a symptom, very important, about the general inadequacy of the patient's body!

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This condition is called in medicine "Lymphadenitis".Consider the causes and possibilities of treatment at home.


Why lymph nodes are inflamed under the jaw and around the neck: causes

Lymphatic system is a biological filter. If a failure occurs, the lymph nodes react with swelling and tenderness when feeling.

If the lymph node is inflamed under the jaw, this means that the problem is possible not only in the jaw, teeth or sore throat.

Possible causes of the inflammatory process:

  1. infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract;
  2. infectious diseases of the ear canals;
  3. deep, multiple caries;
  4. tooth abscess;
  5. tumors and neoplasms of various etiologies;
  6. traumatic lesions of this area with attachment of infection;
  7. dysfunction of the immune system;
  8. infection with parasitic microorganisms;
  9. other reasons.

We believe that the search for the cause of ill health should be entrusted to practitioners. Address in an out-patient department. It is important not to allow the suppuration in the affected lymph node, otherwise the body temperature rises, it will be bad. There will be pain when you open your mouth.

The first symptoms of submandibular lymphadenitis are swelling in the submaxillary region. The patient himself can easily find dense painful tubercles. Edema, inflamed nodes cause anxiety. Symptoms of intoxication may join.

Patient needs to see a doctor-therapist! Because any infectious disease can lead to a disruption in the lymphatic system and, as a consequence, inflammation of the lymph nodes. And the worst thing is that such conditions can be observed in the child.

Banal problems of untreated carious teeth can lead to this. At the slightest sign of inflammation, you need to seek professional medical help. And remember that home remedies are good in conjunction with medications.

In addition to inflammatory processes in the teeth, the cause of the appearance of tubercles under the jaw can be:

  1. SARS;
  2. influenza;
  3. angina;
  4. toxoplasmosis;
  5. blood cancer;
  6. lymphatic carcinoma;
  7. breast cancer;
  8. arthritis;
  9. syphilis.

The lymphatic system prevents diseases and restrains them as far as possible.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw: treatment

What can not be tolerated!

The following signs indicate the beginning of a purulent process:

  1. Lymph node swelling under the jaw is visible to the naked eye;
  2. Severe tenderness of the inflamed area;
  3. Movement of the jaw is limited;
  4. Hyperemia of inflammation affected area is observed;
  5. body temperature keeps at a mark above 38 degrees.

In the absence of treatment, acute lymphadenitis eventually becomes a purulent phlegmon, a severe and poorly treatable disease.

It is characterized by an increase in all of the above symptoms, the spread of swelling and inflammation to nearby tissues and body temperature at 40 degrees. With its development the patient needs urgent hospitalization and inpatient treatment!

It is clear that it is necessary to treat, it is another matter - what to treat. Do not try to get rid of the pain, if it is, yourself. Treatment of lymph nodes occurs individually. A single recipe is not and can not be.

As a rule, the doctor prescribes antibacterial therapy, which can be carried out at home. If the patient's condition is started, then the treatment is carried out in the hospital. Medication can not be avoided in any condition. But any treatment is done only after a thorough examination.

What should I do at home?

Set out here, rather treat preventive methods.

Despite the fact that traditional medicine can be used as an auxiliary technique. There are effective recipes to help clear lymph.

Remember that making warm compresses, warming the house, if the lymph node is inflamed under the jaw, without the doctor's recommendation it is impossible! Suddenly the problem still has an oncological character.

Relieves pain and inflammation of tincture of Echinacea , 10-15 drops dissolve in a glass of warm water, after which you can rinse the oral cavity or take it inside.

Increase the amount of intake of vitamin C - all orange fruits - mandarins, oranges, lemons , and much more - broth of wild rose, ashberry .

To consume onions , garlic are natural antibacterial agents.

tincture of licorice root also cleanses lymph. Accepted on an empty stomach. To do this, you need to dilute one spoonful in a glass of warm water and drink. The agent does not have unpleasant taste and side effects.

Fresh juice squeezed from citrus fruits is suitable for cleaning lymph. For one intake, you need to squeeze out the juice from lemon, orange and grapefruit. Take one fruit or in equal quantities to get a glass of fresh juice. Drink on an empty stomach. You can dilute the medium with boiled water and drink throughout the day every hour. But for a daily rate you will need to take three fruits. A three-day course is enough to cleanse the lymph.

If we talk about herbs in the treatment of the lymphatic system, sanation of chronic foci of infection, strengthening the body, then you can use water infusions and decoctions of such herbs:

  1. mother-and-stepmother;
  2. calendula;
  3. St. John's wort;
  4. field horsetail;
  5. yarrow;
  6. mint;
  7. chamomile;
  8. plantain;
  9. melis;
  10. valerian.

The pharmacy sells the fees that are used to treat colds and infectious diseases. Most of these collections contain the listed herbs, so it is suitable in those cases when it is necessary to treat the lymphatic system.

Several recipes for arming for immunity shake:

In 1 glass of fresh carrot juice add 2-3 cloves of grated garlic and drink 40 minutes before eating 2 times a day for 2-3 days. At the same time, bed rest should be observed even after the temperature is normalized.

Mix the onion, mashed into a gruel, in a ratio of 1: 1 with honey. Take onions and honey mixture for 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day for 15-20 minutes before meals. The mixture will be more effective if you use onion juice.

Finely chop the aloe leaf, fill it with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.Infuse in a dark place for 3 days, then pour over to the top with water and insist for 3 more days in the dark. Strain, wring out. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes before eating.

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry crushed herb St. John's wort 1 cup of boiling water, keep in a sealed container in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature, drain. Gargle, take in.

Pour 50 g of dry crushed leaves of strawberries and( or) raspberries 1 liter of cold water, leave overnight, and bring to a boil in the morning, cook over low heat in a closed dish for 15 minutes, insist, wrapped, several hours, strain. Take inside.

Pour 2 teaspoons of leaves or blackberry buds with 1 cup boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, 2 hours, drain. Gargle, take in. It also helps with inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, with gum disease.

Fract branches with buds of birch, brew with boiling water and insist for 1 hour. Take 2-3 glasses a day inside.

Take 1 part of sage leaf, 2 parts of raspberry leaf and leaf, 2 parts of peppermint leaf, 1 part of elderberry black flower, 7 parts of St. John's wort, 1 part of birch buds( fluffy), 2 parts of pine buds, 2 parts of rootalthea, 1 part of the root of elecampane high.2 tablespoons mixture pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 12 hours, drain. Drink during the day in 3 divided doses.

Minor pain under the jaw, slight enlargement of the lymph nodes is a signal to consult a doctor. Do not be afraid! Do not run the disease to avoid surgical surgery.

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