Pain after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine


  • 1Patients' comments on the removal of a hernia in the lumbar spine and the consequences of surgery
    • 1.1Structure of the spine
    • 1.2Intervertebral hernia
    • 1.3Causes of lumbar hernia development
    • 1.4Symptoms of a spinal hernia
    • 1.5Surveys with suspicion of a herniated spine
    • 1.6Operative intervention
    • 1.7Classical surgery to remove a hernia
    • 1.8Discectomy
    • 1.9Laminectomy
    • 1.10Percutaneous Discectomy
    • 1.11Microsurgical operations to remove intervertebral hernia
    • 1.12Microdiscectomy
    • 1.13Endoscopic microdiscectomy
    • 1.14Postoperative complications
    • 1.15Rehabilitation methods after surgery
  • 2How to behave after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine
  • 3How is rehabilitation after surgery to remove a hernia?
    • 3.1Principles and main goals of rehabilitation
    • 3.2What is included in the complex of rehabilitation measures?
    • 3.3What can not be done after the operation?
    • 3.4What is prohibited in the late rehabilitation period?
    • 3.5Medication Therapy
    • 3.6Physiotherapy measures
    • 3.7General principles of therapeutic gymnastics
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.8What will the rehabilitation program depend on?
    • 3.9Features of massage and other procedures
    • 3.10Can complications occur after surgery?
  • 4Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia
    • 4.1Basic goals
    • 4.2Stages of rehabilitation
    • 4.3Medication Therapy
    • 4.4Physiotherapy
    • 4.5Physiotherapy
    • 4.6Mechanical unloading
    • 4.7Hydrotherapy
    • 4.8Spa treatment

Patients' comments on the removal of a hernia in the lumbar spine and the consequences of surgery

Often patients of the neurological clinic complain of intense pain in the lumbar region, neck, suffer from pain in the buttocks, feel numbness of the feet, cotton feet. Pain can be permanent or appear after a small load, sitting in one position.

Such symptoms are given by a vertebral hernia, which can not be dismissed, the neglected condition is treated by a surgical procedure.

Structure of the spine

The spine in the human bodyIt is a supporting and simultaneously mobile structure, serving as a protection for the neural tissue of the spinal cord, located in the ridge channel, from various loads and damages. Each vertebra has a bone structure and an outgrowth, which is a projection behind the dorsal tissue and a massive body, located in front of the spinal cord and perceiving itself almost all load.

Individual bones located one above the others together with intervertebral discs,playing the role of shock absorbers, constitute the vertebral column.

Round disc pads do not allow vertebrae to rub against each other.

Each vertebral disk consists of an internal pulpous core of a gel-like consistency and an outer fibrous membrane forming a fibrous ring.

Ligaments are fibrous tissue, with sufficient strengthto connect and hold the bones with each other.

Sometimes, if the ligaments are damaged, patients experience pain with a certain localization in the area of ​​the lesion.

The spine is divided into four sections along the entire length:

  • the cervical section contains 7 vertebrae;
  • thoracic number 12;
  • lumbar region consists of 5 parts;
  • the sacral part of the ridge is located under the fifth vertebra, then it passes into the coccyx.

Intervertebral hernia

Verzhnkovayaa hernia appears in the case of extrusion of the upper and lower bony vertebrae part of the gel-like nucleusin the formed lumen of a weakened or damaged fibrous ring. The protrusion of the pulpous nucleus, appearing outside the vertebral canal, exerts pressure on the nerve endings and causes pain.

Hernia, according to doctors,in most cases develops in the lumbar and cervical spine, between 4 and 5 vertebrae.


Rarely, with the existing curvature of the spine, is formed on the thoracic site.


Vertebral hernia is the most common cause of pain in the back, neck and legs, the disease occurs in people from 30 to 55 years, most often men suffer.

Causes of lumbar hernia development

In the process of a person's life activity, situations arise that cause a threat of a hernia:

  • excess body weight increases the load on the lumbar discs and leads to their protrusion;
  • heavy physical work or excessive use of force sports contribute to the emergence of a hernia of the spine;
  • propensity to malfunction of the spine is inherited.

Symptoms of a spinal hernia

To eacha person should take good care of their health, if you are concerned about any of the following symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor for a checkup:

  • Persistent pains in the back or waist region may be noisy or shooting;
  • giving pain to the leg, shooting at movement, the hamstring of the thigh is often affected, while walking sticks in the calves;
  • neck pain when turning the head and in a calm state, can be permanent or arising for a while, provoke tingling in the palm of the hand;
  • A dangerous sign of a hernia is the numbness of parts of the hands and feet, tingling (tingling) in the limbs, frequent swelling.

Symptoms of a hernia are varied anddevelop depending on the degree of soft tissue damageand the location of protrusion.

Their variants are presented from the absolute absence of pain at some time interval or weak expression of them to acute intolerable pain throughout the range of the ridge.

Around the spinal column, there are many nerve endings, and pain is given to that area of ​​the hands or feet, which are coordinated by clamped nerve endings in the area of ​​the hernia.

Often protrusion of a hernia through a fibrous ring does not carry a pressing character, the body of the pulpous core does not come into contact with nerves and soft tissues, in which case the patient does not feel pain for the time being.

Sometimes diagnosing is difficult if the person complains of pain in the knees, hips or foot feet and hands.

To determine the diagnosis of a hernia, instrumental and other examinations are performed to exclude similar diseases. = BLvtjbh5RoQ

Hernia can give asymmetrical symptoms, but in case of a large size it squeezes the sacral nerve junction, anddevelop lesions on both sides of the body, bearing very serious consequences.

The protrusion can disrupt the control of urination and bowel movement, cause complete paralysis of the body.

Other severe complications are intolerable pain during movement, which leads to complete immobility of the patient.

Surveys with suspicion of a herniated spine

The doctor's examination begins with a neurological examination and compiling a medical history.

The expert checks the reflex of the nerve processes, the sensitivity of certain areas of the body and the strength of the muscles.

If there are doubts, then to confirm the diagnosis the doctor prescribes additional studies:

  • to exclude the transformation of bone tissue and other diseases, reproduce the image of the human body through the passage of X-rays;
  • a diagnostic image using computed tomography (CT) shows the location, size, shape and the contents of the spinal canal, the structure of nearby tissues, but visually define a hernial protrusion difficult;
  • make a clear picture of the spinal cord, nerve endings and all surrounding tissues, developmental disorders, as well as tumors and hernias, can with the help of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which will display all the data in a three-dimensional image, which is very convenient for research;
  • to more accurately determine the size of hernia and its localization use the method of myelogram - the introduction of contrast substance in the canal of the back, this method does not apply without acute necessity, since it can be dangerous to health patient;
  • the method of electromyelogram is to determine the activity of the nerve roots and the response of the muscles to numerous injections of small Needles that are made in different parts along the spine, thus, find the nerve root excluded from the work of the overgrown hernia.

Operative intervention

Not all patients with diagnosed intervertebral hernia require surgery to remove it.

Statistics show this need for every tenth patient, others are prescribed medication to relieve inflammation and pain, massage and physiotherapy.

The process of complex treatment is lengthy, some patients want an early result, therefore, if a set of indicators is identified, surgical intervention is performed:

  • if there is a complete prolapse or protrusion of most of the inner core through the walls of the fibrous ring or separation from the spinal canal;
  • with the location of the hernia so that the compression of the horse's tail occurs, leading to severe pain in the surface of the thigh behind, in the abdomen, acute in coughing, inability to control urination and emptying intestines.
  • if complex conservative treatment does not give the desired result;
  • with persistent severe pain that does not pass from other methods for up to a month and a half.

Classical surgery to remove a hernia

It is not necessary to resort to surgery if the disease is manifested by minor pain sensations, but sometimes the operation is necessary, which in modern medicine is done by three traditional methods.


Methodinvolves the removal of part of the vertebral disc or its full bodytogether with hernial protrusion.

In place of the missing disc, a piece implant of titanium is put in order to maintain the supporting function of the ridge. In the subsequent time, the adjacent vertebrae are fused together.

Indication for discomectomy is a vertebral hernia of sequestered type.


Thisthe method is called open decompression, when the posterior wall of the spinal canal is removed together with the arch. Such intervention in the structure of the vertebra reduces the pressure on the spinal cord and the surrounding nerve endings.

Indication for carrying out a laminectomy is the narrowing of the spinal canal. The disadvantages of the method include the appearance of instability in the spine, sometimes pain and secondary compression of nerves occurs.

Relapses appear against the background of changes in the joints of the ridge with weakened dorsal muscles.

Percutaneous Discectomy

Produced through a small incision in the skin with a special tool.The operation is indicated if protrusion of the hernia occurs inside the spinal canal. This method is ineffective compared to an open discoectomy.

Microsurgical operations to remove intervertebral hernia

Removal of protrusionis made by special surgical equipment using an operating microscope through a small incision on the skin. Interference in the structure of the muscle tissue is minimal and does not affect the surrounding nerve roots.


During surgery, squeezing of nerve endings, vessels andcompression of the spinal cord decreases.

The spread of influence on the surrounding healthy tissues and bones is reduced by the removal of a hernia through a 2 cm incision.

With this method, a part of the yellow ligament is cut out, and the edges of the vertebral arches are excised. The advantages of the method include:

  • the time of the operation is less than an hour;
  • removal is performed under local anesthesia;
  • after surgery, there are rarely complications;
  • at the same time, two hernial structures can be removed;
  • pain almost immediately after the operation;
  • decreases the time spent in the clinic and shortens the rehabilitation period.
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Endoscopic microdiscectomy

For removal, an endoscopic probe is used with a built-in microscopic chamber that transfers the operating process to the computer screen.

This method, in comparison with the previous one,less traumatic tissue, the vertebra itself is not damaged. The doctor, depending on the location of the hernia, chooses the option of access to the affected area.

At the end of the operation, laser therapy is performed to increase efficiency.

The advantages of the method over the classical operation are the factors indicated by the previous method, but There are also shortcomings in the form of limited access to the space affected by the hernia and to the very protrusion.

Postoperative complications

Reviews of doctors and patients indicate that surgicalremoval of a hernia is a forced step, if there is no other option for therapeutic treatment. Indications for surgery are studied by a doctor or a whole consultation in especially neglected cases, and the patient should be aware of all possible consequences:

  • appearance of almost all postoperative spinal stenosis due to the appearance of scars and adhesions;
  • in some patients, urination and urinary excretion of the rectum are impaired (urinary incontinence occurs);
  • In the epidural space of the dorsal canal inflammation of the purulent character develops that affects the onset of meningitis;
  • can develop osteochondrosis, since the smooth motion of adjacent vertebrae ceases after removal of the compensating napkin;
  • the occurrence of subsequent arthritis is due to a reduced supply of tissues that receive it earlier on the nerve endings, which causes repeated pain in the back;
  • develops spondylitis or osteomyelitis of the spinal column, inflammation leads to septic damage;
  • repeated appearance of hernial protrusion in the old place.

Rehabilitation methods after surgery

After enough serious intervention in the main structural and supporting system of the human bodylong-term recovery of spine functions is required. From activities in this direction depends on the patient's full life. Practice of rehabilitation activities includes:

  • diet with a certain set of products, exclusion from food of harmful food;
  • healthy lifestyle, daily routine;
  • separation from smoking, use of alcohol and drugs;
  • regular execution of the rehabilitative exercises prescribed by the specialist, exercise with easy gymnastics and physical training;
  • Exclusion of hard work, power sports, long hikes, reducing the burden on the spine to a minimum;
  • in an ideal lot of free time to give rest.

At onceA person who is surgically removed hernia feels great relief, in this case, some forget about the required long-term rehabilitation. Follow all the doctor's recommendations, despite the good condition.

A source:

How to behave after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine

What do you think, whether you are a neurosurgeon, what would your professional actions consist in to alleviate the suffering of the patient? Let you do not own a scalpel and do not know the anatomy of a person well enough, but still you have a certain amount of knowledge, I hope.

Stages of surgery to remove a hernia

Well, the first step of the operation to remove the hernia of the spine, you will say, is to get to the hernia. Correctly. To do this, you must first pass through the muscle layer. In an adult of average fatness and complexion, its thickness at the lumbar level is 5 cm.

Then you will see, it is better to say, "feel" the disc. It is still poorly visible through the window of the "muscular well" and nowhere to get out of it.

Surgeons smile when they hear about the "miracle" -he healers, who, pushing the spine of some gullible patient with their fingers, "feel" the disc.

Well, the first stage of the operation to remove the hernia of the spine is over. What are your next steps? You see, the operating sister looks already with bewilderment. Hurry to find a hernia.

Ah, here it is - quite a small lump of flesh. Gently take it... It is important not to injure the nerve root. Now, poor fellow, you breathe more freely. So, a little more... Here he is - the culprit of the patient's suffering.

The size of a pea or a little more. Thick to the touch.

Sister looks affable, with understanding. It helps you. Her movements are honed, without unnecessary fuss. It seems, in advance knows what tool you will ask. Calm down. Smiles, it's visible under the mask.

But time goes by. Another patient was given a lift. What to do next? Maybe it makes sense to "clean" the inside of the disc? Suddenly, the patient will be discharged from the hospital, and a week later a fragment will be released from the disk.

Vaughn fragmentist "peeps" out of the ripped ring. So, contrived, we get a "spoon" with a long handle pieces of the core. One. Other. One more... But to the front sections of the disc, no matter how you turn, do not get.


Some fragments will remain there anyway. Several months after the operation, they will be for the patient as a delayed-action mine, until the opening in the disk is tightened.


We must not forget to tell the patient about this.

Well, it seems everything. Let's see if a napkin or something is left. We leave. Sewing. Will you take the next one?

And again in the ward ...

... Well, the operation to remove the hernia of the spine has passed. You indifferently look at the ceiling. But in general, there was nothing terrible... The hospital ward lives its own life.

You are trying not to bother, but quietly watching you. If you need anything, do not ask for it for a long time. As in a friendly team, we are ready to help you on the first call. They know.

All passed ...

"How much longer do I have to lie on my back like this? I must ask my sister. There she is, poor, then to one, then to another. He asked. He says that you have to lie just two or three hours. And to the doctor, how many questions, Lord. He is said to be back in the operating room... "

Probably many are familiar with the experiences of our patient. Although everything is long past and began to forget.

But there are still doubts, a whole sea of ​​doubts: is it possible, can it be done? And what not? After all, surgeons are terse, they too can be understood. In a strict framework set, and all.

But after all, there are questions in this framework too. They are few, but there are.

This chapter, dear reader, is written to help patients and to relieve physicians. If, after reading it, you still have questions about the operation to remove the hernia of the spine, do not hesitate to ask them to your doctor.

How to behave after an operation to remove a hernia of the spine

How to behave after the operation?

So, the operation to remove the hernia was without complications. How should the patient behave?

The scalpel of the surgeon saves the patient's health. But it absolutely inevitably causes certain mechanical damages to the body.


Postoperative wound of the skin, muscles and other soft tissues, a painful condition of the operated disc, accompanying surgical intervention inflammatory processes - all this implies the need for extremely gentle motor mode. But something you can do to the patient.


You can get up, but carefully

To rise or abstain for now, be careful? Usually on the second day the patient is allowed to get up.

The process of getting up should be started so that as a result of knees to stand on the floor, and hands and stomach to lean on the near edge of the bed.

Try to keep your back straight for the entire procedure of getting up, otherwise there is a risk of a discrepancy in the postoperative wound. Well, now you can cautiously rise to your feet.

But before you take an upright position, listen to your feelings: did not appear dizzy, did the pain become worse. A little there? Nothing, wait. Has everything disappeared? Great. Now lean on a chair previously placed near and get up. More courageous. Have you got up? Very good.

For the first time, it is enough to stand for several minutes. The main thing is that the psychological barrier has been passed. Now you can lie down, so to speak, with the feeling of doing a great thing.

Lie down slowly, observing the same positions as when getting up, only in the reverse order. But still get up in the first two or three days without extreme need is not desirable.

Do you have a little, and if necessary, it is more expedient to use the ship for the time being. Although, if you feel fairly confident and well-controlled, it is not forbidden to visit public places.

Just do not forget to keep your back straight, even if you have to sit down.


Surgery to remove the hernia of the spine - if before the operation you felt numbness in the limb, then as you go restoration of the sensitivity of the released from the squeezing of the herniated nerve root numbness can be replaced pain. But it's a good pain. Strongly worry in this regard is not necessary. Usually after a few days she passes by herself.


But sometimes it is the other way around. Pain in the leg or buttock in the first days after the operation not only does not decrease, but even increases slightly. This phenomenon is possible if the patient has radiculitis - a disease of the nerve root, which has arisen in response to the squeezing of the hernia.

A pain increase is associated with postoperative edema of soft tissues, which caused some deterioration of the blood supply to the diseased nerve fiber.

Use the recommendations described in the section "Why does the pain in the leg appear or increase when walking?" This will significantly shorten the treatment period.

Why is it better not to sit down yet?

During the first three weeks after the operation, it is not allowed to sit down, as in the sitting position, when the patient forgets to keep the back straight, the skin of the back is stretched. And this, as already mentioned, is fraught with divergence of seams.

Although they are removed on the ninth-tenth day after the operation, the scar remains vulnerable and "asks" for a very careful attitude for another ten days.

But with the condition of maintaining proper posture, in particular a straight back in a sitting position, you can sit down and before the expiration of a three-week period.

Oh, this bed

Never, ever forget how your spine can feel in one situation or another. As strange as it sounds, be careful and in bed. Often, comfortably settled in it, a person relaxes and begins to feel completely protected.


That after the operation is not entirely correct, because too loose movements conceal a danger for the postoperative wound. When cornering, avoid tight contact between the affected area and the plane of the bed.


Therefore, turning, lift the protected part of the body above the surface.

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It will not be superfluous to recall that the bed of the operated should be quite rigid. Usually, for the duration of stay in the hospital, a shield is placed under the patient's mattress so that the spine does not fall into undesirable positions because of the stretched mesh.

Take a shower allowed on the third day after the removal of stitches. But the baths - only three or four weeks after you start to sit down.

Listen to yourself

A few words I would like to say about the possible sensations in this period of the disease.

They are quite diverse, often not very pleasant, but in general they are divided into two main groups: sensations, which should not be given serious significance, and the sensations that you should pay attention to the attending physician.

Painful sensations after surgery

First, we list thethe first group.

-small general weakness, light dizziness;

- feeling of tightness of the skin in the area of ​​a postoperative wound;

-been in the lower back when the position of the body in bed changes;

-bold in the leg (or legs), markedly inferior in intensity to preoperative pain;

- a slight increase in pain in the leg (or legs) in the early morning hours;

-the appearance of pain in the leg (or legs), if before the operation there was a feeling of numbness, icing;

- a slight increase in the feeling of heaviness in the lower back when walking - in comparison with similar manifestations in the preoperative period;

-Small temperature increase in the first two days after the operation.

Recall that all this should not be given too much importance. The process is normal.

But to the sensationssecond groupshould be taken seriously. We list them.

- marked general weakness;

- Night sweats, chills;

- a significant increase in pain in the leg (or legs) at rest or during walking - compared to what was before the operation;

-the appearance of difficulty in urinating or intensifying this disorder;

- the appearance or strengthening of weakness in the leg (or legs);

- a significant increase in the severity of the lower back while walking - in comparison with similar manifestations before the operation.

Faced with the feelings of the second group, you should tell them about the doctor.

He will give you the necessary recommendations and, perhaps, in some way change the old prescriptions or appoint additional medical measures.

This will allow you to safely continue treatment. An early recovery period begins.

A source: http://www.

How is rehabilitation after surgery to remove a hernia?

Rehabilitation after surgery on the spine of the lumbar region with hernias often interests patients suffering from functional disorders of the spine.

To all who have suffered such an intervention, it must be remembered that rehabilitation after removal of the hernia of the spine is very time-consuming and time-consuming.

How does it happen, what are the limitations in the life of patients, what can and can not do?

Principles and main goals of rehabilitation

Hernia of the spine can be treated conservatively only in the early stages. However, not all patients turn to a doctor exactly when the disease can be disposed of most easily.

If the operation is not performed in time, the patient will be paralyzed. Modern medical technologies minimize the consequences of surgery to remove a hernia, significantly facilitating the management of the recovery period.

One should remember that surgical intervention is only the initial step to restore the functions of the affected organ.


Further, long rehabilitation after removal of the intervertebral hernia awaits him, and much depends on the patient, his patience, determination, purposefulness.


So, for what is the rehabilitation after the operation to remove the hernia? Its main tasks are:

  1. Getting rid of pain.
  2. Elimination of the residual effects of the operation in the form of neurological disorders.
  3. Stabilization of the spine and restoration of all the performance of this body, the functions of the musculoskeletal system, disturbed by the disease and the operation itself. It is also important to regain the mobility of the hands and feet and the normal operation of the joints.
  4. Strengthening of muscles.
  5. Establishment of the necessary volumes of physical exertion necessary for the normal operation of the musculoskeletal system and the absence of unpleasant sensations.

What is included in the complex of rehabilitation measures?

In order for the rehabilitation process after the spinal hernia removal surgery to be successful, it should include the following mandatory measures:

  1. Medical supervision. All rehabilitation actions should be coordinated by doctors, first of all, by a rehabilitator, surgeon and neuropathologist. If complications arise, it will be necessary to consult other experienced specialists.
  2. Taking medication. The recovery period should be as comfortable for the patient as possible, so he should take painkillers that exclude the appearance of severe pain symptoms. Need and reception of funds for the rapid healing of postoperative wounds.
  3. Physiotherapeutic procedures are useful for preventive and therapeutic effects after removal of the intervertebral hernia of the lumbar region.
  4. Therapeutic physical training is conducted for the speedy restoration of mobility and muscular strength. Each set of exercises is selected by a rehabilitated physician taking into account the characteristics of the human body.
  5. Spa treatment. This complex includes baths, mud treatments and so on.

What can not be done after the operation?

The time after the operation to remove the intervertebral hernia is conditionally divided into 3 parts: early (up to 2 weeks), late (until the end of the second month) and detached (until the end of life). In the first period, the patient's life is connected with certain restrictions and prohibitions. In particular, patients who underwent surgery are prohibited from the following:

  1. Sit. And during the crossings. In case of transportation, the patient must be supervised by specialists. How long it is impossible to sit after the operation is determined only by the doctor, and the patient can not make an independent decision on this matter.
  2. Lift weights. The greatest weight, which is permissible to lift the patient - 3 kilograms. When lifting the load, the arms should be bent at the elbows. You must not allow sharp movements. If you need to take anything from the floor, then the body is forbidden to tilt. It is necessary to sit down, and the back should be flat.
  3. Do not wear a corset (it limits the movement of the spine and supports it).
  4. To wear a corset for a long time (the spine should rest, and the time of its wearing should be determined by the doctor).
  5. Appoint yourself with any medicine. This should be done only by a specialist. Moreover, some drugs may have adverse interactions and even lead to a heart attack.
  6. Assign yourself a massage and other physiotherapy procedures. This is done only by a doctor.
  7. In the early period, you need to adjust the food. This should be done by a nutritionist. It is necessary that the body gets enough of the essential amino acids. They are found in products of animal origin. Completely excluded bad habits, and also limited to coffee, very strong tea and food semi-finished products.

What is prohibited in the late rehabilitation period?

The late rehabilitation period has other limitations. The patient should carefully observe them, because the surgery for the removal of a hernia is a very serious interference with the functioning of the body. The following is forbidden to man:

  1. Long stay in one pose. This will create problems for disks that have not yet been fully formed.
  2. Start the load before the muscles warm up. You must train with a warm-up.
  3. Ride in the transport. Stay in it should be limited, because the operated spine is very harmful shaking.
  4. Lifting weights above 5 kg.
  5. Wear a corset less than 4 hours a day. But also its longer wearing is also undesirable.
  6. After every 4 hours of standing or standing, you must lie down for at least 20 minutes. This position will help the spine to relax.

Medication Therapy

Therapy with medications is one of the most important components of the rehabilitation period. It allows you to quickly restore the functionality of the spine. Usually the patient is prescribed such drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesil, Movalis is preferred);
  • drugs for the restoration of blood circulation (Pikamilon and nicotinic acid tablets);
  • Chondroprotectors are used to improve joint movement and reduce pain;
  • immunostimulants should be used to strengthen the immune system, weakened after such a serious surgery;
  • multivitamins are necessary for general strengthening of an organism and activization of its protective abilities.

Physiotherapy measures

Each patient after the operation is assigned a set of physiotherapeutic procedures. They are selected strictly by the physician-rehabilitologist individually. It is forbidden to change the course of treatment and the order of the procedures. The complex of physiotherapeutic treatment includes:

  • laser therapy (accelerates the healing of the postoperative suture);
  • treatment by ultrasound (necessary to reduce the risk of inflammation in the body and early recovery of the spine);
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis (such procedures help the prescribed drugs to penetrate the tissues of the spine more quickly);
  • application of therapeutic mud;
  • EHF;
  • stimulation of operated tissues with a weak electric current;
  • therapy with magnetic fields (it allows to strengthen metabolic processes in the body and accelerate recovery);
  • hydrotherapy.

Each doctor chooses his patient only those procedures that he needs at any given moment. Practically every patient is assigned baths. As a rule, these types of balneological procedures are chosen:

  • baths with turpentine (relieve the inflammatory process and relieve pain);
  • baths with hydrogen sulphide restore movements in the joints and help to make active movements in the joints;
  • baths with radon help to improve nerve conduction;
  • Baths with medicinal herbs soothe, prevent stress.

General principles of therapeutic gymnastics

LFK appointed by a doctor immediately after the operation. The tasks of therapeutic physical education are:

  • rather restore muscle tone;
  • increase the strength of ligaments and joints, which will promote good endurance of the spine;
  • accelerate the processes of normal blood flow in the spine, which will help prevent the appearance of adhesions.

Exercises should be performed already in the first days after surgery. Of course, all this is done only under the supervision of a doctor and observance of the following principles:

  • All exercises must be performed slowly to prevent unnecessary strain;
  • if pain occurs, immediately reduce the load or stop the exercise if it continues;
  • if discomfort has appeared during exercise, then this should be reported to the doctor.

What will the rehabilitation program depend on?

Rehabilitation program will depend on various factors. Definitely, it must be carried out in any case, since without restorative measures a person can remain disabled.

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Hernia of the lumbar spine, surgery, the consequences of it - this is very serious, and if not on time to cure the disease, it threatens with an extremely unfavorable variant of development, until complete immobilization.

But the choice of recovery techniques will depend on such factors:

  • type of operation (that is, it is open or it is a minimally invasive intervention with the help of laser surgery);
  • human age;
  • the state of his health;
  • duration of development of this pathology;
  • presence of complications of a hernia.

During the first days of illness, bed rest is shown. During this period it is forbidden even to sit in bed. However, from the moment of elimination of the edema of the roots of the spinal cord, one must begin to move.

Features of massage and other procedures

Usually, physiotherapy is prescribed 2 weeks after surgery, that is, already in the late postoperative period. One such procedure is massage. Do it already in the first days, when the roots of the nerves of the spinal cord are restored. It should be as gentle as possible.

Correctly selected massage technique reduces the likelihood of numbness, improves nerve conduction and prevents limb weakness.

Acupuncture is prescribed even later - about a month after surgery. It can not be recommended to all patients. The procedure is performed only by qualified specialists and only according to the doctor's prescription.

Can complications occur after surgery?

Any serious interference has some complications. They can be:

  • complications after anesthesia (for example, allergic reactions to narcotic drugs);
  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • stop cardiac and respiratory activity;
  • trauma of the spinal cord membranes (possible development of meningitis, chronic pain, bones);
  • defeat of the recurrent nerve (as a rule, its function is restored, but this requires several months);
  • damage to the nerve root;
  • infection of cerebrospinal fluid (very rarely);
  • the development of epidural hematoma;
  • recurrent hernia;
  • instability of vertebrae (in this case a new operation is assigned);
  • narrowing of the spinal canal.

The operation of removing the hernia of the vertebrae does not cause disability. However, it is extremely important to observe postoperative rehabilitation measures.

They should be performed carefully, and follow all the doctor's instructions steadily. Categorically prohibited self-treatment. All cases of deterioration of health must be reported to the doctor.

He will pick up other rehabilitation measures that will improve its outcome.

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Rehabilitation after an operation to remove the intervertebral hernia

Operative intervention- not the last step in the treatment of the lumbar intervertebral hernia. After the operation, a long-term, buta very important period of rehabilitation, the duration of which varies from 3 to 12 months.

Basic goals

  • alleviation of the patient's condition by relieving him of pain symptoms and various neurologies;
  • stabilization of the general well-being of the patient;
  • the return of a person to the possibilities of servicing oneself;
  • return of motor abilities;
  • normalization of musculoskeletal function, normalization of muscle tone;

Stages of rehabilitation

The restoration period can be conditionally divided into stages:

  • early(duration, -2 weeks). In this interval, the basis of rehabilitation is the deliverance of the patient and the prevention of pain, psychological support.
  • late(2-8 weeks). At this time, the patient is adapted to self-service.
  • deferredStarts after 8 weeks after the operation and lasts until the end of the patient's life. At this stage, rehabilitation measures are aimed at complete restoration of the spine, prevention of the re-emergence of the disease, improvement of the musculoskeletal system.

During rehabilitation, there are prohibitions to engage in any activity and conduct a number of other manipulations.

After the operation, it is strictly forbidden:

Early period

  • sitting in a sitting position;
  • movement in vehicles in the "sitting" position;
  • torso of the trunk forward, sideways, jerky movements;
  • exercise by any physical exercise without a special corset;
  • lifting of goods weighing more than 3000 g;
  • finding in the postoperative corset more than -3 hours a day;
  • any sports;
  • the use of alcohol, nicotine;
  • any mechanical effect on the damaged area.

Late period

  • long stay in a monotonous, uncomfortable position, prolonged sitting and standing;
  • exercise without previous warm-up;
  • long trips;
  • Jumping;
  • power loads more than 8 kg;
  • prolonged wearing of a supporting corset (fraught with atrophy of the dorsal musculature).

In rehabilitation after surgical removal of the hernia includes:

Medication Therapy

  1. NSAIDs and analgesics

    After the surgery, patientsalways feel pain. This is due to the fact that because of the long pressure of the intervertebral hernia on the spinal nerve occurs its inflammation.

    In addition, in the course of surgical intervention, traumatization of soft tissues and ligaments occurs.

    To ease and eliminate pain, an anesthetic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to a person, which can be attributed"Nimesil "Movaliis "Aertal "Ibuprofen" and others.

  2. Chondroprotectors

    After the patient was discharged from the hospital, neurologists give recommendations on the course of intramuscular injections with drugs-chondroprotectors.

    Possessing a high analgesic effect, chondroprotectors also actively participate in the renewal of damaged cartilage.

    To a similar group of medicines can be attributed"Alflutop" and "Hondrolon "Piiasaskledin "Structum etc.

  3. Muscle relaxants

    To relieve the strong tension of muscle used drugs-muscle relaxants, which can be attributed"Midokalm "Sirdalud etc.

  4. Diuretics

    Sometimes patients as a supplement to the main methods are prescribed the use of diureticsfor swelling. Such medications remove excess fluid from the body and can improve microcirculation in the lumbar region. To such medications it is possible to attribute "Veroshpiron".

  5. Vitamins and minerals

    Such additives are needed to restore metabolism in muscle fibers and strengthen the bone system.

  6. Steroids and biostimulants

    Steroids are used to relieve inflammation in the area of ​​damage.

    Preparations of this categoryare introduced into the region between the spinal canal and the spinal cordfor faster and more effective exposure.

    Biostimulators also have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, biostimulators are prescribedfor the regeneration of destroyed tissues and resorption of scars.

  7. Drugs of psychotropic action

    Such medicines are part of a comprehensive treatment. They havestrengthen the action, relax the muscles.

    In addition, psychotropic drugs have a sedative effect.

    Representatives of the psychotropic group of medicines are"Haloperidol "Prozac".


The rehabilitation period after surgical removal of the hernia must necessarily include a number of physiotherapy procedures:

  • electrophoresis (iontophoresis)

    It is carried out for the most profound introduction of medicines through the skin. The result of the procedures is the elimination of the pain syndrome, the speedy recovery of the patient.

  • EHF-therapy

    Stabilizes muscle tone, tones the ligaments, improves blood flow, anesthetizes and relieves inflammation.

  • magnetotherapy

    Due to the impact on the affected area of ​​the low-frequency magnetic field, metabolism is activated, the motor functions resume. Reduced swelling, inflammation, pain.

  • phonophoresis

    This name has a procedure in which drugs are injected into the body with ultrasound. The effect of phonophoresis is similar to massage, but without the applied mechanical forces. Helps to eliminate inflammation and swelling.

  • interstitial electrostimulation

    Helps restore damaged nerves, improve nutrition in bone and cartilage tissues, anesthetize.

  • ultrasound

    Accelerates the recovery process, is involved in stimulating the growth and nutrition of cells.

  • mud therapy

    Treatment with mud removes inflammation, anesthetizes, affects the process of resorption.

  • shock wave therapy

    Helps to accelerate tissue regeneration with the aid of an acoustic wave. Along with this, the intensity of pain decreases, edemas decrease, rapid recovery of the destroyed cells takes place.

  • massotherapy

    Carrying out of massage should be carried out strictly under the instruction of the doctor and only the skilful expert. If there are no contraindications, massaging is performed according to the procedure for lumbosacral osteochondrosis.


The importance of exercise therapy in the postoperative period is indicated by the fact that exercises shouldall without exception, people who underwent surgical removal of the hernia.

After the operation, the physician prescribes a set of specific exercises, the purpose of which is:

  • toning of muscles;
  • increased endurance of the spine supporting the spine, their extension;
  • Improving blood flow to the area of ​​damage, which prevents the formation of adhesions.

It is worth noting the importance of controlling a specialist to perform exercises, which are determined individually.

Precautionary measures:

  • every exercise is important to perform slowly, without jerking;
  • at the first attacks of pain it is important to immediately reduce the load or completely stop;
  • Notify the health care provider of any discomfort that is felt during the session.

Mechanical unloading

  • Kinesitherapy

    Treatment with special movements that are selected and dosed individually.

    Such exercises are performed with the help of certain training devices that have a long-lasting effect on the spine, muscles and joints due to stretching.

    The goal of kinesotherapy is to eliminate pressure on the nerve roots, and, consequently, a reduction in pain. In addition, due to spinal column sprains, nutrition of damaged tissues occurs.

  • Traction therapy

    This name hides a procedure such as stretching the spine. It can be underwater and "dry horizontal and vertical.

    The meaning of manipulation is in the stretching of the joints and tissues of the spine at the expense of body weight (or weight).

    Such methods of therapy have a mechanical effect on the skeletal axis,lead to muscle relaxation, promote increased mobility.


  • Turpentine baths- promote the improvement of blood microcirculation, activate recovery processes, take part in cell regeneration, help get rid of scars and adhesions.

    Prevent the development of inflammation.

  • Hydrogen sulfide and sulphide baths- accelerate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation, stimulate regenerative processes, normalize muscle contractions.
  • Radon baths- are widely used to stabilize neuromuscular conduction and improve blood circulation.
  • Herbal baths- help to save the patient from painful sensations and relieve muscle tension.

Spa treatment

At a late stage of rehabilitation, treatment in a sanatoriummuch more positive effectthan post-operative home recovery. Here you can get a lot more treatment procedures, which are also conducted under the supervision of health workers.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

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