Stages of drug dependence, stages of drug use

Drug abuse leads to personal degradation, drugs destroy the human body, the nervous system. And lead to premature death, which occurs at the last stage of drug addiction. The chance to survive and become a full-fledged member of society will be in the one who will stop taking drugs.

Of the four stages of drug use, there are three stages of drug addiction.


Drug use - the first stage of

Here is the curiosity that is common to all young people in an attempt to experienceunexplored feelings. Reason: curiosity;inability to say "no" to the company that was incurred in an unhealthy channel;the desire to appear older, older than his age;unwillingness to look like a "black sheep" and "mama's son."In most cases, the drug sample is associated with an unconscious desire to escape from life's difficulties.

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Often young people are indifferent to their lives and are infantilely looking at life prospects. And narcotic substances find a new victim for themselves. Quite often, even more mature young people use narcotic drugs to get rich impressions, new sensations and their abilities.

Narcotic substances mobilize the internal forces of the body, but do not give anything in return, the body is exhausted and falls ill.

Initial doses of drugs cause a shift in the neurochemical balance in the brain, unusual sensations appear, the body's reserves are activated and the person receives a great physiological and psychological satisfaction. If it repeats regularly, a person begins to depend on drugs.

Half of those who used drugs do not repeat this. And the other half. .. can be doomed. Addiction often begins with the use of "grass" - marijuana. After smoking, a person gets some impressions, which are not entirely clear. If smoking "grass" regularly, then using it becomes more legible in impressions. And then, there may be a push for a sample of stronger drugs. The first stage of drug addiction is the smoking of "grass".And although marijuana, hashish, etc. does not cause a strong dependence, but they can become a prerequisite for more terrible substances - opium! The human psyche acquires instability.

The first stage of drug addiction - the second stage of drug use

From the second stage of drug use, the stages of drug development begin. This is the beginning of drug addiction.

Symptoms and signs:

  1. person is quite consciously seeking to enjoy through the use of psychoactive substances;
  2. he plans it;
  3. justifies its desires;
  4. finds the appropriate social environment;
  5. can not relieve tension without psychotropic drugs;
  6. treats drugs as a means to eliminate psychological problems and as a means of communication.

At this stage, there is an increase in tolerance for "high".An appropriate circle of communication is formed. Smaller doses of drugs no longer satisfy and go to large, if drugs, then more powerful ones are used. If at this stage the addict does not quit taking drugs, then he goes on to the next stages of dependence on drugs.

The second stage of drug addiction - the third stage of drug use

Here are very visible health problems. The addict withdrawal, there are infections transmitted by blood transfusion: HIV infection, group C and B hepatitis.

Symptoms characteristic for the 2 stages of addiction:

  1. There is no self-control of behavior - accident, injury, violence and crime.
  2. Disagreements in the family and conflicts.
  3. Losing old friends.
  4. Asocial circle of communication.
  5. Loss of work and lack of interest in learning.
  6. Clashes with law enforcement agencies.
  7. Sexual debauchery, the spread of skin-venereal diseases, HIV infection, hepatitis, unplanned pregnancy.
  8. Waste of all money for the purchase of a drug, exchange of things for a narcotic dose.

The second stage of drug addiction is characterized by a strong physical dependence on narcotic substances. The drug is not taken for pampering and entertainment, but for removing the symptoms of withdrawal symptoms. Any problems that arise due to the syndrome of drug dependence are justified.

In two stages of drug addiction, stopping drug abuse is unrealistic. Only a specialized narcological clinic can help. The lack of medical assistance aggravates the further development of the disease.

The second stage of drug dependence deprives a person of the opportunity to evaluate and control himself. A drug addict knowing that temporary artificial pleasure is replaced by severe consequences for the body, all the same, it takes them again and again.

Now, young people sometimes use LSD and Ecstasy in small doses, but this can lead them unnoticed in the middle stage of drug addiction, can get an overdose of the drug and die.

The third stage of drug addiction - the fourth phase of the use of psychoactive substances

Drug dependence in the third stage is confirmed by such signs:

  1. Constant compulsive drug demand.
  2. Drug use for use.
  3. Readiness "mother to sell native" for a drug, get it at any cost, in any way, stepping over all barriers of education.
  4. Reorientation of motivation in life only on a drug, psychological degradation of a patient's personality.
  5. No other meanings of being, emptiness, apathy, lack of will.
  6. Reluctance to live and suicide attempts.
  7. Deterioration of health, the emergence of new diseases, exacerbation of old diseases.
  8. Separation from society, family and old friends.

At the final stage of drug addiction in the patient's body, irreversible changes, exhaustion, destruction of internal organs - liver, kidneys, heart, atrophy of brain areas responsible for the production of endorphins and for criticism of self come.

Addicts who survive to the third stage die from various terminal conditions, from decomposition of the liver and brain cells, from drug overdose.

The abuse of cocaine and heroin for non-medical purposes very quickly leads the addicted person to the final stage of drug addiction. Under the influence of the drug, all the internal resources of the body are burned, the body wears out quickly, and grows old.

To save an addicted person can be provided that he fully agrees to treatment, complete change of social environment, place of residence.

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