Aniseed drops from cough instructions

How correctly to use ammonia anise drops in the treatment of cough

Inexpensive and extremely effective, ammonia-anise drops from cough are time-tested, therefore such a tool is popular today. A great advantage of this drug will be the possibility of using it to treat children, as well as the lack of contraindications during pregnancy and lactation.

What to do when the baby has a cough, but there is no temperature, the description in this article will tell.


  • 1 What are
  • 2 Application
    • 2.1 For cough treatment in children
  • 3 Reviews

What are

This drug is manufactured by domestic pharmaceutical factories, has a low cost and is an alcoholic solution of anise drops and ammonia. The double effect of the drug is determined precisely by the optimal composition. Anise oil stimulates the secretion and activity of the respiratory tract, which improves the process of sputum discharge from the bronchi and lungs. A solution of ammonia (ammonia) dilutes sputum, thus helping the fastest recovery.

Nashytno - anise drops have well proven themselves and with the removal of painful cough, as they contribute to the regeneration and recovery of damaged mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

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What to do when the child has a stuffy nose and cough, is indicated in this article.

Contraindications for the use of anise drops there, except that a rare individual intolerance of the components of the drug. Despite the absence of contraindications, treatment is best coordinated with the attending physician.Self-treatment never justifies itself because of the risk of harming health by improper dosage and drug compatibility.

Than to treat a dry cough in the child and how to put inhalations can be learned from this article.

What symptoms of thyroid disease, when a cough appears, can be found in this article.

How does the cough look like during pregnancy and how to treat it. you can find out from the reviews in the article here:

On the photo - instructions for the use of ammonia anise drops from cough:

From this article you can learn how to cough cough with pharyngitis.

Side effects of the drug may be various manifestations of allergic reactions: skin rashes, small swelling of the mucous membrane, itching and redness. The only correct action in this case will be an immediate withdrawal from the drug and taking antihistamines. If you take pills from a cough in parallel, then it can also become a contraindication.

An important feature of the intake of ammonium anise drops will be its incompatibility with other mukaltic drugs, so it is so important when they receive a preliminary consultation of a specialist.

What is the treatment for coughing with adenoids in children, you can learn from this article.


The use of ammonium anise drops is usually performed according to the standard scheme, but the doctor can correct this data to suit your individual characteristics.

For an adult, a single dose of 10-15 drops dissolved in a small amount of ordinary water, in a pure form, drops can cause a mucus burn due to the alcohol content. Recommended frequency of admission 3-4 times a day, until complete recovery. In rare cases, intolerance to the components of the drug may occur, causing allergic reactions. In this case, it is necessary to abandon the treatment of anise drops.

How is the treatment of dry cough in children by folk remedies, you can learn from this article.

The maximum effectiveness in the treatment of any type of cough will be achieved only by complex therapy. Optimum will combine the use of medications (including anise drops) with chest massage, inhalation and rubbing.

For cough treatment in children

Even in spite of the safety of drops, use them in the treatment of cough, especially in children, with caution. The main advantage of such a drug will be a pleasant smell and taste, which is important in the treatment of children. One-time reception includes dissolved in a small amount of water drops. The number of drops is determined by the age of the child: one drop per year of life.Despite the absence of contraindications, do not use aniseed drops to treat a child in cough for a year.At this age the baby still can not independently cough up the accumulated mucus, therefore preparations are better to pick up others.

Nashytno - anise drops from a cough - an excellent tool, effective, safe and that is important, inexpensive. The use of drops as an aid will help to liquefy and withdraw phlegm from the lungs, which will automatically promote recovery.

Than to treat a wet cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

Do not abuse the medicine or self-medicate. Any, even the simplest medication, requires prior consultation of a specialist and control over the application.


  • Irina, 28 years old:"I remember the anise drops from my childhood, but I began to apply it for my son from five years old. After we literally tried all the vaunted syrups, our pediatrician advised this remedy. Improvements are noticeable not immediately, but somewhere day on the third, but it pleases the possibility of a minimal chemical Effects, because the drug does not contain dyes and flavors, like most syrups from cough. Now I use drops for both me and my husband, and also I advise acquaintances. Now, in the conditions of the next crisis, less expensive treatment, effective and affordable, is very actual. "
  • Hope, 39 years old: "The only complaint to this medicine is not very pleasant, in my opinion, taste. To suffer, of course, it is possible, especially since the result is quite good, and the cost is tempting. Drops I use for a long time, one time could not get them in our city, so I had to order my sister. Even it turned out funny, that for a penny drug it was necessary to pay the postage. Maybe there are better methods, but this one is the most reliable and tested. "
  • Anna, 51 years old: "Unsuccessfully forgotten and very effective drug. I even met modern analogues with an almost identical composition, but ten times more expensive. As a former paramedic, I strongly suggest anise drops to your friends. One of the inexpensive and good drugs that you should always have in your home medicine chest. "
  • Oksana, 31 years old: "There was a case when my child was ill with a grandmother in the village, and at hand there was nothing but this means. I understand that self-medication is very harmful, but at that moment nothing more was left. Reception anisovyh drops really helped a lot, cough became more wet and not so painful. Especially well helped with night attacks, when my daughter was just wheezing and could not clear her throat. After three days of treatment, changes were visible and we were able to get home. We were cured already under the supervision of our doctor, but even she noted the good effect of treatment. Since then, I always keep a bottle in the medicine cabinet "just in case so it's better not to come in handy. A big plus is an affordable cost complete with good efficiency. The disadvantage is that it does not like a bit of smell, but this is the case. "

Anise Drops

It happens that expensive pharmacological drugs are less effective than long-proven cheap drugs. To these can be attributed anise drops with ammonia and ethyl alcohol. This combination medicine was used before everywhere as an anti-inflammatory and expectorant medication for various diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by attacks cough.

Application of anise drops

At the heart of this solution is anise oil and ammonia.

The first said component is a natural antiseptic, which effectively stimulates the secretory activity of the bronchi and promotes the excretion of sputum.

Ammonia, in turn, quickly dilutes mucus, makes it less viscous, which facilitates expectoration.

Interestingly, anise drops are good for dry cough. The drug reduces the severity of pain in the chest, facilitates the course of attacks, accelerates recovery.

Indications for the use of a medicament are considered to be the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • chronic, recurrent and acute bronchitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • laryngitis;
  • pleurisy.

Moreover, the drug solution helps fight cough with whooping cough. Also, the drops have secondary positive effects:

  • normalization of secretory activity of the stomach;
  • elimination of flatulence;
  • improvement of digestive processes;
  • increased gastric motility and intestinal motility.

How to take aniseed drops from a cough?

The standard dosage of the described preparation is 15 drops per 1 reception. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day. It is recommended that

solution together with sugar, dripping the indicated amount of the product into a cube of refined sugar.

The duration of the therapeutic course usually does not exceed 7-12 days, in some cases it is possible to prolong treatment until the disappearance of unpleasant clinical manifestations.

How to take aniseed drops to improve digestion?

With diarrheal disorders and abnormalities in the work of the stomach, doctors are advised to drink the medicine in a standard dosage (15 drops). But in this situation, you should reduce the frequency of medication. To normalize the digestive processes, it is enough to drink drops 1-2 times a day, depending on the intensity of the symptoms.

Cough drops

Different in composition drops from cough refer to pharmacological agents that are used in the treatment of cough - either for liquefaction sputum and facilitate its departure from the bronchi (with a wet, that is productive cough), or to suppress the cough center - if a cough dry.

Indications for use of drops of cough: ARD and SARS, pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngotracheitis, acute and chronic bronchitis of various etiologies, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia, whooping cough.

Names of drops from cough prescribed for better sputum discharge with productive cough: drops, ammonia-anise, chest drops from cough, Bronchitis, Bronchosan, Gedelix. ATX Code R05C A10.

The names of drops of cough, which are recommended for use with a dry (non-productive) cough: Sinekod, Stoptussin. ATX Code R05D B13.


The expectorant effect of ammonia-anise drops is provided by active substances - essential oil from anise seeds and ammonia solution (aqueous ammonia liquor). Anise oil contains antiseptic properties of phenolic compounds - aromatic ether anethole (1-methoxy-4-propenylbenzene) and its isomer para-allyl anisole, as well as organic carboxylic acids (propionic and oil). A solution of ammonia acts not only on the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract, but also on the nerve endings, reflexively stimulating the respiratory center and expectoration of phlegm.

Pharmacodynamics Breast drops from cough (identical to Thoracic elixir) are provided by the same anise oil and ammonia solution, stimulating the secretory function of the mucosa upper respiratory tract, as well as an extract of licorice root (licorice root naked), which contains saponins and glycyrrhizic acid, which help cough and coughing up. In addition, flavonoid licorice glabridin removes inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Combined expectorant Bronchipret facilitates the withdrawal of sputum due to the combined action of the active substances of the drug: extract of thyme herb (terpenes, phenols and flavonoids of essential oil) and tincture of ivy leaves (containing saponins and organic acid).

The mechanism of pharmacological action by a drop of cough Bronchosan is based on the components of the drug - bromhexine and essential oils of anise, fennel, oregano, eucalyptus and peppermint. Bromhexine provides the drug expectorant effect and mucolytic (reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions) effect. And essential oils - in addition to analgesic and relieving spasms - contribute to the relief of breathing, a decrease in the intensity of cough and a decrease in the inflammation of bronchial mucous membranes caused by staphylococcal infection.

Farmakodinamika drop Gedelix caused by hederin, saponins and organic acids extract of ivy leaves (Hedera helix L.), which contribute to the separation, design and removal of mucus from the respiratory tract of the bronchi and lungs.

Drops Sinecode affects the cough center of the medulla oblongata and depresses the cough reflex; active ingredient of the preparation butamyrate - 2- (2- (diethylamino) ethoxy) ethyl 2-phenylbutyrate dihydrogen also increases the clearance of the bronchi, facilitating breathing and excretion of the accumulated mucus.

Drops from cough Stoptussin on pharmacological action are referred to complex means, as in their composition except suppressive coughing of butramate, there is guaifenesin - a sputum-reducing glycerol ester of 2-methoxyphenol (glycerin guaiacolate). Guaifenesin is rapidly absorbed into bronchial mucosa, destroys acid mucopolysaccharides of mucus, which leads to an increase in sputum production. And its excretion is accelerated due to irritation of the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi with phenolic compounds of guaiacolate.


It should be noted that the pharmacokinetics of many drops used to treat cough are not represented by drug manufacturers.

The pharmacokinetics of Bronchosan, according to the official instruction, are described only on the basis of absorption and transformation bromhexine, which is rapidly absorbed into the blood from the digestive tract, reaching the highest concentration in the blood plasma 60 minutes after reception. Splitting occurs in the liver with the formation of an active metabolite of ambroxol, which exerts an expectorant effect. Excretion - through almost and intestines.

Butamyrate in drops Sinecod and Stopptsin is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, enters the bloodstream and binds to proteins. Biotransformation of butamirate begins in the blood plasma - with the formation of pharmacologically active metabolites analogous to the effect on the body. Metabolites are excreted in the urine for 12 hours.

Metabolism of guaifenesin in drops Stopptissin passes in the liver, biotransformation products are excreted in urine by the kidneys, and also with phlegm through the lungs.

Use of drops of cough during pregnancy

In the treatment of cough in pregnant women to apply ammonia-anise drops, chest drops from cough, drops Gedelix is ​​prohibited. Drops Bronchitis during pregnancy is not recommended.

The use of Bronchosan, Stoptussin and Sinekod drops in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation is contraindicated, the decision on the expediency of taking this medication on Later, the doctor takes the doctor - according to the indications, but taking into account that the active substances of these drugs penetrate the BBB and can affect the development the fetus.

Contraindications for use

The main contraindications to the use of a drop of cough:

  • droplets of ammonia-anise - increased acidity of gastric juice, peptic ulcer, age up to three years;
  • Breast drops from cough - high blood pressure, liver and kidney function, hypokalemia, severe obesity, age under 12;
  • Bronchitis - age up to 6 years;
  • Bronchosan - severe renal or hepatic insufficiency, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, age of up to three years;
  • Gedelix - bronchial asthma, children's age of up to two years;
  • Sinecode - pulmonary hemorrhage, age to two years;
  • Stoptussin - cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, increased blood pressure, peptic ulcer exacerbation, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma.

Side effects of drops of cough

In official instructions, the following most likely side effects of cough drops are noted:

  • drops of ammonia-anise can lead to a decrease in heart rate, irritation of the gastric mucosa and vomiting;
  • Breast drops from cough provoke allergic reactions, bronchospasm, nausea and vomiting, can cause swelling and increased blood pressure;
  • Bronchypret drops give skin allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching, cause bouts of nausea;
  • Bronchosan - in addition to itching and allergic rhinitis, there may be nausea, vomiting and activation of liver enzymes;
  • When using Gedelix drops, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur, abdominal pain is not excluded;
  • Drops Sinecod and Stoptussin can cause allergic skin rashes, headache and dizziness, nausea and diarrhea. In addition, a long reception of Stopsussin often causes epigastric pain.

Dosing and Administration

Cough drops are taken internally. Recommended dosage of ammonia-anise drops: for adults - 3-4 times a day for 10-15 drops (dilute in 50 ml of water); for children - one drop for each year of life (children under 1 year - one drop) - three times a day.

Dosage Breast drops from cough: from 20 to 40 drops per reception 3-4 times per day (dilute in a small amount of water, take half an hour before or one hour after a meal).

The standard single dose of Gedelix is ​​30 drops (after meals) - adults and children after 10 years (three doses per day), children 4-10 years - 20 drops, 2-4 years - 15 drops.

Adult adults need to take Bronchipret up to four times a day (after meals) - 35-40 drops per session; single dose for children 7-11 years - 10-15 drops, 12-17 years - 20-25 drops. The drops are diluted in 100 ml of water.

Recommended doses Bronchosan: adults and children after 6 years - four times a day for 20 drops, children 2-6 years for 10 drops (in diluted form, 25-30 minutes before meals).

Drops Sinekod and Stopoutsin also should be dissolved in water and take: adults and children over two years - 20-25 drops (four times a day).

Overdose Breast drops from coughing can increase the manifestations of side effects; at long application in the raised doses the deficiency of a potassium in an organism can arise.

Exceeding the recommended doses of Bronchipret and Gedelix may cause vomiting and disruption of the bowel; overdose Bronchosan - increased side effects; drop Stopptsin and Sinekod - dizziness, lower blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Interactions with other drugs

Manufacturers of these drugs pay attention to interactions with other drugs.

Breast drops from coughing strengthen the action of certain diuretics and laxatives, which can cause a violation electrolyte balance; These cough drops should not be taken concomitantly with antibiotics and nitrofurans.

Drops Bronchipret and Bronchosan with parallel administration of antibiotics or sulfonamides increase their concentration in the respiratory tract and bronchial tissues.

Drops from the cough of Stoptopsin increase the effect of acetylsalicylic acid and all drugs containing it, and also potentiate the effect of medications, muscle relaxants, sleeping pills and alcohol.

Conditions for storing drops from cough: in a dark place, at room temperature (not higher than + 25-27 ° C.

Shelf life: drops ammonia-anise, chest drops from cough - 3 years; Bronchipret, Bronhosan - 2 years; Geleliks - 2 years (the printed bottle is allowed to be stored no longer than 6 months); Sinecode and Stopoutsin - 5 years.

How do cough drops work?

Drops of cough for today can be found in any pharmacy. There are various drugs from both dry and wet cough. Each of them is calculated for a specific use. It is only necessary to distinguish between drugs for adults and children. Such drugs can be all kinds of pills, capsules, various syrups for fighting cough, inhalation, all kinds of traditional medicine. In addition to all of the above, there are also drops that allow you to fight with a cough.

Such medications are equally popular in the fight against coughing, rather than any others.Moreover, drops from cough can be taken as adults, and children.Their variety is small in comparison with other drugs, but there is also something to choose from.

Drops for children from cough

If we take into account pediatrics, then, of course, the drops are one of the most convenient forms of the drug.

The fact is that they can easily be added to food or dissolved in any drink. Children's droplets against cough can be divided into three groups. This division is carried out according to the very principle of the effect of this drug, as well as efficiency.

Now, in more detail about each group:

  1. Droplets that can reduce the irritability of the so-called reflex center, which is responsible for coughing. The result is immediate, but you need to be extremely cautious, giving such drugs to children aged no more than 2 years. The fact is that they are able to depress the breath.
  2. The second group includes more harmless drugs that help reduce the sensitivity of the surfaces of the larynx and, of course, the bronchi. Such drugs are also less active than the first group. Yes, and they act for a short time.
  3. The third group includes expectorant droplets. They are able to excite the smooth muscles of the stomach, so that the cough will intensify. In the process, the bronchi will shrink sufficiently, after which sputum production will occur.

Drops that provoke expectoration, most often produce on the basis of various herbs. To the group of such drops, it is possible to relate easily the ammonium anise. But it is worth remembering that without the appointment of a doctor and with non-compliance with the technique of using this drug, even this kind of means to give the child can not.

Aniseed drops in the fight against cough

Aniseed drops from cough - this is quite common today. They are good for both dry and wet cough. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Most often they are used to treat a child. Every adult still remembers their taste, the main thing is that after just a few days of taking this medication the cough becomes more productive. Anise drops are sweet, but tasteful.

Since pharmacies are overcrowded with various expensive drugs, at the moment anise drops are harder to get. But if you are lucky enough to find this drug, then remember that it is much more effective than the modern expensive syrups and pills.

The composition of the anise droplets is simple. They include anise oil, ammonia, and also ethyl alcohol. They are presented in the form of a colorless or yellowish liquid, which has a light aroma of ammonia. Capsules of anise do not scare off their children with their smell and at the same time they are well tolerated by them.

The effect of this drug and its use

Narrow-anise drops are a very good tool for fighting cough. They have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. They are very effective for various colds in children. Have an excellent effect on the baby's throat and his airways.

Due to the anethole, sputum is produced. Moreover, such a medicine is an antiseptic.

The complex composition is able to help in the treatment of all colds in children. Moreover, such drops are able to improve the baby's appetite and digestion, which is exactly what children do not have at the time of a cold.

Most often, children who suffer from a cold are prone to loss of appetite. If the child's appetite rises, then the tone of the whole organism rises, which allows you to eliminate the infection much faster.

Drops are simple in their application. They need to be taken 3 times a day. Anise drops for adults and children can not be taken in pure form. They must be diluted in boiled water.

How does an ammonium anise drop occur? Such a drug can be taken not only as a cough remedy. Drops have the following useful properties:

  • they can very quickly and effectively remove inflammation in the upper respiratory tract;
  • with a dry cough they can anesthetize;
  • significantly lower the heat;
  • contribute to improving the process of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • can have some antiseptic effect;
  • can prevent strong gas formation.

Applying them during a cold, you can achieve recovery much faster. Despite the fact that the patient may have the most severe form of the disease, the use of anise droplets will help improve the condition.

Side effects and possible contraindications.

Side effects and possible contraindications

The effect of these droplets is very effective. Moreover, they are easily portable. Side effects after receiving these funds are practically not observed. Seldom can be caused by toxicosis or any allergic reactions and weakness of the body.

If we talk about contraindications, then there are a few more. In no case should you take medicine if you have gastritis or peptic ulcer. Also, for certain liver diseases, do not use this medication. During lactation or any craniocerebral trauma, it is also undesirable to take this remedy.


It is not desirable to take this drug to people whose work requires special attention and vigilance. It should also be taken into account that it is not recommended to be used together with tablets that have an active effect directly on the cough center in the brain.

Taking anise drops strictly according to the instructions, you can get rid of this ailment much faster. Do not be ill and stay healthy!

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