Walking on knees with knee and hip joint arthrosis


  • 1What gives therapeutic knee-walking: the benefit or harm of exercise with arthrosis and other conditions - 6 facts
    • 1.11. Relieves the symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis
    • 1.22. Promotes weight loss
    • 1.33. Improves vision and normalizes metabolism
    • 1.44. Improves blood flow to the brain and limbs
    • 1.55. Stimulates the work of the digestive tract and genitourinary system
    • 1.66. Heals the spine and trains the heart
    • 1.7Potential harm and contraindications to performance
  • 2Scandinavian walking with arthrosis: a positive effect on the joints
    • 2.1Osteoarthritis: symptoms, treatment
    • 2.2The cause of arthrosis
    • 2.3Arthritis, arthrosis: similarities, differences of pathologies
    • 2.4The use of movement in arthrosis
    • 2.5The benefits of Scandinavian walking
    • 2.6Walking on the knees with arthrosis
    • 2.7Benefits of vitamins
    • 2.8Bath with arthrosis
    • 2.9Healthy foods
    • 2.10Are sports allowed?
  • 3Walking on your knees is good and bad
    • 3.1Benefit
    • 3.2rules
    • 3.3Kinesitherapy
  • 4Walking on your knees: benefit and harm, reviews. Daoist practice
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1Taoist walking
    • 4.2What are the pains for the knees?
    • 4.3What to do?
    • 4.4Daoist Practice: Technology
    • 4.5When is it useful to carry out this Taoist practice?
    • 4.6Contraindications
    • 4.7Method of Dr. Bubnovsky
    • 4.8Stand on the foot "Golden Rooster"
    • 4.9Walking on your knees: reviews

What gives therapeutic knee-walking: the benefit or harm of exercise with arthrosis and other conditions - 6 facts

Many people heard about the benefits of ordinary or, say, sports walking, as opposed to walking on their knees.

This practice was given to the world by the ancient Chinese. She is hundreds of years old, but this Taoist technique has just begun to gain popularity.

All ingenious is simple- so you can briefly say about this amazing gymnastics.

So what is it that gives therapeutic walking on your knees - benefit or harm? All the answers in our article.

This exercise has many useful properties for women and men. We will discuss only the most important of them. So, what is useful and what does walking on your knees give?

1. Relieves the symptoms of arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis are the two enemies of our knees. They follow each other and seriously poison our lives. The first is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the joint, i.e., ligaments and muscles.

Their nutrition is disturbed, they atrophy, the knee bends worse, it hurts. If you leave it as it is, through time, as a consequence, deformation of the articular surface shows arthrosis. Shortening of the foot, limp, pain is its manifestation.

With age, there are increasing problems, and there can be no talk of an active way of life. But the disease can, if not win, then at least significantly reduce its destructive effect.

The knee joint is very much in need of development, and kneeling is the most effective exercise for this purpose.

There is one more nuance: the reason for 90% of the pains in the knees is not the knee itself, but problems with the hip joint or lumbar spine (You will learn about all the 8 causes of knee pain here).

Daoist therapeutic walking on the knees uses almost the whole of our musculoskeletal system, strengthening the muscles and ligaments and providing a healing and firming effect, this is its main benefit.

Be sure to check:
The correct technique of performing "Walking on your knees" by Dr. Bubnovsky as well as theoretical justification of the technique.

Regular circulation on the knees with arthrosis of the knee joint and gonarthrosis makes it easier to relieve pain, joint strengthens, improves blood supply and increases the supply of synovial fluid into the joint cavity, which prevents it drying.

Begin walking on your knees,While destructive processes have not yet begun in them or are in the early stages- it will serve as an excellent prophylaxis for arthritis, arthrosis and associated pathologies. And afterwards you will not have to endure suffering and spend money on expensive treatment, which still does not restore the health of your feet.

2. Promotes weight loss

Walking is considered one of the most calm and moderate types of fitness. But from this it does not become less effective. It is in losing weight and burning fat that the main benefit of walking on your knees for women and girls.

Interesting is the fact that during normal walking actively activating the calf muscles, but walking on knees forces the muscles involved in the work when running: thighs, buttocks, back, chest, the shoulder girdle.

Top 7 exercises for slimming the buttocks, hips and legs, or you can use special exercises specifically from fat in the knee area.

If you want to check the result, once a week after the beginning of the exercise, weigh and fix the volume of the hips and waist. Will be engaged without laziness - will soon see the result of burning excess weight.

3. Improves vision and normalizes metabolism

Scientists from Japan and the United States have long ago scientifically substantiated the use in order to rejuvenate the bodybiologically active points, located under the knees.

When they are massaged, and this happens during our gymnastics on the knees, the metabolism is normalized and the positive impact goes, including on bones, hair, teeth and eyes.

To improve vision, part of the walking time needs to bewith closed eyes.

4. Improves blood flow to the brain and limbs

Walking on all fours stimulates circulation of blood along a large circle, and therefore, in the legs, hands, head.

With the increased circulation of blood, stagnant phenomena are gradually eliminated.

Your brain gets extra nutrition, the complexion improves, the arms and legs become more obedient, stronger, more plastic.

5. Stimulates the work of the digestive tract and genitourinary system

Carrying out the exercise, we use the lower back, the organs of the peritoneum and small pelvis, which undoubtedly benefits them.

Kidneys, liver, stomach and intestines, the system of reproductive organs receive a regular and very natural positive effect, which can not but affect positively their work.

There are even facts of the splitting of stones in the kidneys and gallbladder and their withdrawal in the form of sand from the body.

For the health of the pelvic areahigh efficiency shows "walking on the buttocks" on Neumyvakin, get acquainted with the 7th useful properties of which you can here.

6. Heals the spine and trains the heart

Diseases of the spine are often the result of a sedentary lifestyle.

With moderate physical exertion, they retreat and cease to annoy us with the same strength.

And the described Chinese technique is an excellent variant of such a load for people with minimal physical training or even without it at all.

Even more effective for pain reliefin the back shows the Complex of 12 steps "Crocodile as well as 6 rules of spine health from Katsudzo Nishi.

With regard to cardiovagings, the American Heart Association calls the optimal and most useful for the heart exerciseat a pulse of 50-75% of the maximum.These are indicators of vigorous walking.

Potential harm and contraindications to performance

Harm when doing walking can bring an excessive or monotonous load to unprepared, weakened muscles. thereforestart with a minimum, even just standing on your knees for a few minutes.

Contraindications includeany knee injury.

In order not to cause harm to health, it is necessary to perform the exercise correctly. The principle here is extremely clear - it's just walking on all fours or on your knees in an upright position. However, there are several variations of the exercise and recommendations for its implementation.

How not to hurt yourself while doing the exercise:

  • If it hurts you to go down and kneel, firstlet them get used to it. Become knees on the pillows just wait as long as you can stand. The next step is to remove the pillows and start moving. In the early days, do at least two or three steps, every day add the same amount. "Golden Section according to the doctors - 400 steps per day.
  • Extremely importantpractice daily. Below we describe what health effect this exercise produces on the body as a whole and its individual organs and systems. But remember: it comes only with daily lessons!
  • If you walk on the floor, under your feet should beblanket, mat or soft carpet. You can put on your hands gloves, and on your feet - knee pads. And, for example, the professor, Doctor of Medicine Sergei Bubnovsky recommends that you tie bags filled with crushed ice to your knees. But in time you will not need them.
  • On the direction of motion. It is necessary to begin with walkingForward, then back - and again in turn. Torso - in a strictly vertical position, without stoop and inclinations to the left and to the right. If you go on all fours, take steps as wide as possible. For a change, you can walk in a circle, a square, a figure-eight, step by step, write with your feet letters, climb and descend the stairs, apply the Nordic walking method with the ski sticks.
  • After the end of the exercise, lie on your back, lift up straight, but relaxed arms and legs and shake them, relieving tension from the muscles and joints that have worked.
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Neither age, nor lack of physical training, nor financial costs will not be an obstacle to the fulfillment of the Taoist wellness exercise.

The main thing -this is your desire.

Work a little above yourself - and soon you will forget where your knees are, and it will become much easier to go through life.

A source: http://ProstoFitness.com/dlya-pohudeniya/uprazhneniya-v-domashnih-usloviyah/nogi/xodba-na-kolenyax-polza-ili-vred.html

Scandinavian walking with arthrosis: a positive effect on the joints

Is Nordic walking good for arthrosis? Let's look at this article.

Osteoarthritis: symptoms, treatment

The basis of such a pathology of compounds, as arthrosis, is the destruction of cartilaginous fibers. With arthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, a number of serious disorders occur in the body:

  • disturbance in the process of formation of new cartilage cells;
  • destruction of cartilaginous cells due to mechanical factors;
  • insufficient nutrition of cartilaginous fibers.

Arthrosis is divided into 2 forms:

  1. Primary. Experts can not determine the cause of pathology development. This form is also called idiopathic, arising independently, without the influence of other pathologies, external factors.
  2. Secondary. Experts can establish the cause of pathology. This form of the disease occurs more often due to inflammatory diseases of the joints, metabolic disorders, hormonal changes.

Arthrosis is characterized by changes at the biochemical level (the composition of the intra-articular fluid varies, the synovial membrane becomes more vulnerable, the joint becomes more difficult to withstand the loads.

If, in the presence of such changes, articulations undergo supercooling, strong stress, the inflammatory process begins. During this period, the first signs of pathology appear.

They are manifested in:

  • strong pain. They are characterized by a aching, periodic nature. The pain syndrome is aggravated after the exercise, it takes place during prolonged rest;
  • sensation of a foreign object inside the compound;
  • stiffness of the patient joint.

Arthritis is manifested by such symptoms:

  1. pain in the joint;
  2. swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  3. reddening of the dermis around the diseased joint;
  4. limitation of mobility, a sense of constraint.

If you do not treat arthritis, inflammation can affect all body systems. Arthritis passes into arthrosis in neglected condition. After inflammation, a degenerative process in the joint may begin.

The treatment of these joint diseases is aimed at:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • restoration of disturbed metabolism;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the diseased joint;
  • restoration of cartilaginous fibers;
  • restoration of mobility of the joint.

Achieve these goals can be different therapeutic methods:

  1. Drug therapy (anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants).
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures (magnetotherapy, laser therapy, ultrasound therapy, electrostimulation).
  3. Spa treatment.
  4. Oxygenotherapy.
  5. Massages.
  6. Physiotherapy.

A proper effect can be achieved if the therapy is carried out in a complex manner.

The cause of arthrosis

Why arthritis, arthrosis? Specialists have identified a number of factors predisposing to the emergence, development of arthrosis. The defeat of joints arises from the violation of the synthesis of cartilage cells. Malfunctions of cartilage tissue cells can be triggered by a number of reasons:

  • unbalanced, malnutrition;
  • various injuries;
  • pathology of the genetic apparatus;
  • metabolic disease.

A special role in the development of arthrosis is given to congenital changes in the shape of the joint (dysplasia).

The risk of joint diseases increases with inflammation of joints, the presence of autoimmune disorders. These reasons are considered the main for the development of secondary arthrosis.

The probability of the development of degenerative processes inside the tissues of the compound increases when there are the following factors:

  1. The presence of occupational hazards.
  2. Excess weight.
  3. Bad ecology.
  4. The presence of endocrine disorders.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. Orthopedic disorders (flat feet).
  7. Estrogen deficiency (it is characteristic of women during menopause).

Arthritis, arthrosis: similarities, differences of pathologies

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Arthritis and arthrosis have a number of significant differences. Many patients confuse these diseases, but if they get acquainted with the causes, symptoms of each of them, they can distinguish them without much difficulty.

Let's start with the names of these pathologies, from which one can already see the fundamental difference.

In the Latin terminology, one should pay attention to the suffixes. It" indicates the course of the inflammatory process, os" indicates the presence of a degenerative process.

Now let's move on to the causes of joint diseases.There are ten reasons for this:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Injuries.
  3. Diseases of bone, connective tissue (congenital).
  4. Subcooling.
  5. Excess weight.
  6. Incorrect food.
  7. The presence of immunological disorders.
  8. Metabolic disorders.
  9. Infections.
  10. Unreasonable physical load.

Also there are reasons, characteristic of each pathology.

Similar symptoms of two joint diseases are pain, restriction of movement in the joint, edema (more arthritis), alteration of the contours of the joint. There are also some differences in symptoms.

Signs of the disease Arthritis Osteoarthritis
Pain Sharp, aching. Disturbs the patient even without performing movements. Deep, stupid. Occurs after movements.
Hyperemia There is. Sometimes it is observed.
Morning stiffness There is. Yes, but not long (about 30 minutes).
Edema There is. Sometimes it is observed.
Temperature increase There is. No.
Mobility limitation There are, but it arises from a strong pain syndrome. There is. The reason for the restriction is pain syndrome, bony proliferation.
Deformation of articulation Yes, but only in the late stages. There is.
Clicks, crunch Absent. There is.

The use of movement in arthrosis

Patients with arthrosis or arthritis are interested in the question: is it possible for them to move a lot, is movement useful for joints? According to I. P.

Pavlova, the initially painful joint should be unloaded, to provide him with peace.

But then, during the treatment, it is necessary to increase the load on the connection.

With the defeat of the musculoskeletal system, specialists select a special physical activity, exercises taking into account the nature of the lesion, localization, the activity of the inflammatory process.

Very useful for our body walking.

In the process of walking, muscles and ligaments are strengthened, metabolism is increased, and good mobility of the joints is maintained.

Walking also normalizes the work of the nervous system, improves mental performance, raises the mood. Walking helps relieve pain, improve joint mobility.

But you need to walk on a low heel. High heels are harmful to the foot, knee joints.

Walking on stairs is also not desirable. Climbing the stairs is a serious load on the connections. When climbing the stairs, there is an increase in pain.

The benefits of Scandinavian walking

Many orthopedists point out the importance of walking with arthritis, arthrosis. This sport has a preventive effect, prevents the occurrence of joint pathology.

Walking has the following positive effects on the body:

  1. Elimination of stiffness.
  2. Increased muscle tone.
  3. Improve blood circulation.
  4. Expansion of the volume of movements.
  5. Strengthening the ligament apparatus of the joint.

With osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the ideal option will be a short walk.

In addition to the usual walk, experts recommend doing Scandinavian walking. Why is Nordic walking with arthrosis so useful?

There are a number of advantages in using sticks for Nordic walking.They consist in:

  1. Creation of additional points of support, which contribute to reducing the burden on the joints.
  2. Decreased weight.
  3. Activation of the muscles, strengthening the press, back.
  4. Strengthen the body.

Each of these points contributes to reducing the impact of negative factors, accelerating treatment. Scandinavian walking can be used as a preventive measure.

Before practicing Finnish walking, consult a doctor. After all, each case is individual, the patient may have some contraindications to walking with sticks.

Walking on the knees with arthrosis

For the therapy of arthrosis, special exercises have been developed that promote the development of a sick joint. Doctors believe that walking with the support of the knees brings the greatest benefit in treating patients with knees.

Walking on your knees has such therapeutic effects:

  • Reduction of pain in the area of ​​the knee joint.
  • Strengthening the knee joint, the entire musculoskeletal system.

When walking on the knees, you should gradually increase the load on the muscles, the diseased joints. This exercise is convenient to carry out at home.To execute it you need:

  1. Fall down on the floor, kneel down.
  2. Under the feet lay the carpet to make it comfortable.
  3. Walk forward / backward.
  4. Keep the trunk in a vertical position, the back is flat.

After that, go to another exercise. We perform it slowly. Sit down on the heels, completely sit on the floor, lean our hands on the floor. We pull hands to the legs in turn.

Benefits of vitamins

Vitamins are considered to be an integral part of arthrosis therapy. They need to be taken in the right amount for the body. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

The most useful vitamins are those that are part of group B.

They affect the energy metabolism, the work of the nervous system, and help restore damaged cartilage.

Group B includes the following vitamins:

  • Thiamin B1.
  • Riboflavin B2.
  • Pyridoxine B6.
  • Nicotinic acid PP1.
  • Cyanocobalamin B12.

The following vitamins of this group are also known:

  1. Kholin.
  2. Biotin.
  3. Pantothenic acid B5.
  4. Inositol.

Bath with arthrosis

Physiotherapeutic procedures play an important role in the therapy of arthrosis, arthritis. Particular attention should be given to thermal procedures. It turns out that a visit to the sauna, steam bath has a beneficial effect on the affected joints, on the whole body.The benefits of heat are manifested in:

  1. removal of the pain syndrome, provoked by deformation of the joint (knee, hip);
  2. activation of blood circulation;
  3. removal of spasm of muscle fibers;
  4. activation of cartilage regeneration due to increased sweating;
  5. rapid removal of decay products from the body.

It is not necessary to visit the sauna, steam room without consulting a doctor. After all, with arthrosis there may be contraindications to visiting these places.

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Inflammation of the joints doctors refer to contraindications to visiting the bath. It is necessary to exclude bathing in an ice font when visiting a bath.

Subcooling adversely affects the affected joints.

Healthy foods

Specialists have identified a number of products that improve the health of arthrosis, arthritis.To improve the nutrition of cartilage, the body needs such substances:

  • collagen. This protein is present inside the ligaments, cartilage, dermis. He is considered a cartilage of cartilage. It provides the cartilaginous fibers with elasticity, durability, facilitates compensation of the load during movement. Collagen is produced by the body. If it is lacking, you should use such products: jelly, fish-filled, fruit jelly, dairy products, lean meat, fish, legumes;
  • sulfur, selenium are involved in the synthesis of collagen. Sulfur, selenium is needed to create proteoglycans, molecules that make up cartilaginous fibers. Proteoglycans retain moisture inside the cartilaginous cells. Sulfur contains such products: cod, beef, chum, sea bass, legumes, eggs, cereals, cabbage, onions, radish, apples, gooseberries, plums, radish. Selenium is found in mussels, Brazil nuts, coconut, shrimp. Slightly less in milk, cod, garlic, eggs, whole grain bread, sea kale;
  • omega-3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fats are needed to relieve inflammation, activate the regeneration process inside the cartilage. Omega-3 fats are found in oily fish (sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel), flaxseed oil.

What should be discarded is: alcohol, coffee, soda, fat.

Are sports allowed?

As for sports, we need specialist advice here. He will pick up a suitable sport in each case. It is very important in the presence of arthrosis, arthritis to engage in moderate physical activity.

Some exercises should be eliminated because of their danger in articulation diseases. But a number of exercises can bring significant benefits during the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis.

An important therapeutic method is therapeutic exercise.

Specially designed exercises are necessary for:

  • elimination of stiffness;
  • elimination of pain;
  • expansion of the volume of movements;
  • restoration of cartilaginous fibers.

In many sports, there is no increased strain on the joints.So, for example, with osteoarthritis of the knee joint, you can practice such sports:

  1. rowing;
  2. skiing;
  3. swimming;
  4. walking;
  5. table tennis;
  6. golf.

When choosing a sport, consult a specialist.

A source: https://artsustav.ru/skandinavskaya-xodba-pri-artroze.html

Walking on your knees is good and bad

Special therapeutic walking on the knees is an excellent prevention of arthrosis.

In addition, this technique can significantly improve vision, strengthen hair and teeth.

For the first time, practitioners of Taoism began to apply this practice.

In the Eastern philosophy there is a widespread opinion that simple exercises can clear the channels through which vital energy flows.

The doctors of our country noticed that walking on their knees is very useful, and they began using the technique for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.


With the help of special exercises you can actively train knee joints and fight with primary manifestations of arthrosis.

Walking on a soft surface with the support of the knees is very useful, because with direct physical activity, the supply of synovial fluid is activated in the joint, drying is eliminated.

The benefits of walking on your knees are known to many.Physicians recommend performing special exercises for:

  • Restoration of vision. You may think that there is no relationship between the knee and the eye, but this is not at all the case. Influencing the tendons, you thus have a beneficial effect on the health of the liver, and this body depends on the eyesight. To get rid of vision problems, go on your knees with your eyes closed.
  • Improve circulation in the legs and head.
  • Prevention of arthrosis.
  • Strengthening hair and teeth. Loads on the waist on the philosophy of Taoism have a beneficial effect on the kidney canals, and they in turn are responsible for the health of teeth and hair.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract.
  • Effective weight loss.

According to Eastern philosophy, the human body is a single whole, in which all organs and tissues closely interact with each other. Our body constantly circulates the vital energy of Qi.

If nothing prevents this energy movement, you feel healthy, full of strength and energy. Clogged channels must be cleaned.

You can remove the block without any special medications, just perform special exercises, for example, to walk on your knees.

If you suffer from arthritis or arthrosis, feel pain in the joints, always go on your knees every day.

Increase the duration of training should be gradual. The technique is effective only in the early stages of the disease.

Before starting the training, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if you have any chronic diseases of the bones or joints.

Improper loads will not only not bring the desired effect, but can even cause harm.


If your knee joints are very swollen, first of all you need to activate the outflow of fluid from the sore spot.

To do this, find a special point on the foot that normalizes the work of the spleen.

It is located on the inside of the foot, 4 fingers higher than the ankle bone.

Determine the right place, and carefully knead it with your fingers. Such a massage will further improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

So, we proceed directly to walking on our knees. To do this, sink to the floor and stand on all fours.

Experts recommend performing exercises on a soft dense carpet or special gym mat.

Move around, resting on your hands and knees, first forward, then back. Make sure that during the exercise your torso is held strictly in an upright position - do not arch your back.

Walking on your knees for 10-15 minutes will save you from pain in your knees, as well as from unpleasant sensations in the region of the hip joints.

Consider step by step instructions for performing a very effective exercise for the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis:

  • Get on your knees, and put your hands on the floor. Torso in an upright position.
  • Very slowly straighten your back, lifting the upper part of the trunk. Continue until you are seated on the heels.
  • With each hand, alternately, drag to the opposite foot.

Walking on your lap combined with this exercise will help you quickly get rid of the first manifestations of arthritis. Exercises strengthen the joints and normalize the circulation of the vital energy of Qi.

Begin training with minimal effort. In the first days do not more than 5-7 minutes.

If after a while you will notice that it became easier to perform the exercises, and the manifestations of pathology began to gradually disappear, you can increase the training time to 10-15 minutes.

Doctors recommend with strong pains in the knees to tie to the joints bags of ice. Cooling has an anesthetic effect.

If walking on your knees gives you a lot of unpleasant sensations, immediately stop exercising, and consult with a doctor about it.


Kinesitherapy- a technique for eliminating pain in the joints, developed by Professor C. Bubnovsky. The author claims that it is necessary to treat arthrosis not by rest, but by movement.

Joints- this is a kind of "bearings" that can work only under the condition of regular lubrication.

Walking on your knees and other motor activity activates the production of such a "lubricant which allows you to quickly get rid of any problems with joints.

According to the Bubnovsky technique, the best prevention of arthritis and arthrosis is daily exercise with squats, exercises performed on the knees.

Even minor loads activate blood circulation in the limbs, normalize the lymph flow in the immediate vicinity of the affected joint.

Kinesitherapy is aimed at training muscles and joints, normalizing blood circulation and isolating the joint fluid.

If you suffer from knee pain, you do not have to work hard on power sports. Such training can only do harm.

Be sure to adhere strictly to the recommendations of the doctor, and perform only those exercises that he advised.

For example, running for short distances is allowed at an early stage in the development of joint pathology, but is strictly prohibited when it progresses.

Bubnovsky's method excludes employment in such sports as tennis, badminton, football, skiing. All these trainings assume a strong load on the legs, and it is not recommended for patients with arthrosis.

A great option for physical activity will be walking on your knees, training on special simulators, pilates, stretching exercises.

A source: https://nogi.guru/zabolevaniya/artroz/hodba-na-kolenyah.html

Walking on your knees: benefit and harm, reviews. Daoist practice

Taoist practices are exercises for the health and longevity of women and men.

They consist of quiet, smooth movements and are especially good for people in old age, in addition, for the weakened because of illness. Exercises do not require any special conditions or good weather.

They can be performed at any time of the day, with pretty soon the first results appear.

Taoist walking

Many know that ordinary walking is very useful. In this case, few people have heard about the exercise "walking on your knees." It's sad, but this extremely valuable practice is not so widespread here ...

Walking on your knees is useful to everyone. This exercise has almost no contraindications. People with diseased knee joints can also try Chinese effective technique. Let's look at the causes of pain in the knees.

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What are the pains for the knees?

Chinese doctors explain that because of the reduced flow of qi and blood energy in this part of the body in the joint, the amount of lubricant is reduced.

In case it does not exist, the bones gradually begin to rub against each other, like parts of the mechanism, after which they wear out. This results in terrible pain in this part of the limbs, especially if they are slightly chilled.

When loads of pain intensify - when you descend or climb the stairs, long walks.

What to do?

There is one easy, very effective exercise that will save you from this misfortune, walking on your knees. This Taoist practice will provide your contractors with the energy of qi and new blood.

In addition, the exercise uses the lower back, which will improve kidney function. Trusting the theory of Wu Xing, also strengthen the stomach and liver.

The Chinese even say that the causes of the disease are huge, while the treatment for all is one ...

Daoist Practice: Technology

If your knees swell very much, you need to stimulate the outflow of excess fluid before performing the exercise.

Work for this on the points that are responsible for the canal of the spleen.

They are located on the side of the leg, above just four fingers of the bulging ankle bone, while they are very important points that affect the activity of the kidneys and liver.

In addition, you need to massage the points of the gallbladder. They are from the outer parts of the legs, in the very center of the patella, where the veins are bent.

Given the fact that both of the above points are paired, they should be massaged with the thumbs of the fingers, making circular motions and pressing for a minute.

Only after working with them, you can proceed directly to your knees.

If you experience very severe pains, dropping on your knees, put under them to start the pillow or stand on the bed.

Do not rush on your knees, just hang on them for a while. After the pain begins to subside, walk around the bed a little.


When you get used to walking this way you can go to the floor, moving first on the blanket spread on the floor, and then on a soft carpet.

It is necessary to perform this exercise every day, even better several times a day, without limiting yourself in time.


In case you are still very painful and difficult, the exercise begins with a minute of standing on your knees, increasing gradually the time and starting to move slowly.

If it is too weak, if it is very difficult to stand on your knees, you can sit on your heels and shift a little on your feet.

When is it useful to carry out this Taoist practice?

This practice is useful for the following conditions:

  1. Walking on the knees, the benefit of which is described in this article, makes it possible to improve vision. But how can this be related to each other? The fact is that the knees are considered the palace of the tendons, which, in turn, are associated with the liver canal. It "manifests itself in the eyes in other words, it is responsible for our eyesight. We improve vision, improving the condition of our liver. There is only one small point - when doing the exercise you need to walk on your knees with your eyes closed.
  2. Suitable also is knee-walking for weight loss, especially when fat is deposited in the thigh area. It was hardly necessary for the Taoists themselves, but modern women are very useful. In this case, you need to walk on your knees every day for 20 minutes, so that you sweat. In order to stimulate yourself, measure your hips before classes, then take measurements every week.
  3. Daoist walking on the knees can also improve the blood supply to the legs and head. This exercise stimulates the flow of blood in a large circle, in other words, the blood will adhere to the head and legs. Head: In addition to improving the eyesight, you can improve the complexion, as well as the condition of the hair. Legs: this practice is useful to do before the "Golden Rooster" exercise, which is described in the article below. Stepwise, first comes the inflow of qi and blood energy to the knees, then to the feet down.
  4. Taoist walking on the knees allows you to strengthen your teeth, hair and bones. With this practice, the lower back is used, which is the canal of the kidneys. They, in turn, are responsible for teeth, hair and bones. In other words, this exercise is an excellent prevention of loosening of teeth, osteoporosis and hair loss.
  5. The condition of the knee joints will change for the better.
  6. Improve the work of the digestive tract. In the area of ​​the knees there is a canal of the stomach. In this case, improving the patency of this channel is an excellent appearance and good digestion.


Sometimes, walking on the knees is contraindicated.The harm it can cause under the following conditions:

  • Arthrosis in the extreme stage of development and with exacerbation;
  • suppuration, severe form of arthritis;
  • ankylosis of the knees;
  • synovitis - inflammation of the joints.

Method of Dr. Bubnovsky

From such an exercise, only with exhalation with the sound of "ha occurs by getting rid of arthrosis.

Adhering to a strong support, for example, a chair, do steps on the bent limbs, at least 2 times. The next day you will be able to do more on several steps.

Walking on your knees in this way should be brought to 30 steps.

Dr. Bubnovsky likes to repeat that the disease must be exhaled. "Ha" instantly enhances the effect of this gymnastics. Dropping his whole body on his heels, say, breathing out: "Ha!".

If you are interested in the exercise "walking on your knees do it with pleasure, preferably with music. In the very near future your body will thank you with good health.

It is important to correctly formulate your own desires, getting rid of them completely from the particle of "not" and negative words, such as "get rid "avoid."

It is important to fill your desires with positive and hopefulness, for example, "My knees are bending better! "I have perfectly healthy eyes, and my hair is getting thicker and stronger every day!".

Competently formulate your own intentions, repeat as often as you like, and do exercises on the positive! In addition, it is not necessary to move monotonously backward-forward.

Walk on your knees all around the perimeter of the room, draw eight, intricate zigzags, and make imaginary inscriptions.

Supplement of the exercise "walking on your knees" will serve as a special exercise to strengthen the body as a whole "Golden Rooster". It perfectly restores the harmony of the whole body!

Stand on the foot "Golden Rooster"

The initial position is standing on his legs, lowered along the body, relaxed hands, and also closed eyes. The first leg should be raised and frozen in this way.

During the exercise, the eyes can not be opened.

The absence of a visual image will make it difficult to maintain the equilibrium position, and the brain will have to restore balance so that you can cope without sight.

When you hold the balance and support one foot, all foot points that are associated with the six main internal organs are affected.

This has a positive effect on the operation of various systems. Practice "The Golden Cock" should be dealt with immediately after awakening, stand for 2 minutes on each leg.

When you gain experience, the duration of the exercise should be increased.

Gives a good effect when:

  • radiculitis, gouty phenomena;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (progress is noticeable in case the pituitary and hypothalamus are the source of the problem);
  • cerebellar atrophy;
  • manifestations of osteochondrosis;
  • diabetes;
  • noises in the ears, attacks of dizziness, hearing loss, Meniere's disease (difficulty in maintaining balance);
  • lowered immunity;
  • emotional breakdowns and stresses.

It is not surprising that the inhabitants of the East live much longer than many of our compatriots.

The success of their longevity consists in competently performed exercises that are required to improve overall health, enhance the health of the entire body. You can learn how to do such basic exercises.

They can be performed at any time, free for you, right at home. In just a few days you will be able to notice the first good results.

Walking on your knees: reviews

Reading reviews about these exercises, you can understand that some people they (especially at the very beginning) are given very difficult - the age, excess weight, the presence of problems with joints... But practicing walking on your knees correctly and regularly, many note a positive change in their state. It helps them with various diseases, eliminating both the symptoms and the causes of their occurrence.

A source: http://.ru/article/307081/hodba-na-kolenyah-polza-i-vred-otzyivyi-daosskaya-praktika

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