We treat sinusitis in adults in simple ways

Any person knows the unpleasant sensations of a stuffy nose. When such symptoms are accompanied by a cough and headaches, we feel that we have caught a slight cold, drink tea with raspberries and patiently wait for relief. However, the common cold, with incorrectly selected treatment or completely without treatment, can develop into sinusitis. This rather unpleasant disease, which causes long inconveniences, can become chronic, it will be much more difficult to cope with.

  • What is sinusitis?
  • Symptoms of sinusitis
  • Treatment of sinusitis in the home
  • Rinsing of the nose
  • Washing solutions
  • Steam inhalation
  • Warm compresses
  • Prescriptions for warming compresses
  • Nasal drops
  • Healing Nasal Ointments
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What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by bacteria, viruses, fungal infections or allergies. Acute is considered to be sinusitis with a prescription period of up to 8 weeks, usually of bacterial origin. If the problem exists longer, then the form of the disease becomes chronic.

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Inflammatory processes can occur in one or more immediately paranasal sinuses. According to the frequency of occurrence in adults and children older than seven years, the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is first, then the lattice, frontal and wedge (main) sinus.

Attention!Without timely treatment, sinusitis can lead to the development of meningitis. The bony septum between the brain and nasal sinuses is quite thin. Infection can penetrate this barrier to the membranes of the brain, creating a danger to the entire body.

Symptoms of sinusitis

Common signs for the acute and chronic form of the disease:

  • purulent discharge of yellow-green color;
  • pronounced nasal congestion (sometimes only one-sided);
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus;
  • dry night cough;
  • headache and discomfort on the skin of the face.

With chronic sinusitis, these symptoms can be vague and even disappear for a while, but they always return. Because of the increased susceptibility of the organism to infections, chronic sinusitis is often accompanied by colds and SARS.

Treatment of sinusitis in the home

Traditional methods of treatment, with the use of herbs and conventional products, are characterized by a mild impact on the body. Of course, there may be excesses, but the wise use of time-tested recipes is safe for elderly people suffering from various chronic diseases, and during pregnancy.

At the first sign of sinusitis, it is better not to leave the house for several days and to adhere to bed rest. The weakened organism can catch any infection on the fly.

Important!When choosing medicines, carefully study their contraindications. The rapid effect of the use of ready-made drugs can be destroyed by their side effects.

Rinsing of the nose

This is the very first step on the path to recovery. The rinse solution is prepared very simply: a quarter tablespoon of salt should be dissolved in a glass of warm water. You can pour the solution with a conventional rubber pear with a small diameter tip or a plastic bottle - an atomizer. The patient leans over the sink and pours or draws the liquid into one of the nostrils. It is necessary to repeat the rinsing several times for each nostril. Emerging from the nose saline will take with it purulent formations, relieve swelling and temporarily relieve the condition.

Washing solutions

In addition to the already mentioned saline solution, use:

  • warm mineral water without gas;
  • infusion of sage leaves, currant, chamomile flowers, marigold;
  • solution of sea salt with iodine (no more than two drops of iodine);
  • not strong green tea;
  • a weak solution of manganese (make sure that all crystals are dissolved, the color of the liquid is pale pink).

Steam inhalation

For this purpose, you can use a special inhaler, a pot of boiling water (do not forget about safety), and even an ordinary hot shower. A greater effect will bring the use of aromatic oils, for example, eucalyptus or menthol.

Attention!Steam from boiling water can cause burns to the hands, face or mucous membrane. Carefully adjust the temperature of the inhaled vapor. To deep breaths, go only after making sure that the steam will not cause harm.

Recipes for inhalations:

  1. Potatoes are brewed "in uniform". The water is drained, the pan is briefly returned to the fire to evaporate the remaining water. Then the pan is removed from the fire, the head is covered with a towel and breathes over the steam for 15-20 minutes. After inhalation, you need to clean your nose, lie down and take shelter. Cover the face with a dry towel until the skin is completely cool. This procedure is best done at night.
  2. Balm "Star" is lowered into boiling water (enough balls of the size of a match head). The capacity is removed from the fire and breathes over the steam, covered with a towel, for 5 to 7 minutes. The following actions are the same as the previous recipe.
  3. Instead of balsam, you can use eucalyptus oil or menthol (2 - 3 drops depending on the volume of water). Finely chopped garlic works well both in boiled water and in raw form.
  4. Spirituous tincture of propolis is added to boiling water per 1 liter of water for 1 hour. l. tinctures. The process of inhalation and the actions at the end of the procedure do not differ from previous versions.

Attention!Propolis can not be used if there is an allergy to beekeeping products.

Warm compresses

In the treatment of sinusitis, the use of warming compresses is helpful. For them, you can use hard-boiled eggs or bags with warm salt or sand. Hot eggs or bags should be wrapped in tissue (which is not burned) and attach to the sinuses of the nose. Compresses are held for up to half an hour. Then the patient is put in bed and covered with a face until the skin cools down completely. These are the simplest options.

Prescriptions for warming compresses

  1. Black radish juice should be mixed with vegetable oil (preferably olive oil), moisten two small napkins in the resulting composition and attach to the nasal sinuses. On top of the compress covered with a film and some warm cloth. You can use bags with heated salt to increase the flow of heat. However, in case of unpleasant sensations (burning sensation), the compress should be removed immediately in order to avoid serious burns.
  2. From the rye flour and bee honey mix the dough, divide into two small flat cakes and heat them on a steam bath. Compress the cover with a film and a warm cloth, hold for about half an hour.
  3. 50 grams of clay (you can buy in a pharmacy) boil with boiling water so that the structure resembles a steep dough. Two gauze tampons to wet with warm vegetable oil, to impose on the areas on the sides of the nose. Top with cakes of clay. Cover and warm, as in the previous version. You can hold such a compress for an hour.
  4. A few laurel leaves (5 - 7 pcs.) Pour cold water and bring to a boil. If you simply pour boiling water, the broth does not turn out so saturated. After boiling, remove from heat, allow to cool slightly, moisten the napkin and attach to the nasal sinuses. Cover with a film, warm wrap. Hold such a compress can be about an hour.

Nasal drops

To facilitate nasal congestion with sinusitis, use the Kalanchoe juice (2 - 3 drops in each nostril). You can add a little honey to the juice. Alternatively, combine in a 1: 1: 1 ratio of aloe juice, honey and a carefully mashed dry celandine. This mixture is instilled in three drops up to five times a day. Contraindications - allergies to honey.

The juice of the boiled beet (not raw) alleviates the condition of the patient.

Garlic drops, removing nasal congestion, are prepared on the basis of olive oil. For 25 g of oil you need 5-6 drops of garlic juice. Mix very well and bury not more than two drops in each nostril. You can use a light version - wipe the inside of the nose with cotton swabs, moistened in an oil garlic mix.

Well disinfects and softens rosehip oil or sea buckthorn. It is buried in the nose a few drops to five times a day.

Healing Nasal Ointments

  • camphor (0.5 g), menthol (0.5 g), iodine (3 g), glycerin (30 g);
  • menthol (0.5 g), glycerin (25 g), garlic juice (5-7 drops);
  • menthol (0.5 g), baby cream (20 g), honey (a third of a teaspoon).

When preparing ointments, it is important to thoroughly mix the ingredients. You can use the mixture two or three times a day. It is good to alternate the ointment with drops.

Important!If home remedies do not bring relief, it is necessary to urgently appeal to specialists. Remember - inflammation can spread to the brain shell and cause meningitis.

Traditional medicine will help in the treatment of various types of sinusitis, without harming the body. The peculiarity of the treatment of home remedies in its duration. Only regular procedures will give a positive result. Have patience, gather the will into a fist - and be healthy!