Runny nose in an adult than treated

Why develops a protracted runny nose in an adult and how to cure it?

How to cure a protracted runny nose in an adult? What means can help in this? Many people do not consider the cold a disease at all and do not even try to eliminate it. And in vain! After all, an innocuous runny nose can give serious complications, which later will be much harder to cope with.

The first thing a person with this problem should do is to visit the ENT doctor's office. It is he who can find the cause of your protracted rhinitis.

Possible causes of a cold

Sinusitis or sinusitis.

Most common cold in adults can be associated with problems of the sinus row, and this: the frontitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, sphenoiditis and etmoiditis. These processes characterize inflammation in the nasopharynx. They can cause polyps, bacteria and infections. If these inflammations are not treated, serious complications can arise, the most dangerous among them is meningitis.

If a prolonged runny nose is accompanied by headaches and an unpleasant sensation in the facial area, then it can talk about the chronic course of the disease. An unpleasant moment of sinusitis is that they are diagnosed already at the height of the disease. And sometimes the conservative method of treatment is not enough.

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Treatment is carried out by the following methods:

  1. If there is pus in the nasal sinuses, then it must be eliminated by rinsing or puncturing in a hospital.
  2. Application of antibacterial therapy.
  3. Additional treatment involves the administration of antihistamines, drops for the nose, and if necessary - corticosteroids.
  4. At the final stage of therapy, physiotherapy is performed.


The second most popular cause of a prolonged runny nose in an adult is an allergy, mainly to external stimuli. Since allergic reactions indicate immune disorders in the body, it is not possible to cure them to the end. You can only reduce the symptoms, and if an allergen is found, try to eliminate it from your life.

An allergic reaction can cause:

  • dust;
  • wool and down of pets;
  • poplar fluff and pollen of flowering plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • cigarette smoke;
  • certain food products.

The main signs of allergic rhinitis in adults are: constant nasal congestion, discharge, fluid and transparent, lacrimation, frequent sneezing and redness of the eyes.In this case, you should seek help from an allergist who will test the allergen and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Specific rhinitis.

Specific rhinitis can include:

  1. Catarrhal chronic rhinitis. It is a complication of acute rhinitis and is characterized by the defeat of the paranasal sinuses and pharynx. At this time, there are discharge from the nose of a mucous nature. Often a stuffy nose, especially when lying down. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.
  2. Vasomotor rhinitis. It provokes its allergen, associated with nervous factors. The treatment is aimed at eliminating the allergen, increasing immunity, deactivating the reactive reactions of the nervous system.
  3. Ozena. Due to permanent rhinitis, there is atrophy of the walls of the nose and bone tissue, resulting in the formation of a crust of green in the nose that smells unpleasant. Treatment of a local nature is being carried out, sometimes surgical intervention is required.
  4. Atrophic rhinitis. Because of frequent and heavily endured infections, injuries and the constant inhalation of allergenic air, atrophic rhinitis can develop, that is, atrophy of the nasal mucosa. In this case, frequent nasal bleeding, snot with blood, dryness in the nose, congestion, loss of smell are observed. The treatment is provided by an otolaryngologist, in some cases an allergist.
  5. Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis. Occurs on the background of prolonged inhalation of chemicals or with a curved nasal septum. Characterized by nasal congestion, headaches, loss of smell (sometimes partial). Pain can occur in the face and temples. Treatment operative.

Treatment of a protracted cold

If the common cold is associated with colds, then the choice of drugs to remove symptoms is significant.

If the discharge from the nose is clear and liquid, then vasoconstrictive drops are used, such drugs as Sanorin, Nazivin, Ximelin and others are included.

But such drops are not always suitable, for example, with atrophy of the nasal passages, they will not give any effect. Here, the method of washing the nose with saline solution and applying an antibiotic will be more effective.

With the long course of the disease, the following methods of therapy are used:

  1. Physiotherapy.
  2. Laser treatment.
  3. Operative method.

If it was found that the common cold is still allergic, then the treatment can be the next direction.

  1. Exclusion of allergen.
  2. Antihistamines: Zirtek, Loratadin, Kestin.

Treatment is carried out by an allergist. With a protracted runny nose, you should reconsider your lifestyle, change your habits, and then, perhaps, the rhinitis will pass by itself.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the period of illness it is worth every day to wash the nose with saline solution: this helps to get rid of pathogenic bacteria more quickly. In addition, this solution has an anti-inflammatory effect. If the rhinitis without purulent formations, then it is well treated with inhalations, which can be with soda or on the basis of medicinal herbs. Suitable for this is chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. For inhalations, essential oils, for example, eucalyptus or menthol, can also be used.

For burial in the nose, you can make drops yourself. To do this, you need to brew a lime flower or sage. You can also dig in the nose freshly squeezed beet juice or carrots, onions, calanchoe, aloe, juice from the leaves of plantain. Applying such drops, you need to know and strictly observe the proportions and dosage.

Mustard baths for the feet and hands will help to get rid of the stuffiness faster. Effective massage can be a point massage in the nose. In chronic sinusitis, the use of milk and other dairy products is not recommended. It is believed that sugar and starch, contained in pasteurized milk, leads to sinusitis.

In addition to local treatment, the body as a whole should be strengthened. Traditional medicine on this occasion offers its own options. Common fortifying properties are lemon, decoction of rose hips, raspberry, linden and St. John's wort. They are used in the form of broths, and it is also recommended to wash the nose using these plants.

To quickly get rid of the common cold, herbal medicine offers to take decoctions on the following herbs:

  1. St. John's wort and sage.
  2. Peppermint.
  3. Grass of the motherwort.
  4. The sequence and mother-and-stepmother.
  5. Burdock and primrose.
  6. Meadowsweet.
  7. Eucalyptus.
  8. Birch, willow, lime color.
  9. Hawthorn and dog rose.
  10. Devyasil and others.

Preventive actions

In order not to suffer from a runny nose, one should be engaged in its prevention. In the warm season you need to begin to temper your body. The room in which you are constantly, should be regularly ventilated. Do not bring your mucous membrane to dry, moisten the room during the heating system, drink more liquid. Eat right. At the first signs of a cold immediately take measures to eliminate it.

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Coryza - this is a problem, the final of which can turn out differently depending on the pathogen. For example, it can be of a superficial nature. When an allergen is eliminated, an allergic rhinitis may disappear on the same day. In other cases, the runny nose can drag on for months, and eventually it leads to surgical treatment.

How and what will cure the runny nose finally in an adult?


Lilac Fairy

You are still suffering a little.
Pomuchalis would be great if there was a chronic allergic rhinitis in the cold season.
You seem to have such a runny nose and started.

It is incurable! Adjust and vasoconstrict more than 3 days to use even doctors forbid.

Warm your legs with mustard, it helps, everything is interconnected.

Washings do not help. I do it cool from the nostril to the nostril. I became a professional in this business, I will teach... only useless until it gets warmer, the time of year will not change ...


Naphthyzine does not cure, but does so that the nose breathes. To cure a runny nose is better by washing the nose, for example with the help of Dolphin. Two weeks of a common cold? It looks like a genyantritis, it's better to go to a doctor and take a picture

Andrey Pogozhev

Try anti-histamine spray (anti-allergenic), the rhinitis also kills!


Warm the sinuses with salt or a blue lamp, rinse 2 times a day with "sea water" (1/3 st. l. salt on a glass of water + 1 drop of iodine), completely discard the drops / sprays - endure.. And most importantly, all these procedures do in the system, i.e., not less than 2-3 times a day.

viktor kuzmenok

Put mustard in your socks, go to them and sleep.
Chop the garlic along, and insert into the nostril for 10min.
Then to another. For a day, do 5-6 times. After 2 hours, the nose usually hardens,
But continue to put the garlic.


Sinuporte [link is blocked by the decision of the administration of the project] expensive, but effective with a protracted rhinitis on the verge of sinusitis, and with genyantritis directly.

Elena Chirikalova

Honey stop strong leak. In a glass a little bit and dilute with water it will be slightly burned and will flow even more. Release your nose and drip many times until it stops. Approximately 30 minutes every 10 times., According to circumstances.

Elena Tsibileva

Buy a drop of "Pinosol". It contains natural oils of pine, eucalyptus. Means pleasant. It helps me for 3 days, and by the end of the second day my nose is breathing.

Tatiana Pronoza

And maybe you have no rhinitis, and addiction to naphthyzin? There are a lot of questions from those who have been dripping naphthyzine for years, and without it the nose does not breathe. it can not be dripped for more than 7 days at all. Try to clean your nose with Aquamaris and bury your legs for the night. For the treatment of a common cold it is enough.

Possible causes of a prolonged runny nose in an adult

In the modern world, a prolonged runny nose in an adult is a fairly common phenomenon. In addition to shortness of breath, this condition can be accompanied by purulent or clear discharge from the nose, itching, dryness, headaches, lacrimation and other unpleasant symptoms. Few did not come across a runny nose, especially in the cold season. The usual cold with proper treatment and a strong immune system is an average of a week. If the symptoms and manifestations of rhinitis make themselves felt for a longer period (weeks or months), you need to seek professional help. After all, it can be no longer just an easy indisposition, but a protracted runny nose, capable of acquiring chronic form, therefore, it is necessary to find out its cause and take measures aimed at recovery.

Varieties of pathology

Prolonged rhinitis can cause a variety of reasons, ranging from seasonal allergies and ending with the incorrect treatment of infectious diseases.The following types of rhinitis are distinguished:

  • infectious;
  • allergic;
  • drug;
  • atrophic;
  • vasomotor.

Any form of rhinitis can go into chronic form in the absence of timely and proper treatment.

Prolonged breathing difficulty leads to the appearance of dyspnea, the appearance and progression of symptoms of bronchial asthma. This is a serious condition that requires a long and versatile treatment, so when lingering rhinitis, the obligatory help of an otolaryngologist, an allergist and pulmonologist is necessary. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since it can lead to more severe consequences.

To a separate category of diseases associated with a common cold, one can include psychosomatic rhinitis, having not physiological, but psychological causes and is the consequence of various disorders the psyche. In this case, the help of a professional psychotherapist is already needed, which will offer alternative medicine and various types of psychotherapy as a treatment.

Types and causes of rhinitis

Infectious rhinitis

Rhinitis is the calling card of many diseases caused by infections of a viral or bacteriological nature. Angina, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis - is not a complete list of diseases accompanied by a runny nose. Under adverse conditions, the symptoms of the disease can become chronic.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergy is the leader among the causes of a prolonged protracted runny nose in adults.

In severe cases, symptoms can persist year round, causing a lot of inconvenience to patients.

The environment surrounding a person contains a huge amount of allergens (pollen of plants, household dust, chemicals, animal hair), and with a decrease protective function of the immune system, allergies may occur, accompanied by a runny nose, nasal congestion, a cut in the eyes, lacrimation and headaches pain.

Progressing allergies can lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Medicinal rhinitis

Runny nose may occur as a side effect of taking some medications, and also be a consequence of the abuse of vasoconstrictive drops. Taking drops from nasal congestion has strict limitations, which patients often neglect. Thus, the use of vasoconstrictive drugs for more than 3-5 days causes habituation of the nasal mucosa. After drug cancellation the mucous membrane swells even more than at the beginning of the disease, which leads to a new coil of droplet reception. Addiction leads to a gradual increase in the dose and chronic edema, proliferation of mucous membranes, which can only be managed surgically.

Atrophic rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis can be caused both by external harmful influence (an unfavorable ecological environment) and by congenital, hereditary factors.

The disease is characterized by thinning or proliferation of the mucosa, its atrophy, loss of smell, in certain cases - fetid odor from the nasal sinuses.

Atrophic rhinitis requires conservative or surgical treatment.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The causes of vasomotor rhinitis are not yet fully understood. It is believed that the rhinitis of the vessels in the nasal cavity causes a runny nose. As a result of the active activity of the nerve endings of the parasympathetic nervous system, the blood vessels overflow with blood, causing swelling of the nasal mucosa. These symptoms can worsen when the person goes to the cold, when inhaled sharp odors, with increased emotional stress and stress.

Specific types of colds

Also, a prolonged course of rhinitis may be due to:

  1. Congenital diseases and anomalies.

The most common congenital causes of rhinitis are the curvature of the nasal septum and the wrong structure of the facial part of the skull, deformation and enlargement of the nasal concha.

  1. Getting injured.
In this case, rhinitis is caused by physiological edema and tissue deformation, fractures of the nose bones and nose bridge. The lack of medical care and surgical correction for nasal injuries can lead to a protracted runny nose.
  1. Pathological increase in nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoiditis).

The increase in the pharyngeal tonsil is caused by the proliferation of lymphoid tissue. In this case, the nasal inputs overlap, stiffness occurs, and normal air access is limited. According to statistics, this pathology is most often diagnosed in children, but cases of proliferation of lymphoid tissue in adults are not uncommon.

  1. Fall into the sinuses of the nose of foreign bodies, including parasites.

In the nasal cavity of man, both animals and plant parasites can live. These are worms (pinworms, roundworms), larvae of various insects, leeches, and also some kinds of fungi (for example, candida fungus, which causes thrush of the mucous membranes of the nose). An accurate diagnosis is established on the basis of blood tests, smears from the nose and microscopic examination of secretions.

  1. Benign proliferation of the mucous membrane (polyps in the nose).
With prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa and the absence of treatment for the underlying disease, mucosal tissues can expand and thicken. In this case, the polyps can grow quite large and block the nasal inputs, preventing the intake of air. This is a common cause of a prolonged runny nose in adults.
  1. The presence of any disease, a symptom of which is a protracted runny nose.

One such disease is hypothyroidism - a decrease in thyroid function, in which the body a person suffers from a lack of hormones and there is edema of connective tissues, including nasopharynx. You can identify the disease by passing a blood test to the level of thyroid hormones. Other diseases associated with nasal congestion include:

  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • scleroderma;
  • psoriasis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • Carthage syndrome.

To prevent the transition of a common cold to a chronic form, you need to monitor your health, follow the instructions of the attending physician and in every way temper the body. The benefits of vocal exercises for adults, breathing exercises, walks through the forest and the sea coast are proved. Burying vasoconstrictive drops is better to replace the procedure of washing the nose with infusions of medicinal herbs (after consultation with an ENT doctor and if there is no allergy) or inhalation. When treating a cold it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. Often, curing the underlying disease leads to the disappearance of symptoms of rhinitis.

Anterior dry rhinitis: causes, symptoms and treatment

With such a phenomenon as rhinitis or simply a common cold, a large number of adults and children face daily. This nonspecific acute or chronic inflammation occurring in the mucous membrane of the nose, can cause a lot of inconvenience and spoil the mood. Anterior dry rhinitis is one of the forms of the common cold, it arises in the anterior parts of the nasal cavity and is localized most often in the region of the nasal septum. Than to treat a dry rhinitis and how to prevent the repeated development of the disease?

Causes of dry rhinitis

There are many reasons for the development of this form of rhinitis, the most common are:

  • prolonged and regular stay in dusty premises or in gassy areas;
  • work with cement, dyes, chromium, arsenic, ammonia and other chemicals that can cause irritation of the tissues of the nose;
  • invasive operations of the nasal cavity;
  • radical resection of the nasal septum or nasal concha.

The cause of dry rhinitis in a child often become sharp climate changes, frequent rhinitis of any nature, in adults - a prolonged course of occupational disease. Often, the cause of dry rhinitis development is ENT surgery and transferred infectious diseases.

Symptoms of dry rhinitis in babies and adults

One of the main symptoms of dry rhinitis is a feeling of dryness and constriction in the nose, accompanied by the formation of greenish crusts on the surface of the mucosa. These crusts cause discomfort and a desire to get rid of them more quickly and if you do it wrong, without preliminary softening of these formations, the probability of occurrence of frequent minor nasal bleeding.

In addition, the symptoms of dry rhinitis, which are often noted in patients, are a decrease in smell and difficulty breathing, occasionally an increase in temperature. There may also be an itch in the nasal cavity and a nasal voice appears.

Permanent trauma to the epithelial tissues of the nasal cavity can lead to infection of surfaces with pathogens. When performing a rhinoscopy in patients, a significant thinning of the mucosa and atrophic processes of the nerve endings located in it are found.

If effective treatment is not available for a long time, in the nasal septum, namely in its anterior department, begins to develop an atrophic process, which often becomes the cause of perforation of the cartilaginous tissue. When it develops, the patient has a special whistling sound, which is distinguishable when inhaled.

Most often, dry anterior rhinitis is diagnosed in the female and occurs in most cases in the puberty period. However, a dry rhinitis in the baby is not very common, but it is still diagnosed and requires careful treatment.

Than to treat a dry rhinitis in children and adults

The main goal of therapy is the elimination of aggressive factors affecting the nasal mucosa.

Therefore, before starting treatment, the patient is recommended to change the profile of professional activity, the place of work or the environment in which he "lives" most of the time.

In the event that complete elimination of the effects of harmful factors can not be achieved, it is necessary to maximize reduce the time of contact with harmful substances and without fail use the means of individual protection.

Conservative treatment of symptoms of dry rhinitis consists of the following stages:

  1. systematic use of local antibiotic drugs;
  2. regular irrigation of the surface of the nasal mucosa with saline solution;
  3. mandatory use of special alkaline solutions to remove crusts;
  4. introduction of nasal streptomycin and glucose in glycerin into the nasal cavity;
  5. reception of potassium iodide in tablet form.

Conservative treatment of anterior dry rhinitis should first of all be aimed at softening formed crusts and painless and safe (without mucosal injuries), their removal from the epithelial surfaces.

Drugs for the treatment of dry rhinitis

Most often dry rhinitis is treated with antibiotics from a series of cephalosporins of III and IV generations, carbapenems, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides.

Only an attending ENT doctor can prescribe an antibiotic after carrying out laboratory studies of the biomaterial taken from the nasal cavity.

A good result is the use of such drugs as "Ciprofloxacin "Amikacin" and "Rifampicin". In local therapy, antibiotics: "Acetylcysteine" "Estradiol" and "Chloramphenicol".

Locally for the relief of breathing, vasoconstrictive drugs are used, for example, "Naphtizine" and "Tizin" The ideal variant are combined preparations with addition of oils, allowing to make crusts more soft. The type of preparation and its dosage should be determined by the doctor.

In addition, ultrasonic radiation is used to treat dry rhinitis, nasal mucous membranes are treated with iodine glycerin solution, tincture of mint, sage, or chamomile. Sometimes electrophoresis with the use of nicotinic acid is allowed, followed by oil inhalations. If there is no positive dynamics, the patient is shown surgical treatment.

Treatment of a dry rhinitis on average lasts 7-10 days, provided all the prescriptions of the doctor are observed.

Accelerate and facilitate the process of recovery will help comply with the following rules:
  • The room in which the patient is located should be ventilated frequently;
  • regularly conduct wet cleaning and eliminate accumulated dust;
  • When working in dusty or gassy areas, use personal protective equipment.

In addition, it is worth taking care to maintain the humidity at the right level to avoid drying out the nasal mucosa.

Chronic rhinitis in children and adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic rhinitis - prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease occurs as a result of a prolonged course of acute inflammation, which was amenable to incorrect treatment or medical assistance was not rendered at all.

Why the child and adult constantly sniff in the nose: the causes of chronic cold

The mucous membrane of the nose begins to become inflamed under the action of various agents - microbes, viruses and environmental factors. Causes of chronic cold can be quite diverse. According to specialists, a persistent runny nose is one of the important factors provoking chronic inflammation.

In this case, a chronic inflammatory process can be caused by an infection of a viral or bacterial nature.

Among other causes of persistent cold, specialists call such factors:

  1. Disturbed anatomical proportions in the nose. To such violations belongs the curvature of the nasal septum, which often leads to unilateral hypertrophy of the nose shell. Lead to chronic rhinitis may be congenital malformations and acquired defects.
  2. Prolonged action on the mucosa of irritating factors. They can be dust, gases, chemicals. In contact with mineral and metallic dust, a nasal mucosa injury may occur. Cretaceous and flour dust causes the death of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which stagnation of mucus in the nose occurs. Moreover, the accumulation of dust in the nasal cavity can not only cause permanent snot, but also the formation of nasal stones, which are known as rhinoliths.
  3. Physical environmental factors, namely dry or cold air disrupt the habitual functioning of the nasopharynx.
  4. Disturbance of blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the nose against the background of systemic diseases. Violated blood circulation can be caused by hypertension, kidney disease, dysmenorrhea, constipation, alcoholism, pathological processes in the endocrine and nervous system.
  5. Prolonged or incorrect intake of certain medications. The cause of the development of vasomotor rhinitis, in which the snot constantly flow, often becomes excessive use of vasoconstrictive drops.

Allergic reaction is another common reason why the snot constantly flows in a child or an adult. Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or year-round, giving a person unpleasant sensations.

Inflammation of the adenoids or the formation of polyps in the nose, too, can provoke excessive release of mucus from the nasopharynx. Sometimes only a surgical operation can return a person to normal life.

The cause of why snot constantly flow, should set the otolaryngologist. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Varieties of chronic cold and their symptoms

The main symptoms of a chronic cold are permanent discharge from the nose and its congestion. However, for different types of disease, its signs may have some differences. Several types of chronic rhinitis are known in otolaryngology.

Traditional is the classification of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity - catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic and vasomotor chronic rhinitis:

  • Catarrhal rhinitis is a type of nose disease that occurs against the background of neglected acute rhinitis. Catarrhal rhinitis of chronic form develops due to the deep introduction into the mucosa of microbial agents. Due to the prolonged action of microbes in the mucous membrane, solid destructive changes are noted, which significantly reduce local immunity. Most often, patients visit a specialist's office with complaints of regular mucous discharge from the nose of a predominantly thick consistency. Constant rhinitis and nasal congestion are the main signs of catarrhal chronic rhinitis in both children and adults. Usually there is an alternate obstruction of the nasal passages, and the patient may occasionally be bothered by a headache.
  • Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis manifests itself in the form of a constant and pronounced obstructed nasal breathing. This form of inflammation develops as a result of thickening and proliferation of the mucous membrane in the lower part of the nasopharynx. There are symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, such as impaired sense of smell, secretion of mucopurulent secretion from the nasal cavity, headaches, nasal congestion, decreased attention. With prolonged course of hypertrophic rhinitis, which has already acquired a chronic form, there is a loss of smell, and soon of taste, since atrophy of olfactory endings occurs.
  • Atrophic rhinitis, as a rule, develops with prolonged contact with dust and harmful gases in production conditions. This disease can occur and against the background of long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops or the presence in the body of a hotbed of chronic inflammation. The disease is manifested by loss of smell and constant dryness in the nose. These symptoms of chronic rhinitis give the patient a strong discomfort due to itching in the nose. There are almost no mucous secretions, a bit of a sticky secret is released, which soon dries up and turns into dry crusts. Against the background of atrophic rhinitis, an infectious inflammatory process in the nose often develops, which greatly aggravates the course of the disease.
  • Vasomotor chronic rhinitis is the result of a disruption in the function of nerve regulating devices that are responsible for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. Changes in the state of the vessels of the mucous membrane usually causes a persistent runny nose in adults, less often in children.

Constant snot in the nose can be with allergic chronic rhinitis. Many experts share the view that allergies, like increased sensitivity of the mucosa to certain stimuli, occur only after chronic inflammation. The main signs of this disease are abundant mucous discharge from the nose of the liquid consistency, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion. Often, allergic rhinitis occurs with conjunctivitis, which also appeared against the background of allergies.

When the slime flows down the back wall of the throat, which usually occurs with an allergic and catarrhal inflammation, the patient may have a cough. In addition, a constant runny nose in a child more often than in adults leads to the development of respiratory system diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. This is due to the weaker immunity of the child, as well as the inability to normally blow your nose and clear your throat. Pathogenic mucus from the nose flows down into the respiratory tract, causing an inflammatory process there. Slime, which descends from the nasopharynx into the throat, causes it to irritate, delivering painful sensations. A constant runny nose and snot in adults and even a child often cause night snoring.

A special place in otolaryngology is a kind of chronic nasopharyngeal disease, like a fetid runny nose, or ozona. This disease is an inflammatory process with a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. For a lake, a characteristic symptom is a large amount of thick mucus that forms in the crust with a fetid odor. In the long course of the disease, the thinning of the bone tissue of the shells and the walls of the nose becomes inevitable. The patient is concerned not only with the abundant discharge, but also the dryness of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, a sharp decrease or total absence of smell. The sick themselves feel the putrid smell from the nasal cavity, sometimes hear it and others.

Diagnosis of chronic rhinitis in an adult or child

If the child is constantly snot and this has been observed for a long time, it must be examined by a specialist. With a chronic runny nose should not be delayed and adults, because it can cause a lot of dangerous complications. In the process of diagnosis, it is important for a specialist to identify not only the reason for the constant flow of snot from the nose, but also to determine the type of disease. It is from the formulation of an accurate diagnosis that the effectiveness of further treatment of the disease depends.

As a rule, the diagnosis includes such specialist actions and methods of nasal cavity examination:

  1. Patient Complaints Analysisand a history of the disease. At this stage it is important for the otolaryngologist to know what kind of nasal congestion is observed in the patient - permanent or periodic, as she has long been concerned about. It is also important to know the nature of the discharge from the nose, whether there are crusts, dry nose and other signs of rhinitis.
  2. General examination of the patient.Some external signs can help to diagnose a specialist: in an allergic rhinitis the patient usually blush and watery eyes, with a vasomotor - the fingers grow cold and blue, the tip of the nose, there is increased sweating and a decrease body temperature.
  3. Nose examination.At this stage of the examination of the patient, a rhinoscopy and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity with the use of special instruments is performed for the diagnosis. Highly skilled and experienced otolaryngologists on the condition of the nasal mucosa in many cases can determine a kind of chronic rhinitis.

With hypertrophic rhinitis there is an increase in the size of the nasal concha, the mucosa becomes red or cyanotic color, which does not disappear even after the application of vasoconstrictor means. Upon examination, a specialist may notice narrowing of the nasal passages.

With atrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane becomes pale, it looks dry, thinned. The nasal passages, as a rule, are considerably enlarged, dry crusts can be found on the mucous membrane.

When examining the nasal cavity of a patient suffering from allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the nose shells are usually swollen, may be pale or cyanotic, sometimes with red spots. After using vasoconstrictors, puffiness decreases. In the nasal passages, mucus can be detected in allergic rhinitis.

If the chronic rhinitis in an adult or child is caused by anatomical disorders of a congenital or acquired nature, they will be found during the examination.

In the process of performing the diagnosis, the specialist determines the reactivity of the patient's nose mucous membrane to the action of vasoconstrictive drugs.

With a chronic, fetid runny nose, the otolaryngologist, while examining the nasal cavity of the patient, detects a number of dry crusts that cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane with a thick layer. These crusts usually have a dark green color, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

Among the methods of hardware diagnostics with suspicion of one of the varieties of chronic rhinitis, such studies as:

  • endoscopic examination in order to exclude the proliferation of adenoid tissue and inflammation of the adenoids;
  • X-ray and computed tomography to exclude the development of chronic sinusitis in the paranasal sinuses;
  • rhinomanometry - the method is to assess the resistance of the air flow in the nose before and after application vasoconstrictor, can be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment of permanently nasal congestion without coryza.

If a specialist is suspected of having an allergic rhinitis in the patient's body, allergic tests can be prescribed. If allergens are negative, a smear is taken for eosinophils. In the case of the presence of these substances, the otolaryngologist diagnoses "non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilic syndrome". This means that the patient has confirmed allergic rhinitis without certain allergens.

The diagnosis of "vasomotor rhinitis" experts put extremely rarely, because it is very difficult to determine it. They put it in the case when it was not possible to confirm any of the possible varieties of chronic rhinitis.

How to get rid of a permanent cold: funds from chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis and its treatment are closely related, because the misapplication of medications not only does not eliminate the symptoms, but will also cause many complications. That is why the treatment of chronic cold can be prescribed only after determining its type.

If a patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen before treating a persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult and a child. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if the patient has an allergy to flowering plants. Must be prescribed antihistamines of general and local action. Nazonex is a good remedy for chronic rhinitis, it is prescribed not only for the allergic origin of the disease, but also for catarrhal rhinitis.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of a persistent runny nose in an adult with specific immunotherapy. This method is based on the adaptation of the body to the gradually increasing concentration of allergens. With this approach to the treatment of allergic rhinitis, allergens are preliminarily taken, the procedure becomes impossible without determining the allergen.

How to get rid of a chronic cold if it has an atrophic form of this disease? Mandatory is the appointment of moisturizing sprays and drops, as well as drugs that improve the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. With atrophic rhinitis, oil droplets, vitamins A, D and iron preparations are effective.

What to do if the nose is constantly stuffy without a cold: treatment of a snot in a child and an adult

Often patients turn to the otolaryngologist with complaints that they are disturbed by a permanent nasal congestion without a cold, which is often a sign of allergic rhinitis. Eliminate this symptom will help vasoconstrictor, however, it is not recommended to prescribe such drugs for oneself. Overdose and excess of the course of treatment can lead to addiction and the so-called "medicinal rhinitis". Among the vasoconstrictors for children and adults, such drugs as Nasivin, Vibrocil, Tizin, Otryvin proved to be very good.

It is important to know what to do if snot constantly disturbs a person with a vasomotor rhinitis. Experts recommend that patients avoid provoking factors, regular physical exertion, contrast shower, therapeutic sprays in the nose, designed to treat this type coryza.

There is simple advice on what to do with a persistent cold, regardless of its origin. This washes the nasal cavity with isotonic saline. In some cases, reflexotherapy and acupuncture become effective, such methods are used by doctors who are advocates of alternative medicine.

How quickly to cure a chronic runny nose at home?

How to cure a chronic runny nose with an anomaly in the structure of the nasopharynx? The only method of treatment for rhinitis, caused by congenital or acquired anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx, is surgical intervention. This operation is known as septoplasty.

Treatment of a persistent cold with simultaneous nasal congestion and mucous secretions can be the use of hormonal sprays. Such drugs are quite effective and at the same time they are safe, they are practically not absorbed into the blood and do not affect the hormonal background of the body. Many of these drugs are allowed for use in children, ranging from 2 years.

With long-term preservation of complaints and ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, the only way to get rid of a persistent cold is surgical operation. Modern surgical treatment is based on the principles of minimally invasive and maximum conservation of organs. In the operation, the nasal conchae are not removed completely or partially, and a gentle destruction of the vascular plexuses of the mucosa occurs, which led to nasal congestion.

In some cases, surgical treatment of atrophic rhinitis is also indicated, but it is aimed at narrowing the nasal passages, rather than expanding them.

Than to treat a chronic rhinitis at children and adults?

Treatment of a chronic rhinitis in a child should be as effective and safe as possible. With improper treatment, the disease can lead to serious consequences, and when prescribing potent drugs it is difficult to avoid side effects.

Regardless of the type of rhinitis, if it is accompanied by a plentiful mucus formation, the nose is important to regularly release from pathogenic contents. To alleviate the condition of the baby with nasal congestion, it is possible to use vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Brizolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin Baby. Use them can be no more than 5 days, so as not to become accustomed to the mucous membrane.

Parents should know what to do if the child is constantly snot, because they not only disrupt the habitual activities of the baby, but can cause cough and sore throat. If the inflammatory process is bacterial, a sign of which is the secretion of yellow or green, it is advisable to use such local antibacterial drugs as Isofra and Bioparox. You can also put in the nasal passages ointment Bactroban 2%.

With the child's propensity for frequent rhinitis, otolaryngologists recommend the use of the local immunomodulator Derinath. It can also be used as a preventive agent in the detection of the first signs of viral rhinitis.

Parents are interested in what to do if the child has a persistent runny nose, but there is no desire to give the child powerful medications. In such situations, specialists can recommend the use of homeopathic remedies and phytopreparations made on the basis of natural components and plant extracts. Well-established homeopathic preparations Okarizalia and Euphorbium Compositum. It is desirable for children to drip their nose with slightly warmed drops, for this, the vial of medicine should be lowered for several minutes into a container with warm water.

Treatment of a chronic rhinitis in a child and an adult at home

If you are looking for ways to quickly cure a chronic runny nose without harm to health, you can conduct therapy with the help of traditional medicine.

Treatment of a chronic cold in the home is done by many people through the use of such drugs:

  1. Internal use of a mixture of honey with aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 5. Such a drug will strengthen the defenses of the body, take the drug 3 times a day for a teaspoon before eating. You can also drip your nose with this medicine.
  2. Inhalations with the addition of honey in hot water will help to remove the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, accelerate the process of cleansing the nasopharynx. In a container with hot water you need to put a spoonful of honey, breathe healing pairs for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Infusion of onions. With bacterial rhinitis the best remedy is the onion, because it has an antimicrobial effect. To prepare the medicine you need to grind one medium sized bulb, pour 6 spoons of refined vegetable oil, insist in a cool dark place for 10 hours. To drip into each nasal passage on some drops no more than 3 times a day. Such onion infusion can be stored for a week.
  4. Using drops from the juice of beets and carrots is another way to cure a chronic runny nose at home. It is necessary to grate the red beet and carrots, squeeze the juice, mix with the same amount of vegetable oil, adding a few drops of garlic juice.

What else to treat chronic rhinitis in adults to prevent the development of complications? Often it is possible to increase the body's defenses by performing a massage of bioactive points. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, while massaging the wings of the nose from the right and left side for 1 minute. Usually, to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis, 10-20 procedures are required.

Advantages of using folk remedies are that with their help one can treat the common cold in children, pregnant and lactating women. Having discovered the symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible why the rhinitis that constantly lasts for a long time. Constant nasal congestion causes oxygen starvation of the whole organism, against which there is a headache, fatigue, and soon can develop diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other bodies. Breathing through the mouth can cause the development of chronic tonsillitis, the appearance of bad breath, bronchial and lung diseases.

To prevent acute rhinitis from becoming chronic, it is important to cure it at an early stage of development immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease.

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