How to calm night cough in a child

How quickly to calm at night a cough in the child?

How to calm a cough in a child at night? The answer to this question can not be unambiguous, since all symptoms of a child's disease should be taken into account. If you consider all the factors, then very quickly can ease the suffering of the baby.

In order for the child not to suffer from a cough at night, the correct treatment should be organized in the afternoon.The patient must comply with bed rest. Let the child drink as much as possible herbal teas with honey. If the child has a dry cough, expectorants should be used, as well as those that moisturize and restore the mucous membrane of the throat. Very good at the same time helps rinse the throat with a solution of furacilin, sea salt, soda, decoctions of chamomile and elderberry. If the child has a high fever, be sure to call a doctor at the house and follow the prescribed course of treatment. Many complain that the child feels well during the day, and cough begins at night. If so, the disease is present and should not be ignored. It is necessary to identify all factors provoking night cough and eliminate them.

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Air in the child's room

In the heating season and in summer, the humidity level in the room is significantly reduced. This can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and the appearance of dry cough. Some parents may notice another symptom of the baby - over-dried skin of the hands. Due to insufficient air humidity, the mucous membrane of the throat and nose begins to dry up, which leads to the occurrence of frequent respiratory diseases. What to do in this case?

Be sure to ventilate the child's room several times a day, especially prolonged ventilation should be before going to bed. Do not be afraid that cold air will enter the room. Fresh air will be much more useful to the baby than the one that is filled with harmful microorganisms. For the time of airing, just take the child out of his room.

Pay attention to the presence of thick curtains, carpets, thick bedspreads and soft toys in the child's room. Often they provoke a cough. Carry out a general cleaning: clean the carpets, wash the windows, wash all or give in the cleaning.

Remember when you last washed the curtains or removed dust from books and walls. In no case should the child keep unnecessary things in his room.

To moisten the air in the room, you can buy a special device or (if you are always at home) every hour to moisten the air with an atomizer. Aquariums with fish can also perfectly moisten the air, but they are not recommended to be put in a nursery, as the child may have an allergy to fish food.

During the heating season, you can wet the cotton cloth with water and lay it on the heating devices (if they are not electric).

The ability to moisten the air has many types of plants, so you can buy a few plants and put in a room. However, in no case should they become the next dust collectors. For plants, you must take care and always remove dust from the leaves and moisturize. Plants such as lemon, mandarin, juniper, can, in addition, saturate the air in the room with useful phytoncides, which purify the air of harmful microorganisms.

With the same success it is possible to use essential oils. Choose a few oils for which the child does not have allergies and whose smell will be pleasant to him. So that the child does not suffer from a night cough, you can use the essential oil of juniper, cypress, eucalyptus, lemon, mint or lavender, etc. A few drops of oil drip onto the radiators, a pillow, add to the atomizer, which you moisten the air in the room. You can use the aroma lamp, but be careful that the child does not accidentally touch it and fire does not start.

Wool of domestic animals

Very often a dry cough in a child causes living in one apartment with a pet: a cat, a dog, etc. A child can simply be allergic to wool.

Ignore this in no case it is impossible, because this can lead to unpleasant consequences.

If you suspect that a domestic pet is guilty of a cough, try to give it to friends for a few days. Do house cleaning, carefully clean everything from dust and wool.

If after a few days the cough begins to subside, then the cause is really in the pet.

If you do not want to part with the animal, then a daily thorough cleaning should be your responsibility. Wool in dogs should be constantly combed and trimmed in time.

In no case should an animal live in the room in which your child sleeps.

Nasal congestion

Before going to bed, you must always clean the mucous membrane of the nose and throat of the child. For this, a solution of sea salt is suitable.

The composition of the salt solution is very similar to blood and lymph, so you can use it as much as you want. Harm he will not cause. It is important only to correctly calculate the concentration of salt in water.

In order not to be mistaken, it is better to buy a ready-made saline solution in a pharmacy.

After the throat and nose are cleaned, you can use medications: drops in the nose that are prescribed by the doctor, and a spray (or pills) for the throat. If the child does not have a temperature, you can apply a warming ointment containing essential oils to the chest, back and wings of the nose. If a fit of coughing occurred at night and you notice that the child's nose is laid, be sure to ask him to blow his nose, repeat cleaning the mucosa and taking medications. If the child is sleepy and does not want to carry out the procedure, explain that without it he will suffer all night.

How to treat night cough in children with medication?

There are several main groups of cough medicines: expectorants, thinning phlegm and soothing. Depending on what the child is sick, the right drug is selected. In obstructive bronchitis, viscous sputum accumulates in the body, which prevents the baby from breathing normally at night.

To eliminate this, a drug is used that dilutes sputum. In addition, the doctor recommends drinking as much fluid as possible and prescribing an expectorant.

When the child is sick with tracheitis, then, on the contrary, the cough is dry. Therefore, the doctor appoints in the first place mucolytic drugs, and after, when the cough is moistened, expectorant drugs.

Be sure to follow the recommendations of the doctor, do not self-medicate.

If antibiotics or drugs have been prescribed to strengthen immunity, then be sure to use them.

How to stop a cough in a child at night with the help of folk remedies?

If the child has a dry cough, use the following recipe. Preheat the milk, add there the dry figs, a little honey, a pinch of soda and butter (1 tablespoon enough 1 teaspoonful). Such milk should be cooled to room temperature and watered by the baby, after which you should wrap up his neck with a warm soft scarf and put him to bed.

Salt helps to soothe night cough. Take a kg of salt and heat it in a microwave or a frying pan. After that, fill it gently into the old stocking and tie the edge (you can use the children's tights cut in half). After this, wrap it all in a diaper. You get a kind of hot-water bottle, which you can put on your throat. Take care to feel it was warm, not hot. Salt perfectly warms the sore throat, and the child quietly sleeps until morning. However, take care not to warm up the heart area.


An excellent remedy that helps calm a cough at night is the juice of a black radish with honey. Prepare this remedy better in the morning. Cut off the top part from the radish, cut out the middle and put a spoonful of honey inside. Top cover with a cut top. In the evening, juice will appear inside, mixed with honey. Give it to your child before going to bed and at night, when he starts to torment cough. If the radish is not, then you can use the juice of the viburnum or raspberry, mixed with honey. Before going to bed, let's drink water or tea. Regularly use folk remedies, and a cough at night will very soon stop worrying you.

How to calm a cough in a child at night?

Children's illnesses with all the ensuing consequences in the form of cough, cold and fever are another test, both for the children themselves and their parents. But if the heat can be knocked down with the help of medicines, and the nasal passages are cleared by washing with saline solution, then with a cough the things are somewhat more complicated.

In particular, it is pretty worrisome for parents to make a night cough in a child. How to get rid of this scourge and return the baby a healthy dream - let's find out.

How to relieve a coughing fit in a child at night?

Of course, to unequivocally answer the question of how to stop a fit of coughing in a child at night, it is necessary to know the nature of what is happening. The most common cause of night cough is a viral and bacterial infection. In this case, a debilitating nasal cough appears as soon as the baby takes a horizontal position, since it is difficult to remove mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Also, seizures can disturb the baby in chronic: pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. Cough, which appears only at night for a fairly long period, is considered a residual phenomenon after suffering pertussis.

Suspected asthma can be a characteristic cough with a wheezing sound. In addition, night cough can be of allergic origin.

However, even knowing the diagnosis, parents do not always understand how to calm a child's cough at night. Because even the most radical measures give results after a while, and a night cough does not allow the baby to fall asleep right now. What to do in this case:

  1. To as soon as possible to stop a wet cough in a child at night, you can give himdrink a glass of warm milk with honey.This way is proven and safe.
  2. Also with a productive cough effectivewarming compresses,for example, from boiled potatoes wrapped in fabric or a plastic bag.
  3. A child over the age of five can be madeinhalation over a steam of chamomile broth or coltsfoot.
  4. Calm the coughherbal decoctions and special children's teas.
  5. Usually, to relieve dry baby cough at night helpsalkaline drink.
  6. Also, you can return a restful sleep to a crumb if you arrange for himhome steam room.To do this, you need to dial into the hot water bath, add a few drops of essential oil and close the doors to the bathroom, sit with the baby over the steam.
  7. With an allergic cough, enougheliminate allergen or take antihistamine for the night.

How to calm a dry cough in a child

Dry cough causes serious discomfort to the child. Often it causes severe pain and fever. Therefore, it is so important to know how it can be reassured at home.

Calm the dry cough in the child will help mineral water. It should be given to drink a little. It should be room temperature. The content of iodine and silver ions in it is inadmissible.

A glass of milk with soda effectively calms cough. You need to warm it up for a bit. Then add 1 hour to the glass. spoon of baking soda, which is thoroughly mixed. A ready-made mixture is given to a child. If he does not like the taste, you can add a little honey.

Make the child a steam inhalation. She very quickly calms a dry cough. It will take 4 hours to prepare it. l. baking soda and dilute it in a liter of water. Boil the mixture and let the child breathe over her steam. It is advisable to cover his head and a pot of water with a towel to ensure maximum effect.

Hot tea with raspberries is a life saver with a dry cough. His child should drink in small sips. It is advisable to give such tea not during attacks, but before their appearance. Then you can warn them and thereby reduce painful feelings.

Use the proven method of drinking hot dog rose. The hips must be brewed in a thermos. 10 liters of fruit are used per liter of water. It is important that the drink is infused for 10-15 minutes. You need to drink it during seizures and before eating 20-30 ml each.

Syrup based on honey and lemon very well helps with dry cough. You can do it yourself. To do this, take a large lemon, drop it completely into boiling water. Cook it for 10 minutes. Then pull out the lemon, let it cool down a little, then cut into pieces and squeeze out the juice. Add 2 hours to it. l. glycerol, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 150 ml of water. Move the resulting mixture and give it to your child during coughing attacks, as well as in the morning, at lunch and in the evening at 2 tbsp. l.

Use a proven folk remedy to calm a dry cough based on cocoa. Take it in an amount of 1 p. spoon, mix with 1 h. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. oil. Mix carefully the ingredients, give the ready mixture to the baby 30 minutes before eating for 1 hour. l.

Relieve the dry cough will help onions. Bake it, and then cut it finely. Let's get the mashed-up baby in the morning on an empty stomach for 20 g. At night rub the chest and neck to the child with a grated raw onion.

Anesthetics are very effective for dry cough. They quickly soothe it and relieve the pain, since they have a softening effect on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. They can be bought at a pharmacy, but beforehand, contact a pediatrician to prescribe the drug and prescribe the dosage.

How to calm a cough in a child at night


I'm yours )

Very good from the cough helps to soar the legs for the night in a hot tub (basin) with a humpback, put on socks and run to bed. Give hot milk with honey and butter.


depending on what is connected and what kind of cough by nature

Petya Dudkin

Tussin, Glikodin. It depends on how many years the parasite is.

tatiana batmaz

Put a pillow under your head so that your head is high


Very well helps ointment suprima plus


Of course it's important to know the nature of the cough, but I give it to my own. "The coffix acts just a couple of minutes, and" Sinecod "blocks the cough, but it functions somewhere an hour after the reception!


Finely cut the tsibulu and fall asleep with sugar, after a while it will release the juice, a tablespoon should be given to the child with a strong cough. Juice is not nasty, children drink.


During the attack, give a drink of sweet warm tea, and as already written above put under the head 1-2 pillows, what would have turned out to be a semi-semi-sitting position.

Ekaterina Kravchenko

If a dry cough, then Prospan helps. We get rid of a cough in a few days. And before going to bed a glass of warm milk with honey and a slice of butter, this will calm the cough.

Night cough in children. Night paroxysmal cough in a child

Many parents face such a problem as a night cough in children. And you really need to have steel nerves in order to withstand such a relatively calm. Yes, and children coughing attacks at night does not give pleasure. If you began to notice a night cough in a child, treatment should begin immediately.

Coughing is not a disease

Every parent must firmly remember that one should not try to cure a child independently of a cough. You can not, relying only on your own experience, try to determine the causes of a night cough in a child. But almost everyone seems to have enough knowledge and stop the attack of cough - this is not such a big problem.

To suppress the attack in the middle of the night is really not so difficult. But to eliminate the root cause of coughing is sometimes even problematic. First of all, because without a qualified medical examination it is impossible to say for sure what the true reason for nocturnal seizures is.

Causes of a child's night cough

The most common reasons that there is a night cough in children, we can consider the following:

  • presence of a viral infection in the child;
  • an allergic reaction to anything;
  • various respiratory diseases;
  • wrong position of the body during sleep;
  • too dry or cold air in the children's room.
  • gastric reflux (or simply heartburn).

Dry cough

Night dry cough in the child appears, as a rule, due to nasal congestion. In this case, the child is forced to breathe through the mouth. And this, in turn, causes dryness of the larynx. At local receptors, there is an excessive effect that irritates them. To eliminate this discomfort, the body tries with a dry cough. It can also be a consequence of an allergic reaction.

A night attack of a child's cough may be caused by heartburn or other stomach problems. This is because in the horizontal position, some amount of gastric juice can enter the larynx, thus causing irritation. The organism reacts to it by the only way known to him - a cough.

Moist cough

The reason that there is a nocturnal wet cough in a child is the slowdown of all processes in the human body at night. Blood circulation in the lungs is not very active, as is the absorption of mucus in the nasopharynx. Due to the horizontal position of the body, its normal isolation is impossible.

Caution! False groats

The main distinguishing sign of false croup is its suddenness. During the day, nothing bodes ill, the child seems to be merry and healthy. But in the middle of the night there is an attack of acute dry cough.

The danger of this disease is precisely the suddenness, such a condition can lead to a fit of suffocation. The child may be frightened because he is not able to breathe deeper. His breathing quickens and can reach 60 times a minute. The cough gradually intensifies and becomes more rough, the child's face turns red, and the lips and nails become bluish.

In order not to aggravate the situation, try to reassure the child. Because panic can make breathing more difficult and cause new spasms. Try to explain to the kid that while you are around, nothing bad can happen to him.

To remove an attack of false croup, it is necessary to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room and contribute to the removal of spasm. In addition, you can take the following measures to eliminate cough:

  1. Give the child a warm drink. It can be a warm tea with honey and milk with soda. This is necessary in order to warm the larynx and relieve spasm.
  2. You can also do inhalation to clean the upper respiratory tract. Excellent procedure with soda. To do this, you need to dilute in a saucepan solution in the proportion: (one teaspoon of soda for one glass of boiling water).
  3. For the outflow of blood from the larynx to the extremities it is recommended to make hot baths for hands and feet. This will help to relieve the spasm a little.
  4. We welcome the use of funds that remove puffiness. However in this case also it is not necessary to be engaged in a selftreatment. Take only those drugs that your doctor prescribed. Otherwise, instead of helping the child, you can only do him harm.
  5. Do your best to humidify the air indoors.

At the first alarming symptoms, parents need to show the child to the doctor, since a false cereal is not a pathology by itself. This is, rather, a symptom of various viral or allergic diseases.

Caution! Bronchial asthma

In the event that the treatment that was prescribed by the doctor does not help to the proper degree and the nighttime paroxysmal cough in the child does not go away, it can be considered a symptom of bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the allergic nature, in which compression of the bronchi and the appearance of edema of the upper respiratory tract are observed. This pathology leads to difficulty breathing and other concomitant complications. Asthmatic children are more likely than others to have infectious diseases.

In addition, as a result of increased edema in these children, hypoxia is observed - a lack of oxygen in the body. This, in turn, adversely affects the operation of all systems and organs.

The danger of bronchial asthma is that you need to treat it before the first symptoms appear. When the patency of the bronchi decreases by less than 20%, it is impossible to detect any measurements. Only if the patency falls - there is a deterioration in well-being. Including begins and night cough in a child, whose treatment is better to begin immediately.

Treatment of cough

Trying to cure a cough without proper medical examination, you risk harming your own child, because incorrectly selected methods and drugs will not be effective enough. It is also very important to correctly diagnose a disease from which it actually needs to be treated. Do not forget that the causes of a child's night cough are upper respiratory tract diseases.

It should be noted that the best cure for cough is its prevention. Regular outdoor outdoor games, exercise, proper nutrition and lack of allergens in the reach of the child are the main precautions.

Among the most common allergens are: dust, chemicals, some food, as well as animal fur or bird fluff from pillows.

Helpful Tips

Before you cram a child with various cough syrups or apply folk methods, remember if there is anything new in the child's environment. Perhaps a night cough in children can be a reaction to a new washing powder, clothes or objects that have recently appeared in the nursery.

Make sure that the air in the room is warm enough and damp. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to constantly ventilate the room, now there is a huge amount of air humidifiers on sale. They are good for children who suffer from chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Because such guys need special conditions. And humidifiers can set a regime that will be optimal for your child.

Help the baby to develop the chest. It is not necessary to wrap it in quilted blankets and not to let on the street just because it has asthma. On the contrary, provide him with access to fresh air and active sports. The only way you can help him cope with this ailment. Many of the Olympic champions were asthmatics, but this did not stop them from achieving such great success in sports.

Remember, a night cough in children is not an independent disease, but only a symptom. It is necessary to treat the root cause of disease, only then you can achieve a positive result and save from exhausting night attacks, which not only disturb sleep, but also negatively affect the overall state of health.

A strong cough in a child at night - what to do?

Cough is one of the most common symptoms of a number of diseases. It occurs in people of different ages, including often in children. Usually mothers are relatively calm about this symptom and in many cases know how to act. But there are situations when parents can become confused and even be frightened. Usually this happens when a strong attack of coughing occurs in a child at night. Anxiety is not in vain, because such a state can be fraught with consequences. So the false groats can begin. In any case, the attack can cause breathing problems. Therefore, parents need to know what to do if the child coughs hard at night.

Causes of seizures

Call such an unpleasant symptom dry air in the room, as well as some extraneous smells. An uncomfortable posture during sleep also can cause a cough. Still it can be display of allergic reaction to bedding, for example, on down pillows.

If a child has a strong, wet cough at night without a temperature, then this may be a sign of residual phenomena such as bronchitis. But it is possible, if the kid in recent time has been ill with this disease. In another case, you need to look for a different reason. It is necessary to exclude asthma, since it can begin with such symptoms.

A severe dry cough at night in a child can indicate problems with the throat, trachea. It can be a tracheitis. After suffering pertussis for six months, the baby can cough at night. Attacks can frighten a baby, which leads to hysterics and fears. They are often accompanied by a strong sweating, difficulty breathing.

The child coughs hard at night - how to help?

It is important that the doctor find out the true cause of the problem. The doctor will ask about the symptoms of coughing. For example, it can be accompanied by mucosal edema, hoarse voice, irregular temperature. From all these nuances the diagnosis can depend. Only after that the specialist will be able to write out the necessary preparations.

However, it is useful for parents to know how to stop a strong cough in a child at night. First of all, you should take care of the humidity and cleanliness of the room. Be sure to do regular cleaning. It is also useful to install a humidifier in the room.

If there is a nebulizer in the house, then inhalation with saline solution will help ease the condition. With mucosal edema, you can give an antiallergic syrup.

When a child has a strong cough at night before vomiting, spasm will remove No-shpa. Children under the age of 6 years are half a tablet. After the baby calms down, you can put him to sleep again.

Sometimes seizures occur against the background of the common cold. In this case, before going to bed, you must wash your nose with saline. After this procedure, you need to drip the nose with vasoconstrictive drops. You can also use "Protargol".

Parents who think what to do, if a child has a strong attack of a cough at night, you can also advise you to monitor the position in which the baby is sleeping. It is better if he is on his side.

Some folk remedies are also able to come to the rescue:

  • in the evening you need to drop on the pillow eucalyptus oil;
  • children older than 5 years can do inhalation steam broth chamomile, boiled potatoes;
  • helps drink from the viburnum with honey;
  • you can give the baby a decoction of oregano;
  • warming compresses (except alcohol) are useful.

Calm a strong cough in a child at night will help such a tool as burnt sugar. He well relieves spasm. To cook it, you need to warm up a spoonful of sugar, and then add water. Do this immediately before use.

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