Purulent cold

Causes and symptoms of purulent rhinitis

One of the severe forms of rhinitis (rhinitis) is purulent rhinitis. Rhinitis is one of the most common diseases of the nasopharynx.

Initially, rhinitis occurs because of falling into the nasopharynx of pathogenic microflora. The nose is not only a respiratory organ, but also the first "protector" of an organism from bacteria and viruses. If there are too many of them, immunity does not manage to cope with the infection and a runny nose appears.

Rhinitis is a harbinger of infectious diseases, allergies, respiratory diseases.

Purulent rhinitis is a complication of a common cold.Rhinitis almost always accompanies colds, flu and other diseases. Usually it passes through 1-2 weeks after the onset of the disease or its symptoms disappear along with the disease. But in some cases it continues and turns into a purulent one.

Pus is the first sign of the widespread development of bacterial microflora, therefore it is impossible to leave purulent rhinitis without treatment. Complications of purulent rhinitis can be acute rhinosinusitis.

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Causes of purulent rhinitis

Purulent rhinitis is a consequence of improper or insufficient treatment of acute rhinitis. He has several causes.

Most common cold starts to worry a person after hypothermia:

  • in cold and windy weather;
  • when shoes are leaking;
  • after swimming in water;
  • with a long stay in the bathroom;
  • with the wrong selection of clothing.

Almost all infectious diseases are accompanied by a runny nose. Among them may be:

  • ARI, ARVI;
  • flu;
  • diseases of the respiratory tract: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, etc.;
  • severe infectious diseases: measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, etc .;
  • some venereal diseases.

To cause purulent rhinitis, there may be problems with the circulatory system. If there is a violation of the blood flow to the nose, a sufficient number of white blood cells may not be delivered. Thus, the fight against a painful microflora does not take place to the full, and the infection continues to multiply, turning from mucus to pus.

Rhinitis is one of the symptoms of hay fever - an allergic reaction to substances that are in the air. It can be dust, household pliers, wool and epithelium of animals, pollen of plants, fungi of mold and strong humidity in the room.

The cause of a cold may be poor ventilation in the room. Very dry air is an ideal environment for the development and reproduction of pathogenic flora. To purulent rhinitis can lead to frequent exposure in a smoke or dusty room.

The majority of women suffer from a cold during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in immunity and a high risk of attack of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In a small child, purulent rhinitis can occur if a foreign body enters the nasopharynx cavity (small button, bead, part of the toy). Rare causes of purulent rhinitis can be bacterial diseases of the oral cavity, including insufficient hygiene or suppuration after tooth extraction.

Symptoms of purulent rhinitis

Purulent rhinitis occurs after an acute form of the disease. If you leave it without attention, the disease can bring many complications and go into a chronic form.

During the transition of the acute phase of the disease into purulent mucus becomes more dense, opaque. Over time, it acquires first a dirty yellow, and then a greenish tinge, an unpleasant odor may appear. In a complex course of the disease in the mucus there are impurities of blood. This also indicates a strong irritation of the nasal mucosa, as well as damage to small capillaries in the nasopharynx.

During the onset of purulent rhinitis, a person feels discomfort in the nasopharynx. Because of the condensation of the mucus, it becomes difficult for the patient to breathe, it is quite difficult to clean the nose.

If the disease is accompanied by high fever or in the room is very dry, mucus can darken, harden and form crusts of pus. Removing them mechanically is quite dangerous - it can cause damage to the mucosa and nosebleeds. Therefore, with purulent rhinitis, it is necessary to regularly moisten the nasopharynx with special preparations and rinse it.

With purulent rhinitis, the following symptoms may occur:

  • moderate or severe pain in the nasopharynx, superciliary arches and bridge of the nose;
  • headache;
  • a small temperature (if purulent rhinitis occurs in the absence of an infectious disease);
  • decrease or total absence of smell;
  • general malaise and weakness.

With severe suppuration, rhinosinusitis may occur. During it, other symptoms can complement the change in the voice, a sharp increase in the amount of mucus, pain during palpation of the nasal sinuses.

With a prolonged course of purulent rhinitis begins its chronic stage. This disease is difficult to cure. Rhinitis acquires an atrophic form.

Treatment of purulent rhinitis

During the treatment of purulent rhinitis the following rules should be observed:

  • rinsing and gargling should be at least 2 times a day: morning and evening;
  • in the room where the patient is, optimal humidity should be maintained: in the summer the room needs to be ventilated, and in the winter around the radiators bottles with clean water can be placed;
  • The room should not be cold, but at the same time, the air temperature should not exceed 22 ° C;
  • It is advisable to exclude the patient's contacts with young children and domestic animals for the duration of the illness.

If there is a purulent discharge from the sinuses of the nose, the patient should quickly seek help from a doctor-therapist (if the disease is accompanied by infection), to the ENT (if the purulent runny nose has an independent character), to the allergist doctor (if the cause of a cold in the allergic reaction organism).

With a purulent rhinitis, the doctor needs to determine the exact focus of the occurrence of pus. This can be done with the help of palpation of the nasal passages, nasopharyngeal x-ray or CT. This will help determine how much the disease has developed.

The main means of combating purulent rhinitis is the course of antibiotics.

They are actively fighting the causative agent of the disease and help the body get rid of foci of suppuration. Antibiotics can be taken in the form of tablets, injections or special drops for the nose.

During treatment of a simple acute rhinitis, you can use various ways of heating the sinuses. To do this, inhalation, warming with salt pouches or hot boiled eggs are used. The first appearance of pus similar procedure to cancel, since heating of purulent focus can lead to complications of the disease and the development of secondary inflammation in the ear.

To facilitate breathing, a wide range of nasal preparations can be used. They help for a quick time to get rid of mucus in the nose and reduce puffiness. The disadvantage of these drugs is their short-term effect (usually after a few hours) and strong drying of the nasal mucosa. Drops for the nose can be addictive, in which their therapeutic effect may be lost, so you need to use drops with interruptions and change the drugs more often.

Coping with a strong release of mucus will help wash the nostrils with salt or saline-soda solution. Such a procedure flushes mucus and pus, moisturizes the mucous membrane and due to the antiseptic properties of salt and soda fights germs and bacteria. It should be remembered that washing can not be carried out with strong weakness and small children for up to a year.


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In the treatment of the common cold in children and pregnant women, it is recommended to use drops, in addition to washing, on the basis of sea water and various essential oils. Drops on the basis of oil with caution should be approached by people who caused allergies to rhinitis. Before using any medications, including antihistamines, you should first consult with your doctor.


Smelly purulent snot: treatment of snot with the smell of pus

Each of the people encountered an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the phenomenon is not rare. But, if there is a putrid odor from the nose, this condition raises serious concerns.

Lingering runny nose leads to complications arising pus snot, increased body temperature, increased malaise, sick feeling lethargic and apathetic to everything. All this suggests stagnant inflammation in the nasopharynx.

If the snot strongly smells of pus - this is the signal of the body that it has an inflammatory bacterial process. And the transformation of color leads to the death of numerous white blood cells. Depending on its intensity and color changes, the stronger it is, the more vivid color and rich smell.


A runny nose with purulent mucus occurs during an acute inflammation process, with the amount of discharge from the nose abundant.

The unauthorized occurrence of the inflammatory process is very rare. In the most frequent cases, it is a sign of a dangerous disease.

Soply with pus in humans are justified for several reasons. The main reasons for the appearance include:

  • Complications after rhinitis, as a result of long or wrong treatment, as a result of which he passed into a neglected stage.
  • The emergence of complications after SARS, ARI, which were not treated and were transferred on their feet.
  • Constant and prolonged hypothermia of the body.
  • Infection of a viral or bacterial nature.
  • Work associated with the inhalation of harmful substances, getting into the nasal passages of a foreign object, which was there for a long time.

In some cases, patients complain not only of smelly discharge and snot, but also that there are pain sensations in the jaw region.

In such a situation, it is most likely that the disease is associated with dental causes.


Immediately recognize the disease can not always, because the symptomatology refers to several diseases that can cause a purulent runny nose. It can be bacterial or atrophic rhinitis, purulent sinusitis. All otolaryngologists distinguish several basic symptoms:

  1. The body temperature rises, lasts more than a week, antipyretics do not have the proper effect.
  2. Prolonged migraines.
  3. General weakness, malaise, apathy.
  4. Painful sensations in the nose, in the face of the head.
  5. Partial or absolute loss of smell, permanent nasal congestion.
  6. Slime from the nose, which has an unpleasant smell.
A runny nose with pus and an unpleasant nose odor in an adult can be signs of a very rare but dangerous pathology, like atrophic rhinitis.

It differs from a common cold with its chronic form, dense crusts form in the nasal passages, which eventually destroy the mucous and adjacent bone tissue. The most characteristic signs include fetid odor, which may not be felt by the patient.

With bacterial rhinitis, fetid odor is caused by the action of microflora. Bacteria are activated in excreted mucus, thereby changing its color. The snot becomes dense yellow (as in the photo), possibly with a greenish tinge. If you do not start treatment, with time, the purulent masses will become larger.

With purulent sinusitis, the mucous contents are collected inside the sinuses, causing a smell that is felt stronger than in other cases. In addition, there are such symptoms:

  • Fever.
  • Redness and swelling of the face.


Unfortunately, it is not possible to diagnose a purulent runny nose only on the patient's complaints. Usually, a diagnosis is required, which includes several methods for establishing an accurate diagnosis.

The otolaryngologist conducts the examination, by means of a rhinoscopy, by examining the nasal sinuses of the patient. With the help of which it is possible to find out the nature of the inflammatory processes, find out at what stage they are, and see the amount of purulent contents. Based on the findings, the doctor prescribes treatment.

The treatment process for an adult usually begins with washing procedures, which use saline solutions or sea water spray sprays (photo). Such procedures help to remove swelling, make mucus discharge liquid and remove microbial particles.

At the purulent stage, the adult to the salt water is supplemented with local antiseptic agents that are effective and do not irritate the nasal mucosa. They include:

  1. Furacil.
  2. Chlorhexidine.
  3. Miramistin (photo).
  4. Sometimes hydrogen peroxide is used.
Rinsing the nose will reduce the activation of unhealthy microflora, eliminate the smelly smell and contribute to an early recovery.

Treatment of a runny nose with purulent manifestations can not be performed without the appointment of vasoconstrictive drops. It is worth remembering that such drugs are addictive and use more than 7 days in a row, it is contraindicated.

If the vasoconstrictor drops do not bring the desired effect, and they can no longer be taken, hormonal sprays like Avamis, Nazonex (photo) are prescribed. They are important in cases where swelling interferes with normal outflow of fluid. Along with them, antibacterial drugs are also used.

The purpose of the latter is due to the fact that sprains of the hormonal composition can push the bacterial infection to activity.

Treatment of a runny nose with complications is excluded without the use of mucolytics, at the final stage of the disease, the discharge from the nose acquires a density, they go off badly, and crusts appear. In the most frequent cases, Acetylcysteine ​​is prescribed, which contributes to the viscosity of the secret and makes the process of blowing light.

Treatment of bacterial infections is always performed with the use of antibiotic agents. They are an indispensable link in conservative therapy. Prescribed: antibiotic penicillin series - Amoxiclav, if the patient is intolerant of penicillins, macrolides are used (Clarithromycin, Azithromycin).

In some cases, the treatment includes local antibiotics, such as Polydex, Bioparox, Isofra.

Their key specificity is that the active substance affects only the mucous membrane, while not being absorbed into the blood.

Alternative medicine

Treatment of a runny nose with pus folk medicine is allowed in any situation, except for those who have an allergy or intolerance of some components. With an unpleasant odor from the nose with mucous membranes and abundant secretions, the following recipes are recommended:

  • Clear the bulb, squeeze out a little juice from it, enough a teaspoon and mix with the same amount of peach oil. Drip a day for two drops in each nostril for 3 times a day.
  • Take honey in a candied state (2 small pieces), lay them in the nostrils and lie down. To lie until the honey begins to melt, so that it will fall into the nasopharynx. Repeat treatment by this method is necessary for 3 days, not more than 2 times a day.
  • Brew 5 grams of St. John's wort (photos of the grass can be seen on the Internet), fill it with 250 ml of steep boiling water and let it brew in a sealed container for a couple of hours. Strain twice, rinse the nasal passages twice a day.

It is important, if the patient has a purulent runny nose, treatment with the help of thermal procedures is prohibited. This applies to steam inhalations, warming the nose - this will lead to the activation and multiplication of microorganisms that will begin to spread in the favorable environment into the ears, throat and so on.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the repeated development of a purulent runny nose, plant remedies are recommended, such as Sinupret, Cinnabsin (photo). They strengthen the human immune system, help prevent various diseases of the respiratory system.

In addition, do not neglect the vitamin complexes and general strengthening agents. The general preventive councils include:

  • Avoid supercooling, both local and common.
  • Timely treatment and strict adherence to the recommendations of doctors.

An unpleasant disease is better not to tolerate than its long and hard to treat. Prolonged stages of the disease can go into a chronic form, "pleasing" the patient with their relapses every 3-4 months.

The video in this article will tell you how to deal with rhinitis.


Purulent rhinitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Purulent rhinitis is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa, which proceeds with the formation of purulent discharge.

Causes and mechanisms of development

Acute (purulent) rhinitis in most cases is a complication of the viral. In case of incorrect and untimely treatment of viral rhinitis, bacterial microflora is attached a few days after the onset of the disease. Microorganisms that can cause purulent inflammation of the nasal cavity include staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and others.

In some cases, the inflammation is caused by microorganisms located in the nasal cavity in the norm (conditionally pathogenic). Under adverse conditions (hypothermia, decreased immunity), they become more active and cause the disease.

Bacteria begin to multiply actively. The immune system of the body responds by activation of protective forces. Leukocytes are sent to the focus of inflammation, which absorb bacterial cells. After such absorption, leukocytes are destroyed. Together with the damaged cells of the mucous membrane they form a purulent discharge.

During the inflammatory reaction, a large number of biologically active substances are released. Along with toxins of microorganisms, they are absorbed into the blood, causing systemic effects: fever, malaise, headache. In the nasal cavity inflammation leads to redness, swelling of the mucous membrane, mucus disruption and self-cleaning of the surface.

Clinical picture (symptoms)

Symptoms of the disease most often appear 3-4 days after the occurrence of acute respiratory viral infection.

Common symptoms of inflammation include an increase in body temperature (often to low-grade figures), headache, weakness, malaise, lack of appetite.

The nature of the discharge from the nose changes: they become thick, get a yellowish or greenish shade. The number of them is usually not very significant.

Symptoms include nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing.

The duration of acute purulent rhinitis is 7-10 days.

Significantly less chronic chronic purulent rhinitis, or ozona. This disease is characterized by a prolonged course, atrophy of the mucous membrane, destruction of the walls of the nasal cavity, fetid cold. Patients lack sense of smell, suffer general health.

A purulent process is a hotbed of infection that can spread to the surrounding organs with which the nasal cavity is communicating. The most frequent complications of purulent rhinitis are sinusitis (frontal, maxillary sinusitis, etmoiditis), otitis media, dacryocystitis (inflammation of the lacrimal sac). Sometimes the upper parts of the respiratory tract are affected with the development of pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

In severe cases, with the penetration of infection into the blood, it is possible to develop meningitis, encephalitis and even a septic state with the defeat of various internal organs.


Diagnosis is established on the basis of complaints, examination, data of a rhinoscopy. Sowing of the detachable for sensitivity is carried out in severe cases of the disease, with chronic course, low effectiveness of treatment.


Purification of the nasal cavity from a purulent discharge of nasopharyngeal saline with saline solution of sodium chloride with the addition of tincture of iodine. You can use pharmacy products based on sea water.
Use of sprays in the nose with a vasoconstrictor effect. They facilitate nasal breathing, and also increase the effectiveness of antibacterial drugs. Widely used drugs xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine.

Sprays in the nose with antibacterial effect. Like any other antimicrobial, they must be prescribed by a doctor. One of the most frequently recommended drugs is Isophra.
If necessary, antibacterial drugs for oral administration are prescribed. Usually, these are broad-spectrum antibiotics - penicillins, macrolides, respiratory fluoroquinolones. Without the appointment of a doctor to take antibiotics is not recommended.

With an increase in body temperature, poor health, the treatment includes antipyretic and analgesic agents (for example, paracetamol).

Treatment is supplemented with oil drops in the nose and tampons with sea buckthorn oil or other oil solutions.
It is recommended to drink more liquid, best of all, smoothies, unsweetened juices, compotes, broth of wild rose.


To prevent the development of purulent rhinitis, acute viral (catarrhal) rhinitis should be treated promptly and correctly, without the hope of self-healing. To prevent any infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract should avoid hypothermia, strengthen the immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle.


Treatment of common cold with folk remedies

Sometimes the runny nose goes away with a cold in a week, but it also happens that a person has recovered, but this symptom remains. Then people come to the aid of popular methods of treating the common cold, which have a minimum of side effects and are suitable for children and adults.

Folk methods of treatment of purulent cold

In folk medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections most often use onions. If you drink its juice, you can quickly get rid of a chronic cough, and if buried in the nose - from the common cold.

Treatment of the common cold with onion should not be prolonged: it is sufficient to use the remedy for 7 days, and if there is an exacerbation of the disease, then in addition you need to use pharmacy antibacterial means.

Most often the purulent runny nose can be successfully treated with onions: for this purpose it is necessary to take an onion, and rub it on a grater, and then, separating the pulp from the juice with gauze, bury in the nose a few once a day. If this remedy is used to treat a cold in a child, onion juice can be diluted in proportion: with water.

With this tool you can quickly cure the common cold, it is suitable not only to get rid of the purulent form, but also ordinary.

Before using it, you need to consult a doctor. In case of severe burning, the nose is washed with water.

Treatment of chronic cold with folk remedies

Treatment of chronic allergic rhinitis with the help of folk remedies should be combined with the intake of antihistamines. This is due to the fact that the cause of the allergy is eliminated by histamine, which is not present in the composition of products and herbs used in folk medicine.

To reduce swelling and prevent inflammation use a decoction of chamomile (if the pollen of the plant is not allergic). It is enough to dig in the nose several times a day this remedy to prevent irritation of the mucosa.

To cure chronic rhinitis without allergic etiology, honey is used. This means increases the immunity, has antibacterial properties and promotes the healing of microcracks.

When treating a cold, it is advisable to use liquid honey from lime or buckwheat. If the honey is liquid enough, it can be buried in the nose in undiluted form, if it can not be done - mix the honey mass with water. The same applies to those cases in which there is only sugared honey. Do not try to melt it in a water bath, as in this case honey loses a significant part of its useful properties.

Treatment of a cold in pregnancy

It is known to everyone that during pregnancy, a woman needs to use a minimum of chemicals, but this also applies to natural products that can cause allergies. For example, the use of honey in this period is undesirable only because a child after a birth may experience diathesis.

Aloe vera is used to treat a cold in pregnant women. Take the leaf of the plant, peel off the peel and needles, and put the remaining pulp on the gauze. Then squeeze the juice into a sterile vessel, and the remedy is ready.

Before using this remedy, you need to consult a doctor, since aloe juice is contraindicated in cases of genyantritis.

Treatment of cold in lactation

During breastfeeding, a woman should also follow carefully the intake of substances into her body, as during pregnancy. Since the milk is passed to the child almost all the substances that the nursing mother uses, it is advisable not to use various drops (even natural origin), so as not to provoke a child an allergy.

One of the most effective ways to treat a cold in lactation is considered to be inhalation. Boil the potatoes, rastolkite it, and, covering yourself with a towel, inhale warm steam. This is an old, but effective and harmless way to get rid of a cold. The only contraindication to its use is fever. Also, it is not recommended to use it to those who are not exposed to high temperatures.

Do not forget that when treating a cold it is very important to keep your feet warm. For these purposes, you can also use hot foot baths with an extract of needles and turpentine.


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