Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms, treatment of neuritis at home

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve is a pathological process affecting the periphery of nerve fibers located in the zone of the second cervical vertebra, accompanied by an intense pain syndrome.

Occipital neuralgia in ICD-10 is classified as a disease of the nervous system, class VI.Depending on the cause of the onset, the degree of damage to the nerve endings and the results of the diagnosis, the disease can be classified by codes G-52.8, G-52.9, G-53, G-54 , which stands for the defeat of refined and unspecified cranial nerves,roots.

Is it possible to independently treat the disease?

Yes, but on condition that the patient will be observed with a neurologist!

Today we will consider the symptoms and treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve at home.


Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: causes and what is it?

Neuralgia is one of the causes of a terrible headache. With its timely treatment you can get rid of the bouquet of symptoms, but you need to have patience, because the treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve is a long and difficult process.

Where is the occipital nerve, what is its role?

The sensory branches of the nerves of the cervical plexus pass through the extremity of the muscle between the chest and clavicle, extend further under the muscle in the neck region. In the cervical plexus is the occipital nerve( as well as the large ear, transverse, supraclavicular nerves) - behind the second cervical vertebra.

This structure, like many other nerves, provides the connection of tissues and organs with the central nervous system, supplying them with nerve impulses.

What happens with neuralgia?

The main cause of neuralgia of the occipital nerve is irritation( squeezing) of the nerve roots, which is located in the occipital region.

Sensitive fibers in the roots, in the occurrence of structural disorders, impose frequent impulses, which are manifested by pain.

Neuralgia can occur without the presence of a provoking element( primary, idiopathic, essential) or as a result of the influence of external factors and concomitant diseases( i.e., secondary, symptomatic neuralgia).

Causes of neuralgia of the occipital nerve:

  1. osteochondrosis of the spine in the cervical region( damage to the nucleus in the vertebra) is the most common cause;
  2. trauma to the back or neck, due to which the nerve fibers are squeezed;
  3. supercooling of the occipital nerve;
  4. osteoarthritis of the cervical spine;
  5. overstrain of the neck muscles and shoulder girdle: as a result of a constant sitting position - behind the wheel, in the office, at the computer, at the desk( muscles contract due to spasm, chronic neuralgia develops);
  6. infections that affect neural tissue: encephalitis, meningitis;
  7. tumors of various origin and location: in the cervical vertebrae or in the brain;
  8. autoimmune diseases, during which immunity destroys the nerve cells of the body: multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus;
  9. gout;
  10. diabetes mellitus;
  11. inflammatory processes of blood vessels( endaarteritis);
  12. stress, constant overwork, negative emotional outbursts;
  13. tuberculosis spondylitis;
  14. is a severe form of colds( SARS, sore throat).

Primary neuralgia appears regardless of any pathological process in the body or a particular condition, occurs on its own.

Accurately identifying the cause of the disease, you can successfully eliminate it( in most cases) and repair the damaged nerve roots.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: symptoms of the disease

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve has a primary symptom - pain. Which one? More in detail below:

  1. burning, pulsating painful sensations in the nape;
  2. , often turning into "shooting";
  3. , many patients report that the condition is very similar to a migraine;
  4. most often pain is palpable on one side, but sometimes with two;Nasal neck movements can provoke pain;
  5. sometimes even combing or other touching the scalp provokes pain;
  6. less pain occurs when you lightly touch the skin of the neck;
  7. bright light causes pain in the eyes and above them;
  8. sometimes pain occurs when coughing or sneezing;
  9. sometimes it feels like something cuts your head or if it's about to explode;
  10. may be pulsed in the ear or lower jaw;
  11. turns and head inclinations increase pain.

Other symptoms of the occipital neuralgia:

  1. head movements can cause nausea and sometimes vomiting;
  2. hypersensitivity in the problem area of ​​the neck, increased discomfort during palpation;
  3. vegetative disorders: sensation of crawling, cold, numbness, red or white skin on the affected area, lacrimation;
  4. if the disease runs long enough, a site that is provided with a damaged nerve may lose sensitivity.

Diagnostic techniques of the

study. In view of the fact that headaches can have a diverse etiology, you need to describe your feelings to the doctor( orthopedist or neurologist) as accurately as possible.

He should listen very carefully to you, compare the symptoms with your attendant conditions and suspect the presence of neuralgia.

Further appropriate research is being done to confirm / deny the presence of the disease, and most importantly - to correctly identify its cause.

For this, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  1. computed tomography ( using X-rays, the monitor displays a structural image of the spine in the cervical region and layers of tissues in the study area) - it is considered that this is the most successful method for studying this disease;
  2. MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging) - the study of bones and soft tissues in the affected area with the help of electromagnetic waves.

Neuralgia of the occipital nerve: treatment

In time the recognized disease, the correct identification of its causes and its adequate treatment - will help successfully get rid of the general discomfort and possible complications!

If you follow the recommendations of a professional doctor, then the patient will certainly recover!

The complex treatment includes many methods: prescription of medicines, massage procedures, physiotherapy treatment, application of compresses.

Conservative treatment: methods

Treatment of neuralgia of the occipital nerve conservative methods aimed at the removal of pain, inflammation and the removal of muscle and other pinches. It does not imply surgical intervention.

Therapeutic treatment methods

  1. The first rule is the rest and the maximum number of passive rest ;
  2. therapeutic massage - relieves muscle spasms in the massaged area, improves blood circulation, helps to cope with the pain syndrome;
  3. thermal compresses on the problem zone;
  4. other types of physiotherapy , which warm up the affected tissue( ultrasound, laser therapy ).
  5. LFK ( sets of exercises aimed at removing muscle spasm in the occipital area, strengthening the muscles of the neck and back);
  6. acupuncture - the effect on the reflex points due to which the metabolism is normalized, the circulation in the treated area is improved, the elimination of pathologies is stimulated;
  7. manual therapy - the specialist restores the correct position of the joints or mechanically creates optimal conditions for maximum effectiveness of the course of treatment.

Drug treatment

The main drugs:

  1. the use of drugs that have a relaxing effect on the muscles( sirdalud , midolkalm );
  2. anticonvulsants: finlepsin , gabapentin ;
  3. anti-inflammatory steroid drugs that perform blockade of the affected nerve ( methyred divide , hydrocortisone , dextamethasone , kenalogue ) - administered subcutaneously, to the affected area;
  4. painkillers Drug Therapy;
  5. sedatives( amitriptyline , duloxetine );
  6. vitamins of the group in the .

The described methods are used not only for temporary elimination of symptoms, but also for full treatment. It all depends on the cause of neuralgia.

In case it is provoked by any concomitant disease, a number of actions aimed at its elimination( secondary neuralgia) are necessarily performed.

Approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner, draw on the overall symptomatic picture, taking into account the causes of the disease and the accompanying conditions.

If all these methods do not work, how then can neuralgia of the occipital nerve be treated?

Surgical intervention is indicated in case the neuralgia is at a neglected stage or conservative treatment does not give positive results.

Surgical treatment methods

Basic operations for occipital neuralgia:

  1. Microvascular decompression of : during the operation, the occipital nerve is eliminated. This method is used if the occipital neuralgia arose as a result of compression, respectively. The surgeon identifies the vessels that squeezed the nerve, performs appropriate corrective manipulations. After that, the sensitivity of the nerve roots decreases, and they come to a normal state. Accordingly, the pain passes.
  2. Neuro-stimulation : special wiring leads to the nerves, which conduct electrical impulses( they block painful impulses).The neurostimulator is implanted under the skin in the neck area. The action of the device can be adjusted by switching the power modes to recreate the most comfortable state. Where previously there was pain, the patient experiences a smoothly spreading pleasant warmth or a slight vibration. The positive side of this technique: the absence of side effects on the body and a minimum of damage to the covers.

After elimination of symptoms for a long time, a spasm in the neck passes, muscles relax - the "clamp" of the nerve is removed.

If conservative or surgical intervention has not eliminated the problem and the pain has persisted, then a repeated, thorough examination is performed. However, this happens rarely enough.

Treatment of the occipital neuralgia at home

It is difficult to cure neuralgia exclusively by folk remedies, but home therapies can be a significant addition to complex therapy - in combination with other therapeutic methods:

  1. Herbal baths .Prepare the infusion from thyme , oregano , peppermint ( 1 tablespoon of each herb into a glass of boiling water), pass the liquid through the cheesecloth and add it to the hot water bath. Then lie down in the bathroom for 10 minutes. Perform every day, for a month.
  2. Compressors .Grind the vegetables: potatoes , salted cucumber , bulb .Pour the slurry with diluted wine vinegar , allow the mixture to infuse for several hours( stir occasionally).Compresses are applied to the frontal and occipital zones, in the morning and in the evening. The procedure lasts one hour.
  3. Ear drops .Bury in the ear a couple drops of juice of raw beet .Alternatively, you can wrap the beetroot in gauze and put a swab in your ear( from the side of pain).
  4. Herbs for ingestion .Pour 2 teaspoons of dried grass lumbago open( do not use fresh, it is poisonous!).Take once a day, 50 milliliters.

Some folk ways should not be treated! You can not only not get rid of neuralgia, but also aggravate the current condition. Proper elimination of the disease is based on the identification of its causes.

Possible complications of

If you do not undergo treatment in time, you can cause serious damage to your health.

The state of the occipital nerves will worsen, destructive processes worsen.

Nerve damage can lead to the following serious consequences:

  1. permanent, drug-dependent headache;
  2. blindness;
  3. torticollis( often patients remain disabled until the end of life);
  4. associated psychiatric disorders caused by persistent pain.


Measures aimed at preventing this disease are simple enough. Each can fulfill them:

  1. is a sufficient, balanced amount of physical activity in your daily life;
  2. beware of injuries to the neck, occiput and back;
  3. protect your neck from cold;
  4. if your job implies a sedentary lifestyle, perform regular small workouts;
  5. provide the body with enough vitamins.

We can not completely protect ourselves from the possibility of neuralgia, but we can do everything that it depends on us, and the success of recovery is assured!

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Symptoms and treatment of occipital neuralgia

In this issue of the telecast "Live healthy!" With Elena Malysheva you will find out:

With this problem, there is pain in the half of the head that can give to the area of ​​the scapula, shoulders or neck, a person can confuse such a problem witha migraine. Pain with neuralgia of the occipital nerve is similar to a migraine.

With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, a person can take a large amount of pain medication, which will lead to poisoning of the body. You can not take painkillers uncontrollably!

If the pain medication does not help within 40 minutes, then you need to seek medical help from a doctor.

With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, inflammation of one of the occipital nerves occurs, which leads to the appearance of pain.

Inflammation of the occipital nerve is one of the causes of headache. The occipital nerve can irritate the neck muscles, which leads to pain in the shoulder blade, shoulder or neck.

You can remove this pain with the following exercise:

  1. Sit on a chair,
  2. Press your fingers on the chin so that you have a second chin.
  3. When performing this exercise, the neck should remain straight, do not bend your head.

This exercise helps stretch the muscles of the neck. Also, with such a problem, a doctor can relieve the pain with a special injection.

How to cure neuralgia of the occipital nerve?

Video channel "Health for all".

Occipital neuralgia is a symptom complex that combines signs of damage to the nerves that enter the cervical plexus. Most often, the great occipital nerve suffers, the small occipital, large ear, the nerve innervating the skin of the neck, and the supraclavicular nerves are less often involved.

The main clinical manifestation of this kind of pathology is constant pain in the innervation zone of one or more nerves.

Syndrome of the occipital neuralgia can be primary and secondary, taking place against the background of injuries, tumors, infectious processes, systemic diseases of connective tissue and so on.

main causes of secondary occipital neuralgia are arthritis joints of the upper cervical vertebrae, gout, diabetes, inflammation of the blood vessels, tumors or pseudotumor posterior fossa and cervical spinal cord injury or compression of large and small occipital nerve or the second and third cervical nerve roots,meningitis, encephalitis, etc.

In some cases, it is not possible to establish the etiology, then they speak of idiopathic occipital neuralgia.

The main symptom of the occipital neuralgia is a constant pain, usually worse when sneezing and coughing, as well as head movements, sometimes radiating to the supra- and subclavian areas, face, shoulder blade.

Some patients may be bothered by discomfort in the eye area( on the appropriate side).The pains are usually one-sided, but sometimes they come from both sides. The head is often in a forced position - the patient slightly tilts it in the direction of the affected nerve.

In the zone of innervation of the nerve trunks involved in the process, polyhyperesthesia( strengthening all sensitivities) is usually observed and pain points are determined according to the course of nerves. At the same time the skin is so sensitive to touch that even a simple light touch can cause pain.

Diagnosis of the occipital neuralgia involves collecting complaints, anamnesis, conducting a thorough objective examination, performing magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Quite successfully for the treatment of this pathology is applied a technique for the use of electropuncture.

Using the device Eleedia can alleviate suffering and completely get rid of neuralgia of the occipital nerve.

Provide a video recipe.


Elena. In 2009, microvascular decompression of the roots of the facial and trigeminal nerves was performed. Have put a lining between a vessel and nerves. Periodically, there are headaches, twitching in the right side of the face. The vestibular manifestation is disturbed, especially manifested in a dark time. Frequent fatigue. The state is sluggish. Initially, 2 non-working disability groups were offered. I refused. Is it possible now to register for a disability?

Ale. I would not like to finish the treatment with hormones,. .. so I advise everyone not to waste time and go to the doctor if there are pains of this kind.

Alexandra. Well, hormones are only used in extremely neglected cases, I think. It seemed to me that I had a difficult case, because I did not go to the doctor for a long time, I thought it was just a migraine, but it turned out that the occipital nerve was inflamed. But we managed a two-stage treatment regimen, first Neurodiclovitis , although there is a well-known diclofenac in the composition, but its dose was reduced by supplementing the group B group in , which is much faster than the treatment, I got rid of the pain in days. And the second stage is the reception of Neuromultivitis , it's only B vitamins, but in a therapeutic dose, I am now restoring nervous tissues and fibers.

Tatyana. Alya, not necessarily hormones. First you will be treated with a course of NSAIDs( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) - this is the standard. My advice is, buy, no matter what you designate, is a neurodisciplinary .Itself burned, planted the stomach of with cheap diclofenac .He does not have this, besides, he takes off the pain very quickly and well. If there are often exacerbations, then the course of B vitamins can be injected, but I like neuromultit in tablets more. No less effective, but painless. Besides concentration of vitamins there be healthy.

Source: Article http: // lechenie-nevralgii-zatylochnogo-nerva.html

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