What folk remedies can cure cough

What folk remedies can cure me a cough?


Olga Osipova

Pour 1 lemon with water and boil over a small fire for 10 minutes, after the lemon has cooled, cut it in half and squeeze it out of a lemon in 200 gm glass of juice, add 2 tablespoons of glycerin (for ingestion), pour honey to the edges of the glass and mix everything. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture 3 times a day before meals and at night.
In equal parts mix the juice of carrots or radishes with milk, take 6 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
Mix 2 yolks, 2 tablespoons of butter, 2 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of wheat flour, take up to 1 teaspoonful many times a day.
Strewed walnuts in a mortar with honey in equal parts, one teaspoon of the resulting mass to dissolve in 100 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.
1 tablespoon of herb sage pour 1 cup boiling water, let it brew, drain, the resulting broth dilute milk in a ratio of 1: 1, take in a warm form 1/2 cup of the mixture, you can add honey or sugar.
200 ml of steep boiling water pour 50 g raisins, let it brew for 30 minutes, crawl onions and squeeze juice out of it, drain the water with raisins and add to it 3 tablespoons of squeezed juice, drink in small sips for 1 reception, best for the night.

instagram viewer

7 pieces of radish cut into thin slices, each slice sprinkle with sugar and insist 6 hours, take 1 tablespoon of radish juice every hour.
100 g of calendula berries pour 200 g of honey and cook on low heat for 5 minutes, then cool at room temperature and take 2 tablespoons of the mixture 5 times a day.
1 tablespoon of red clover pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover, let it brew for 3-5 minutes, drink in a warm form in small sips (expectorant).
500 g of purified chopped onion, 50 g of honey, 400 g of sugar cook in 1 liter of water for 3 hours on a low heat, after which the liquid it is necessary to cool, drain into a bottle and cork, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day with a strong cough.

Margarita Lebedeva

Buy a black radish, cut off the crown, cut the indentation in the middle and fill it with honey. Insist five hours and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Nadezhda Karose

Lymphosan "Anti-allegic" + epam + Apivit + Balsam "Silver"


infusion of root elecampane (100 grams of root in 1 liter of red grape wine insist 8 days) take 50 ml 3 times daily before meals


Juice of onions with honey, take on a tablespoon three times a day after meals. Muck, but the effect is 100%


Pine buds: if a cough has begun, you need to take broths of medicinal plants that dilute sputum and improve its retreat. Quickly help the wild rosemary swamp, three-leaved violet, the marshmallow medicinal. And to calm the attacks of coughing can inhalation with pine buds. Pour 1 teaspoon of pine buds into a teapot and pour them with boiling water. Through the nozzle, breathe the steam. Essential oil of pine and resin have the property of enveloping the respiratory and soften their irritation.
Stewards of mashed potatoes: boil potatoes in a peel, peel, mash. Breast and back cover the paper and put a potato on it. Close the top with cellophane, wrap it. Keep until it cools.
Infusion of raw onions: raw onion finely chopped and pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes. To drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before a dream on a half-glass.
Setochka of iodine: take a cotton swab, moisten with alcohol tincture of iodine, draw on the patient's chest "mesh", each line is drawn at a distance of 1.5-2 cm.
Milk and mineral water: drink hot milk with alkaline mineral water (half a glass of milk and half a glass of Borjomi) or with honey (ch. a spoonful of honey to a glass of milk). To small children it is recommended to drink broth of a fig in milk.
Devyasil: a teaspoon of the root of elecampane pour a glass of boiled water, to insist 10 hours. Drink to 1/4 tbsp. 4 times a day, for 30 minutes. before meals.
Inhalation with hot steam from boiled potatoes when coughing: boil potatoes in a uniform, drain the water. Take shelter tightly with a towel and breathe with your mouth and nose alternately for 10-15 minutes before going to bed. Repeat the procedure for 3-4 days.
Garlic with oil: with painful cough and whooping cough rub in the soles of the feet at night. Grind garlic with 100 gr. oil or grease and apply to the affected area.
Aloe, honey: squeeze out the aloe juice 1 cup + 1 cup honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon once a day.
I wish you health!! !


Stinker on the chest and coughing did not happen! It is checked up on itself and the child.

Alyonok @

we always have a gold reserve of wonderful grass at home ...))) it's a plantain, mother-and-stepmother and dog rose! Brew in a thermos and drink, drink, drink... Be healthy!


lemon, tea, honey, syrup

We are 10.5 months old. What folk remedies can cure cough and runny nose?



Cough is a manifestation of many diseases. Cough can occur with colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia and other lung diseases, can occur due to smoking. First of all, you need to treat the underlying disease, but at the same time, it can be facilitated by using cough remedies.
Traditional methods of cough treatment:
1) Grind 500 gr. peeled onions, add 2 tablespoons of honey, 400 gr. sugar and cook over low heat in 1L. water for 3 hours. Then cool and drain. Store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. Take a mixture of warm 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day with a strong cough.
2) From the cough is useful to eat onions, toasted in butter and mixed with honey.
3) Mix in equal parts the purified hazelnuts and honey. Take 1 teaspoonful 5-6 times a day with warm milk.
4) Mix honey and horseradish juice in a ratio of 1: 3. Take small portions throughout the day with a cup of tea. To drink for the whole day 2-3 cups of this infusion.
5) Wipe the ripe bananas through a sieve and put them in a pan with hot water at the rate of 2 bananas per 1 glass of water with sugar. Warm up and drink this mixture when coughing.
6) When coughing, cut into small cubes a black radish and put it in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar. Bake in the oven for 2 hours. Strain and drain the liquid into a bottle. Drink 2 teaspoons 3-4 times a day and at night before going to bed.
7) When treating a cough, the healer Vanga advised to cook 1 potato, 1 onion, 1 apple in 1l. water. Cook until the water is less than half. This broth drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
8) Fresh cabbage juice with sugar is useful as an expectorant for coughing. A decoction of cabbage with honey works well.
9) With a prolonged cough, mix 300gr. honey and 1kg. crushed aloe leaves, pour mixture of 0.5 liters. water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 2 hours, stirring. To cool. Keep in the refrigerator for no more than a month. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily before meals.
10) Juice from aloe leaves mixed in equal proportions with warm honey and butter. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
11) Mix 3 tablespoons of severed birch buds with 100 gr. unsalted butter, put on fire, bring to a boil and simmer on very low heat for 1 hour. Strain, squeeze, kidney discard. Add 200gr. honey and mix well. Take with cough 4 times a day before meals.
12) Freshly cut nettle roots and finely chopped in sugar syrup. Take 1 tablespoon per day with a strong cough.
13) Pour 1 teaspoon of nettle grass 0.5L. steep boiling water, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Drink as tea for expectoration and dilution of sputum.
14) 1 tablespoon chopped plantain leaf pour 1 cup of boiling water, insist on a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day with a strong cough.
15) Thymus broth or liquid extract is used as an expectorant for coughing.
16) When coughing it is recommended to drink hot milk with butter: ¾ cup of milk for 50 grams. oil.
17) Boil in 0.5 liter. milk 2-3 sheets of mother-and-stepmother and add to the broth on the tip of the knife fresh lard. Drink before going to bed for 3 tablespoons.
18) Infusion of a leaf of a nasturtium (it is on sale in a drugstore) is very effective at a cough. 10gr. leaf brew 1 glass of boiling water, insist 10 minutes and filter. Drink 0.5 glasses a day.
19) Grate the chest and back for the night with the pork lard interior and wrap it with compress paper, over which to wrap a fluffy or woolen shawl.
20) After receiving the serum from 3 liters of milk, add to it 1 glass of honey and 100 gr. crushed root elecampane (sold at the pharmacy). Drink 0.5 cup 3 times daily before meals with a strong cough.
If want that methods of treatment of a rhinitis I can throw in addition.

наталья микулова

I cough cured cough milk (warm) with honey and sl. oil. And the rhinitis was treated with "Nazivem"

Natalia Shklyaruk

at night make komprusiki of nutrient lard sold in the market to melt and rub the back and chest apply compress paper or you can drip well from the notebook, and so 2-3 times and from a cough you can even give a small spoon to drink this fat.

Tatiana Pronoza

book "Conversations of the Children's Doctor" Timofeeva A. M. (a famous Moscow pediatrician with 50 years of experience). 4 th edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow 2006 year. page 25 section "how to soar the legs"
"Children older than 9 months with a cold are very good at soaring their legs. This procedure is done only with a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees). In the beginning, it is necessary to lower the legs into warm water, and then gradually add hot water, bringing the water temperature to 40-41 degrees. As soon as your feet turn red, it is very good to pour them with cold water, and then lower them again into the hot one. So repeat three times and after the third dousing with cold water, put on woolen socks and put the baby to bed. If he is afraid to soar his legs, you can also soar the handles. You can soar and handle and legs. "
The main thing to remember: cold cold feet can not pour cold water

What folk remedies can cure cough?



Drink a spoon of castor oil and about a cough - you will forget!! !
And if seriously.. .
Tea with honey and raspberry leaf + mustard for the night.

Masha Mironova

radish with honey, a pack of cabbage with honey


Radish juice with honey, onion with honey.


traditional milk with honey and raspberry jam, herbal decoctions.

Elvira Yaremko

grass, oregano, hyssop, thyme. milk with soda honey and butter on a teaspoon, dress warmly, massage the back and soles, pleasant treatment and recovery!

Katerina Konshina

juice of black radish with honey! take the radish black cut out the groove put in it a tablespoon of honey all this put in a high bowl and close the lid - soon the radish will give its juice on a teaspoon three times a day to give the child

Lyuda Kulish

a couple of large bulbs cut, pour honey, a little water and cook for 2 hours on low heat. It turns out a delicious and effective syrup


warm milk + honey + butter

What folk remedies can cure cough?


nare budagyan

honey! but in general bitter chocolate treats the throat! =)

Anastasia Yaschenko

very effective syrup, and indeed the root of licorice


a native of childhood, a common cockerel!


Radish with honey)))) Generally a cough for me is now the most urgent topic, unfortunately:: (

Ari @ nka

fried sugar. In a spoonful of sugar and on the fire, turn black in a bowl of water and so on until the water turns black. Half a glass 3 times a day. So even children are treated. remove the night cough of the mesh on the chest of iodine.


Fassing lozenges Faringosept, Laryngosept, Antiangin, drink herbal tea from sage grass, oregano, hyssop, thyme (thyme), do a drainage massage on the chest area.... Recipes are a lot - remember your childhood and how all of us were treated for colds and angina by parents, grandmothers, grandfathers - and remember yourself with a dozen recipes.

What folk remedies can quickly cure a cough in a 2-year-old child?



pour 3 ringlets of dry figs with a half-glass of boiling milk, cover, so it strewed until the formation of gruel and feed the child


granddaughter cured so. Boil the potatoes in their uniform. hot chopping. wrap in a linen cloth and attach to the chest above the heart area to organize it in the form of a game


People navryatli, but "STODAL" buy and after 5 days forget about the cough. It's expensive, but it's very effective.

[email protected]

in radish - poludyrka - honey... dissolve the juice in the mouth

Oksana Karpechenko

Radish juice with honey + rub the fat of the breast and back for the night!

Svetlana Ivanova

My son was often sick in his childhood. Here are a few tools. 1. Warm milk - 1 glass, butter - half of cayenne. spoons, and chayne. a spoonful of honey, a little soda - to drink more often, in small portions. 2. Warm milk and 1/3 cup of mineral water - also drink more often. 3. A handful of untreated pine nuts are well rinsed, boiled in milk, watered with this broth in small portions. 4. At night, spread honey on the chest and the back of the child, slightly rasverev, warm wrap. With honey neat - check if there is an allergy to it.

715- 71-19

Black radish with honey (present) 2 times a day. 2-3 days and coughing passes!

What kind of folk remedy can cure a child from coughing?


Laurel J.C. CherepanoF

When coughing it is useful to take in a warm form 0.5 cups of a mixture of sage broth (1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs for 1 cup of boiling water, to insist) and milk in equal parts. Add honey, but you can sugar.
Black radish peel, cut into small cubes and pour honey for about 8-10 hours. When the juice appears, take it for 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.
You can not clean the radish, but just wash it, cut off the top, hollow out the hole and pour honey. This remedy helps to get rid of coughing both for children and adults.
The so-called "fiery milk" justified itself in the treatment of cough. How to cook it? Cut 10 bulbs into cubes, chop the garlic head, cook all in 0.5 liters of milk until softening, and then add mint and lime honey to the mixture. Leave the mixture to stand for 1 hour. After that, strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon during the day. This remedy also helps with whooping cough.
Try to cure a cough mixture of onion and honey in a 1: 1 ratio. This tool helps not only when coughing colds, but also with bronchitis.

Eugenia S.

liquorice root

Maria Rozevskaya

Instead of radish with honey, you can take onions with sugar, the principle and effect is the same !!


milk with honey!!!!

Elizaveta Alexandrovna)

hot milk, only it is advisable not to drink water into milk, but to warm it up, there is a spoonful of honey and butter (creamy), first it's delicious, in the second it helps, I do it all my life =)

The splinter


green irina

Me helps lemon with honey.. Lemon is rubbed and mixed with warm honey ...

What folk remedies can be cured cough nasal?


Svetlana Saratov

Propolis oil


It is better to go to the doctor, it's time to drink antibiotics, if such a cough.

World V

The mustard helps. Are on sale in a drugstore. (or natural mustard (sauce) can be used. Mustards in warm water soak and put mustard on themselves on any fabric. (pour a mustard on a sheet of paper a little). Keep 10-15 minutes. and remove. Just do not fall asleep, and then you'll burn. The procedure is best done at night, in bed. It helps. Heat dress well. Health !!!!


Icelandic moss 1 st. l. + mother and stepmother 1 st. l pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, drink a glass throughout the day.

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