Purulent arthritis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms, treatment


  • 1Purulent arthritis
    • 1.1Causes of development and types of purulent arthritis
    • 1.2Diagnosis of purulent arthritis
    • 1.3Prevention of purulent arthritis
  • 2Purulent arthritis
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Prevention
  • 3Purulent arthritis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 3.1A little about the causes of purulent arthritis
    • 3.2Symptoms by which you can determine the type of arthritis of the knee and hip joints
    • 3.3Arthritis of the knee joint and the way it is treated
    • 3.4Diet for purulent knee arthritis
  • 4Purulent arthritis: symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Classification
    • 4.3Symptomatology
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6First step
    • 4.7Second phase
    • 4.8Prevention

Purulent arthritis

Purulent arthritis- inflammation of all joint structures caused by pyogenic microflora. Usually streptococci and staphylococcus are the causative agents, less often the purulent process develops due to the vital activity of other bacteria.

The cause of the disease can be the penetration of microbes through the wound or hole from the puncture needle. In addition, the infectious agent can enter the joint cavity contact (through the surrounding tissue), lymphogenous and hematogenous.

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The disease is manifested by swelling, severe pain, impaired function, local fever, and also marked symptoms of general intoxication.

Diagnosis is established based on symptoms and data from instrumental studies (puncture examination, radiography, MRI, CT). Surgical treatment - opening and draining of the joint against the background of antibiotic therapy.

Purulent arthritis is an inflammatory process in the joint cavity caused by pyogenic microbial agents.

Is a serious disease that can cause serious long-term local effects (arthrosis, contracture) and become cause the spread of infection with the development of complications that are dangerous to the health and life of the patient (phlegmon, abscess, osteomyelitis, sepsis).

Treatment of purulent arthritis of non-traumatic nature is performed by surgeons. The treatment of arthritis, which is the result of trauma (open fractures, penetrating wounds) is performed by traumatologists.

Causes of development and types of purulent arthritis

In surgery and traumatology, there are two types of purulent arthritis: primary and secondary.

Primary occur when penetrating the pathogen directly into the joint cavity and can develop with penetrating wounds, open fractures, dislocations and fractures, and also as a consequence of the introduction of infection during joint puncture or during an operative interference. Secondary arthritis develops as a result of the introduction of infection through surrounding tissue, blood or lymph. Contact spread of microbes can be observed with non-penetrating wound in the joint area, pustular process, infected abrasions, abscess, phlegmon of surrounding tissues and osteomyelitis of the bone participating in formation of the joint.

Lymphogenous and hematogenous spread of infection is possible with sepsis, osteomyelitis, carbuncles, abscesses or phlegmon of any localization, including located at a considerable distance from the affected the joint.

In addition, purulent inflammation of the joint can become a complication of a number of infectious diseases accompanied by bacteremia: erysipelas, gonorrhea, pneumonia, typhoid fever, etc.

Secondary purulent arthritis is observed more often than primary.

Purulent arthritis can develop in any joint, but large joints of the extremities suffer more often: knee, elbow, hip and shoulder.

Features of the anatomical structure of the joints (the presence of an isolated closed cavity) contribute to the accumulation of pus and spreading of purulent process on all structures of the joint, including capsule, synovial membrane, cartilage and articular ends bones. At the same time, numerous connections of the articular bag with the blood and lymphatic system create favorable conditions for Dissemination of the pathogen through the blood and lymph with the possible development of sepsis or the formation of purulent foci in remote segments.

Usually, agents of purulent arthritis are streptococci or staphylococci. Rarely the cause of the inflammatory process are gonococci, E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, pneumococcus, salmonella, mycobacteria and other microorganisms.


Predisposing factors that increase the likelihood of purulent arthritis development are abundant contamination of wounds and open fractures, and also a decrease in the overall resistance due to immune disorders, severe somatic diseases, exhaustion, severe co-injury, e.


The disease begins acutely. The affected joint swells and becomes hot. The skin over him blushes. In the joint, intense pain occurs, after a while acquiring a pulsating or shooting character and depriving the patient of a dream. Palpation and movement are very painful.

There is a pronounced dysfunction due to pain syndrome. Within a few days, reactive edema of soft tissues develops lower and higher than the affected joint.

In this case, puffiness is more pronounced in the underlying segment, which is caused by compression of the lymphatic vessels.

Local signs of arthritis are combined with pronounced symptoms of general intoxication. The temperature rises to febrile numbers, often a hectic fever with severe chills.

The patient is worried about strong weakness and weakness. Possible headaches, nausea, in severe cases - impaired consciousness. The pulse is rapid, and its frequency often does not correspond to body temperature.

With external examination, the limb is edematic, in a forced position. Especially pronounced edema is detected in the joint region, there is also local hyperemia. Below, the skin often acquires a cyanotic or bluish-purple hue.


Palpation of the joint is sharply painful, fluctuations are possible. Passive and active movements are limited because of pain.


When interviewing, as a rule, it is possible to establish the presence of an infectious disease, purulent process or injury within 2-3 weeks, preceding the onset of the disease.

Diagnosis of purulent arthritis

The diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic anamnesis, clinical manifestations, blood tests confirming the presence of acute inflammation (an increase ESR, leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left), joint puncture followed by investigation of the synovial fluid, as well as data from instrumental research.

The fluid obtained from puncture is referred to a Gram stain test, to sowing and to the determination of the number of leukocytes. Detection of microbes in the smear, a positive seeding result, as well as the presence of leukocytes in the amount of about 50 thousand.

per 1 ml in combination with the predominance of segmented neutrophils (even with negative seeding) is a confirmation of purulent arthritis.

It should be borne in mind that the number of leukocytes in the punctate can vary significantly, and their small number should not be the basis for the exclusion of purulent arthritis.

All patients with suspected purulent arthritis are assigned radiography.

On radiographs can be revealed swelling of soft tissues, enlargement or narrowing of the joint gap (as uniform, and non-uniform), erosive changes in the subchondral bone and periarticular osteoporosis.

In the initial stages of the disease, the radiographic pattern may correspond to the norm, therefore the absence of changes on the roentgenogram is also not a basis for excluding the purulent process in the joint.

Along with the traditional radiography, modern non-invasive methods are used that allow assessing the state of soft tissues: MRI of the joint and ultrasound of the joint. If there is an anamnesis of infectious diseases, a consultation of a therapist, infectious disease specialist, pulmonologist or gastroenterologist is indicated.


Patients with purulent arthritis are immediately hospitalized. Antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In the early stages (with synovitis with absence of pus), the treatment is conservative.


The gypsum is imposed, punctures of a joint are carried out with the subsequent introduction of antibiotics. With empyema (pus in the joint) and severe intoxication, immediate arthrotomy is indicated with subsequent drainage of the joint.

With extensive purulent wounds and open fractures, secondary surgical treatment is performed with dissection of the edges of the wound, removal foreign bodies and freely lying bone fragments, excision of non-viable tissues, wide arthrosis and opening of purulent zatekov. With the development of sepsis, more extensive surgical intervention is needed - resection of the joint.

Prevention of purulent arthritis

Preventive measures to prevent purulent process in the joint are early operations in osteomyelitis, localized near the joints, timely opening of phlegmon and abscesses, adequate treatment of infectious diseases, as well as the correct organization of treatment of casual wounds and open fractures. First aid for open joint injuries should be provided early. At the pre-hospital stage it is necessary to hold a wound toilet (gently wash off the dirt from the skin, grease the edges of the wound with iodine and impose an aseptic bandage), perform immobilization and as soon as possible deliver the patient to a specialized honey. institution.

A source: http://www.krasotaimedicina.ru/diseases/traumatology/purulent-arthritis

Purulent arthritis

Purulent arthritis is an acute purulent disease in which the joint is affected. The disease is caused by various pathogenic pyogenic microorganisms. The infection enters the joint in various ways. In many cases, bacteria affect the joints that are most stressed.

Purulent arthritis often occurs simultaneously with concomitant diseases: rheumatism, lupus erythematosus, hepatitis and etc. The appearance and development of the disease provokes the occurrence of arthrosis, osteochondrosis, obesity and some other factors.

It affects the purulent arthritis, mainly people of advanced age. Quite often in adults and children there are also signs of purulent disease.


After the entry of microorganisms into the synovial membrane of the joint, an inflammatory process develops. The causative agents of the disease can be streptococci, staphylococci or pneumococci. In rare cases, with puncture, intestinal rod, gonococcus, typhoid bacteria are sown.

The main ways of getting the infection in the body: direct and lymphogenic.

The direct route of transmission of infection to the joint can occur with injuries, injuries, punctures and operations. Most often, the infection is transmitted lymphogenically: with osteomyelitis, lymphadenitis, etc.

From the focus of inflammation, the infection, along with the blood flow, enters the synovial fluid. After this, the inflammatory process develops in the joint.

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The development of inflammatory processes in neighboring tissues increases the risk of transmission of infection to the joint.

Purulent arthritis can occur after complications of infectious diseases: influenza, gonorrhea, pneumonia, etc.

Most often affects the hip, knee and elbow joints. In newborns and small children, acute purulent disease develops sharply and affects other limbs. Falls or bruises in the process of learning walking often cause the development of purulent arthritis.

In the risk group of purulent arthritis there are people:

  • with excess weight;
  • with a shortage of essential trace elements;
  • not adhering to a balanced diet;
  • having hereditary disorders;
  • people of advanced age;
  • with disturbances in the process of metabolism in the body;
  • often ill;
  • profession with increased strain on the joints;
  • athletes.


Given the emergence and course of the disease, 2 forms of arthritis are distinguished: acute and chronic. Each of them has its signs and symptoms.

The acute form of purulent arthritis occurs suddenly and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • High body temperature;
  • General malaise;
  • Nausea, rarely vomiting;
  • Pain in the joint;
  • Redness of the affected area;
  • Swelling;
  • Muscle weakness.

There may also appear jaundice of the skin, headache and sweating. At palpation, the patient feels severe pain, as well as the accumulation of fluid in the focus of inflammation.

Changes in the joint in acute form depends on the nature of the ongoing inflammatory process (putrefactive, purulent, serous, etc.).

To ease the condition, the patient takes a forced position and reduces all movements to zero.

Chronic form of purulent arthritis and inflammation in the joint are usually not associated with infection. The disease develops mainly after trauma.


After a while after infection, the affected area becomes inflamed, swollen. To a small extent, redness and swelling appear. The patient feels soreness in the joint with active or passive movements.


The pain occurs for a long time, can subside, and then reappear.

At the initial stage of the disease, the mobility of the affected joint is limited. Purulent arthritis of the knee or hip joint in neglected form can lead to a closure.

If the disease is favorable, long-term remissions are possible. If there is no treatment for a long time, this can lead to restriction of movement in the joint.

To prevent inflammation has not passed into the chronic stage, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time about the symptoms.


If there are signs of arthritis, the patient should consult a qualified specialist.

The treatment is handled by a rheumatologist or therapist, in neglected cases of a surgeon.

If the patient has infectious diseases, then a consultation of such specialists as an infectious disease specialist, a pulmonologist is necessary.

To identify the cause and extent of the disease, a number of diagnostic studies are prescribed. It is very important to correctly identify and diagnose, as the clinical signs of arthritis have some similarities with other pathologies (arthrosis, arthropathy, etc.).

There are many methods for diagnosing arthritis, which include available laboratory and instrumental methods.

A general blood test is prescribed to determine the inflammatory process in the body. The analysis of blood for antibodies allows to determine antibodies to the causative agent of the disease.

This helps to choose the right tactic of drug treatment.

In addition, the patient must be examined. To this end, appoint:

  • Roentgen of the joints;
  • Resonance-magnetic tomography;
  • Computed tomography;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Arthroscopy.

With the help of an X-ray photograph, the presence of fluid, pus in the affected area can be determined. X-rays are usually performed in two projections.

Tomography allows you to identify abnormalities in the joint, ligaments and cartilage. Ultrasound diagnosis helps visualize the affected joint.

For more accurate diagnosis of purulent arthritis, use arthroscopy. This is a diagnostic study that is performed using a special endoscopic instrument.


Surgical manipulation is carried out as follows: the surgeon makes an incision of the skin in the joint region and introduces an endoscope. Using a special tube, the doctor examines the knee from the inside.


The camera is built in the tube, and the image of the affected area is displayed on the monitor. This method is used in severe and neglected cases.


The treatment of arthritis is aimed at eliminating the mechanisms of disease development, lowering of pain sensations while retaining limb mobility.

When purulent arthritis is prescribed a complex treatment, which consists of several stages.

The first stage of treatment involves the use of antibiotics, antibacterial, antihistamines. You can use antibiotics intramuscularly or intravenously. If the joint is deep, the medication is injected into the extremity.

Usually, drugs are used after determining the sensitivity of the infection to antibiotics.

With infection, a number of semisynthetic penicillins effectively fight: methicillin, oxacillin, ampicillin, and others. They have a wide spectrum of action.

Among antibiotics use cephalosporins, macrolides, lincomycin, etc.

Corticosteroid hormones with intra-articular administration reduce pain and inflammation. This drug is used only for symptom relief, but hormones can not eliminate the cause of the disease.

At the second stage of treatment, a puncture is prescribed to remove accumulated pus in the joint. One procedure will not give a positive result, therefore, to completely remove pus in the cavity, repeated punctures are performed.

After reducing pain, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy.

The doctor will choose a set of special exercises and procedures, taking into account the severity of the disease.


Use fizioprotsedury appropriate in conjunction with other methods of treatment. The main procedures for purulent arthritis are:

  1. Electrophoresis;
  2. UHF-therapy;
  3. Manual therapy;
  4. Magnetotherapy;
  5. Physiotherapy;
  6. Baths;
  7. Massage.

The use of several procedures will ease pain in the joints, improve their mobility.

The next stage of treatment involves limb immobilization. Affected joints should be at rest and not move. To fix the joint, you can use a tire or a tight bandage. These items will allow you to immobilize the joint.

Wear a tight bandage or a tire should not be more than 2 days, because it is possible to quickly relax the limb. After immobilization of the joint, relief should come, if the patient's condition does not improve, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If after the puncture there was no change for the better, then resort to surgical treatment - arthrotomy. From the affected area, pus is removed, the cavity is rinsed with an antiseptic solution and antibiotics are administered.

In the most neglected cases, even with ineffectiveness of arthrotomy, the surgeon can decide to remove the joint.

It's strictly forbidden to treat purulent arthritis yourself!

Any purulent infection in the body must be treated to prevent the onset of the disease.


To prevent the appearance of an acute purulent joint disease, you must follow the doctor's recommendations and closely monitor your health. This is especially true for people who are at risk.

Preventive measures include compliance with the following principles.

  1. It is necessary to control body weight.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Alternate rest and work.
  4. Correct the violations of the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Avoid prolonged exposure to cold.
  6. Timely treat infectious diseases.
  7. Visit the dentist 2 times a year.

Not only the condition of joints, bones, cartilage and muscle tissue depends on proper nutrition. Balanced nutrition affects the overall well-being of a person.

From animal fat will be abandoned, since they contain cholesterol, which can lead to the appearance of arteriosclerosis of blood vessels. As a result, blood supply to the extremities worsens.

Without fail, the diet should contain plant foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Rational nutrition should become a way of life for a person. In this case, it is necessary to eat right from time to time, but constantly, controlling your diet.

The most important element in the prevention of arthritis is therapeutic gymnastics. Classes contribute not only to improving the structure of cartilaginous tissue, but also the blood supply of blood vessels.

Exercises are carried out together with the instructor ЛФК. However, during work, you can also perform exercises, only you need to monitor your posture.

The load on the joints when performing therapeutic exercises should not be increased.


Excess weight gives an additional load on the joints and increases pressure, and this negatively affects the state of the limbs. It is important to monitor the body weight, not to overeat and not to admit obesity. If the weight is large, then stick to the diet and try to lose weight.


Observe the above recommendations are necessary for all people, especially those who are at risk.

When all recommendations are implemented, it is possible to minimize the impact of both internal and external factors in relation to not only the joints.

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A source: http://www.knigamedika.ru/kost/artropatii/gnojnyj-artrit.html

Purulent arthritis of the knee joint: causes, symptoms, treatment

Arthritis refers to a disease associated with the musculoskeletal system of the body. This disease is characterized by the development of the inflammatory process.

Basically, this disease affects the joints, which account for the greatest burden (knee and hip). The onset of arthritis of the knee joint makes itself felt by acute symptoms.

It is important to know that ignoring the disease (even at the initial stage) is not recommended, because as a result, chronic arthritis can occur.

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The most common arthritis of the knee is found among the elderly, there are also forms of the disease that even young children can suffer.

A little about the causes of purulent arthritis

The cause of the disease is mainly pathogenic microorganisms trapped in the soft tissues of the joint. As a result, the inflammatory process begins to develop.

In this case, as a rule, on the knee you can see redness of the skin, swelling, movements can be very painful. The result of puncture very often becomes the content of pus.

An example can be seen in the photo (fig. 1).

A slightly less common cause of purulent knee arthritis is a knee injury.

It is worth noting that often post-traumatic arthritis in the knee arises invisibly, the reasons for obtaining an insignificant injury can be very different:

  1. Excess weight of the patient.
  2. Work that requires a long stay on your feet.
  3. Pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system: the presence of osteomyelitis, congenital dislocation, previously obtained fractures.

Purulent arthritis of the knee joint can be caused by both infectious infection and deletion of the cartilaginous tissue. Very often this disease develops into a chronic form.

Without timely and qualified treatment, gouty, post-traumatic or psoriatic arthritis of the hip, as well as the knee joint, can lead to disability.

In some cases, the cause of purulent arthritis of the hip or knee joint becomes systematic lesions of connective tissues of the hip (knee) joints that can occur as a result of gout or rheumatism. In addition, the disease can cause a variety of genetic pathologies, which most often affect large joints.

Symptoms by which you can determine the type of arthritis of the knee and hip joints

Post-traumatic, psoriatic arthritis and other types of disease (regardless of the cause of their occurrence) are manifested by a number of basic signs:

  1. The patient complains of severe pain in the affected joint.

    Sometimes there is acute pain. Its presence can cause any (including passive) movement of the diseased limb.

  2. In the area of ​​the affected knee or hip joints there is edema and considerable reddening of the skin.
  3. The inflammatory process in most cases limits the mobility function of the affected joint.

    Most of this is noticeable in the initial stage of the disease. Running arthritis of the knee joint leads to the fact that as a result, it closes.

Post-traumatic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and other types may have some distinctive symptoms. So, for example, infectious purulent arthritis of the knee joint is manifested by fever, often accompanied by fever.

As for the cause of allergic gonarthritis, it usually becomes the reception of a drug or food product. This type of disease passes very quickly, the consequences do not remain.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a very serious disease. The real cause of the disease is difficult to identify.

In this case, rheumatoid disease is treated only symptomatically, which most often can only slow down the progression of the disease.

Often rheumatoid gonarthritis is manifested by the formation of rheumatoid nodules.

Post-traumatic arthritis can occur as a result of the resulting (domestic or sports) injury.

Such a trauma is dangerous because the process of destruction of the cartilage can begin as a result of a damaged knee joint.


Postural pathological arthritis is accompanied by acute intolerable pain, movement becomes limited.


Diagnosing deforming arthritis is the simplest, since all characteristics are clearly expressed. Swelling is noticeable, the area of ​​the affected joint has reddening. In most cases, deforming arthritis occurs when the disease is neglected.

Psoriatic arthritis has similar symptoms to previous types of disease. During the exacerbation of the disease, the patient can raise body temperature.

Pain sensations are characterized as stitching or pressing. Often without the use of an analgesic drug, you can not manage.

The affected joint should be in complete rest, movement should be limited.

Arthritis of the knee joint and the way it is treated

After identifying the cause of the disease and determining the degree of its severity, the doctor prescribes a course of individual treatment.

Posttraumatic, psoriatic arthritis or some other kind of this disease requires immediate treatment, which must necessarily be done by a specialist doctor.

Depending on the cause of the disease, the patient needs help from a bone-purulent surgeon, rheumatologist or traumatologist.

In addition to medical treatment, the patient needs specific therapy, therapeutic gymnastics, physiotherapy and a special diet.

If purulent arthritis of the knee arises from the infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

In most cases, this method of treatment removes the acute symptoms associated with inflammation in 3-4 days.

The motor function of the affected joint is gradually restored. It happens that the disease requires surgical intervention, while opening the joint bag and purulent removal.

If arthritis of the knee joint is aseptic, it may be sufficient to use a specially formulated ointment with anti-inflammatory ingredients. It should be borne in mind that, people who have ulcers, use them is not recommended, as this can cause an exacerbation.

Also, the disease is treated with anti-inflammatory injections, one of such drugs are Kenalog and Diprospan. Their use is prescribed for inflammation of not only the synovial membranes and joint surfaces, but also the tendons of the muscles and periosteum.

Diet for purulent knee arthritis

Treatment of this disease requires compliance with the diet. The fact is that gouty arthritis very often occurs due to metabolic disorders.

Psoriatic arthritis is important to treat not only medications, you need to exclude from your diet salting, spicy foods, alcohol.

Arthritis of the knee joint requires the use of products containing omega-3 fatty acids, attention should be paid to the use of marine fish and vegetable oils.

In addition, experts recommend that you include yellow and orange vegetables and fruits in your diet:

  • oranges;
  • carrot;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • pineapples;
  • lemons.

People who have arthritis of the knee joint should consume large amounts of pomegranate juice, with its help, inflammatory reactions will be less intense.

If the arthritis of the knee is in the acute stage, it is recommended to select a semi-bent position for the affected limb.

Under the knee, it is desirable to put a roller, try to provide the affected joint with complete peace.


Suppressing the exacerbation of the disease, the patient requires a course of therapeutic physical education. With the help of special gymnastics the patient has the opportunity to strengthen the nearby muscles and restore the motor function of the knee joint.


It is important that the exercises are regular, their implementation should not cause pain and discomfort.Feeling tired, gymnastics should be stopped.

Excessive workload can lead to complication of the disease, so all actions must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Arthritis of the knee joint is dangerous due to its consequences, therefore the damaged limb should be provided with the maximum protection, for this you can use, for example, a knee bandage.

Outside the exacerbation of the disease, the patient is recommended regular walks in the fresh air. It is very important to avoid hypothermia.

The use of compresses in the case of purulent arthritis is contraindicated.

Treatment of purulent knee arthritis should be timely, neglected stages of the disease can lead to disability. The first syndromes of the disease, with competent qualified treatment, pass without any consequences.

A correct and timely approach to treatment will not allow the transition of the disease to a chronic form.

With the help of medication prescribed by the attending physician, therapeutic physical exercises and proper nutrition, you can achieve excellent results.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

A source: http://artrozmed.ru/artrit/lechenie-gnojnogo-artrita-kolennogo-sustava.html

Purulent arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 6485

Purulent arthritis is an ailment of an acute nature, in which a certain joint in the human body is affected. The development of the disease is provoked by pyogenic bacteria.

The infection can penetrate into the joint cavity in various ways, but most often this is due to trauma with damage to the skin.

In most clinical cases, pathogenic bacteria "attack" the joints, which are most affected by the load.

Purulent arthritis in most cases alone does not leak. Usually it has a number of concomitant pathological conditions, such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • rheumatism and others.

Against the background of the progression of purulent arthritis of the ankle or hip joint, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other often develop.

The disease "attacks" mainly elderly people, but it is possible that in adults or children symptoms of pathology may appear due to trauma or other unfavorable factors.


The main causative agents of the disease are staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci. After penetration of microorganisms into the joint, the inflammatory process begins in it.

Infection into the human body can get in two ways - direct and lymphogenous. The direct path is observed with various injuries, wounds, surgical interventions or punctures. Lymphogenically, microorganisms spread throughout the human body.

This is often observed with lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis and other pathological conditions. Of the inflammation already present in the body, pathogenic microorganisms with blood flow penetrate into the synovial fluid, after which inflammation progresses in it.

Purulent arthritis sometimes progresses after infectious diseases such as pneumonia, influenza, or gonorrhea.

Microorganisms most often "attack" the knee, hip, elbow and ankle joints. In newborns and in young children, acute purulent inflammation progresses in isolated cases. Most often in children, this ailment can develop during the learning process of walking.

The risk group for purulent arthritis includes people:

  • who have a deficiency of essential trace elements in the body;
  • with excessive mass;
  • people of retirement age;
  • athletes;
  • having various hereditary pathologies;
  • with various metabolic disorders.


Depending on the way in which microorganisms penetrated the joint cavity, purulent arthritis may be primary (due to traumatization of the joint) and secondary (due to the penetration of infection from the already existing in the body hearth).

Depending on the amount of tissue damage, clinicians distinguish 3 types of the disease:

  • purulent arthritis, in which the joint elements are not subjected to destructive changes;
  • suppurative arthritis, in which destructive changes concern cartilage, capsule and ligaments;
  • purulent osteoarthritis with osteomyelitis of bones, as well as destructive changes in articular cartilage.

Depending on the localization of the lesion:

  • purulent lesion of the ankle.This form is very dangerous, as the bone and soft tissues quickly rot. As a result of the progression of the ankle joint, its complete degeneration can occur. With this form of pathology, sepsis and deformity of the foot are often observed. If you suspect a purulent lesion of the ankle joint, it is recommended to immediately consult a qualified specialist for diagnosis and prescribing the correct course of treatment. Purulent arthritis of the ankle can cause disability;
  • purulent lesion of the elbow joint.Just like the purulent lesion of the ankle, this form is very dangerous. But in this case the disease develops again, against the background of infectious ailments, fractures, wounds. The defeat of the elbow joint usually proceeds according to the type of phlegmon of the joint bag;
  • hip joint damage.The first symptoms of ailment are difficulty in walking, pain in the groin and pain when pressure is applied to the affected leg. If the hip joint is not remedied in time, then in the future its movements may be limited. With the development of this disease, the cartilage structures of the hip joint are primarily damaged. The main signs of purulent lesion in the hip joint: pain at the pressure on the leg from the side of lesion localization, temperature increase, increased level of ESR and leukocytes. If the hip joint is severely affected, it can cause disability;
  • purulent arthritis of the knee joint.It develops and progresses as a result of penetration of microflora into the joint due to trauma (a frequent case), injuries and so on. For the disease is characterized by a pronounced pain syndrome, redness and swelling in the lesion;
  • purulent arthritis of the shoulder joint.This form is dangerous because it can lead to the decomposition of cartilage, the emergence of abscesses. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the inflammatory process as soon as possible. Doctors often resort to an operative intervention - the joint cavity is washed with special disinfectant solutions. After this, a whole complex of therapeutic measures is adopted, which will help to reverse the inflammation.

Arthritis of the knee joint


The disease can occur in an acute and chronic variant, each of which has its own characteristic symptoms. The acute form of the pathology develops suddenly and for it the following signs are characteristic:

  • swelling in the site of joint localization;
  • elevated temperature;
  • joint pain in joint;
  • weakness and malaise;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea;
  • over the place of localization of the pathological process, there is hyperemia of the skin.

When palpation, the patient feels severe pain. The doctor can also test the accumulation of pathological exudates in the focus of inflammation.

The chronic form of the disease predominantly progresses after an injury, because of which an infection enters the joint. After this, the affected area swells and inflames.

Swelling and redness are noted, but these symptoms are poorly expressed. Pain syndrome is noted with passive and active actions in the joint.

Periodically it subsides, and then it reappears.


In the case of manifestations of an ankle, hip, elbow or other joint lesion, a person should urgently consult a good doctor. Treatment of purulent arthritis is performed by a therapist or a rheumatologist. In more advanced cases, the surgeon's assistance may be required.

In order to identify the cause and extent of the ailment, doctors prescribe several diagnostic procedures. It is also important to carry out competent differential diagnostics, since the signs of arthritis of the ankle, hip or other joints are very similar to those of other pathologies.

The standard diagnostic program includes laboratory and instrumentation techniques.

Laboratory research:

  • UAC;
  • AK on antibodies;
  • OAM.

Instrumental research:

  • arthroscopy;
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound;
  • MRI;
  • CT.

Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint


Treatment of purulent arthritis is aimed at deactivation of mechanisms of pathology, reduction of pain syndrome and preservation of limb functionality. With this pathology treatment should be only complex, and it consists of 2 stages.

First step

Doctors resort to the use of antibacterial and antihistamines. The introduction of antibiotics is carried out both in / m and / in. If the joint injury is already quite deep, then the active drug is injected directly into its cavity.

Usually antibacterial therapy begins after the results of studies on the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics have been obtained. The most appropriate for the disease to use semisynthetic penicillins: ampicillin or methicillin.

In severe pain syndrome, corticosteroid hormones are injected into the joint cavity. They help alleviate pain, and also eliminate inflammation.

Second phase

After a decrease in the manifestation of symptoms of the pathology, a puncture is prescribed. Its main goal is to remove from the articular cavity, accumulated in it purulent exudate. One procedure will not give a positive result, so it will be necessary to hold it several times.

Electrophoresis for arthritis

After reduction of the pain syndrome, the patient is referred to physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • massage;
  • electrophoresis;
  • physiotherapy;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • baths;
  • magnetotherapy.

If after the puncture, there is no improvement in the patient's condition, then they resort to an operative intervention - arthrotomy. From the joint, remove all the pus that has accumulated in it, rinse the cavity with antiseptics and inject antibiotics into it.


  • control of body weight;
  • regularly engage in physical education;
  • alternation of the period of activity with a rest period;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely identify and correct violations of the musculoskeletal system;
  • to treat infectious ailments.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Synovitis (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 12)

Synovitis is an inflammatory process, localized on the inner shell of the joint capsule.

The danger of ailment lies in the fact that often it proceeds almost painlessly.

Because of this, people postpone the visit to the doctor and in time do not start a full-fledged treatment of synovitis.

... Chlamydial arthritis (coinciding symptoms: 6 of 12)

Chlamydial arthritis is a pathological condition of the autoimmune type, which progresses due to the penetration of chlamydia into the human body.


The main way of transmission of the pathogen is sexual (from an infected partner to a healthy partner).


The disease is diagnosed mainly in representatives of both sexes, who are in a sexually active age - from 20 to 45 years.

... Polyarthritis (coinciding symptoms: 5 of 12)

Arthritis, as is probably known to many, is a single inflammation of the joint. If it is a question of inflammation of several joints, then already the actuality acquires such a disease as polyarthritis.

Polyarthritis, the symptoms of which are characterized by the extreme severity of their own manifestations, under the influence of various causes, and therefore each patient has a different course of this disease.

... Arthritis of the knee joint (coinciding symptoms: 5 of 12)

Inflammatory process, manifested in the form of pain symptoms of the musculoskeletal system and affecting predominantly knee joints, is called arthritis of the knee joint.

The disease manifests itself not only in people of advanced age, but also affects adults and even children. Arthritis of the knee joint is manifested in the form of characteristic signs of pain in the patella and the joint itself.

In this case, it is very difficult for a person not only to walk, but also to perform flexion and extension of legs.

... Bursitis of the elbow joint (coinciding symptoms: 5 of 12)

Bursitis is an inflammatory process in the joint bag (bursa). Affects the disease of any of the joints, and one of the most frequent is the bursitis of the elbow joint.


It has a characteristic course: the symptoms manifest gradually, which prevents timely diagnosis, and eventually leads to loss of ability to work, which is caused by the peculiarities of the structure of the joint.


According to ICD-10, the disease is denoted by the code M70.3.


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A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/1080-gnojnyj-artrit-simptomy

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