
Presses the heart: possible diseases, diagnosis, what to do

From this article you will learn: why there is a pressing pain in the heart area, what symptoms it can accompany. What to do with this. What treatment can appoint or nominate. Contents of the article: Pressing heart pain in cardiovascular diseases Pressing in the heart for psychological problems Davit in the cardiac region of lung diseases Diagnosis of pressing pain Treatment of The causes of pressing pain in the heart area can be different. Painful sensations...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Overview of skin hyperemia: causes of pathology, types, treatment

From this article you will learn: what does skin hyperemia, why it arises and how to distinguish the usual natural redness from pathological. You will understand the causes of skin hyperemia on the face and other parts of the body, how to cure these conditions. The causes of skin hyperemia Types of pathology Characteristic symptoms Hyperemia of the face How to cure hyperemia The color of the human skin is determined by the pigment content, the thickness and trans...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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Review of gastric bleeding: causes, diagnosis, treatment

From this article you will learn about the causes, manifestations, methods of detection and therapy of a terrible complication of various pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract - bleeding. Depending on the location, there is bleeding gastric, intestinal, esophagic. Contents of the article: Types of gastric bleeding Causes of occurrence Characteristic symptoms Diagnostic methods Treatment First aid Complications Forecast Gastric bleed...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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What is a cava filter, to whom and when it is installed, the effectiveness of implantation

From this article you will learn: what is a cava filter, what indications it is placed in the lower vena cava, how to prepare for the procedure of its implantation. The course of the installation and the course of the postoperative period. Contents of the article: Types of cava filters Indications for implantation Contraindications Preparing for procedure Conducting implantation Postoperative period Possible complications A cava filter( abbreviated CF)...

  • 19-Jun-2018
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Characteristics of intestinal bleeding: causes and treatment

From this article you will learn: what is intestinal bleeding. Causes and treatment. Contents of the article: Causes of pathology Symptoms of intestinal bleeding Diagnosis Treatment of intestinal bleeding Forecast for Disease Intestinal bleeding is the secretion of blood into the lumen of the small or large intestine. Blood is excreted from the damaged intestinal wall and sooner or later leaves the body naturally by defecation. And the nature of the blood in t...

  • 20-Jun-2018
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A full description of hypovolemic shock: the reasons for what to do

From this article you will learn: what is hypovolemic shock, under what diseases it develops and how it manifests itself. Principles of diagnosis, first aid and treatment in this condition. Causes of hypovolemic shock Symptoms of pathology Diagnosis Stages and degrees of hypovolemic shock Treatment of hypovolemic shock, first aid Forecast Hypovolemic shock is a life-threatening condition in which rapid loss of body fluid leads to severe disruption of manydue to...

  • 21-Jun-2018
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Shortness of breath with heart failure: causes, treatment, prognosis

From this article you will learn: what is dyspnea on the background of heart failure, how dangerous is it. Characteristic features of cardiac dyspnea, the causes of appearance. Symptoms and complications, which in dyspnea with heart failure treatment, predictions for recovery. Contents of the article: Mechanism of development of cardiac dyspnea Causes of Symptoms Complications Treatment methods Forecasts Lack of air in motion or resting state is the most c...

  • 22-Jun-2018
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Characteristic symptoms and treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia in women

From this article you will learn: what are the symptoms of vegetative vascular dystonia in women. Review of treatment methods. Contents of the article: Symptoms of pathology in women Treatment of Symptoms of pathology in women Signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia in patients of both sexes are incredibly diverse. Usually patients describe their feelings extremely emotionally and brightly. The representatives of the fair sex are more verbose when listing the complaints...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Sinus rhythm: what is it, what looks like on the ECG, possible violations

From this article you will learn: what is the sinus rhythm of the heart, what can its deviations be, learn how to determine the signs of a normal and pathological sinus rhythm from the ECG. The concept and characteristics of sinus rhythm What may be the violations of How does the sinus rhythm look like in norm and with deviations By the sinus rhythm of the heart is meant the regular contraction of all parts of the myocardium due to exciting electrical impulses from the si...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Why there are bruises on my legs without blows, diagnosis, prognosis

From this article you will find out: what diseases can the bruises on legs show without a cause in women and men. What to do if you have bruises( or, in other words, bruises) without blows. To what doctor to address, how diagnostics and treatment will be carried out. Causes of Causes of Accompanying symptoms Diagnosis Treatment and prognosis Bruising without injuries to the legs and other parts of the body appear due to the weakness of the vascular walls, increased ...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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