Strabismus in newborns: when it passes

All parents are worried when their baby's eyes are squinting.And without exception, everyone is interested in when this strabismus passes, and whether it is dangerous. Parents are not worried for nothing. Strabismus is a serious problem requiring special attention. Fortunately, it can be cured, but if you do not, then in the future it will affect the quality of the child's vision.In this article, we will discuss very important questions: why there is strabismus, how to diagnose and treat it.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Strabismus (strabismus) is a violation of the position of the eye, which appears as a result of the weakness of the eye muscles and the lack of control of their work from the side of the brain, which has not yet learned this.Newborn babies can not adjust the position of the eyes, which is why their eyeballs are pointed in different directions. This does not go unnoticed, and parents begin to look for the cause.

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Strabismus is a common phenomenon in babies.In the first month after the birth of the child, the signs of strabismus should not frighten Mom and Dad, since everything happens within the framework of physiology.Over time, the muscles of the eyes will become stronger, and then the child will be able to control the movement of the eyeballs. This may take from two months to six months.

If four months or six months later the baby's eyes continue to mow, then you need to turn to the ophthalmologist. The doctor should help and give recommendations for solving the problem with strabismus.

There is a different classification of strabismus:

  1. By the form of the deviation, it is convergent(esotropia), divergent (exotropy), vertical and mixed. With convergent strabismus, the eyes move toward the bridge of the nose, and with the divergent approach to the temple. Vertical strabismus is characterized by the shift of the eyes upwards (hypertropy) or down (hypotrophy).
  2. By time of occurrence: congenital strabismus and acquired.
  3. On the involvement of the eye it is divided into a monolateral and alternating one.Monolateral (one-sided) strabismus - mowing one eye, alternating (alternating) - alternate mowing.
  4. By deviation time: constant strabismus and periodic.

Allocate friendly strbizm, which has three types:

  1. Accommodation.It manifests itself two or three years after birth. The accommodative strabismus arises from the presence of myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. To help the baby, the doctor prescribes corrective glasses or lenses for him and treatment on special devices.
  2. Partially-accommodative and non-accommodative.These types of strabismus may appear one to two years after birth. Glasses and lenses in this case can not completely help get rid of strabismus, so a surgical operation is required.

Paralytic strabismus manifests itself in the fact that the eye can not move at all, or its movement is limited.It occurs in the case of muscles or nerves. Paralytic strabismus can be congenital or acquired (the result of injuries, infections).

In most cases, newborn children have convergent strabismus, rarely divergent. In all cases, the baby should be shown to the ophthalmologist. A favorable outcome will depend on timely assistance to the child.


The most basic cause of strabismus in children is still undeveloped eye muscles.Over time, they will grow stronger and be able to keep their eyes in the right position.

Convergent strabismus in the early stages of the development of the baby's visual system

Strabismus can occur in the baby, if his mother had a difficult pregnancy and childbirth.With complications during pregnancy, hypoxia may occur, problems with blood supply to the fetus.This can lead to micro hemorrhages in the child's brain. The same happens with difficult births. If there was a hemorrhage, then strabismus can not be cured without surgery.

If the baby's field of birth is ill with the flu, a cold infection, measles and so on, that is the probability of occurrence of strabismus. During illness the child's eyes need less fatigue. As a result of stress, experience, the child may experience periodic strabismus. After he calms down, his eyes will stop mowing.

Strabismus can be transmitted by inheritance. If one of the parents had such problems, it is possible that the child will also have strabismus.


  • Eyes can not move together.
  • It is impossible to simultaneously direct both eyes to the same point.
  • One eye can mow and close under the influence of bright light.
  • Necessity in turning the head to look at the object.
  • The perception of space is violated (collision with objects when moving).

Strabismus can not be, it can only seem in the event that the baby has a wide nose bridge.


In order for a specialist to diagnose strabismus, he only needs to look at the baby's eyes. Usually, the presence of strabismus is always obvious.

To determine the mowing eye, the ophthalmologist asks the child to observe the object, alternately closing and opening the eyes. With the help of this technique, amblyopia can be diagnosed (visual impairment of the mowing eye), which is a frequent companion of strabismus.


Treatment of strabismus in newborns can be carried out in two ways: therapeutically and surgically.Therapeutic treatment takes quite a long time.The main thing is that it began as early as possible.Therapeutic treatment is as follows:

  1. First, a complex diagnosis is carried out. It is necessary in order to determine the type of strabismus and the causes of its appearance.
  2. After this, a vision correction is performed using glasses or contact lenses.
  3. Amblyopia is treated to improve visual acuity.
  4. Then the treatment is aimed at the development of binocular vision. Orthoptic and diplomatic procedures are conducted.
  5. Strengthening the effect of treatment.
  6. After this, work on stereoscopic vision takes place.

Surgical intervention is used when it is necessary to eliminate the external manifestations of strabismus. The operation is aimed at aligning the muscles of the eyes and improving the eyesight.However, there is no guarantee that vision will be restored completely. In most cases, one operation is required, but if necessary, after a couple of years, do the second.After surgery, the baby will have to wear glasses.

Cure strabismus can help special exercises for the eyes. In modern ophthalmology rooms there are special simulators and apparatus.

There are modern methods of treating strabismus - this is reflexotherapy.For this, the toddler is made with a point massage of the nerve centers, which affect the work of the eye muscles. It is an additional method to the basic treatment.


With strobism, the brain perceives information that comes only from the normal eye.As a result, the mowing eye begins to lose its sight, since the brain does not need its participation in the work. In addition, strabismus affects the formation of personality.The child grows, this defect begins to embarrass him.


In order for a child not to develop strabismus, it is necessary to work as early as possible to strengthen the eye muscles and restore the work of both eyes.You also need to put as little stress on your child as possible. Often strabismus in babies appears due to quarrels of parents, severe fright. Above the crib, you can hang a large bright toy. It should hang at a distance of half a meter from the eyes. So the child is easier to focus the look.

Do not stay with the newborn in front of the TV. The hearing of the kids is very good, so they begin to look for the source of the sound with their eyes. In addition, there is an overexcitement of the nervous system.



Refractive therapy for restoring the vision of night lenses.

Can you cure farsighted astigmatism in children read in this article.

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Vision in newborn children is only being formed, so strabismus in newborns is not a reason for strong experiences. It is natural for babies who have just appeared, because the muscles of the eyes are not yet strong enough.

Parents should remember that if the strabism persists for four months, you should visit an ophthalmologist. Compliance with preventive measures will avoid serious problems. Moreover, strabismus in adults has a more severe stage and may not even be cured.

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