Traumatology And Orthopedics

Pain under the right scapula: causes and treatment

Overstepping the forty-year boundary, almost every one of us knows the cause of aching pain in the sternum and under the scapula on the left side. In eighty percent of this way, the back or heart signals any disruptions in their work or elementary overwork. But the causes of pain under the scapula on the right side usually remain beyond our understanding. As a rule, in this area there are so-called irradiation pains that are localized at a distance from the focus of inflammation. But an expe...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Lumbar osteochondrosis - symptoms, causes and treatment

Pain in the back or waist is the most frequent complaint of patients in general medical practice.They occupy the second place (after respiratory diseases) according to the frequency of requesting medical care. There are a large number of diseases that lead to the onset of pain. But the most frequent cause is osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, the symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in this material. More recently, medicine believed this state of age-related changes in the spi...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Reactive arthritis - symptoms and treatment

Reactive arthritis (ReA) is an inflammatory lesion of the joints, which occurs as a reaction to the invasion of any infectious agents. It is important to note that the joint cavity retains its sterility (that is, the inflammation is aseptic). Deep causes of ReA still remain uncovered. It is believed that the infection plays the role of a trigger, which in the presence of a genetic predisposition triggers an immunopathological reaction. Causes This disease can be triggered by various bacteria...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine

Intervertebral hernia is a degenerative disease of the intervertebral disc, characterized by a violation of its integrity and structure. Our spine consists of 24 vertebrae, between which are located intervertebral discs. They represent the formation of a flexible outer ring (fibrous ring) and a pulpous core (a soft gelatinous substance filling the central part of the disc). Intervertebral hernia of the lumbosacral spine, like many diseases of the spine, is associated with a violation of the ...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Osteoarthritis of the hip - symptoms and complex treatment

Hip arthrosis( coxarthrosis) is a chronic, progressively progressive disease, in the absence of timely and proper treatment can result in a complete loss of movement in it. The end-of-oz indicates that the predominant is not the inflammatory, but the degenerative process. Symptoms of this disease vary depending on the stage. At the outset, it is a barely noticeable discomfort that occurs when walking and exercising. Perhaps the manifestation in the form of mild pain in the region of th...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Scoliosis - photos, symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Scoliosis is a stable lateral curvature of the spine in the right or left side relative to its axis in the frontal plane. Its symptoms are easily seen from the side of another person, however it is difficult to diagnose in oneself. As the disease progresses, there is a secondary deformation of the chest and pelvis, accompanied by a violation of the function of the heart, lungs and pelvic organs. The disease was known in ancient times. The term means - a curve, a curved vertebral column...

  • 18-Jun-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Bone on the big toe: treatment at home

Slender beautiful legs in shoes on high heels, of course, look very impressive, but many women such shoes threatens the appearance of deformation of the joints on the big toes. Such bones lead to a change in the position of the thumb and outward protrusion of the joint. If you contact the ossicles on your thumbs with the orthopedist, he will diagnose "valgus deformity of the foot." The development of such pathology is typical for women, because due to the peculiarities of their organism, the...

  • 07-Jul-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Pincing, sciatica inflammation - symptoms and treatment

As is known, the sciatic nerve starts from the lumbosacral plexus and, descending along the leg, branches into two directions - the tibial and peroneal nerves. His pinching is accompanied by acute pain, which affects both limbs and limits the movement of the patient. To remove symptoms of sciatic nerve inflammation and to correct the situation with a pinch can only complex treatment, which includes physiotherapy treatment and a set of special exercises. However, in an acute period, dru...

  • 26-Jun-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

Pain in the knees: causes and methods of treatment

The knee joint is one of the most complex joints of the human body. This "uneasy" device combined with a constant load makes the joint very vulnerable. In this regard, it is not surprising that for life at least once each of us experienced pain in the knee - dumb, aching, sharp muffled or even intolerable. Sometimes unpleasant feelings bother people only while walking or flexing-extending their legs, in some cases - regularly. The nature of pain in the knee joint, as well as the causes that ...

  • 27-Jun-2018
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Traumatology And Orthopedics

How to treat osteochondrosis of the spine

What is it: osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, in which the intervertebral discs( and later the bodies of the vertebrae, joints and ligaments) lose their ability to function normally. Until recently, the disease was considered to be an age-related disease, but over the past decades it has become noticeably younger and affects young people aged 18 to 30 mercilessly. Osteochondrosis is classified in the place of its localization - lumbar, cervical, thoracic, sacral and widespread...

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