Ankle And Foot

The jaw hurts when chewing and opening the mouth: the causes

Content 1The jaw hurts when you open your mouth and chew 1.1Traumatic disorders 1.2Dental disturbances 1.3Neurological disorders 1.4Lesion of the facial artery 1.5Disturbance of the functionality of the maxillofacial joint 1.6Carotidinia 1.7Osteogenic sarcoma 1.8What if my jaw aches? 2Why does the cheekbone and jaw ache near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew 2.1Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful t...

  • 22-Aug-2018
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  • 8
  • 431
Ankle And Foot

Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint: what is it? exercises, rehabilitation

Content 1Rehabilitation after arthroscopy of the shoulder joint 1.1Causes of pain in the shoulder 1.2Surgical procedure 1.3Features of the rehabilitation period 1.4Exercise stress 1.5Advantages of arthroscopy 2Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint: minimally invasive treatment of shoulder pain 2.1Advantages of arthroscopy of the shoulder joint 2.2Readers often study together with this material: 2.3The editor has found for you two more interesting materials: 2.4Preparing for an ope...

  • 24-Aug-2018
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  • 9
  • 533

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