The jaw hurts when chewing and opening the mouth: the causes


  • 1The jaw hurts when you open your mouth and chew
    • 1.1Traumatic disorders
    • 1.2Dental disturbances
    • 1.3Neurological disorders
    • 1.4Lesion of the facial artery
    • 1.5Disturbance of the functionality of the maxillofacial joint
    • 1.6Carotidinia
    • 1.7Osteogenic sarcoma
    • 1.8What if my jaw aches?
  • 2Why does the cheekbone and jaw ache near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew
    • 2.1Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew: the reasons
    • 2.2The jaw bone is near the ear and the muscle, when pressed: causes
    • 2.3The jaw cracked and it hurt: what to do?
    • 2.4The jaw clicks on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone at the opening of the mouth: what to do?
    • 2.5Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?
    • 2.6The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?
    • 2.7The joint of the jaw aches near the ear: treatment
    • 2.8Arthrosis of the jaw: medication and folk remedies
    • 2.9: Why does the jaw click?
  • instagram viewer
  • 3The jaw hurts when opening the mouth and when chewing: treatment
    • 3.1Anatomical and functional features of the jaw
    • 3.2Factors contributing to the occurrence of pain in the jaw
    • 3.3Damage to tissues due to injuries
    • 3.4Dislocations (subluxations)
    • 3.5Contusions
    • 3.6Fractures
    • 3.7Diseases that lead to tissue inflammation and pus formation
    • 3.8Installation of dentures and structures that provide correction of occlusion
    • 3.9Different types of neoplasms
    • 3.10Diseases in which pain in the jaw is noted near the auricle
    • 3.11Neurological diseases
    • 3.12Diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels
    • 3.13What else can be caused by pain in the jaw
    • 3.14Healing measures
  • 4The jaw is aching when chewing: possible causes, diagnosis, therapy methods
    • 4.1Causes
    • 4.2Injuries
    • 4.3Consequences of wearing dentures or braces
    • 4.4Dental diseases
    • 4.5Teething wisdom teeth
    • 4.6Malocclusion
    • 4.7Pyoinflammatory diseases
    • 4.8Tumors
    • 4.9Neuralgia
    • 4.10Pain next to the ear
    • 4.11Diagnostics
    • 4.12Methods of treatment
    • 4.13Prevention
    • 4.14Reviews

The jaw hurts when you open your mouth and chew

Many people are faced with a problem associated with pain in the jaw area when opening the mouth or when chewing. The causes of this phenomenon can be diverse.

Often, painful jaws can appear due to traumatic injuries of the maxillofacial joint, inflammation in the trigeminal or facial nerves, gum disease and dental diseases. Quite often, the ear and the temple are involved in pathology.

Let's consider the main causes of painful sensations in the jaw.

Why does the jaw hurts when you open your mouth and chew?

Traumatic disorders

The most common damage to this area of ​​the skeleton is as a result of a car accident, a fall or a severe blow to the jaw.

So, with a bruise, there may be swelling of the bruised area, tenderness when touching, hemorrhage.

Discomfort with an injury will increase during an attempt to open your mouth or chew food, can give in the ear. Within 4-5 days, the symptoms may decrease and disappear.

There are also subluxations or dislocations of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, normal closing of the mouth is impossible, and chewing even very soft food causes severe pain.

In some cases, the jaw crunches while moving, without causing significant pain. The patient feels a shift of the jaw in one direction.

In this case, only the traumatologist will get rid of the problem.

The most dangerous jaw injury is a fracture. The pain in this case is intense and permanent, in the area of ​​damage there is a significant swelling and areas of bruising.

With complex and numerous fractures, the jaw crunches in several places, which is accompanied by sharp pain. An early visit to a doctor will undoubtedly speed up the recovery process.

However, even the most favorable outcome requires prolonged care and treatment.

The most dangerous jaw injury is a fracture

Dental disturbances

The pain in the jaw during movement can be caused by such dental problems as: periodontitis, pulpitis, inflammatory lesions of the dental nerves.

With these pathologies, the pain is pulsating, aching, discomfort is worse at night, with chewing and freezing.

There may also be a numbness in the soft tissues near the jaw, headaches may be aggravated, and the ear may also become inflamed.


Started pulpitis or caries can become a trigger factor in the formation of odontogenic osteomyelitis. Osteomyelitis involves the defeat of the jaw bone of an infectious nature.


This disease can be manifested by high body temperature, marked reddening of the skin above the area of ​​damage, a general weakness. Soreness can be felt in the ear.

The dentist diagnoses this disease, but confirms a general blood test and an x-ray of the lower jaw. The slightest suspicion of the presence of osteomyelitis requires an immediate appeal to a specialist.

Infection in the absence of treatment can easily involve the brain in the pathological process.

A common cause of pain in the jaw is the eruption of the tooth of "wisdom." This process can cause a lot of pain in the jaw, and perhaps the ear, which is associated with inflammation of the adjacent tissue, and sometimes abnormal ingrowth of the tooth.

Pain in the jaw can be caused by dental problems

Neurological disorders

Pain in the jaw region can be caused by inflammation of the nerves. Neuritis most often occur as a result of hypothermia, being in a draft.

Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve is accompanied by a boring and burning pain in the jaw on one side (right or left) and the face as a whole, which becomes more intense at night, with cooling of the affected area and during the opening mouth.

Neuritis of the upper laryngeal nerve is manifested by intense pain in the region of the right or left half of the lower jaw.

With neuritis of the glossopharyngeal nerve, the patient makes complaints about the intense pain in the thickness of the tongue and the tissues underneath it, gives to the jaw.

Treatment of neuritis can include non-steroid drugs, analgesics, decongestants, antibacterial and antiviral medicines, if necessary. A good effect can be obtained if the pathology is treated not only medically, but also using the method of physiotherapy.

Lesion of the facial artery

Damage to this inflammatory vessel (arteritis) causes pain and burning sensation throughout the artery, there is numbness in the soft tissues of the chin, cheekbone, upper lip. Treatment of this pathology should include glucocorticoids and cytostatics.

Disturbance of the functionality of the maxillofacial joint

Such disorders are associated with damage to the masticatory muscle, which is the connecting link between the lower jaw and the skull.

Violation of the functional abilities of the jaw can be caused by an incorrect bite or hypothermia, a wide opening of the mouth, or intense chewing movements. The pain in the jaw near the ear (near the joint) thus gives in whiskey and on the cheeks.

Any movement in the affected area can be accompanied by a click or discomfort. Treatment of violations of the functionality of the jaw requires a competent and integrated approach.

The violation of the functions of the maxillofacial joint is also one of the causes of pain


This pathology is considered a form of migraine. In this case, pulsating pain in the jaw region occurs without noticeable causes and disappears on its own, sometimes it gives into the ear and the temple.

Osteogenic sarcoma

Sarcoma is malignant bone formation.

One of the earliest signs of this pathology in the jaw joint is pain during chewing or opening the oral cavity.

The ear can also be involved in the pathological process, which is explained by its proximity. Treatment of this disease should be conducted under the supervision of an experienced oncologist.

What if my jaw aches?

Most pathologies that cause pain in the jaw joint or the jaw itself require competent medical care.

An inflamed ear can also indicate possible damage to the jaw-temporal joint and jaw. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary methods of research and understand: why does the jaw and ear ache.

That is why it is so important to seek help in a timely manner, with the appearance of the first signs of pathology. To use any attempts to eliminate the problems in these cases is considered to be unacceptable.


Illiterate attempt to get rid of the problem can seriously aggravate the disease and the general condition of the patient.


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Why does the cheekbone and jaw ache near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew

If the cheekbone or jaw hurts, treatment is prescribed medication, folk remedies or physiotherapy procedures. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right treatment tactics for the disease.

Pain in the cheekbone, jaw, near the ear is a frightening symptom. Such pain can indicate the presence of a large number of diseases in organs and systems. Teeth, ears, gums, lymph nodes, sinuses, soft facial tissues - diseases associated with these organs lead to pain.

  • If there are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the cheekbone, you should immediately consult a doctor. But it is important to know to which doctor to go: dentist, otolaryngologist, surgeon or another.
  • It is better to first turn to the therapist, who will be able to refer to the necessary specialist. When diagnosing doctors help different laboratories, instrumental methods.
  • To understand the factors of the appearance of pain, you can consider possible causes using a special algorithm of actions. So, the jaw hurts, painfully crunched, when chewing, pain arises - what to do in these cases and where to go? These and other questions are answered in this article.

Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew: the reasons

Why the cheekbone hurts, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it is painful to chew: the reasons

If there is a pain in the jaw, then you do not need to entertain yourself with hopes that it will pass by itself.

Such a symptom occurs when a serious illness appears that needs to be treated.

If this is not done in a timely manner, the condition may worsen and the disease may develop into a chronic stage.

The causes of pain in the cheekbones, the jaw near the ear on the left and right, and when it is painful to chew:

  • Diseases of the dento-maxillary apparatus, gums and temporomandibular joint. These problems are dealt with by doctors, dentists, maxillofacial surgeons. If there were jaw abscesses and phlegmon, then you need an operating dentist.
  • Inflammation of nasal sinuses. On the sides of the nose are the maxillary sinuses, and behind the ear there is a cavity located inside the appendage of the temporal bone. The mucosa of this cavity can become inflamed and give aching pain in the cheekbone area. Such problems are handled by an ENT specialist.
  • Diseases of the larynx, tonsils and tissues near them.The disease appears in consequence of a purulent-inflammatory process, an infectious disease and a tumor. Cure such a pathology can ENT doctor.
  • Disease of the peripheral nervous system.Nerve cells become inflamed, causing accumulation of processes and pain. Refer to a therapist or neurologist.
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes. They become inflamed if infected lymph from the nose, larynx or ears gets into their tissues. Diseases of this system are practiced by therapists or pediatricians (in children).
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Why does the cheekbone hurt, the jaw near the ear on the left and on the right, it's painful to chew?

If the diseases start, delaying the trip to the doctor, then other accompanying, no less complex pathologies can develop:

  • Purulent and inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon.
  • Infections in the mouth, nose, or ears.
  • Dismetabolic abnormalities in the electrolyte balance.
  • Injuries - may appear due to a strong opening of the mouth when yawning, opening the bottles with bottles and other hard or metal caps.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation of peripheral vessels and nerves.

If the jaw hurts after going to the dentist or removing the tooth, then we urgently need to turn to this specialist. Consultation may not be needed if a bracket system has been installed.

In this case, an easy or tolerable pain occurs when a correct occlusion is formed.

But, if such a condition does not pass after 2 months, then consultation of the treating dentist is necessary.

Why does the cheekbone, the jaw near the ear on the left and right hurt?

The jaw bone is near the ear and the muscle, when pressed: causes

The jaw bone is near the ear and the muscle, when pressed: causes

Such pain can be associated with both dental problems and diseases of nerve endings. What are the causes of pain in the jaw bone near the ear and in the muscles when pressed? Several important factors:

  • Injury- A strong blow to the head may lead to a violation of the integrity of the facial bone. Constant aching pain, and also when pressed.
  • Teething wisdom tooth. This process is almost always accompanied by painful sensations, some people have less, others have more. There may be pain when pressed into the cheekbone area.
  • Jaw osteomyelitis- a disease that affects the entire bone. The cause of its occurrence are active pathogenic microorganisms, which make their way to the root canals. The pain is strong and aching.
  • Caries and pulpitiscan cause painful sensations, which intensify at night, especially when pressing on the cheekbone in the area of ​​sick teeth.
  • Arteritis- pain in the form of burning in the jaw area.
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction- pain when opening the mouth and chewing food, when pressed.
  • Furuncles, fistulas, phlegmon and abscesses- The jaw hurts when pressed and at rest.

The jaw bone is near the ear and muscles, when pressed

Any unpleasant sensations can not be ignored! In the case of pain in the jaw area, when pressed, at night or if discomfort is permanent, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The jaw cracked and it hurt: what to do?

The jaw cracked and it hurt: what to do?

Often the jaw crunches when yawning. But, if the mouth is opened too wide, then there may be pain in addition to the crunch. It does not pass for a long time, and appears during chewing, opening the mouth or even at rest. What if the jaw cracked and hurt?

If the pain does not go away the next day, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such symptoms can occur in serious diseases:

  • jaw arthritis;
  • bursitis;
  • sprain of jaw muscles;
  • dislocation of jaw joints.

The doctor will examine and appoint a picture. If the joints are in order, then the doctor can prescribe UHF and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Within 5-7 days after the passage of physiotherapy procedures, the pain will pass.

The jaw clicks on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone at the opening of the mouth: what to do?

The jaw clicks on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone at the opening of the mouth: what to do?

Clicking during the opening of the mouth is often painless. Only discomfort is felt and a characteristic sound is heard.

  • Many get used to such a crunch and stop paying attention to it.
  • This condition is explained by the fact that the jaw joint leaves the joint bag during movement. It shifts to the side and when you return to the place, you hear a crunch.
  • This can occur because of the resulting injury, malocclusion, excessive strain of jaw muscles (singing, reading poetry).

The jaw snaps on one side and the joint of the jaw hurts, the cheekbone when you open your mouth

What if the jaw clicks on one side and hurts the jaw joint, the cheekbone when you open your mouth? A few tips:

  • Correct diagnosis. Often people address the problem to the doctor in neglected cases. Determine the root cause is difficult, because you need to understand how this state developed. To make the correct diagnosis, you need to contact the doctor with the appearance of the first pain. The doctor prescribes radiography, MRI, computed tomography and arthroscopy.
  • The treatment of violations of the jaw joint is performed by dentists. Complicated cases require consultation of a dental surgeon. For the treatment, painstaking and long-lasting work is carried out to correct the occlusion, to repair the teeth, to replace the prosthesis and so on. Treatment of dysfunction of the jaw joint is performed by the appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • At home, you can ease the condition with warm compresses, and with inflammation will help apply ice. Do not load the jaw: soft and frayed food, full of peace.
  • Cope with the pain syndrome will help relaxation techniques. As prevention of the appearance of such diseases, you can use Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

The treatment of all diseases associated with the clenching of the jaw joints and pain depends on the degree and nature of the development of the inflammatory process. General recommendations in this case - this is the complete peace of the jaw.

Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?

Can my cheekbone and jaw ache for colds, runny nose, tooth extraction?

Colds and runny nose are accompanied by the spread of pathogenic microflora.

Inflammation begins, which is accompanied by pain.

Therefore, the question: can the cheekbone and jaw hurt with colds, runny nose, tooth extraction, we can say with confidence: yes.

  • If pain occurs in the area of ​​the cheekbone, almost under the eye, then this inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. Address to LORu.
  • Pain in the junction of the upper and lower jawmay occur due to colds and runny nose. Bacteria enter the articular sac, its surface becomes inflamed. Will help get rid of the problem of ENT.
  • Because of a cold, the jaw can inflame. The treatment of this disease is the neurologist.
  • Cheeks can be painful with otitis. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by an increase in temperature. Otitis is treated with an ENT doctor.

The pain in the jaw with the removal of the tooth can be negligible. But, if the pain is severe and worsens over time, the surgeon may have removed the entire tooth, so you should immediately call your dentist.

The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?

The cheekbone, jaw aches: to what doctor to address?

Often, when pain occurs, people panic, and do not know what kind of doctor to go to.

If this situation arises, then you can contact the therapist, and he will already send to the right specialist.

What other doctor can I go to if my cheekbone, my jaw, hurts? You will receive such specialists:

  • dentist;
  • the surgeon-stomatologist;
  • Surgeon, orthodontist;
  • neurologist;
  • ENT.

If the pain is sharp and unbearable, as with a dislocation or fracture of the jaw, you should call an ambulance.

The joint of the jaw aches near the ear: treatment

The joint of the jaw aches near the ear: treatment

From the foregoing it is clear that the causes of the pain in the jaw joint are many. Diseases can be associated with ENT organs, neuralgia, inflammation of the joint and soft tissues, inflammation of the tissues of the teeth.

  • Therefore, treatment for a patient with a jaw joint near the ear or in the cheekbone area should only be prescribed by a specialist.
  • He will be able to make the correct diagnosis or refer to another highly specialized doctor.
  • Often when treating pain in the cheekbone area is accompanied by the appointment of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Almost in all inflammatory processes, the doctor prescribes UHF or other physiotherapy procedures.

Arthrosis of the jaw: medication and folk remedies

Arthrosis of the jaw: medication and folk remedies

Osteoarthritis of the jaw is a chronic disease of the bones of the skull, in which the cartilage is destroyed in the joints, which leads to deformation, pain and decreased mobility.

Medication should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to deterioration of the condition and uncontrolled reaction of the body. The main groups of drugs used in the treatment of jaw pain:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs are non-steroid drugs: diclofenac, ibuprofen, etorikoksib, ketorol. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then drugs are prescribed that reduce acidity in the stomach: omeprazole, lansoprazole.
  • Vitamins - ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cholecalciferol (vitamin D), calcium.
  • Preparations that update cartilage tissue - hyaluronic acid.
  • Intra-articular injections with severe pain: Dispropan. Such treatment is carried out once in 6 months.

Women can be prescribed hormone therapy, especially during the menopause, but under the supervision of a gynecologist and endocrinologist. It will also be effective to conduct physiotherapeutic procedures: current, paraffin, laser, magnet, massage, ultrasound.

Osteoarthritis of the jaw: treatment with folk remedies

In parallel with medical preparations, in the treatment of arthrosis of the jaw joint, folk remedies are used.

Apitherapy is a therapy carried out with the help of bee venom. It contains biogenic amines, which anesthetize and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

The bee venom is used this way:

Osteoarthritis of the jaw: treatment with bee venom

This method has many contraindications (allergy, chronic diseases, malignant neoplasms, hypertension, diabetes mellitus). Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

In addition to bee venom for the treatment of arthrosis, honey and gelatin can be used:

Osteoarthritis of the jaw: treatment with honey and gelatin

: Why does the jaw click?

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The jaw hurts when opening the mouth and when chewing: treatment

The unpleasant feeling that the jaw hurts when opening the mouth, can make a significant discomfort in a person's life, making it difficult to eat and talk.

This symptom can indicate the presence of various diseases, so to eliminate pain, you should contact a medical institution. Depending on the type of illness, consultation of a dentist, surgeon, neurologist and other specialists may be required.

A medical examination will determine the pathology and prescribe effective treatment.

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Anatomical and functional features of the jaw

The facial skeleton includes the upper and lower jaws. The upper one is a pair - it consists of two bones, has four processes and a body that contains an air sac inside. The lower jaw is unpaired, its mobility is provided by the temporomandibular joint.

Teeth and muscles that attach to the surface of bone tissue, participate in the process of chewing food, uttering sounds. The movements of the jaw are performed with the help of the temporomandibular joint.

Some diseases lead to the appearance of pain in it, a characteristic click at the opening of the mouth.

Sometimes soreness occurs when pressing on the jaw, it is felt from one side or both at the same time. Pain can be a consequence of damage to bone tissue or joint disease.

In some cases, for example, in cardiac pathologies, it can radiate into the jaw, resulting from disturbances in the work of other organs.

Intensive pain is noted with fracture of the jaw bones, joint damage. The patient in such cases can not even open his mouth.

If these symptoms occur, seek medical help immediately to avoid serious complications and worsening health.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of pain in the jaw

All causes of painful sensations in the jaw region are conventionally divided into several main groups. When diagnosing a disease, the clinical picture is taken into account. Treatment at an early stage of the development of the disease largely contributes to the success of its cure.

Damage to tissues due to injuries

Jaw injuries can be caused by falls, bumps during sports or street fights, damage caused by traffic accidents, accidents. The most common types of injuries are bruises, dislocations, fractures.

Dislocations (subluxations)

The cause of dislocation of the jaw joint is a sharp movement. Sometimes it occurs with a wide opening of the mouth, it risks getting people opening bottles with their teeth.

During dislocation, the head of the bones of the lower jaw changes its position, leaving the articular fossa.


The patient feels a sharp pain in the jaw joint, can not open or close his mouth, his speech is difficult to understand.


Visually the jaw can be moved to one side or pushed forward. To correct the dislocation it is necessary to take the help of a traumatologist.


If the integrity of the bones is preserved, soft tissue damage occurs. In the place of impact there is swelling, bruising, in some cases it is painful for a patient to open his mouth, it is difficult to chew food. Improvement of the condition occurs without special treatment, after about 5 days the symptoms disappear.


In fractures, the most severe lesions occur. There is severe pain, unnatural mobility of the jaw bones, often the patient can not open his mouth, there may be asymmetry of the face from the right or left side.

Puffiness builds up in the lower part of the face, sometimes the place of fracture of the bone clearly stands out, hematomas appear as a result of bleeding. Treatment and restoration of damaged tissues takes a long period of time.

Timely treatment in a medical institution will avoid infection of the wound and associated complications.

Diseases that lead to tissue inflammation and pus formation

To such pathologies it is possible to carry the prevailing part of stomatological diseases. In the development of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity, infection, more often bacterial, less often - viral or fungal infection.

The most common purulent diseases are:

  1. Furuncles. The disease occurs as a result of the penetration of the infection into the hair follicle located in the skin through the damaged surface of the epidermis. Inflammation gradually spreads to deeper soft tissues, pus is formed in them, which causes painful sensations due to compression of nerve endings.
  2. Osteomyelitis. The disease is very dangerous and requires immediate treatment, as the inflammation covers not only soft tissue, but also bones, including the bone marrow. The cause of the disease with odontogenic osteomyelitis is the penetration of infection from the periodontal teeth, purulent cysts in the area of ​​dental roots, direct entry of bacteria from the oral cavity with injuries and burns. Hematogenous form of the disease develops with the introduction of pathogens with blood flow. Symptoms of osteomyelitis: the jaw hurts, the body temperature is elevated, shivering, lymph nodes are enlarged, the face swells, acquires an asymmetrical shape, headache and toothache can occur.
  3. Abscesses and phlegmon. Both types of inflammatory processes are accompanied by edema of the tissues, the formation of a large amount of pus, a sharp soreness. When they appear, you should immediately seek medical help. With abscess the focus of inflammation is closed, with phlegmon - spilled. There is a danger of its spread to new areas with the appearance of complications that pose a threat to life. The patient's body temperature rises, the jaw hurts when the mouth is opened, it is hard for him to chew and swallow. There is general weakness, headache, necrosis of tissues at the site of inflammation.

Installation of dentures and structures that provide correction of occlusion

Some patients may feel some discomfort after installing various structures to strengthen or replace the destroyed teeth, while wearing braces.

Usually, this soreness is temporary and is considered normal. The jaw can hurt and if there are irregularities in its structure, leading to the formation of an incorrect bite.

There are methods to correct it and eliminate pain.

Different types of neoplasms

Pain in the jaw when chewing can be associated with the formation of a tumor.

Since symptoms at the initial stage of the disease are poorly expressed, patients often seek help at later stages of the development of the pathological process.

Benign neoplasms include adamantioma, osteoma, osteoblastoklastoma.

Malignant tumors are isolated into the following groups:

  • sarcomas formed from connective tissue;
  • Cancers - develop from epithelial tissue;
  • osteogenic sarcomas - come from the bone tissue, usually affect a certain kind of bone.

To diagnose diseases, radiography, computed tomography, and morphological examination of tissue samples are used.

Diseases in which pain in the jaw is noted near the auricle

There are a number of diseases in which the jaw can hurt on sites bordering the ear.

Often this symptom occurs in arthritis - an inflammatory process in the jaw joint, the intensity of pain at which increases in night time, and arthrosis - soreness is caused by age-related changes and increases with physical exertion, rest. The diagnosis of the disease is carried out using an X-ray examination. Timely treatment allows to avoid immobilization of the jaw.

Neurological diseases

Among the neurological causes of discomfort in the jaw can be distinguished neuralgia and bruxism. The first disease occurs when one of the nerves is jammed, providing the innervation of the person - trigeminal, upper laryngeal or glossopharyngeal.

The pathology is accompanied by a sharp pain, the intensity of which increases with eating, increased salivation, and unpleasant sensations are also noted with a snoring and yawning.

It is necessary to start treatment at the initial stage of the disease in order to prevent the situation from worsening due to irreversible changes in the tissues.

Bruxism is a disease in which involuntary jaw clenching and grinding of teeth occurs.

It is usually caused by stress or nervous system disorders, often found in people who have an incorrect bite.

Periodically repeated seizures lead to the erasure of dentin, inflammatory processes in tissues, changes in joints, causing painful sensations.

To reduce the frequency and severity of the symptoms of bruxism allows the removal of nervous tension with exercises for relaxation, massage. Protect your teeth and joints will help selected dentist special day and night tires.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system and blood vessels

Pain in the lower jaw and neck may be noted with acute myocardial infarction. This is a life-threatening condition that causes necrosis of the heart muscle.

The main causes of the disease are spasm of blood vessels that supply the heart with blood, closing their lumen with atherosclerotic plaques or a thrombus.


The development of a heart attack is indicated by the following symptoms: pain in the chest area lasting more than 15 minutes, which is not passes even when taking nitroglycerin and pain medications, the patient is hard to breathe, increases sweating.


Severe pain in the jaw next to the ear, the wings of the nose or giving into the eye socket is characteristic for arteritis - inflammation of the walls of the arteries. With the defeat of large vessels, soreness can be observed in a large area of ​​the face, neck.

What else can be caused by pain in the jaw

Pain sensations sometimes arise for a number of other reasons. To understand their origin will help qualified specialists. Rarely occurring factors of the appearance of pain include:

  1. Tetanus - the disease is accompanied by cramps in the muscles and difficulty swallowing. When symptoms of the pathology appear, you should immediately contact a medical institution. Anti-tetanus serum is used to treat the disease.
  2. Carotidinia is a type of migraine. Pains appear in attacks, the duration of which can reach 1 hour. They extend to the lower jaw, the area of ​​the ears, orbits.
  3. The syndrome of the red ear - usually develops with the defeat of the thalamus, cervical spondylosis.
  4. In children, tenderness in the jaw arises from the disease with mumps (epidemic parotitis), metabolic disorders of phosphorus and calcium in the body.

Healing measures

Therapeutic tactics depend on the type of disease and is aimed at eliminating the cause of pathology and removing pain.

For treatment of bruises, cold compresses are applied, dislocations are corrected, surgery of the fractures may be required to combine bone fragments in fractures.

When purulent diseases are used to remove pus, abscesses are opened, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Anesthetics and antidepressants are used to eliminate the symptoms of carotidinia. With myocardial infarction, urgent hospitalization of the patient with the appointment of thrombolytics, drugs normalizing the level of pressure, preventing blood clotting, narcotic analgesics is needed. = 2oyx5mY7GIA

In inflammatory processes in the teeth and periodontium, the oral cavity is sanitized. When tumors are used surgical or combined treatment, supplemented by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Your health Dislocation of the lower jawLocated teeth of the upper and lower jaw. Clinic "Academic Dentistry" Temporomandibular joint. Elimination of dysfunction in the correction of skull bonesMedical Center ON CLINIC on Tsvetnoy BoulevardPriem of a dentist - 1650 rub. Treatment of deep caries with filling is 3520 rub. Treatment with the use of a composite bracket system - 56100 rub. Manufacture and installation of a denture - 25000 rub. Installation of ceramic veneer EMPRESS VENEER - 38500 rub. Treatment with Invizilein - 385000 rub. Dental Clinic Dent Prestige MarinoProfessional cleaning of the oral cavity - 5000 rub. Light-curing seal - 2300 rub. Expansion of the keratized gingiva - 8000 rub. Nylon complete removable denture - 36500 rub. Installation of the implant and observation - 20000 rub. Metal-ceramic crown, skeleton of cobalt-chromium alloy - 20000 rub. Simple tooth extraction - 2500 rub.

A source:

The jaw is aching when chewing: possible causes, diagnosis, therapy methods

Pain related to the jaw area, brings a lot of inconvenience to a person, especially when they are intensified in the process of communication or eating.

There are many reasons for their occurrence: dental diseases, jaw injuries, nerve endings.


At the same time, the problem can be non-sto- tastic, but it can be evidence of the presence of a certain disease.


To understand which specialist can help in this situation, it is worth paying attention to the nature and localization of pain.


Accurate and timely detection of the cause of pain during chewing food contributes to the correct diagnosis and the provision of appropriate therapeutic procedures.

There are several large groups of factors affecting the occurrence of pain in the jaw apparatus.


Mechanical injury to the jaw is often due to the following reasons:

  1. Contusion caused by severe impact or fall. The bones of the jawbone retain integrity, however, soft tissue damage occurs. When the mouth opens, soreness appears, a bruise and a slight swelling of the damaged skin area are formed. As a rule, all the symptoms take place within 2-3 days.
  2. Dislocation.This situation is possible with a sharp opening of the mouth, yawning, laughing, opening the bottle with the teeth. Often, pathology occurs when a person has joint diseases. The dislocation is as follows: the lower jaw is fixed with a warp to one side when the mouth is open. To get rid of the dislocation, the help of a trauma doctor is required.
  3. Fracture of the upper or lower jaw.This problem is a consequence of a mechanical trauma, a similarity to a strong impact, an accident, a fall from a height. There are fractures of both one and both jaws at the same time. In addition to acute painful sensations, the fracture is characterized by the impossibility of chewing, swelling and bruising.
  4. Traumatic osteomyelitis.The main cause of this jaw bone disease is not cured fracture, complicated by low immunity and the presence of foci of infection in the oral cavity. Often the cause of the development of pathology is the infected tooth, from which the infection spreads in the jaw tissue. Osteomyelitis is characterized by throbbing pain and an increase in body temperature.
  5. Chronic subluxation of the lower jaw.This condition occurs as a result of some actions, such as coughing, yawning, laughing, and is characterized by the jaw bias forward or to one side. The situation is a consequence of the extension of the fibrous tissue surrounding the joint between the lower jaw and the depression of the temporal bone, as a result of the lack of a correct fixation of the articulation of the bones.
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Consequences of wearing dentures or braces

The use of various orthodontic structures designed to correct the occlusion can be accompanied by a slight soreness, especially during the period of habituation.

Such apparatuses are located on the teeth and promote their movement relative to the dento-jaw line, which leads to the formation of uncomfortable sensations. This indicates the correct course of the process of correcting the pathological occlusion.

Important! If the pain with the use of orthodontic structures increases with time and interferes with the reception of food or communication, it is worth to consult a dentist.

The installation of prosthesis to restore the lost crowns can also lead to a slight soreness at the initial stage of their use. After a while, the pain disappears.

If this does not happen, it is worth turning to the dentist to exclude the possibility of incorrect installation of the orthopedic structure and the presence of an inflammatory process.

Dental diseases

To the emergence of soreness in chewing can lead to the presence of some dental diseases:

  1. Pulpitis.The inflammatory process affecting the dental nerve is accompanied by the onset of paroxysmal pains that intensify at night. In addition to the affected tooth, soreness often passes into the zygomatic, occipital region or the opposite jaw.
  2. Periodontitis.Jaw pain in this disease is acute, which is inherent in the buildup and pulsation in the aggravation of the process. During eating and pressing on the jaw, soreness increases.
  3. Alveolitis.Pain from the inflamed hole can irradiate to the entire jaw, preventing chewing food. In the absence of timely therapy, the disease can go to the form of limited osteomyelitis, accompanied by purulent fusion of the jawbones.

Teething wisdom teeth

The growth of molars is often accompanied by soreness. This is due to the fact that the jaw has already been formed and for the growth of additional molars may not be enough space.

This can lead to the appearance of retinirovannyh or dystopirovannyh crowns.

The eruption of these molars can be accompanied by aching pain in the region of the cheek extending to the throat and ear, difficulty in chewing and swallowing, inflammation of bones and muscles located in the area of ​​tooth growth.

If you have pain associated with the eruption of the root crowns, you should contact the dentist to avoid the formation of inflammatory processes due to their incorrect location.


The pathological arrangement of the crowns relative to the line of the dentition can cause pain during chewing. This is due to the incorrect distribution of loads and the need for additional efforts.

A pathological bite can be accompanied by pain when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, headaches, spasms of the jaw muscles.

This situation requires an immediate appeal to the dentist, since in the absence of treatment can lead to the development of dislocations, provoked by loosening of ligaments due to an improper arrangement of temporomandibular the joint.

Pyoinflammatory diseases

An acute purulent process is another possible cause of pain in one of the jaws. The most common diseases are:

  1. Osteomyelitischaracterized by inflammation of the soft and bony tissues. It is accompanied by painful teeth, which passes over the entire jaw, swelling of the face and its asymmetry.
  2. Furuncleaccompanied by the development of acute purulent inflammation of the skin. Often, the focus of the disease is limited, but it has a pronounced soreness.
  3. Abscessmost often develops on the background of mechanical damage to the jaw and concomitant infection. When the disease on the upper jaw is characterized by difficulties in opening the mouth and swallowing, on the lower - there is soreness in chewing. Externally, the abscess is expressed in the swelling of the submaxillary triangle and distortion of the face.
  4. Phlegmon.Symptoms of this pathology resemble osteomyelitis - a sharp pain in the jaw line or under it, swelling of the face, fever. The site of inflammation in this disease has a peculiarity to spread.


Morbidity of the jaw in the process of chewing in the absence of any traumatization and inflammatory processes may indicate the presence in the body of a benign or malignant neoplasms.

Often, such pain is mildly chronic, regardless of the type of tumor.

The following types of tumors are benign:

  • adamantiomacharacterized by an increase in the size of the jaw, which leads to difficulties and soreness in the process of chewing food, which is gradually amplified in the process of growth of the neoplasm;
  • osteoma- a tumor that slowly grows from the bone tissue and is accompanied by bite dysfunction, deformation of the jaw and restriction of the degree of opening of the oral cavity;
  • osteoblastoclastomais accompanied by a slight aching pain, which gradually grows, and with the increase in the tumor acquires an unceasing character.

Malignant neoplasms include osteogenic sarcoma and cancer. These diseases are accompanied by soreness by pressing the jaw, severe pain near the ear or around the neck, deformation of the jaw bones.

At the same time in the area of ​​the chin, you can find the area with the most severe soreness.


The defeat of some nerves can also cause pain, radiating to the jaw. Often this is due to the following inflammations:

  1. Lesion of the Ternary Nervecauses a sharp paroxysmal pain, which is concentrated on one side and intensified at night. In this case, soreness does not extend to the posterior region of the jaw.
  2. Inflammation of the superior laryngeal nerveaccompanied by severe pain from one side of the submaxillary region, which can move to the area of ​​the face and chest. The greatest intensity of painful sensations occurs when chewing or yawning.
  3. The key symptomneuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve- severe pain in the tongue, gradually transferred to the lower jaw and face. It occurs, as a rule, when communicating or eating food. The pain is paroxysmal, lasts about 2-3 minutes, after which it weakens.
  4. Carotidiniais a type of migraine caused by diseases of the carotid artery. The pain arises from attacks and lasts up to several hours. It is usually localized on one side of the upper jaw, gradually radiating into the lower dentoalaxial row, face, ear.

Pain next to the ear

Painful sensations when chewing, giving in the ear, are characteristic for diseases of the temporomandibular joint - arthritis, arthrosis and dysfunction.

These pathologies of the joint can be caused by infection, hypothermia, high load, mechanical damage, incorrect bite.

For joint diseases of the jaw, incessant aching pain, flowing into the ear, discomfort and crunch when opening the mouth and chewing is characteristic. In some cases, pain can spread to the entire face.

For more information on the causes of pain in the jaw joint, see the video.


To determine the cause of the pain in the jaw associated with food intake, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

An examination at the dentist will reveal if this symptomatology belongs to a dental disease. In some cases, an additional consultation of a neuropathologist, an otolaryngologist or a cardiologist may be required.

Methods of treatment

The method of eliminating the jaw pain depends on the cause of its appearance, established during the preliminary examination:

  • if there is a bruise, the fixing bandage is applied, and compresses are prescribed;
  • dislocation requires the correction of the jaw traumatologist and the imposition of bandages;
  • acute purulent diseases are treated in a hospital with antibiotics;
  • in the presence of abscesses, their opening and removal of purulent filling is performed;
  • carotidinium requires the appointment of painkillers and antidepressants;
  • pain caused by a retreated wisdom tooth is eliminated after its full eruption, which is promoted by a small surgical incision;
  • in the presence of neoplasms that cause morbidity in the jaw region, their operative treatment with the use of chemotherapy if necessary.

With the permission of the attending physician, folk remedies can be used as an adjunct to drug therapy. Here is one of them:

  1. In a small container place 20 grams of crushed herbs of mother-and-stepmother and oregano, pour 500 ml of vodka and insist in a dark place for 3-4 days.
  2. After this time, the tincture is filtered and used for rubbing the site with a high soreness.
  3. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Helps to cope with jaw pain and therapeutic gymnastics. Orthodontists recommend the following exercises:

  1. Smile with closed lips.
  2. Sequential lifting of the upper and lower lips until the teeth are exposed.
  3. Inflammation and retraction of the cheeks.
  4. Clamping of the lips with a tube.

Each exercise should be done 8-10 times twice a day. After the end of the gymnastic procedures, the face must be relaxed and slightly massaged.


To avoid the occurrence of jaw pain, the following rules must be adhered to:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • timely cure viral and dental diseases;
  • consume enough vitamins;
  • to refuse the use of chewing gum;
  • use the local self-massage of the jaw;
  • perform miogymnasticheskie exercises;
  • To watch, that during a dream the head has been raised above a bed on 30 see.


Soreness in the jaw caused by opening the mouth and eating food is an occasion to go to a dental clinic. This will help in a timely manner to identify the cause of the problem and eliminate it.

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