The human visual system consists not only of refractive media and means of processing incoming information, but, like any other body system, it has its own musculature.As early as XIX, American ophthalmologist Bates noted that with constant training of oculomotor muscles (their only 6 groups), you can achieve good results and, maybe not completely, but restore the visual function view.
In this article, we will consider not only common visual deviations, but also get acquainted with practicing techniques that are effectively used for the prevention and treatment of pathologies.
1Variations in vision
2.1Basic provisions for the conduct of gymnastics
3Palms by Bates
4By Norbekov, Zhdanov and Richardson
Variations in vision
Conditionally decreased vision can be divided into two categories:
Acute,arising as a result of trauma, infectious infection. As a rule, it is acute conjunctivitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis and others.
Chronic.These deviations are characterized by the fact that the disease manifests itself already at the stage when the treatment is complicated by irreversible consequences to the eyeball or orbit. They include glaucoma, cataract, optic nerve atrophy, corneal degeneration, retinosis, retinal detachment and others.
Uveitis and iridotsiklity are chronic diseases initially infectious, and after non-infectious nature. Initially they manifest themselves in acute form, but after treatment the disease passes to the stage of remission up to those pores, until a favorable environment for relapse is created (lowering of immunity, secondary infection and etc.)
The causes of the decline of vision for the first and second points are beriberi, age changes, weak immunity, improper wearing of contact lenses, eye strain, trauma eyeball.
Also, visual impairments associated directly with the transmissive capacities of the lens, the cornea, and the structures involved in the processing of incoming information are also identified. Such deviations include:
Myopia or myopia- the ability not to distinguish objects at a great distance. With the progression of the disease, the ability to clearly see objects is also lost. With this phenomenon, the shape of the eye lengthens and the cornea curves horizontally. Myopia can occur at school age, when the load on the eyes increases dramatically and becomes pathological.
Hypermetropia or hyperopia. With such deviations, the diameter of the eyeball decreases and the corneal curvature is vertical. At far-sighted people the distance in a direction of decrease between a retina and a corneal department varies, thus, the image focusing occurs behind a retina. At the same time, sharpness may drop, both on distant objects, and on the nearest ones. This occurs in the middle or high stage of the disease. At a children's kind of hyperopia there is a delay of development of an eyeball, its growth.
Astigmatismis a violation of the eye focusing functional. Instead of rounded, the shape of the eyeball becomes oval, which is why the reflection is not in the center retina, and immediately in two places - in front of it and behind it in a vertical direction or on different sides of the macula horizontally. Astigmatism can be combined with myopia and hypermetropia, especially in early childhood.
Age-related farsightedness or presbyopia,which is characterized by a gradual loss of elasticity of the lens and ciliary muscles after the onset of 45 years.
Hypermetropia, myopia and astigmatism are fraught with the fact that in the absence of correction, strabismus and amblyopia can develop. Especially in pre-school and school-age children.This is due to the fact that the visual analyzer can not process distorted images and to simplify the task it "turns off" the eye that deforms the incoming information.
The following methods were developed on the basis of studying the functions of the oculomotor muscles and their effect on the shape of the eyeball. But they do not have significant scientific proof, therefore, as a rule, they are used in combination with the main therapy, but not as the main one. Developed the technique of William Bates, after his idea continued Norbekov and Zhdanov. At the moment, both leaders actively use it in their lectures on restoring vision, arguing that these sets of exercises are a panacea for those who want to restore vision.
The Zhdanov method
In addition to the complex exercises Bates, and now Zhdanov and Norbekov believe that much depends on emotional and moral comfort the patient himself, so initially the emphasis is on complete relaxation and, as the saying goes, a mental attitude toward a positive result.In any case, the oculomotor muscles, like any others in the body, require constant training to maintain their elasticity and primary function. Therefore, these exercises will benefit both adults and children.
The technique proved its effectiveness, but with severe forms of diseases it did not give tangible results.
Basic provisions for the conduct of gymnastics
In order to independently correct vision, it is necessary to give this process a few minutes every morning and evening.
Getting up early in the morning and performing hygienic procedures, you can perform gymnastics, palming and work in the test table.In the evening, relaxing exercises, training with a table and compulsory palming are needed. During working hours, especially if the duties are related to a long stay at the computer desk, you need to take breaks and rest periods every half hour.
These exercises improve metabolism, blood circulation and train the muscles of the eyes:
Start the workout with the movements up and down, right and left, drawing a butterfly in the air.
Then, continue moving your eyes diagonally from one corner to the other, alternately changing the angles.
Draw your eyes with a circle clockwise, then in the opposite direction, stopping and fixing the point every "three hours".
Exercise "snake" promotes the training of muscle tissue.
After each exercise, try to complete the action with a "butterfly drawing it with your eyes.An example of exercises for the eyes
Palming serves as a relaxing moment and plays a very important role.
Palms by Bates
It is W. Bates first invented such a unique and effective tool as palming, which in English means "palm".It is that by covering the palms of the eyeballs without pressing them, you need to mentally repeat the image captured the day before.
You memorize letters or an object from a book or a table, cover your eyes with your palms and mentally draw it in the dark.
Color palettes are also recommended to reproduce in the same way.
According to Bates, the psyche is closely related to vision, so it is possible to reproduce pleasant moments in memory by palming and draw them even more times. It is especially good to do it in an excited state, when relaxation is required.
Using the table you can also do it, reproducing large letters first, then presenting them with smaller ones, so the image should become sharper and more contrast.
Mental activity in the dark makes the imagination work and move the muscles of the eyes. Thus there is a simultaneous relaxation and motor activity of muscle groups.
By Norbekov, Zhdanov and Richardson
This is the most effective technique to date, recognized by official medicine and successfully used by many people.The system is designed for a positive subconscious, for the joy of the actions performed, and the belief in success. Between exercises it is recommended to blink each time for several seconds.The sense of Norbekov's method consists in the discovery of energy channels, concentration of energy beams and relaxation.In the work involved all the muscles of the eyes.
Essentially these are the very exercises that are well known. The same manipulations with the use of a finger, with tapping it on the sides, squinting eyes, and blinking. A mandatory exercise is focusing training, which is performed by examining the far and near subject, which are on par with the eyes.
Gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov, includes not only exercises for the eyes.In his opinion, the whole human body must be subordinated to a single goal - recovery and health, so there is a special ear massage and gymnastics for the joints.
In Norbekov's technique, in addition to eye exercises, there are:
Physical exercises.
Self-expression in the form of psychosomatic sessions.
Meditation on stress resistance.
Restrictions and contraindications for use include mental disorders, pregnancy, heart problems, stroke, complicated operations on the eyes.
Zhdanov's method is based on a healthy lifestyle and complete rejection of bad habits.
The Richardson method is based on relaxing the organs of vision, as well as overcoming negative memories. The work is focused on getting rid of the psychological causes of the disease.
There are also certain definite systems of philosophical direction, such as yoga and qigong, which require special training and attitudes to performance indicators.
From all of the above, it can be concluded that there are many exercises, systems and guidelines for restoring vision. The main thing is that the person himself sincerely wants improvements and exercises regularly, and then the result will not be long in coming.