Bacterial conjunctivitis in children - features, causes and treatment

Conjunctivitis, an inflammatory disease of the eye, can be caused by various causes, but very often it is provoked by bacteria.If the bacterial conjunctivitis is manifested in the child, it is necessary to understand what its features are, how to carry out the treatment and what can be possible complications - because children, because of their immature and insufficiently developed immunity, suffer any similar diseases worse adults.


  • 1What it is
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Diagnostics
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Complications
    • 5.2Prevention
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

What it is

Conjunctivitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which is called conjunctiva.It covers the anterior surface of the eyeball and the walls of the eyelids that adhere to the eye.Bacterial conjunctivitis is a subtype of pathology, when inflammation is provoked by the pathogenic effects of bacteria trapped on this mucous membrane.


The cause of infection with a similar conjunctivitis, as its name implies, is different bacteria, for example, staphylococci, streptococci, gonococci and so on.

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Most often, such conjunctivitis is transmitted through dirty hands, as well as through various household items, for example, toys, towels, clothes and so on. That is, even if the children just used the same toys, then the bacteria are very simply transferred from one kid to another. It is also very easy to transfer to them through touch.When children play, they are very close to each other, and therefore very quickly there is an infection.It is worth, for example, one carrier of bacteria to come to the kindergarten - and after a while almost everyone who interacts with it can bring the disease into their eyes.

If the infection occurred in a newborn child, the reasons may be slightly different.In particular, a baby can become infected already during the passage through the mother's birth canal, if she had infections that were not eliminated until the end at the time of delivery.

Another possible option is contamination at the hands of medical personnel. But in modern hospitals this is being monitored very seriously, because the likelihood of this is extremely small.


A very big problem is that bacterial conjunctivitis is very often confused with infectious because their symptoms are similar.

The characteristic signs of bacterial conjunctivitis in children is the accumulation of gnathic secretions

But the treatment for them is different, therefore it is necessary to try to determine precisely with what type of disease you are dealing with. Typically, typical symptoms that are similar are the following:

  • sticky eyelids (especially after sleep);
  • the swelling of the eyelids;
  • the characteristic crust forms on the eyelids;
  • eye conjunctiva blushes;
  • eyes burn, it causes concern for the child.

These reasons are already more than enough to call a doctor, but not enough to pinpoint exactly which subtype of conjunctivitis you are dealing with. It is necessary to pay attention to more specific symptoms.

To more specific features of the bacterial subspecies of this pathology, it is possible to include special discharges from the eyes, which are caused by bacteria that produce pus.With infectious conjunctivitis, this kind of discharge will not occur.

Read also about purulent conjunctivitis in children.

Note: The main colors of such selections are gray and yellow, sometimes they are transparent. They are quite viscous and often they cause clotting of the eyes after sleep.

If there are no selections, there are still specific sensations, for example, a child may complain that something is in his eye, although in reality there may not be anything.But the main distinguishing feature of the bacterial subspecies of the problem is the dryness of the eye and skin around this eye.

Often, bacterial conjunctivitis is found only on one eye, but over time it can move to another.


In order to determine as precisely as possible whether a conjunctivitis is bacterial in nature, a doctor can take a smear.After that, a special antibioticogram is put, which allows you to determine how much the bacterium is sensitive to different types of antibiotics.


Not all medicines that are suitable for treating this problem in adults can be applicable to children.Therefore it is very important to consult a pediatrician who will advise what is best to apply in a particular case to a particular child.Usually, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are used.

The form of these antibiotics - either in the form of ointments (for example - Levomycitin and fusidic acid, also a well-known popular erythromycin ointment), or in the form of eye drops.The softest drops for a baby are Ophthalmoferon and Fucitalmic, Albucid also is excellent, but for very young children, it is necessary to apply no more than 20% of its solution in order not to cause negative reaction.

In parallel with treatment, it is very important to cleanse the eyes with a conventional cotton swab dipped in warm water, because if in front of eyes there will be sticky excretions and crusts, then the problem will not be eliminated so well, and the child will feel discomfort.

Also, as a first aid, you can use folk remedies, for example, wipe your eyes with strong tea leaves of ordinary tea, or rinse them with infusion of calendula, which must first be insisted on water bath.Often, this option can help during the first time, even if no pharmacy products are available under the hand, but still do not be too much for them to limit themselves, to fully eliminate the problem needed antibiotics.

In most cases (studies say that in 64%), bacterial conjunctivitis passes by itself for as little as five days. But it is best not to count on it and take appropriate measures, but complications can be very unpleasant. If in doubt, simply consult a doctor.


With poor development, conjunctivitis may not harm the baby, but if it is started, keratitis will develop, in which a person may even lose sight.In addition, as the inflammation spreads, phlegmon and abscesses can form.


Preventive maintenance of conjunctivitis should consist first of all in observance of hygiene.It is necessary to teach the child from a young age that he must wash his hands after contact with dirty objects - and certainly not to get dirty hands in the eyes, even if they are very itchy.

In a special way, prophylaxis takes place in newborns. For this, there is a special procedure that all newborn babies are exposed to.

When the baby is born, in the first hours of his life he is buried with specially prepared and adapted antibiotic solutions.

This allows you to reduce the chance of developing the disease to 1-2%, and even in situations where the baby was born to a woman who was diagnosed with sexual infections, which was not timely are cured.


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Usually, bacterial conjunctivitis does not cause any special problems in children, it is enough only to quickly seize it and begin a suitable treatment. Then in a few days your child will not be disturbed and he will be able to sleep peacefully, with clean and healthy eyes. And than to treat bacterial conjunctivitis in children, is described in detail in our article.

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