Acyclovir: treatment, indications and contraindications

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Acyclovir (eye ointment) is an antiviral drug used locally.It contains acyclovir (active substance) and petrolatum (it serves as an auxiliary component). Color - white or yellow. About indications for ointment treatment, available contraindications, precautions and side effects (they are found in the treatment of the drug infrequently, but completely exclude the risks of their development can not be) read in this material.The possibility of drug therapy for patients in childhood and pregnant women will also be considered.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications for the use of ointment
  • 4Possible complications in drug treatment
  • 5Video
  • 6conclusions

Description of the preparation

Ointment Acyclovir, widely used in ophthalmology, belongs to the group of antiviral drugs. Its concentration is 3% (30 mg of acyclovir per gram of ointment). Color - white, yellow or yellow-white. The form of sale - aluminum tubes with a volume of 5 g.

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Acyclovir is an antiviral drug

Acyclovir ointment is used topically - lay a thin strip in a bag of conjunctiva.

The ointment is placed directly into the conjunctival sac of the eye at intervals of 4 hours, until the wounds heal.After complete healing of the rash and ulceration, the treatment continues for several days (it is necessary to fix the effect).

Pharmacological action and group

The antiviral agent belongs to the group of anti-herpetic drugs.The active component is an analogue of the natural substance of nucleoside thymidine. In those cells that are infected, there is a virus thymidine kinase - under the influence of the active substance during the chain of reactions it is translated into safe forms. The drug acts selectively and has a low toxicity to humans.

Acyclovir belongs to the group of antiherpetic drugs

Eye Ointment Acyclovir acts very selectively and has low toxicity.

The drug has a high activity in relation to 1 and 2 types of herpes virus, shingles and chicken pox, as well as Epstein-Barra.With respect to cytomegalovirus (CMV), acyclovir exhibits moderate activity.

Ointment reduces the risk of visceral complications, herpetic cutaneous dissemination, speeds up the formation of crusts, prevents the appearance of new rashes.

Active components through the epithelium of the cornea of ​​the eye penetrate rapidly, concentrating in the maximum amount in the intraocular fluid.It is not yet possible to accurately determine the content of the substance in the blood. Acyclovir also penetrates into the urine, but in small amounts.

As additional treatment or analogs can act such drops: Ophthalmoferon, Actipol, Anandin, Okoferon, Poludan. They excel not only with herpes infection, but also with adenovirus (conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis).

Ophthalmoferon analog of acyclovir

Indications and contraindications for the use of ointment

Indication for treatment with ointment Acyclovir - herpetic keratitis (Herpes simplex 1 and 2 types). Absolute contraindications to therapy with the drug is the lactation period, as well as the individual intolerance of acyclovir.

During breastfeeding, use the drug Acyclovir not (or stop lactation at the time of treatment).

The drug is highly effective, but it directly depends on the timing of therapy - the earlier when you develop a rash, you will soon see the effect. Also on the implementation of the therapeutic effect is affected by the state of immunity. Immediately after topical use of the drug, there is a short-term decrease in vision clarity, which should be taken into account by people who drive vehicles.

To wear contact lenses during treatment is undesirable.

In childhood, antiviral ointment is used in exactly the same way as in an adult - up to 5 times a day it is placed in the conjunctival sac until it is fully healed and 3 days afterwards.

Cases of drug poisoning were noted when it was swallowed (usually random). Symptoms of an overdose are migraines, shortness of breath, kidney failure, convulsions, vomiting, coma. Therefore, keep the drug away from children.

Possible complications in drug treatment

In the treatment of eye diseases with acyclovir, the following side effects may occur:

  • Allergy (up to the angioedema) - in less than 0.01% of cases.
  • Surface keratopathy, conjunctivitis - from 0.1 to 1%.
  • Easy burning - up to 10% of cases.
  • Blepharitis - no more than 0.1% of cases.

If unwanted reactions occur, consult an ophthalmologist. Only spot keratopathy passes without consequences for the patient's health on its own, and the cessation of current treatment does not require.



Acyclovir is a topical preparation and is used to treat herpetic keratitis, the appearance of which is caused by the herpes simplex virus (types 1 and 2). During pregnancy, treatment with the drug is rarely prescribed, there are no contraindications to its use in childhood. Cases of overdose are known if the product is swallowed (up to coma - be careful). Ointment should be used with individual hypersensitivity to the individual components that make up its composition.