In this article: why the heart often beats with interruptions and there are missed strokes, acceleration and slowing of the rhythm, irregular cuts. Symptomatology of various disorders, how to establish a diagnosis and what to do if there is a pathology in the normal functioning of the heart.
Contents of the article:
- Tachycardia
- Extrasystoles
- Bradycardia
- Diagnosis of the heart in its failure
- Prognosis for these pathologies
Cardiac contraction in a constant rhythm is the guarantee of normal functioning of all organs. The rhythm of the contractions corresponds to the accumulations of pacemaker cells( rhythm drivers) creating an electric pulse of constant frequency( sinus and atrioventricular nodes).The excitation wave that has arisen in this zone, along the conducting paths( the bundle of the Hyis) extends to all parts of the heart, causing a contraction.
Cardiac irregularities or arrhythmias are changes in the frequency of strokes associated with a disruption in the formation or excitation wave.
The normal rhythm of heart contractions is 60-90 per minute, each stroke at an equal time. The source of the electric pulse is the sinus node.
Three major disorders:
- Tachycardia - acceleration of the heartbeat.
- Bradycardia is a slowing down of the heart muscle.
- Extrasystoles - additional abbreviations against the background of a normal rhythm.
Rhythm disorders can occur intermittently( paroxysm), be asymptomatic or quickly lead to poor health and cause death. Arrhythmias that are not associated with cardiac disease are well treated, and chronic diseases with myocardial damage require constant therapy.
Changes in the rhythmic work of the heart can not be missed, it is an occasion to consult a doctor to avoid arrhythmia. Patients with this pathology are treated by therapists and cardiologists, and in specialized centers - by arrhythmologists.
Atrial and / or ventricular contraction with a frequency of more than 100 per minute.
Types of tachycardia
Types of tachycardia
Mechanism of development ofReciprocal( recurrent) mechanism of development accounts for 80% of all tachyarrhythmias. Due to disturbances in the motion of the excitation wave, the electric pulse moves in a circle, again exciting the same region of the heart. Focal( automatic) tachycardia account for 10%, associated with impaired metabolism, due to increased excitability of the conductive pathways. Under such conditions, all impulses cause a contraction. Normally, for the emergence of an excitation wave, electrical activity of a certain level is necessary. Triggered( triggered) tachyarrhythmias are caused by the appearance of an electric pulse exceeding the normal level: after the excitation wave is carried out, the residual pulse again triggers cardiac contraction. Reasons for
Symptoms tachycardia
With the development of severe cardiovascular complications( cardiac shock, pulmonary edema), the symptoms of cardiovascular failure are associated with a risk of cardiac arrest. Tachycardia is acute or chronic, progressive in nature. Overview of some types of tachycardiaAtrial fibrillationFrequent, irregular atrial contraction. Is 75-85% of all supraventricular forms, occurs in 1-2% of the adult population. Rarely diagnosed before the age of 25, affecting people of senile and old age. The disease is characterized by a high risk of death, the development of cardiac insufficiency, the formation of thrombi with their migration to the vessels of the lungs and brain. Continuously flowing asymptomatically, and after the appearance of the clinic quickly reduces the quality of life due to the inability to transfer even light loads. Atrial fibrillation forms: