On the benefits and possible harm of barley porridge

The barley porridge was known to people even more than four thousand years ago.

Many people are accustomed to seeing it cooked with milk or water, but we will not only give you a number of interesting and useful recipes for cereals, but also tell you about its beneficial properties.

Article content:
  • What is useful for a person?
  • Nutritional value and caloric value
  • Restrictions on use
  • Cooking recipes
  • Barley porridge with mushrooms
  • Pilaf from a bowl
  • Yale in sour cream sauce

What is good for a person?

The constant use of barley porridge promotes the prevention of many serious diseases and helps to cope with the common cold. The main advantages of using cereals include:

  • prevention and reducing the risk of cancer;
  • prolongs youth and skin health;
  • favorably affects the female reproductive system;
  • enhances the effects of antibiotics;
  • treats arthritis;
  • has a healing effect in hemorrhoids;
  • prevents diarrhea and intestinal disturbance;
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  • prevention of obesity;
  • improves mood;
  • increases the body's resistance to colds;
  • normalizes the level of cholesterol.

Nutritional value and caloric content

100 grams of dry cereals contain approximately 330 calories. But when cooking the calorie content of the product drops significantly and varies from 50 to 80 calories .Such a small calorie allows you to eat porridge even for people who strictly adhere to the diet.

In the barley are vitamins of several groups, among which are all the elements of group B, A and PP.These vitamin complexes have a beneficial effect not on the nervous system, intestines, stomach and the heart of a person.

Included in the composition of vitamin E provides the production of hormones of youth, delaying the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Also included in the product is potassium, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the cardiac and vascular systems.

In addition, the composition of barley cereals include calcium, fluoride, zinc, iodine and phosphorus, which set the work of all body systems, strengthen the bone tissue, remove the inflammation and cause tissue regeneration.

It should not be forgotten that in barley groats is a huge deposit of useful fiber, which helps digestion and removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Restrictions in the use of

Despite the undeniable value of barley cereals, it is worthwhile to be more careful not to use it to people from the following categories:

  • to pregnant women, as porridge can provoke a strong contraction of the uterus and cause miscarriage;
  • patients with glycine enteropathy;
  • prohibits simultaneous reception of barley cereals and eggs;
  • can not eat the product and during breastfeeding, as there may be a sharp increase in colic pain in the baby.

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Cooking recipes

Barley porridge with mushrooms

In a skillet without oil and oxen fry the cereal mixture for five minutes and add 15 ml of olive oil to it. In another pan, fry the washed mushrooms and onions, cut into half rings.

Pour a little water into the skillet and simmer the mixture for 30 minutes until the mushrooms are ready. Five minutes before switching off, add the contents and add grated carrots. Stir the ingredients.

After that, in a skillet with cereal and olive oil, put the mushrooms with vegetables and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Prepare the dish until the cooked porridge. You can serve porridge in this form or with sour cream sauce.

Pilaf from the bowl of

200 g of cereals to half-cooked in salted water. While the groats will be boiled, proaspsurete finely grated carrots and onions in olive oil until golden hue.

In a separate frying pan, first fry the chicken on all sides, then extinguish it in salted water for 5 minutes. In the same frying pan or stew pan, add the remaining ingredients and season with dill and black pepper to taste, stew the dish until the cereals are ready.

Yale in sour cream sauce

First, prepare the sour cream sauce. Take fatty sour cream at least 25% fat content of 400 g. Whisk it together with parsley, a pinch of salt and dill. Beat better with a mixer to get a gentle and airy mass. Then boil to half-cooked 300 g of cereals in salted water.

Put all the ingredients in a roasting dish and put in a preheated oven for 25 minutes. Five minutes before the end of baking, grate the cheese on a small grater and put it on top of the dish. After five minutes, take out the dish and serve it on the table.

By combining barley with other products, you will be able to find that recipe and flavor combination that best meets your nutritional needs. In this case, you will treat and raise the immunity of your body, without spending a lot of money and effort.