Atheroma, or Wen: treatment, how to treat and cure at home

Atheroma is the cyst( retention) of the sebaceous gland located in the skin. It occurs more often on skin areas rich in sebaceous glands( the scalp, face: forehead, cheeks).Sometimes it can reach quite large sizes;also often cysts are plural. On the face there are multiple small atheromas. You, probably, noticed yourself many times, sometimes, you comb your hair, but how you will hook the comb for something, it becomes so painful. This is the atheroma on the head in the hair.

Today we will talk with you about the treatment of atheroma by surgical methods, about laser treatment. Let's see if it is possible to treat and cure atheroma at home using folk remedies. In the people, atheromus is also called " wen ".

Atheroma( adipose), in most cases, are slowly increasing painless formations with a smooth surface, soldered to the skin. Her diagnosis is not difficult. Atheroma of the head should be differentiated from the cerebral hernia( of course, if it is very large).Sometimes the atheromes get nagged.

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Causes originatedRam

Atheromas arise due to difficulties or complete cessation of the outflow of secretion from glands due to blockage of the outer holes gland excretory duct. The secret, accumulating in the duct of the gland, inflates it, forming an enlarged cavity with greasy contents. The content of the cavity includes detritus( dead organic matter), droplets of fat, cholesterol crystals, keratinized epidermal cells. From the inside, the atheroma is expelled by a flat epithelium.

Atheroma in men and women is a common surgical disease of the skin appendages. Isolate the true atheroma that has developed from epidermal cells( hereditary disease) that has been ligated during embryonic development, and the false atheroma that arises from the blockage of the duct of the sebaceous gland, which causes the accumulation of the septum in its lumen and the formation of a bag filled with atheromatous masses( altered cutaneousfat).

The cause of atheroma: metabolic disorders, which leads to a change in the nature of sebaceous glands, causing a blockage of their ducts. Atheromas often manifest with sweating, especially in the case of hormonal changes. The unfavorable background of the appearance of sebaceous gland cysts creates oily seborrhoea and acne.

Symptoms of

Atheromas are located in areas rich in sebaceous glands. This is the scalp, the face( especially below the line of the mouth), the back surface of the neck, the interscapular space, the coccyx and genital area. Atheroma looks like a subcutaneous formation of a rounded shape of various sizes( from a pea to a chicken egg and more) with clear boundaries. It is covered with skin and fixed in it. In the center of the atheroma, an enlarged and clogged duct of the sebaceous gland can be observed. Sometimes through it are allocated atheromatous masses. To the touch, the atheroma is painless, mobile.

Atheroma can be small and not increase for several years. It grows slowly, but, reaching a large size of 4-5 cm creates an obvious cosmetic defect.

Complications of

Atheromas can get nagged and form a subcutaneous abscess, an abscess. There is pain, redness and swelling of the skin, the overall body temperature may increase, the general condition of the patient worsens. Having reached a maximum and inflated, the atheroma itself is opened and pus comes out of it with a very unpleasant odor. In very rare cases, atheroma can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

For the final diagnosis, it is necessary to obtain the results of histological examination, which will allow us to distinguish atheroma from fibroma, lipoma and hygroma in disputable cases.

How to treat and how to cure atheroma at home

Treat and cure atheroma with folk remedies at home is quite difficult, it's all about the capsule lining the surface of the cyst. Her cells can produce fluid, and the cyst will again and again, despite the punctures in her wall, swell in size. Remember that the suppuration of atheroma is an absolute indicator to the operation. Although this is often only used to open it to ensure outflow of purulent contents.

Solution of iodine

There is one home remedy for traditional medicine: ordinary iodine solution from the first aid kit. When the future cyst is still small, for example on the face, behind the ear. Take the cotton swab, soak the tip of the iodine solution and in front of the mirror lightly and easily lighten the atheroma .I do not recommend cauterization, it makes no sense, and there is a trace of iodine on the skin. It is necessary to make so, it is easy, that in the morning there is no trace of iodine on the skin( if procedure is done in the evening).So you can do it once or twice a day. Iodine has a powerful absorbency. You will be convinced of this. After one or two days, the unpleasant pimple will disappear from your skin. In its place may remain a little purple speck, then it will pass.

The main thing - as soon as possible to apply this tool at home, at the very beginning of atheroma development, then it can very much help.

Treatment of atheroma: the general principles of

The main way to treat atheros is a surgical operation. Under local anesthesia, the cyst is promptly removed, cleaning the lining inside it. Indication for excision of atheroma is its large size and the patient's desire. The operation can be performed in a clinic, but when the dimensions of the atheroma are significant and are on the body in those places where its removal can be complicated by something, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital( surgery).

Atheroma is excised together with the capsule, this is the key to successful treatment. In uncomplicated atheroma, there may be such variants of surgical intervention:

Cutaneous incision

Carried over the place where the atheroma is more prominent. Its contents are squeezed out, collected with a napkin. The cysts are seized by the clamps and pulled out. Sometimes the cavity of the cyst is scraped - a sharp spoon.

Closure of the skin

After dissecting the skin over the atheroma without damaging its capsules, atheromas shift the skin and remove the cyst shell by pressing the fingers on the edges of the wound.

Edging incision

Above the atheroma make two bordering incisions that cover the opening of the cyst. The edges of the skin incision are seized by surgical clamps. At the same time, with a neat stretching for the clamps, under the cyst branches of curved scissors are brought, with their help they take out the atheroma. After the cyst, the cysts are placed separate seams absorbable thread on the subcutaneous tissue, the skin - vertical mattress sutures of a thin atraumatic thread, which are removed after a week.

Treatment of atheroma by laser

Now a good cosmetic effect is used for laser excision of even festering atheroma under local anesthesia using one of three methods:

Laser photocoagulation

This is a complete evaporation of the pathological focus within healthy tissues. Do in cases where the diameter of the atheroma when suppuration does not exceed half a centimeter. No suturing is required, the healing takes place under a coagulation crust of 7 to 15 days. Depends on the size of the wound.

Laser excision of atheromas together with the

membrane Apply with a diameter of festering atheroma from half a centimeter to two. Scalpel cuts the skin over the atheroma with a spindle-shaped incision together with the welded patch. On the holder take a skin flap. A laser beam secrete an atheroma membrane. The wound is sealed and put rubber drainage. On the 8th - 12th day after the operation, seams are removed.

Laser vaporization of the atheroma shell from the inside

With a diameter of festering atheroma, more than two centimeters are opened atheroma with a scalpel, a spindle-shaped incision, together with a skin-welded patch. Pus is removed with gauze tampons. The edges of the operating wound are diluted with sharp hooks and the laser beam evaporates the atheroma shell from the inside. Then the primary seams are applied to the wound, leaving a rubber drainage. Sutures are removed for 8 - 12 days.


Wash face with hot soapy water, while rubbing the skin with a washcloth or hygienic sponge, you can massage the skin improving blood and lymph circulation in it, hold steam baths. Try to reduce the intake of animal fats and carbohydrates in food.

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