On the benefits and harms of rice for health: medicinal recipes based on it

Rice is distinguished by its unique nutritional qualities, in the East it is the most popular product.

In many ways, the benefit or harm of this cereal depends on the type and degree of treatment.

Article content:
  • Useful properties
  • Nutritional value and calorie content
  • Is there any harm and contraindications?
  • Methods of application in folk medicine

Useful properties

Rice provides the body with energy and helps increase muscle mass. The vitamins contained in it( group B and PP) have a positive effect on digestion. The ability to envelop the gastric wall with a membrane allows you to use rice with a sick gastritis and peptic ulcer.

The fiber content of has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, it prevents the development of diabetes mellitus .Low caloric content( 115 kcal boiled rice per 100 grams) makes it possible to widely use it in the diet of losing weight.

It has the ability to remove toxic substances from the body when intoxication. The lack of salts in it does not harm when used by people with kidney disease.

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High content of insoluble fibers prevents the appearance of cancer cells .Low sodium content in cereals makes it possible to use it for people with high blood pressure.

High level of neurotransmitters( especially in brown rice) prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease .It has an antioxidant effect, reduces cholesterol and has a strengthening effect on the nervous system.

Figure quickly eliminates the feeling of hunger due to the complex carbohydrates contained in it. More valuable is uncooked rice( the one that is less processed).In it it is possible to save more vitamins of group B, which almost does not remain in polished. Regular consumption of rice stimulates male potency.

Benefit from rice application:

  • with bowel damage by an inflammatory process the rice broth has an enveloping effect;
  • during food poisoning removes toxins;
  • contained potassium strengthens the heart muscle;
  • exerts a slight diuretic effect, contributes to the removal of excess fluid, which favorably affects the vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes in neural tissues due to tryptophan, lecithin;
  • normalizes the function of the brain, prevents Parkinson's disease, senile dementia;
  • rice broth facilitates the removal of sputum from the lungs, it is recommended for bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • for pneumonia, influenza, angina relieves the condition, has antipyretic, diaphoretic effects.

Benefits from brown rice:

  • lowers acidity, improves digestion;
  • prevents the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, blood levels of cholesterol;
  • improves the endocrine system;
  • removes toxins, radionuclides;
  • cleanses the vessels.

Effective treatment with oats at home liver, pancreas, stomach and other organs.

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Nutritional value and caloric content

Macro-content in 100 g,( mg):

Sulfur 60
Chlorine 133
Phosphorus 328
Potassium 314
Sodium 30
Magnesium 166
Calcium 40

Microelement content in 100 g,( μg)

Cobalt Aluminum 912
Vanadium Silicon Boron 400
Molybdenum 26,7
Fluoro 80
Chromium 2,8
Manganese Selenium 20
Copper 560

vitamin content per 100 g,( mg):

PP 5.3
N 12
E 0.8
B6 0.54
B5 0.6
B2 0.08
B1 0.34
Choline 85

Nutritional information 100 g,( g):

Unsaturated fatty acids 1,9
Saturated fatty acids 0,4
Ash 3,9
Starch 61.4
D- and monosaccharides 0,9
Water 14
Food fibers 9,7
Carbohydrates 62,3
Fats 2,6
Proteins 7,5

Caloric content of dry product 303 kcal in 100 g.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

There are no contraindications for the use of rice. When individual intolerance of the product should be abandoned from its use.

Rice contains a lot of starch, which can cause a rise in blood sugar levels. With excessive use of possible deterioration of the intestine, the appearance of constipation. With an existing tendency to constipation, cracks in the large intestine, hemorrhoids, may appear.

People suffering from diabetes are recommended to use brown rice instead of white, the glycemic index of which is lower.

Methods of application in folk medicine

Rice is used in folk medicine as a means to improve sleep, to remove from the mouth an unpleasant odor, to restore appetite after a long illness, in order to increase lactation in lactating women.

The problem that.solves Method of application
Increased temperature for colds Fill a glass of rice with water( 7 glasses), add mint( 1 tablespoon), boil. Add crushed onions, drink the resulting broth every 2 hours for 1/3 of the stack.
Salt deposition Eating fasting daily 2 tbsp.l.dry rice, thoroughly chewing.
Obesity Cook 100 grams of rice, divide it into several receptions. Eat, squeezed pineapple or apple juice( without sugar).
Overweight Place in a 1 liter can.l.long-grain rice and 15 pcs.raisins without pits. In 1 liter of water, dissolve 2 tbsp.l.sugar and add to the jar with rice. Cover with gauze, leave in a dark place for 2 days. The resulting infusion is filtered, the raisins are discarded, the rice is washed, and again filled with water. Drink a daily ½ cup.before meals for 20 minutes.
Obesity Thoroughly wash a glass of brown rice, add water( 1: 5), put on a slow fire, cook for 35 minutes.without cover.
Diseases of the digestive system Brown rice is boiled for 1.5 hours, the cream is squeezed out of the resulting gruel. After its use, the hard-to-return forces return.

You should eat rice for weight loss without adding salt, sugar, butter, sauces.

Brown and unpolished rice helps to get the desired result faster.